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Blissbun glared at him, her cheeks beginning to spark, "I'm trying. And failing."

"I think it means, that the magic of a monchen has... A new level. Not just new moves to learn and unlock. I think it means that a monchen has the potential to change herself. Become more than she is." He said quickly, "I don't think it requires pregnancy. Its just... That's probably the easiest way to prove it."

She growled, her hair starting to stand on end, "You think you can mutate me."

"Geeze, no!" He held up his hands, "No. You heard the professor. A feuerchen. I've studied... Feuerchen. I barely know anything about blitzchen."

"Oh, I'm not good enough for you, asshole?" She growled.

He rubbed his eyes, "I'm trying to get along with you, Bliss. Seriously. What can I do to prove to you that I won't hurt you? That I don't want to do anything that even makes you uncomfortable?"

"You're human. You either want to fuck me, or make money off me. Probably both." She sneered, cheeks beginning to go red.

"I wanted to teach you bursting buoyancy. That was why we stopped."

The static charge building on her face slowly receded, and she swallowed, staring at him. "I... I can't. I can't learn! I tried. Okay? I've fucking tried!"

"You think it's because... You're..." Roter said nervously.

The woman nodded firmly.

He shook his head, "Well yes, but no. You can unlock your magic without... Losing it. There's a way."

"I'm not masturbating in front of you!" She yelled, static bursting off her and causing Roter to flinch at the jumping sparks that hit him.

He held up his hands quickly, "Easy, easy. Now, I'm not a hundred percent clear on the exact details of a blitzchen, but I'm pretty sure that your magic is emotionally driven, like most monchen. Does that sound right?"

"I don't know!" She yelled angrily, cheeks going red as sparks swarmed over them, "I'm just a fucking model!"

Roter smiled patiently, "You get angry, you spark, right?"

"Yeah. I guess." She said grudgingly.

He nodded, "Right, well, to put it simply, we want something in your head to spark. The key to floating, is to feel like you're floating."

Bliss looked at him with scorn, but just under it he could see a curiosity. Roter was pretty sure his guess was right. Her previous trainers hadn't tried to teach her why her body did things, they had just tried to teach her what it did. Teaching cause and effect, when she was the kind of person who needed to understand the why.

"There's three simple ways to trick your head into the feeling. For you, the first two are out." Roter continued, "The third, well, I'm not a hundred percent sure, because I'm not an expert, but I think your buzz cannon should work."

She sneered, yellow eyes glaring, "Why are the first two out?"

"Kissing someone you love, or having an orgasm. We already said they weren't happening, and I assume your previous trainers tried to teach you with those." Roter ploughed through his sentence as quickly as possible, hoping he wasn't going to tick her off.

Bliss growled, cheeks bursting, before she resettled suddenly, "M-my buzz? If you're so new at blitzchen, why didn't my last trainer try it? I was trained by Rita, you know. The Rita. She was an expert."

"She probably didn't want to risk hurting you." Roter said with concern, "I'm explaining everything in full, so you can make an informed decision. This method comes with risk. It could fail, but more than that, it could hurt you. I doubt Rita could bear that."

The brunette bit her lip and sniffled as a tear rolled down her cheek, "She... She loved me. She'd never hurt me... That's what I thought. Right up until she abandoned me. Just like you will."

"If we ever part ways, it won't be my decision." Roter promised her, "It'll either be yours, or the Monchen Research Department."

She sneered, "What if you get a feuerchen?"

"I'd hope she could be your best friend. Monchen tend to be like humans, that way. Their lives are better when they have a family. They live longer. Their hair is healthier. Their magic is stronger." He replied as calmly as he could.

"Friend." Bliss scoffed, "Now, I know you know nothing about me."

He shrugged, "I might just be human, but I hope I can be your friend, Blissbun."

Her eyes went wide in awe, "B-but... Y-you're my trainer."

"I can be both." He shrugged.

Her jaw dropped, "You're willingly friendzoning yourself? With my tits right here, in front of your face? Am... Do you think I'm ugly, you asshole!?"

Roter sighed, "No. But I think I can help you better, this way. And I want to. I want to be the one who helps you. The one who helps you master your magic, and helps you understand what it means to be blitzchen. Who helps you get back in front of the camera, if that's what you want."

