Tease the Bull...Payback!


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"You love me? Like Hell you do! What it comes down to Kyran is that somewhere along the line, you lost the capacity to love anybody but Kyran. Your own testimony condemns you. You were aware that this was going to see the light of day eventually. You even said that you were well aware how much it would hurt everybody who loved you when the truth came out. That wasn't enough to stop you though. Sweetheart, that's not love. Hell woman, I wouldn't even pretend to make love to another woman in our bed with your permission to do so. Why? My love for you wouldn't let me cheat on you, even in my mind."

"Let's consider something else your selfishness caused you to overlook. You've been having unprotected sex with not one, but two people, for months. Well, two people that I know of anyway. What if David or Libby has managed to infect you with HIV? Then right now I'm facing a death sentence. I went yesterday to be tested. Until I get the results I've got that little issue hanging over my head, as well as having this bullshit to deal with. For God's sake Kyran! Do you really think you're the only one they're knockin' boots with? Common sense will tell you that Libby's a married woman. She's at the very least sleeping with her husband. What if he's seeking out the comfort of various lot lizards while he's on the road? He's bringing that home to her, she's giving it to you and David, and then you're bringing it home to me. We haven't even looked at any other potential sex partners that David has. By extension, you've been forcing me to have unprotected sex with David, with Libby, and every possible combination of their lovers."

"Look, I'm not going to insult your intelligence by telling you that I don't love you anymore. I'm incredibly hurt and angry right now, and still a part of me realizes that I'll always love you somewhere deep in my heart. Here's the important distinction though. Because of what you've done, I'm no longer IN love with you. There's a vast difference in the two."

"Here's where we get to the other 800 pound gorilla in the room. I can't erase the pictures in my mind from watching the three of you at play. I shouldn't even have to point out that I was not a part of that and was not even given the chance to be. The point is, you took something that was supposed to be mine and gave it to two other people. I'll see that playing out in my mind, to a greater or lesser degree, until they put me in the ground. There's not a damn thing you can do to erase those mental images. Even if I could manage to stay with you and stomp those images down, I'll be resentful. I'll never be confident that I'm truly man enough to satisfy you again, now matter how much you try to reassure me. Every time you had an orgasm, I'm going to wonder if it's faked. When I'm making love to you, how am I to know that it's me you're loving, and not David Farris, all your protests notwithstanding? Those pictures are going to keep rising up to make your claims a lie. I would be living in an absolute psychological Hell. Do I even need to point out that I should never have been placed in this position to start with?"

"Here's one last thing that needs to be considered. How in God's name am I ever going to regain any trust in you after you shit all over what we had so selfishly? What possible guarantee do I have that I'm not going to come up short in your expectations again, and you're not going to respond by turning to someone else? For that matter, how do I know you're going to be where you say, doing what you're supposed to be doing? Do I fit you with an ankle bracelet? It wouldn't be long and you'd be resenting my suspicion, justified though it might be. My God, bringing children into such a witches' brew of resentment and suspicion would be unthinkable."

"So here's what's going to happen. Virginia is a no fault state, or Commonwealth if you want to get technical. We'll file under irreconcilable differences. The checking and savings accounts will be divided 50/50. The apartment and studio were my property before the marriage, and are required for me to earn my living. I will keep them. All your possessions and your car go with you. My attorney has advised me that if these conditions are agreeable to you, we don't even need separate attorneys, we can simply file through him. In six months, it'll all be over but the crying. In honor of what love I have left for you, I'm even willing to pick up your half of the legal costs. Now if you decide to buck me, let me warn you, things are going to get nasty. I have no desire to damage your reputation. You've already told me that your parents have an entirely new view of Kyran. Remember that I have photographic evidence of your little office romance. I will ensure that everybody important to you in this town sees those photos. Imagine the shock when they all see you, not only fucking another man, but having enthusiastic relations with dear little Libby. In short, my dear, I'd advise you not to fuck with me. Right now, I'm not the sweet Will you married. I've got more than a touch of monster in me as well, and you put him there. Let this thing die a natural death and let us go on with our separate lives. After all, who's to say what time will do? There's always the possibility that we can at least be friends when time does its healing, maybe more. The divorce is a foregone conclusion though. I need time and space to heal, and then we'll see what comes down the road."

"What else can I do but go along with your wishes?" Kyran said sadly as she cried her bitter tears, "Let me know when I need to be at the attorney's office and I'll sign whatever you want. I feel it's important that you know that I'll be looking for a new job immediately. For obvious reasons, I can't stand the sight of David and Libby now. I also pray that, in time, you'll find a way in your heart to forgive my horrible betrayal of a good man whose love I could never hope to replace."

