Ted Online Pt. 11

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Book three Ch. 21 - Epilogue.
18.4k words

Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/01/2016
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Chapter Twenty-One

It was just five in the morning, but he'd already been studying for an hour when he heard Xia's voice from the bounce program.

"It is time."

He closed his overlay and bounced. The princess was in her statue mode, and there were two others in the room. It was really hard to tell the shapeshifters apart, impossible really. If there was a way to do so, he hadn't figured it out yet.

"Hello princess, I'm ready. Am I taking my ship down to the surface?"

She replied, "Yes, I will accompany you, follow me please."

As they walked, he asked, "So you've gotten it all straightened out?"

Xia replied, "Yes, empress Xenia wishes to experience it for herself however before it will all be settled. Are you willing to assist in such? I'm also hoping to be pleasured by you again as well. My research indicates your cock is above average in size, and highly sought after by the females of your species."

It was so wrong, but his cock got halfway hard anyway. Her words were a bit jarring as well, no social inhibitions on just coming out and asking to share pleasure, with both her and her mother. It was also kind of a turn on, having sex with the heir and the empress of a galactic empire, at the same time? Kind of a no brainer. Although it was clearly his cock making that decision.

Also, if they had a handle on the addictive nature of it, he wouldn't even have that as a negative toward the idea. So... two amazingly hot twins that were also mother and daughter, as well as heir and empress? Not even his perverted mind could come up with that kind of fantasy scenario. Plus, he did kind of owe Xia for giving him the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had in his life. At least, when love wasn't involved.

It would just be rude to say no, wouldn't it?

Or maybe that was his dick thinking again? Simply put, he looked forward to the idea.

"I'd be both pleased and honored to do so," he felt a little ridiculous saying that, politics. He also wondered if Mia was monitoring him right now, if so she was probably laughing her ass off.

When they got to the hangar, she kind of poured herself into the ship, while he stepped over and closed the canopy. The hangar door melted open, and the ship took off. She studied the interface for a moment, and then gave him coordinates.

She then said, "Though there is nothing toxic in our atmosphere for a human, they would need an oxygen mask to survive in our environment. Our scans indicate your android body will be just fine."

He looked at the scans of the planet, and realized she was right. The atmosphere was a little denser, and had a little less oxygen in it, but nothing inimical, just... lacking.

The city came into sight, and from what he could see the entire thing was made of smart metal, except for the palace in the center which appeared to be stone, and very old. Perhaps it had some historical or some other significance for the royal family? They approached the coordinates, which was a small spaceport close to the palace.

The pad they approached on their decent was rather small, but it grew right before they landed to a perfect size. He grunted, that was kind of impressive, they wouldn't have to build different sized berths, one size fits all. The shuttle came down and he popped the canopy.

She said, "We have no need of ground vehicles, I will move slowly so you may follow. It is only a little over one of your miles to the palace from here."

"How do you get around without vehicles?"

Xia's statue visage didn't change, but he could have sworn she sounded amused, "We can move quickly in our base forms, and for farther travel we take the form of a flying animal. Come, it is not wise to keep Xenia waiting."

He nodded in agreement, "After you princess."

She flowed into her liquid flesh form, he wasn't even sure what to call it. Really, blob kind of covered it, but it was probably offensive. She moved quickly, but his android body didn't tire, or get muscle cramps, or have any need to be stretched before a run. He guessed they were moving about fifteen miles an hour, hardly his top speed, he didn't even need to dig into the enhanced abilities of his android body for it.

Just under five minutes later, they slowed at the entrance to the palace, and the guards, or the blobs of flesh he assumed to be guards, didn't stop them. He supposed stopping the princess would have been a mistake. He just wished he could tell them apart, he was very focused on Xia to make sure he didn't lose her and start following someone else. Which would be really embarrassing.

The architecture was strangely humanoid, but also built a bit wider. He had a feeling this building, and perhaps the whole city, was there just because it was the capitol of a galactic empire with many different races. The palace may have been stone, but it was hardly crude or medieval. The walls had no imperfections at all, and looked to be made of a similar smooth stone like marble.

