Tell Me How Pt. 04

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The beginning of the end for Ali.
12.6k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/23/2024
Created 02/17/2024
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The following dark story has themes of non-consent sex, humiliation, abuse and other dark themes. If such content offends you, please do not read. This is an erotic FICTION story not meant as any sort of gender, political or societal protest. This is purely for entertainment and never meant to happen in reality. If you have issues with such kinks, please do not read.

"It perfectly logical," Ali says out loud as she looks at her computer screen, only her tone doesn't show any real confidence in this statement. Her brown eyes look over what she just wrote, where she reads, then re-reads what is there. To make perfectly sure it is what she wants, Ali then reads and re-reads all of it yet again. That's how important this is to her.

Biting her lip, Ali starts to fidget with her hands, which is something she does only when she gets overly anxious or nervous. She then looks around her room as if expecting someone to magically appear to see what she's doing. That's what worries her most about this entire thing, that someone important to her will find out what she's done or what she plans to do. Thankfully it's still early, around nine in the morning and both of her parents have gone on some weekend romantic getaway.

To her credit, Ali has been able to keep this part of herself hidden, just like she's kept all that's happened to her hidden...for the most part. No one, not her parents, her teachers, not even her friends know about what she has done or what has happened to her these past few days. Or to put more accurately, what she got herself into. For all that has happened has been her fault, plain and clear. Something that Ali not just knows but understands.

If those that are close to Ali knew what had happened, Ali doesn't know how they would respond. In her opinion, she doubts most would even believe her. It is so far removed from what she associates with that it seems impossible she would have gotten involved.

If she hadn't experienced all of it herself, Ali probably would believe such acts happening would be an impossibility. Nowhere, not in any of the books she read, movies she has watched nor series she's binged has had anything close to what she has gone through. It serves to make her feel more like the outcast that she has always felt like.

Ali knows the trouble she is in. The trouble she has got herself into. But it's not because she picked up some crazy stalker, or owes someone a great deal of money. To her, what she's got herself into is far worse. It's worse because a stalker or such issues can be easily solved, in her opinion. You call the cops, or buy a gun, or pay back what you owe. Easy.

What makes her situation seem so dire is that despite being so young at eighteen years old, Ali is considered extremely intelligent by everyone she knows. She is expected to get her Master's in just a few years, and that'll be with a 4.0 GPA. More than one professor has stated that they fully expect her to change the world. No one that has met her in her normal life would ever believe she's created a prison for herself that she doesn't know how to get out of.

Ali's prison isn't made of steel or even bone. It's made of emotions and secret thoughts that feel much stronger than the densest steel. There's a darkness inside Ali that has grown stronger and stronger since the fateful beginning, which was only four days ago. It may seem like it has been years, but it's only been four days.

That's the best way she can describe it too, a darkness inside of her. It's pitch black and devours all that gets close, making it impossible to avoid or ignore. Everything she attempts to do to satisfy it only makes it stronger and bigger, scaring her to the point she thinks it'll consume her mind, body and soul. That the darkness will overtake everything, changing her into something that no one will recognize, not even her.

Ali understands that she doesn't have the best social skills. A lot of what people do is just strange to her, as it doesn't make sense. Like "small talk." Ali doesn't get the point of small talk as it makes sense to just say what is needed to be said instead of pretending to care about topics that are unimportant. Why should she ask about a classmate's weekend when she just wants to know the status of their portion of a project? Why pretend to want to know about a potential sex partner when you can be blunt and ask the required questions to make sure you are compatible?

It's this lack of social skills that Ali believes has unleashed the darkness within her. She fully believes that if she had "normal" social skills, none of this would have happened. It's this lack of social skills that led her to finding her friend Vanessa's rapist and asking to experience the same exact treatment. If she had good social skills she would know such acts have no place in civilized society/culture. Or at the very least she could have tried to find a suitable replacement, but she didn't. She went into the deep end and jumped off, leaving her very much like a junkie that needs a fix.