She burst into loud tears, tipping back her head and warbling as streams of sparking water slid down her cheeks. Her arms fell limply to her sides, fully exposing her breasts, which seemed to have a few static sparks jumping from her nipples as well. Her tail stood dead straight behind her, the yellow fur standing on end.

Roter risked the shock, reaching over hesitantly and patting the top of her head. His hand tingled, but it wasn't so bad. She didn't lash out at him, either. He brushed her head gently, as she continued to cry.

"Oh, fuck's sake." He heard a familiar voice, "You already abusing your monchen, pervert?"

Bliss sniffled, looking over at Blauer standing on the path, her three elemental monchen standing behind her. All of them looked disgusted, as if they'd interrupted the two of them having sex, rather than him attempting to comfort her.

Blauer sneered, "Nixie, why don't you teach the perv a lesson?"

The woman whose hair resembled a flowing river stepped forward, her clothes damp, and her hands dripping as she lifted her hands. She made a complicated movement and Roter dove for cover as he recognised the overkill of a spell.

"Splash!" Nixie yelled as she unleashed the water blade.


Roter looked up in surprise, just in time to see the fine curve of water strike the blitzchen. She fell down onto one knee, holding her stomach where she'd been struck, and breathing heavily.

However, the wassechen was lying, twitching, on her back. Blauer looked between the three in shock, closing and opening her mouth. Then, silently, she knelt next to her downed monchen, and popped the cork on a vial, pouring it into her mouth.

"Hey!" Blissbun snarled, tail sparking and hair standing up. She pushed herself upright, still holding her stomach and pointed an accusing finger and raised her thumb, "You ever attack Roter again, and you better be in it for a real fight, bitch! Your cute little freaks ain't going to save you! I'm going to jam my buzz cannon so far down your throat you'll he coughing up storm clouds! Got it!?"

Blauer stroked Nixie's head gently, "I... I got it."

"Don't call him a perv, either." Bliss growled, still threatening to discharge at the other trainer.

His childhood sweetheart nodded silently.

Blissbun spun on her heel to face him, "Lets go."

"Oh, crap!" Roter saw the bleeding line across her stomach where she'd nearly been sliced in half. If her timing had been any worse, he'd be dragging her to the nearest clinic and begging her not to die. "Blau! You got any philosopher's cream? I've only got vials."

The trainer looked up, "Huh? Oh, maybe?"

"Let's just go!" Blissbun yelled.

Roter jumped past her and started going through Blauer's bag, "She's a model. We can't let it scar."

"Oh, crud." Blauer winced, "I'm so sorry. I didn't think that... I lost control of my monchen. I should have told her... I shouldn't have attacked you."

He found the tub of white cream, and scooped a gob and spread it across Blissbun's injury. He rubbed it quickly across her delicate skin. Just as he was finishing, he noticed just how loud the crackling was, and glanced up to see an incensed blitzchen glaring down at him with hatred for touching her without permission.

He winced, "Oh no."

"Buzz." She spat.


"Eugh." Roter sat up, rubbing at his face.

The forest path was cold, freezing, and wet. He had apparently been lying passed out in the grass, all by himself. A glance around showed Blauer had set up nearby. She had a fire going, but she and all three of her monchen were out of sight, probably in the dark blue and expensive looking tent.

He looked around some more, and found his naked monchen. Blissbun was curled up at the foot of a tree, skin covered in goosebumps and teeth chattering loudly. He wondered if Blauer had approached to help, and the blitzchen had threatened to attack her. It would be her style.

He reached into his pack and pulled out a hemisphere, tossing it to the ground and stepping back as it instantly sprang up. He then crossed to the shivering girl and sat down beside her. "Thanks."

"F-for what?" She tried to sneer, and failed.

He smiled, "You didn't have to save me."

"You're my trainer." She mumbled, "I'd be fucked without you. Doesn't mean I like you, or am going to do what you say. Don't get used to it."

"Sure." He nodded, "Anyways, we have a tent. The sleeping bags aren't antistatic, but they're warm. If you're interested."

She sniffled and then shocked him by crawling into his arms and curling up again. Her yellow eyes looked up at him, full of tears, and she whispered, "Don't."


She squeezed her eyes shut, "You're not allowed to get hurt. Okay? You don't get to put yourself in danger."

"I had no idea Blauer was going to do that."

The monchen nodded, "I know. But... Rita used to. If she thought I was going to... To get hurt... She'd step in. You... You can't. You're not allowed. Got it? I'll hate you."