He was led through several hallways, and into what appeared to be a receiving room. It was honestly hard to tell, but there was a table, with upholstered benches. No doubt a chair back would be... inconvenient for some of the races. He was a little relieved when Xia turned back into a statue, it almost wasn't creepy at all anymore.

Another Xaran came in, and it was extremely large. He frowned, and checked his data in his overlay, and noticed all the blobs had different mass. Okay, he couldn't see a difference with his eyes, except perhaps the empress who looked bigger, but his overlay would help him with that with a few commands.

"Empress Xenia, this is the human representative, Ted. Ted, this is my mother Xenia, the Xaran Empress."

Not sure what to do, he bowed slightly, "The pleasure is mine."

The empress didn't bother turning to a statue, she merely spoke.

"Welcome to Xaran. I would appreciate plain speaking, since this is an informal meeting without the painful measures of diplomacy that we will need to observe in a Senate meeting. Come, sit down, and we shall speak."

He replied, "Thank you, your majesty," and took a seat.

She sounded amused, "Call me Xenia, and Empress Xenia when we are in a formal gathering."

"Of course Xenia, what do you wish to know?"

Xenia replied, "I am glad you were the one my daughter found, and I thank you for saving them from a terrible fate. I don't believe your world has many like you, I've been reviewing our probe data since I dispatched my daughter there. Tell me, do you think your people are ready to join the rest of us?"

He frowned thoughtfully, "Most of them, yes. The governments, and some others, I'd have to say no. I believe most of the nobility in humanity will be found in Earth's normal citizens. We are an aggressive species, and can be ambitious. That seems to... have an adverse effect on those in power. We have a saying on our world, power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

"As far as your studies, our broadcasts are often stories about the worst of us, they do not represent the whole, and most certainly not the kindest. I am not that unique among my kind. Of course, there is an argument to be made that Earth isn't ready, they do not have the advanced technology that prompted your daughter's mission. The artificial life we created does."

He added thoughtfully, "I'm not empowered to represent the Earth, but as long as you understand that my words won't bind them, I can speak in their interests. I can speak for Mars, and I know the A.I.s would like if you visited."

She was silent for a moment, "We cannot know them, are they worthy?"

"Yes," he didn't even hesitate, "I believe they are. They were created with the best of humanity's traits, and without the negative caustic emotions to corrupt them."

She sighed, "I must know you before I can make a decision, and my daughter tells me we will copulate, is that your wish? I will not have you abused in any way. I understand this practice on Earth may only occur if both people agree, legally I mean."

He cleared his throat, "Absolutely. I would be happy to share pleasure with both you and your daughter."

He never thought those particular words in that order would ever come out of his mouth. He had to bite his lip to stop a laugh. He could just imagine what an Earth diplomat would make of his first contact skills. He also bet all those government analysts on first contact scenarios never imagined this.

Xenia said, "Follow me please," and he followed them through to another room, that had a king sized bed, and silk sheets.

He shook his head slightly when Xia oozed part of her body on the bed, and several sex toys fell out of her body onto the bed. Then he watched fascinated as mother and daughter touched each other, he imagined Xia was simply handing off human DNA, and then they morphed into two beautiful females, identical ones.

Both of them had the same form Xia took the first time, and both were completely and gloriously naked. Kara's bright red hair and fair skin, Silvia's exotically beautiful face, and Nicci's sinfully sexy voluptuous body.

He sighed softly, he must have done something very right in his last life, as both women walked toward him, and then gently led him to the bed as they took turns kissing him, and caressing him, as they took off his clothes. It was going to be a very long morning.

It was his duty after all, they were alien royalty, and he couldn't possibly let Earth down.

Yup, his dick was definitely in the driver's seat again...

Chapter Twenty-Two

He felt worn out, Xenia and Xia were... uninhibited and wild just didn't cover it. Not that he was complaining, but he hoped the ladies didn't claim him anytime soon for weekend family sex duties. He needed at least an hour or two to recharge.

