Teen Titans - Father's Day


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Garfield stayed several paces away, and shook his head.

"Oh, come here!" Arella reached with a trembling hand for Wally's crotch. Still moving with furious urgency against Robin's continuing thrusts, she pulled down the waistline of Kid Flash's red and yellow costume to free the hardening penis underneath. Without losing her pace she took it into her mouth.

Wally closed his eyes, telling himself that it was for a greater good.

"Shit. That's it for me, man," Cyborg muttered, and collapsed on his back, his twitching member limp already. "Fuck. Sorry, I'm too outta practice."


"I can't," Garfield Logan replied weakly.


"It won't work," he sighed, stepping towards them.

Arella reached out with another hand, and after a couple of seconds of fumbling with Garfield's spandex costume, she began to pump his small, flaccid penis.

"It won't work."

Robin was thinking hard about everything he had tried to ignore minutes before. He focused on how kinky it was to sodomize the gorgeous body of Raven's mother. He thought about every single woman he ever desired and most likely would never have, from Silver Saint Cloud to Wonder Woman. He thought about all those he had scored with to his own surprise, remembering the nasty and wildly gleeful coupling with Catwoman, and the angry, resentful sex with Talia. He thought about Barbara in her tight Bat-costume.

He had to stay hard. He had to keep going.

He finally focused on Starfire, on her sexy, long and wild hair, on her lovely face and bewitching all-green eyes, and mostly on her glorious golden body, her long legs, hard, round butt, and huge, round boobs. Robin swallowed hard. That seemed to have made it.

Arella had gotten Wally fully hard, and used her hand to keep him erect, while turning her attention to Garfield's lifeless member.

"It won't work," Gar repeated.

Wally suddenly stiffened and his member began to pulse in Arella's hand. She stopped her manual pumping, but it was too late.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't-I-Oh, fuck!" Wally gasped, in time to his convulsive ejaculations. "Fuck! Fuck!

"Shit, Wally!"

"I'm sorry, I-" Wally began, his face becoming even redder. "I'd had never before... I just never had... Man, I'd never-"

Wally stepped back and sat back on the ground, placing his face between his folded arms.

"GARFIELD! It's just the two of us, now!"

"It isn't working," Garfield sighed.

Arella's mouth worked on him with furious desperation, but his penis refused to react beyond the smallest of stirrings.


"It isn't working." Garfield's face had blanched to the palest shade of green possible.

"What do you mean it isn't working?"

"I can't-I can't-Oh, please don't-I'm sorry-"

"Aren't you the big horndog here? The damn fucking teen playboy? Man, it's Raven's Mom! She's hotter than fire! Don't you want some?"

"I WANT IT!" Arella added, her tongue licking at Garfield's shrunken member. "FUCK ME! DO IT NOW!"

"I can't! I just can't!"














"But that's disgusting! What will she-?"


Garfield stared for a few seconds.

"Ah, ok," he whispered.


Raven stared blankly at the walls of her quarters. She ignored the obscene luxury of the furnishings and the many extravagant offerings strewn about. She was in hell, as any place where her Father ruled would be, and she was doomed to remain there for as long as she lived, for the sake of Earth.

She wondered about her fellow Titans, regretting how she had manipulated them into facing Trigon. Even now Donna and Koriand'r remained at her Father's mercy.

Raven tuned her gaze inward, looking deeply into her own soul, focusing on the dark core of no-being that Azar had taught her to find within herself, beyond all needs and all emotions, where only peace existed and all her sorrow and pain could be cast aside.

She almost succeeded. Almost.


"Victor! Move out!"

"Sure," Cyborg muttered, and slid from under Arella.

"Gar! You take the front!" Using his ground-grappling body skills, Robin hugged Arella to him, and rotating, made her face up over him while he took Victor's former position with his back to the altar's surface. He then grabbed Arella's hips and resumed thrusting up into her back passage, having remained inside her during the entire maneuver.

Dick was the man, Garfield thought, impressed.