"Sure." Roter hugged her, "I'll hang back. But we shouldn't face much. You're a model aren't you? Not a bodyguard or soldier. We shouldn't be seeing many fights."

"Ha." She said bitterly, "The bitch yelled at her wassechen. Said that they weren't allowed to lose to you, ever again. She'll attack you. She will."

Roter sighed, "That's probably eating her alive... It was all you... But that's the first time I beat Blau at anything. She's also probably panicking over the realisation that if we report this, she could lose her permit. Can't attack anyone without consent. Anyways... Tent?"

"Carry me." Blissbun snarled at him, reverting to type.

Getting her into the tent, and tucking the woman into her sleeping bag, was an effort for Roter. He was a typical nerd, not a jock. However, he tried his best for his monchen, only bouncing her a little. She didn't spark much, surprisingly.

He stripped off his wet top and pants, putting them next to the heat lamp, before climbing into his own sleeping bag. He rolled over and found her hunkered down, only her yellow eyes peering out from inside. Her voice was nervous as she spoke, "C-can... Can you teach me bursting buoyancy? Really?"

"Maybe. In the morning, we can try." Roter shrugged tiredly, "Are you sure? You could get hurt."

"I... Trust you." She whispered.

He sighed, "I hope I can live up to that, then... Do you want me to explain it? Or in the morning?"

"Mm. Talk."

Roter shrugged, "So... The key is to feel like you're floating. Love is best and traditional... But shock can do it, probably. If you used your cannon on yourself."

"It doesn't work that way." She sneered, "I'm immune, you fucking idiot."

He shook his head, "You're not, actually. There's exactly one place you can get shocked, if it gets hit. All blitzchen have it, a single sensitive place that can get shocked. Pretty much impossible to get hit there, in a battle, so most people don't pay any attention. But I went into the breeding program, so I was required to learn about it for my exam."

Her yellow eyes stared curiously, "Really? Where?"

"Your... Clitoris." He cringed, expecting her to scream and zap him for being perverted.

Blissbun's head popped out of her sleeping bag, "You want me to what!? You want me to buzz myself in the pussy!?"

"Pervert!" Blauer yelled from nearby, "What are you making that -"

The blitzchen burst out of the sleeping bag entirely, "What the fuck did you just call him, bitch!? Didn't I fucking warn you th-"

"Relax, Bliss." Roter sighed, "I'm used to it. And we did sound a little... Perverted."

His monchen glared at him, "I hate her."

"Noted. She won't try and get us, inside the tent. She's broken enough laws, for one day." Roter said and patted her bag, "Relax."

"I'm cold." Blissbun sniffed arrogantly, and then crossed the tent and squeezed herself down and into Roter's bag with him, tucking herself into his arms with a crackling of static sparks that stung.

He had no breathing room, and the naked woman was crammed right up against him. He knew it was only a matter of time, and she'd be pointing her finger and turning part of him into a lightning rod. He needed a distraction.

"Monchen can learn four spells. Do you only know the one?"

She shook her head, "I've got others, but I can't use them. I learned them as a kid, but they're the wrong type."

"You'll have to forget one, if we manage to teach you buoyancy."

Bliss sneered, "I am not zapping myself in the pussy."

"Well, now you know why Rita never tried to teach you the other way." Roter tried to laugh, distracted by the growing warmth of the woman lying against him.

She sighed heavily, "Why... Why is everything about sex?"

"It isn't, really. It's about pregnancy." Roter said without thinking. "When a monchen gets pregnant, it changes her. Makes it easier for her cells to change. Capturing the power of that change is the Holy Grail of all research. Blauer thinks she can blend magics, and create a brand new monchen species. I reckon a monchen can become a new one, all on their own. Even the professor has his own ideas. That one day we might be able to digitise monchen, so we can grow or shrink them on demand, just like this tent. An apartment of your own, in a pocket-sized object."

Bliss growled, "Sounds like fucking sex, to me."

"Tell me something... If you get so angry about all of this... Why did you agree to be a centrefold girl? Is there a different kind of modelling gig you'd prefer?"

She sighed, "Gravure? It's the way into the industry. A necessary evil. Every model starts with it, and most have to do it every now and then if she wants to keep getting jobs. I can't be a model unless I flaunt some skin. It's shitty, but just how it is."

"Well, that's depressing." Roter said in surprise, "So... If you don't want to flaunt skin... What do you want? I know nothing. I'll have to learn, for your sake."