I actually went to her and held her as she clung desperately to me and wept inconsolably on my shoulder, and I feel no need to apologize for doing so. I cried some myself. I cried for the death of a love that had been so right and clean and that held so much promise. Now that love lay dying, filthy and unclean. I knew in the deepest part of my soul that it would never be resurrected, like some Phoenix, from the ashes. All I could hope is that someday we might be friends in some form. I also prayed desperately that some good might somehow come of this pain and destruction.

I spent the following six months waiting for the finality of our marriage in much the same fashion as the time leading up to it. I buried myself in my work and my hobbies. Kyran called from time to time, or would even drop by the studio to talk with me. There were no angry recriminations on these occasions, yet there was a wide gulf between us that could not be bridged, and of this fact both parties were well aware. More uncomfortable still were the occasions when her parents or friends would seek me out and tell me that they were horrified by Kyran's conduct and would try to comfort me in some fashion. There was, amusingly enough, no small number of her sisterhood of friends who dropped subtle hints that they had more extensive comfort to offer. Chief among that number was Julie Howington, who had been Kyran's best friend since grade school. Julie was a hot number, to be sure, but I wisely managed to avoid stepping into that hornet's nest. A woman scorned is a dreadful thing. A red head scorned is a thing several magnitudes more frightful, and is not a thing to be casually stirred up.

My true source of healing had been right there under my nose all along. You guessed it, Carrie Wilson. She had been a Godsend from day one when the whole mess came crashing down around me. Had it not been for her, I shudder to think what would have become of both my business and me. She had been both a solid and caring friend and a stalwart confidant whose beautiful head contained clear and beneficial advice.

The change began, appropriately enough, on the day my nuptials were scheduled for final destruction. Carrie was, naturally, slated to man the studio while I was in court to oversee the final decree. She walked in that morning and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. Carrie never dressed shabbily, to be sure, but today she had apparently decided to head off any gloomy feelings on my part by looking her absolute best, thereby forcing me to concentrate on avoiding a sexual harassment charge instead of feeling sorry for myself.

Her blond hair was as normal, straight and down to the middle of her back. Her lovely face was, again, pretty much its lovely normal self with just a bit of eyeliner and a light coat of red lipstick. It was from the neck down that things really got interesting. Her top was a sleeveless red knit and the view of her cleavage it afforded would give a dead man an erection. I immediately suspected those lush breasts of hers were being aided by a pushup bra here, not that such a thing detracted from the overall effect. Her skirt was black and tight, hanging about mid thigh. The legs below it were stunning, covered in black nylon. The question of whether said nylon was in stocking or pantyhose form was a course of study I would have damn near given my life for. Her tiny little feet were shod with shiny black stiletto heeled pumps.

"Am I going to have to call my lawyer?"

I looked up into her smiling face with a bemused expression on my own, clearly caught being a major horn dog. In my own defense, it had been a long time. If you show a starving man a filet mignon with all the trimmings, the poor bastard's mouth is going to water.

"What?" I responded lamely.

"I said, am I going to have to call my lawyer?" she still had that cute little smile on her face, "You know, so I can tell him my horny old boss is looking at me with lecherous intent clearly visible on his face."

"Carrie!" I protested, though without much conviction, "You just look...different from normal. You surprised me."

"So you weren't undressing me with your eyes just now?" she teased, still with that damn smug little smile.

"Okay! So shoot me. I was enjoying the view. Now are you going to keep breaking my balls about it? I'm just a normal, red blooded guy going through a long dry spell. You come in here looking, I'll admit, quite...attractive, and it got my attention."

"Well, it's about time!" she returned with vigor, "I thought I was going to have to do something really desperate like just shuck down to my birthday suit at close of business some day. It's called sending out signals, look into it. I know you've been down and had a lot on your mind, but it's time to wake up and smell the coffee. You're officially back on the market today, and I'm staking my claim now that you seem to be withdrawing your cranium from your anal orifice at long last."

To say that I was stunned would be the understatement of the year. I was standing there slack jawed and bug eyed, completely lacking capability of speech.

"My God, and we blonds are supposed to be dumb." She offered, crossing her arms enticingly under those delightful breasts, "Guys are so clueless sometimes. I wonder how y'all manage to survive through the average day. I've wanted you just about from day one, though I hid it pretty good from even myself. I'm no home wrecker. Marriage means something to me, even if the rest of the world gives it an awfully loose interpretation. Anyway, I can forgive you for your lack of awareness while you were married. As a matter of fact, if you had even looked like you were going to make a move on me then, I'd have been out of here like a shot, never to return, despite my feelings. However, these last six months I've done everything short of physically grabbing and shaking you to get you out of the "friend zone" and make you see that you've got a little blond hot on your trail. I've been terrified one of those floozy friends of Kyran's was going to get you in her talons. Now are we going to go out on a date and see if this is going to lead to you marrying me and fathering those six kids you're always teasing me about or are you going to break my sweet little heart?"