"I'll help out," Cyborg said, standing up by Arella's side and leaning forward to lick and bite at her hard nipples, while his powerful mechanical hands grabbed her jostling teats, to squeeze and pull the soft flesh.

Garfield stared for an instant at the sweat-covered beautiful woman being pleasured by both his friends. Her legs were open and her sex was ready for him.



Robin was right, he did not need to be afraid of any others seeing him, judging him. He did not need to be Garfield Logan at all. He could be just anything he wanted to be. Anything.

Garfield shape-shifted into animal form, and getting instantly hard, mounted Arella.


While the women dressed the two of them in sheer silk and insubstantial veils, Donna had Kory find out as much as possible about Trigon's world from Ph'Tee, but results were disheartening. There were no organized resistance movements, no important military enemies. The few star systems not yet under Trigon's complete control were so distant that campaigns against them were clearly carried out of mere boredom.

Trigon had nearly crushed a whole universe.

What hope did the two of them have?

She thought about her fellow Titans, while fingering her golden lasso, now worn as decorative belt low on her hips, having been salvaged by a harem girl who had liked it. Hopefully, Raven's deal with her father had saved Dick and the rest as well. She wondered if they were somehow trying to come to their aid, and whether they were despairing while doing it.


"Oh, yes! YES!"

Garfield wondered why this sort of thing had never occurred to him before, while he pumped into Arella's sodden sex with the wild urgency only a true animal could muster. He had never felt so free during sex, so powerful and unbound, so free of all concerns and worries. Sure it was sick and twisted, and most of his fleeting girlfriends would have slapped him silly at the mere suggestion of such experimenting. Having a green-skinned date for the movies was daring enough for them. But certainly he could have found some professional help or something.

He really had to make it a regular thing. He just needed to find the right girl.

"YES! YES! MORE!" Arella demanded.

More? Gar thought, startled. He had shifted into the shape of a big, lanky Great Dane, and was giving it to her as hard as he thought a human woman could take it. Obviously he was mistaken.

A Rhino? That may be overdoing it.

Maybe a bigger canine? Saint Bernard? No, far too clumsy, he decided, shifting instead into the biggest dog he could think of, a huge, hairy Irish Wolfhound, and his member grew considerably inside her, even as he continued to pump savagely.


More? How far did this woman want him to go?

He wondered whether, if they all survived this mess, she would consider having a steady relationship with a younger guy.


Raven dared to think about her Mother for an instant, and her self-control almost broke. Would Mother be proud of what she had done? Of her ultimate sacrifice? Of how she had finally embraced the Way of Azar, the Way of Peace and Inaction?



His rational mind subsumed in his beast form, Garfield could only roar loudly his culmination. Spittle fell from his slavering jaws on Arella's shaking midsection, and barely missed Victor's head. He thrust powerfully into her drenched depths, which accepted his massive canine shaft all the way to its hairy base, while he pumped her full of abundant animal seed.

With a final scream, Arella finally climaxed and the primal energies gathering around them manifested at last, beginning to warp the very shape of space.

Coming for a final time in Arella's anus, Robin smiled. They had done it. This was it. This was how they were going to beat Trigon.

Teamwork, it was all about teamwork.


"The Queen of Xenarc, My Lord," the man in the sober uniform of Trigon's armies called out, throwing with intended violence a slender woman in recently ripped finery at Trigon's feet.

"What was her complaint, again?"

"My Lord, that reparations be paid for the damages done by My Lord's troops during their stay in their planet throughout the Ganordrran campaign."

"Oh, yes," Trigon muttered. "But there will be no need for repairs if there is nothing to be repaired. Have the fleet raze the place immediately."

"The Word of Trigon is Law."

"No! No! Please!" the lilac-skinned woman pleaded, throwing herself to hug Trigon's feet.

"She is comely," Trigon said. "And will soon be the last of her kind. That makes her more appealing. Have her taken to my chambers now."

"No! You monster!"

"Ah, royals always have such quaint spirit. Let us see if she survives to earn a place in the Halls of Pleasure."