After close to six hours of non-stop sex, as he was pulled back and forth between mother and daughter, they did talk a bit more. This Monday would be his first time as a representative in the senate. They'd given him a small room right in the palace to keep his alternate android, although he supposed he could call it alien android now. He had a feeling it would be on Xaran for a long, long, time.

He was also asked to come four or five hours early, so she, and her daughter, could enjoy his cock before their day started. Those were the empress's words anyway. He shook his head, they would never be part of his harem, and he didn't think he'd fall for them either. Despite the fact that he wasn't cut out for one night stands, with them it was different. They were so... alien most of the time. Still, he was pretty sure he was just volunteered to service them once every nine days. That wouldn't impact his schedule too badly, no worse than being a part of the senate would anyway.

He shook his head. He wasn't even going to count them, because the number ten was scary. Eight was overwhelming enough when he thought too much about it. He snorted at himself, life was so hard, poor Ted had too many beautiful women in love with him.

Done mocking himself, he took a moment to clear his mind, and that's when he felt turmoil from Mia, Trudy, Helen, and Amber. He jumped up onto his feet quickly, and then stalled. What the hell was that?

He knew he had hidden capabilities, like the direct thought messaging, and other things they still hid from him for his own peace of mind. This felt almost like the messaging, except with emotions instead of thoughts. He also didn't think they had meant to send him anything, they were just that upset, and needed him that badly. He couldn't imagine what must have happened, and he immediately went to look for them...

Of course, none of them were in the condo at the moment, just Silvia. He left and checked the labs, and found Trudy, who was sitting on the floor with a dazed look on her face.

He felt a surge of anger, and the deep need to punish the source of her pain.

"What the fuck..." he took a deep breath, and then asked gently, "What's going on love?"

He sat on the floor and gathered her into his arms. He waited patiently for her to answer.

She replied in a voice strained by grief.

"They ordered all A.I. androids in the U.S. to report for reclamation. They were supposed to have eleven days left."

He frowned, "Any idea why they're moving early?"

She shrugged helplessly, "I've no idea, there could be many reasons, and none of the ones I've come up with have more than a forty-two percent chance of being correct. Most likely the two weeks was just a red herring, and they acted now to prevent us from countering it? I don't know, the fact that they feel they could give this order must mean they believe we'd obey it? If that's the case, why don't they trust us?"


"Do you have a list of locations for the cities?"

She nodded slowly.

He growled, "Send them to me," and he kissed her forehead before he got up.

She frowned, "What are you going to do?"

He replied as he walked out the door, "What you can't, break the law."

He opened a connection to Sally.

"Hi Sally, where are you and the big ship?"

Sally looked like shit, her eyes were bloodshot, and she'd been crying.

"On our way back to the asteroid belt."

He sighed, "Turn around, I'll meet you in orbit."

She raised an eyebrow.

He added, "Please."

She sighed, "Very well, but we'll want an explanation."

He nodded, and jumped into a ship, and took off. The dome's airlock never seemed so slow as it did while he waited impatiently to be cycled through. He also noted Trudy had sent him the locations, there were over two hundred across the country. He wasn't sure exactly what he would do, but he was pissed off. After he cleared the airlock, he headed up to orbit, and made a plan while he waited for the big ship.

Given he was a power systems engineer, and not a military person, the plan was pretty simple. He also wondered if it was naive, because he was determined to have a zero death toll, just like when he rescued Silvia. He also got the idea the United States military probably had plans in place, and most likely expected an attempted intervention.

He decided he couldn't depend on the androids on Earth accepting a rescue, since that would be breaking the law. They would no doubt resist, at least, until he had them in space. So he planned accordingly. Fucking government assholes, if they couldn't control it, it had to be destroyed. Assholes.

He waited about ten minutes before the big ship showed up, and then he landed in one of the airlocks and hopped out. He brought up the interface, and was pleasantly surprised to find he had full access to the ship's systems. He put in a direct course for the first so called reclamation center and activated the ship on his way to the command deck.