"Carrie, I don't think that will work." I said with a sad look on my face, as she looked crestfallen.

"I think three kids will actually be plenty."

"You asshole!" she screamed joyfully, as she flew into my arms.

Within a year, Carrie and I were married. I suppose it was a foregone conclusion once I woke up to the obvious. Carrie was everything that Kyran was not. I felt like I could trust her with my life. She was actually a much better fit for me than Kyran in a lot of ways. We had more in common in our hobbies and interests. We're currently planning a book of our more artistic photos for instance. She was even much better suited to me sexually.

Sexually speaking, she was a surprise right off the bat. Believe it or not, my smokin' hot little blond was a virgin. What she lacked in experience, she more than made up for in enthusiasm. Her body was beautiful, petite and ample at the same time, if that makes sense. She was incredibly responsive as I touched, licked, kissed, and nibbled every delightful inch of her. God bless her heart, she was up for nearly anything I wanted to try. Within a couple attempts, she could give a blowjob that would damn near kill me, it was so good. The first time I performed oral on her, she was damn near speaking in tongues, after a fashion. I was almost afraid to try the more exotic stuff with her, but nothing seemed to embarrass her. I introduced her, cautiously, to the foot sex stuff that Kyran brought into our relationship, and Carrie loved it much to my delight. Like me, she was just about pleasuring the one she loved, whatever that required. There was no need for third parties, real or imagined. Other than that, all other options were open. With each passing day, she has helped heal that open wound that Kyran left in my soul a little more. We look forward with great delight to starting our little family soon. She'll be a superb mom. With every fiber of my being I will dedicate myself to letting her know, in both word and deed, that she is the love of my life. I will do so every day until they plant me under six feet of Virginia dirt.

As for Kyran, we never became what you would consider friends. She actually left town a little before Carrie and I married. Kyran's mother had frankly told me that she had left for two major reasons. Her reputation had obviously taken a severe hit after the scandal broke open, and she felt like she was constantly under a cloud each day. Her mother had also told me that her major reason was frankly more to do with me. Her daughter realized she had blown it. She was still clinging desperately to the hope that she might get a second chance, and that seeing me more and more in love with Carrie each day was nearly killing her. Kyran could have weathered the scandal part, if only she had me, but it was clear to her that it wasn't going to happen. She found a good job in Tennessee and was trying to rebuild her life. I told her mom with all sincerity to send her my wishes that she would find love and happiness, that I bore her absolutely no ill will, and that I forgave her unconditionally.

Of course, my little story would not be complete without a mention of Mr. Farris, now would it? Life was not so kind to him. He was speeding home one night on his big Harley and was, in fact, just a quarter mile from his home, on the access road leading to his secluded home. The big guy never saw the steel cable with the black coating stretched across the road hung right at the level of his upper chest and neck. By the time his body hit the road, his second and third cervical vertebra had snapped and David Farris was stone dead. Of course, the police and the medical examiner had no clue about the cable, and his death was ruled an accident. How then do I know about the cable? Well, I'll wisely take the 5th on that question.

Oh, and Libby Fielding? Well, it seems that she disappeared a few days after Mr. Farris met his untimely demise. No one has a clue where she is. Well, I have a strong suspicion her husband and/or his brothers might. I just hope it had nothing to do with those photographs some anonymous person left in the cab of his truck. Again, I'll take the 5th.

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26thNC26thNC4 months ago

Love the wire across the road trick.

Norseman123Norseman1234 months ago

And that's how to do it 5*****

cv31770cv31770over 1 year ago

Ah, the revenge thing again. The elaborate planning, the marines, the divorce, the financial security and the protection of assetsa, big unforgiving truck driver husband. You even have made a very detailed description of guns and ammo. etc etc. I'm surprised you did not mention fox news, tucker carlson, donald trump. When are you going to learn that this is a literary PORN site and serious readers just want to read stories that would excite their penis.

BH54BH54almost 2 years ago

Good story. Well written. Besides, I love a happy ending.

QuietWonderQuietWonderabout 2 years ago

What is it with these pathetic men? Who, would ever want to touch, let alone hug their diseased slut wife after all this? And all this bullshit professions of "I still love you, blah blah" Puke.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

Good writing and excellent vocabulary. Fine twist of words, Thanks for not glorifying cheating

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

Damn, another six foot tall redhead bites the dust.

gfrhgfrhover 3 years ago
Meant to be constructive

I think you spent to much time reviewing what happened in part 1. For me, it got boring reading what I already had read. I just started to skip it until I got to the new work. I liked the ending.

robroy93robroy93about 4 years ago

Perfect ending for All the guilty parties. Great story for my favorites.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago
Great story

A great story in all respects, but the icing on the cake was the demise of Mr. Farris from his little Harley accident. Capped off the story perfectly.

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