In a corner, Raven sat motionless, her eyes downcast, all spark gone from them. The language spoken in Trigon's Throneworld and Empire was unknown to her, but she did to understand the words to understand the nature of what had transpired. Her empathic powers had told her enough.

It was all for Earth, she repeated silently for the hundredth time.


Reality reshaped itself, cohering around them into a stable world again; Trigon's world.

They stumbled, disoriented among the strange environs surrounding them, floor-to-ceiling blood-red draperies and dark marble-like walls coalescing into a ornate, enormous chamber. Shrill female cries echoed around ominously and then stopped.

"Quick, hide!" Arella whispered, gathering her robe around her nakedness. "Damn! I should have known!"

"Shit, didn't we make it there?" Garfield muttered. "Where are we?"

A sudden growl rose from somewhere in the darkened, cavernous room.

"What the fuck is that?"

"Garfield, shut up!"


"Uh? Who's that?" Gar asked, shaking his head, still trying to adjust to returning to human mind-state after a dangerously immersive stay in animal form.

"Gar! You idiot!" Cyborg ran to pull the dazed Changeling towards the relative safety of a service entrance behind the tapestries. But it was too late.

"YOU AGAIN? HERE?" Trigon's voice boomed.

Garfield stared as Trigon rose from the room's vast centerpiece bed, several dozen feet away, to stride towards him, nude.

"Oh, fuck."

"Shit! Will you look at the size of that!" Gar said.

The blast of unnamed energies struck the floor where they had stood fractions of a second before Victor tackled Garfield out of the way.

Cyborg scrambled to his feet, rearranging his right arm into the configuration of his sonic blaster, yet knowing he had no chance.

Trigon grimaced, and flinched several times, as the air around him blurred. Loud booming noises followed each other in rapid succession as something moving at high speeds struck Trigon's mighty frame with hundreds of blows of great kinetic energy.

"West, you fool," Victor muttered, knowing that Kid Flash was the one with the best chance to have escaped the place taking Arella and Robin with him.

"GNATS!" Trigon snarled, before a blinding burst of furious energies exploded from his whole body, sending Kid Flash to collapse against a wall.

Victor fired his blaster, but the outcome was never in doubt.

Seconds later, Trigon stood over the Titans, fallen before him for a second time. He wondered how they could have followed him. Surely Raven could not have broken her word. Had the sheep of Azar finally found some backbone? He shrugged. The Earthlings remained harmless, and could become useful.

He glanced at his bed, where the Queen of the Xernarc had joined her extinct species, in quite disappointing suddenness. He had expected defiance and hate to make her more interesting, but her world's death had broken her too easily. Everyone in this universe always broke too easily, now. He could not wait to start anew, on Earth, from where a whole new, larger universe would open to him.

He smiled, looking again at the frail weaklings at his feet, while he called with a gesture for his servants. It was time to call for the Earthling females. It was time to taste an advance of the pleasures Earth held.


"FUCK! FUCK! How the hell could you take us THERE! You handed us to him, damn it!"

Arella held her face in her hands. "I... didn't know, I swear! But... I should've known! The spell linked me-us to Him, to that... place. Oh, Azar help me, I should've known!"

Robin stared at Arella. Obviously she had never gotten over Trigon. Could she have sought to return to him, consciously or not? He shook his head. Whatever her reason, he had again led the Titans to defeat, maybe to death. He was now the only Titan not in Trigon's power, but he had no actual powers, and was stranded in another world, another universe, inside the enemy's stronghold, along with that enemy's former lover.

"Let's keep moving. I think Trigon did not see us, but we can't chance it. We need to find somewhere safe where I can think."


"Yeah, that's all I can do now, really. So I should get started."


"They are coming," Ph'Tee said.

Starfire nodded. "Are you sure about-?"

Ph'Tee shook her head, looking down. "I have nowhere else to go, now."

Others looked down as well, or drifted away.

Starfire pursed her mouth. She had seen such defeat of the spirit before. Even if all of this world were not under Trigon's thumb, these women would not dare to escape, to risk a new life.