With a deep breath Ali moves the cursor over the "Submit" button. She doesn't click, but she wants to. Instead she stares at the screen, knowing just how far this could take her. That she is inching to the edge of the universe so to speak, where there may be a chance she doesn't return. Ali is smart enough to know that she barely returned the last time she tried to cure herself.

Ali believed the events at the dive bar would cure her, but they didn't. She believed what she experienced was so overwhelming and intense that it would short circuit the dark emotions inside of her. Like pouring into a glass when it's already full, Ali's emotions would be filled and content, leaving no more room for any more of the darkness, allowing her to go back to the way she was. But the bar only made things worse.

The only reason why she is still alive and not still trapped on the side of the bar is because of the "Huge Man." He found her on that stump on the side of the bar still tied up, even after several hours after it started. Saying very little, the Huge Man untied her completely and told her to get home. He made no comment about her being naked or tied up, nor about what had been done to her. He didn't even ask if she was ok, just told her to go home. And that's what Ali did, though she was in a state of shock.

It was after she got home she began wondering who the Huge Man was. She wondered if he was saving her because he was a decent human being, or if it was because he understood saving her would drive her mad as a part of her wishes to still be stuck there.

Ever the logical mind, Ali has a theory about why the events of the bar didn't cure her. It was because she wasn't in charge. As crazy as it sounds to want to be in charge of your own rape, she knows this is the reason. The first experience Ali had with the darkness, which was with Vanessa's rapist, she guided and directed her attacker. Step by step she told him what to do to her because she wanted to experience the exact same as Vanessa. Even though he went off script a few times, ultimately she was telling him what to do.

By directly him, it allowed Ali to remain in control, therefore fulfilling all that she wanted. It gave her exactly what she needed, which was to be out of control while remaining in control. That is why Ali believes the bar didn't cure her. She was completely out of control the entire time, not once being able to direct her rapists to what she wanted.

This theory is what Ali clings to like a drowning person clings to a lifesaver. Knowing how desperate she is, Ali does wonder if this theory is a true theory, or if it is some way to comfort herself. For the darkness has reached a point where she can't even concentrate on anything else. For the first time ever in her life, she's skipped her college classes and hasn't studied. Instead she's here, at home, researching the dark web and trying to make plans to fix herself by getting rid of the darkness.

It makes Ali terrified to know how much this is taking over her life, which makes her want to do damn near anything to get rid of these feelings. The darkness has reached a point where she has living dreams of what's happened to her in the middle of the day, where she discovers her hands moving places they shouldn't. Only this has happened in public settings and not in the privacy of her house or room.

This is why Ali has written a message to the man that started all of this. The man who raped Vanessa, whose name is Pete. Without him, none of this would have happened. He was the catalyst. By doing what he did, he set Ali on this course. So it is fitting that he would be the only one that could end it.

Ali has written a message that she plans to send Pete via his account on the "Dumb Whores" site. This is the site where he posts the videos of what he does to his rape victims, including Vanessa and Ali. Dumb Whores is a dark web site that Ali goes to multiple times a day to the point she is concerned that the FBI may investigate her. The sort of site that would probably make normal people vomit at what they see.

The message Ali has written is straight to the point, just like all Ali communication. She's stated exactly what she wants and demands that he help, making it clear that his risk matrix is low because she could have had him arrested long ago if she wanted.

Ali points out that it could be viewed that he owes her, as the sales of her rape in forms of clips/videos have been selling very well according to the site's metrics. These are videos she sees no profits from, nor has requested any, even if they have reached six figures. Ali leaves out her feeling that she wouldn't want compensation, even if offered, as she enjoys the thrill of wondering if people that pass her on the street have seen those videos and know what he did to her.

Ali's finger doesn't want to click the mouse button. She knows if she hits submit, her life could really change. That this is truly dangerous. It's not fake dangerous where she might end up embarrassed or humiliated by a video that gets released, but true danger. The type of risk where there's a strong chance you never make it home. The type of danger where you lose everything you worked so hard for.