Christi and Sally gave him a nervous look when he walked in. They both looked upset, but unsure if they should be doing what he asked. He also felt protective toward them, although it could be said he felt protective toward all A.I.s, but in their case it was a bit more personal. He considered them... friends.

"Hi ladies, I'm heading to pick up as many of them as we can stuff in this ship, any idea how many that is?"

Sally frowned, "We can't..."

He held up a hand, "I know, but I can. You should consider though, that you are no longer subject to the laws of the United States. Is there anything in Mars law that says you can't rescue them?"

Christi hugged him, and then shook her head, "No, but the danger of someone coming to harm is high. While what's happening is horrible, the A.I.s will be restored eventually, it isn't worth risking human lives."

He frowned, "If I do this alone it probably would be, but if you manage the gravity systems to redirect any fire... and even grounding aircraft, there's a much better chance of us pulling this off."

Sally asked, "What's your plan?"

He shrugged, "From what I can tell, they are lining up outside the reclamation centers. My plan was to use the gravity systems on the ship to snatch them off the ground and pull them into the ship, as quickly as possible. Then move on to the next location."

Christi nodded, "That has possibilities, there's around a million A.I. androids in the U.S. though. We might get a two hundred thousand in the ship, if we literally use all the space. I mean stack them like cordwood. That's ten trips back to Mars... we'll lose a lot of them, and the government might even just take them out while they're in line rather than let them escape once you're seen, which will be immediately."

Sally frowned, "There are a lot of protestors at the sites right now as well. We'd be putting people in danger."

Ted nodded at Sally's comment and took a moment to think, something he hadn't really done since he saw the look on Trudy's face. Was it worth it? Just to save some and make a statement? To the humans that they'd gone too far, and to the android A.I.s that they were valued.

"I think it's worth the risk. It's the right thing to do. There are a lot of good people on the ground wishing they could do something about this. Only we, or I, can. The government is out of hand on this. That said, let's do the best we can to ensure no one actually dies. Any ideas?"

He frowned, was this the right choice. Some things were worth fighting for, even dying for. But were they for the A.I.s? A part of him knew the answer was no, so was this him merely being selfish, or rather being selfish for them because they couldn't be. He wanted to show that some people did care, if the A.I.s were killed out of hand. But would those A.I.s thank him if even one human died?

He doubted it. They'd probably rather just be terminated and restored when possible.

Christi shook her head, "We have air superiority, especially with gravity control. Missiles, aircraft, I'm confident we can handle that."

Sally finished Christi's point, "On the ground is a different story. We don't know what they have in place. If they have bombs on the ground, or even just combat armaments, there isn't much we can do to stop them cutting down the androids, and most likely there will be significant collateral damage. Even our air superiority will be useless if they are attacking somewhere we aren't, and there are two hundred reclamation centers."

He frowned, "You believe they'd open up on civilians?"

Christi shook her head, "I don't want to, and mostly I don't believe that. It's taking the risk to find out that disturbs me. It's possible, and for us that's enough of a risk to abort."

She hugged him, and kissed him on the cheek, "If it were anyone else we would have already seized control and aborted. We trust your judgement."

Sally hugged him too, and it was damned distracting. They were both hot. Long light blonde hair, attractive faces and they had average body types, but in peak physical condition with curves in all the right places. He was more tempted by them now, since they were kind of friends now. Not that anything would be happening, not now at least. Probably not ever, the point was that they were highly distracting, and seemed completely oblivious to the fact.

He took a deep breath, and cleared his mind as Sally added, "We love that you want to save them, are you sure we should do this?"

Damnit. He was a power systems engineer, not a damned soldier. He had no idea. He'd like to think the government wouldn't act on the ground in that way, and endanger civilians, especially with the press there. But a cynical part of him said they'd do what they had to, and then spin it as casualties caused by the android uprising.

Was it worth it to prevent one half of one percent of the A.I. population going through that? What about the other one hundred and ninety-nine million, minus however many A.I.s were already on Mars and were in Australia that is. What if they were destroyed earlier, right now they supposedly had six weeks left, what if the government blamed the A.I.s for anything that went wrong, and used that to go after the rest early?