Donna frowned at the exchange and wondered what Kory had kept from translating.

The Keeper and the guard detachment entered the wide Antechamber. The heavily-armed guards would not let their eyes stray towards the barely dressed females in the adjoining rooms, as no one sane would dare to even gaze upon Trigon's property. But they had to see the Earth women waiting to be taken, dressed in almost nothing. Many swallowed with difficulty.

Starfire and Wonder Girl exchanged fast glances before letting the guards lead them out of the place.

Ph'Tee stared as they left, and then returned to her usual empty distractions, determined to forget the foreigners and their absurd plans, trying to forget that she had also once held the folly of hope.


"Find out if more Earthlings came or plan to come," Trigon told his Master Interrogator. "Begin now."

The gnarled man prepared his instruments of torture with the pleased satisfaction of an expert following his vocation. He selected the metal-encased youth for first subject.

Trigon sat back, using his left hand to pet the large, thick-bodied canine-like creature chained at his side. He may let his pet have the remains of the Earthlings once the interrogation was over. If anything remained.

Trigon did not have real interest in the information; whatever the pathetic Earthlings tried would be futile anyway. But their torture may be a stimulating prelude to his enjoyment of the Earth women.

"My Great Lord Trigon?"

Trigon turned with a frown towards the newly arrived servant. "What is it?"

"Ah, My Lord Trigon, there's a small problem."


Robin heard the alarms, and they barely hid in time from a group of heavily-armed guards racing down the corridor. Something had to be happening. The guys may be getting away, he hoped; or the girls.

He turned to Arella. "Can you contact Raven?"


"You mean you could not control two mere women?"

"My Lord, they had energy-manipulation powers and vast unnatural strength!" the Guard Commander complained. "We've already lost dozens-!"

Trigon gestured, and the giant canine-like creature pounced on the shocked man.

"Incompetence is not to be tolerated."


Wonder Girl used her bracelets to block a barrage of projectile fire, before tearing a big chunk of thick masonry from the nearby wall, sending it to shatter before the attackers at the far end of the corridor. Behind her, the screech of Starfire's blasts rose as she held off the attack from the other direction. Donna knew that Kory would not doubt at killing her opponents, and thus preferred not to see her fight.

She struck at the remaining section of wall with her foot, and the thick masonry crumbled, opening the way to an adjoining chamber, but enemy fire erupted from that direction as well. Donna cursed, ducking back, also cursing again the embarrassing wisps of clothing she had been made to wear, which needed every other second to be re-accommodated .

"Kory, we must clear this way-!"


Wonder Girl could not help but shudder at the sound of Trigon's deep voice. The enemy fire had stopped, and she peeked over the barrier of rubble she had created to shield them from that direction of the wide corridor.

Trigon stood in the corridor. Dangling from the tall creature's hand, with ripped wires and leaking ducts trailing from where his legs used to be, was Cyborg.

"Your little entertainment is over," Trigon said.


"It's no use." Arella grimaced, shaking her head. "I can't reach her."

Robin tensed in worry. "Is she-?"

"No! I think she's alive. I can feel her. But for some reason I just can't reach her, like she was deaf to my calls."


"I'll die first."

"We must just gain time, wait for an opportunity. He must have a weakness."

"And if he doesn't?"

"He has Victor, perhaps others, but we don't know if everyone else was caught. Maybe-"

"I'll attack him," Donna whispering. "You get away. Free Cyborg and anyone else."

"You won't last enough. A warrior must know when the fight is futile."

"I must try."

"He'll kill you."

"Better than the alternative. I just could never... Eventually he'll kill us all, anyway."

"We'll get away," Starfire said, surprised at the hints of growing panic in her friend's voice, unlike her usual composure under even the direst danger. But Earthlings had the strangest hang-ups about all that involved sex. "Just play along with me."

"Surely you couldn't-"

"I was a slave once, Donna. Believe me, I won't be one again. Ever. But whatever's necessary to survive must be done."

"But if that means-?"

"Shh! Just let me handle it."