Blissbun snuggled into him, "What I want? I wanna be the girl on the billboards. The one holding a can of fizz, or sitting on a car. The one everyone knows because they see her, every day. I want to be a mascot, basically. It basically never happens, though. Those jobs are few and far between. And a fuckload of work if you get them."


She looked up at him, glaring, "What? I dream bad, human?"

"You dream... Conveniently." He said hesitantly, "There's... A new company launching, that I know about. It's a few months off, about the time of our first major audit. It's also monchen oriented."

She grinned, "Really? Tell me! Stop leading me on!"

"It's part of the professor's research." Roter said hesitantly, "So, if I tell you, then you have to keep it very quiet. Tell no one."

Her cheeks sparked angrily, "Tell. Me."

"The professor is helping with the launch of the Monchen Cloning and Fertility Laboratory." Roter replied quickly, "Fertility treatments for monchen who find it hard to get pregnant, and cloning of donated embryos for those that can't. Let any monchen become a mother."

Bliss blew at her hair, cheeks still sparking and red, "All about sex. That's what I hate about other monchen. I've never, not once, wanted to be a fucking mother. I don't see what the big deal is. But everyone else seems to become a pissy little bitch the moment they get a dick."

"You know, I don't think I've ever heard another monchen swear as much as you, Bliss." Roter laughed.

She glared at him, "The fuck did you just call me?"

"B-liss?" He cringed, "Don't like that?"

She touched his chin, zapping him, "If we weren't so close together, I'd buzz you in the fucking cock. My name is Blissbun, human. Blissbun. Not Bliss. Not Blissy. It's fucking Blissbun. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." He said with a strangled noise.

With that, she rolled over, planting her static-infused tail between them, and made a huff as she tried to go to sleep. At least her tits weren't in his face anymore.



Roter woke up as he was blasted with lightning, twitching weakly as he looked up at the angry and naked woman standing over him in the tent, showing him her rather messy brown bush as she did.

"M-morning." He said with a slight spasm.

"Breakfast." She snapped and sat down cross-legged in front of him. "Now."

After recovering from the initial shock of waking up, he realised that he could smell cooking coming from outside the tent. Presumably Blissbun had woken up to Blauer's food, and got jealous. Too bad her own trainer was totally useless.

"I'm sorry, we don't really have anything decent to eat. I was hoping we'd be in Eastre by now." Roter winced, knowing what she was going to do.

She pointed a hand at him and raised her thumb, her jaw tight and angry.

"I've got a few biscuits, and..." Roter reached into his pocket and pulled something else out in surprise. It was a bright red and fist-sized pomegranate. Attached was a note from his mother, implying it would help with his stamina.

"Gimme!" She yelled, sparks flying everywhere and even knocking the power out on their heater. He tossed her the fruit and then stared in horror as she bit down through the hard skin, and started chomping away on it, whole.

Despite the oddity of the sight, he was distracted by the way that she was sitting. With her legs cross at the ankles, and knees spread as she viciously chowed down on the innocent fruit, he could see her bush, and he could also see a bright pink slit just on the edge of it.

"So, what are your three useless spells?" He tried to distract himself. His morning wood was already a semi, and he really didn't need that perking up any further and giving the monchen something to target.

Blissbun slurped, licking the red juice on her arm as she finished off the fruit, "You asked if I even knew snarl. I do. I learnt to cast playful snarl, from a waldchen I was friends with. Before she abandoned me. Except, I'm a blitzchen, I can't actually cast playful snarl. It's just taking up space in my useless head."

Roter attempted to restart the tent's heater, using a screwdriver to arc across the solenoid. The thing struggled back into life, and he tucked the device back into the repair kit and shoved that back to the side of the tent.

The small room was prepared for almost every eventuality that it could be. Things like food or condoms, that could expire, weren't provided, but just about everything else was. The pop-up tent was an example of the professor's research. A digitised dome of anything non-living. Yet, he still hadn't achieved the digitisation, and serialisation to and from a small device, of anything living.

Blissbun glared over at him, "I'm hungry."

"The pack of biscuits is all I've got." He held them out to her. She knocked them flying across the hand, slapping them out of his hand with a glare of her angry yellow eyes.

The blitzchen bared her teeth at him, "Offering biscuits to a model? You trying to make me look all bloated, you fucking asshole?"