"NO!" Ali shrieks as the message sends on its own. All the text in the box goes away and a new menu pops up that says "Sent!" Ali's eyes stare at the screen, having no clue there was some sort of auto-send. Yet there's a part of her that wonders if it was really an auto-send, or if she clicked and doesn't want to admit it.

With her heart pounding hard, Ali stares at the screen as it forwards her back to her profile page. The page her rapist set up so his followers and fans can post their own pictures and videos of her. Where they can share their own private thoughts of desires they wish to do to her. Where you can see thumbnails of all of her videos, where a naked picture of her stands as her profile pic. A picture that doesn't even look like the person that stands in front of the computer right now.

"I...I....need to go," Ali says aloud as she stands up. Only now does she realize that she was never really going to send that message. It was some sort of bluff. Her intentions, rather known or not known, was that she would write it, and never send it as she knew it was a horrible idea. A dangerous idea. A stupid idea.

Trembling, Ali walks to her dresser as she tries to push out the idea that she sent the message on purpose. She opens the top drawer, intending on getting changed into real clothes. Ali is currently still in her pajamas, which is very much not like her. Ali rarely stays in her pajamas past six in the morning. But that is what the darkness has done. It's corrupted her. It's changing her into another person.

Looking into the top drawer, Ali sees that it is completely empty. This hits her like a punch to the gut as she had forgotten about her panties. Forgotten that a man that broke in during the middle of the night two nights ago, raped her and stolen all of her bras and panties, leaving her with nothing.

Staring into the empty drawer, Ali recalls that strange night as the man snuck in through her bedroom window that doesn't lock. Her hand finds its way between her legs as she remembers waking up, tied to her own bed. Remembering how the man took pictures before he fucked her while her parents were asleep in just the other room.

"No!" Ali declares, trying to push these thoughts away while removing her hand from her clit. She shakes her head, as if this will help push these sexy feelings out of her mind.

Ali's mind flutters with tons of thoughts where she is unable to focus on a single one, leading her to walk towards the door of her bedroom. She is about to go to the bathroom and comb her hair which is part of her normal routine, but stops before exiting her room. Instead of going to the bathroom, Ali moves to her closet to pick out clothes for today. But her anxious mind doesn't allow this either and she finds herself back at her computer where she considers going to some therapy website to get help.

For more than fifteen minutes, Ali moves about her room, unable to commit to any one action. Instead she paces about, her mind a jumbled mess that can't seem to focus while the darkness comps away at her insides. The darkness builds and builds, making her want nothing more than to pleasure herself.

In the end Ali lays back on her bed. She does this not to take a nap or go to sleep, but to do breathing exercises that are supposed to calm her. With her eyes focused on the ceiling, and her hands behind her head, she begins these exercises.

As she barely got any sleep last night, or for the past few nights for that matter, Ali finds herself falling asleep without meaning to. Where some part of her knows that a good, strong nap will help her more than any medication could. That her conflicted brain and emotions need a rest to be able to reset.

Ali's eyes pop open sometime later when her room is brightly lit. She can tell several hours have passed since this morning, as the outside light coming in looks to be about two in the afternoon. It makes her heart skip a beat as she didn't mean to fall asleep at all.

With all of the same conflicting feelings returning, Ali knows that she didn't wake up on her own. Something woke her up. Some sort of noise.

Turning she looks for her cell, but then remembers she no longer has one. Pete, the man that raped her destroyed it. This lets her know that the noise didn't come from it, but from something else.

With a feeling of dread, Ali turns to look at her computer screen. She groans as the Dumb Whores site is still on the screen, loading and refreshing every few minutes.

With a new red dot next to "Notifications," Ali knows she received a message. Sure, it could be one of the random rapists/perverts on the site, sending her some crude and intelligible message about how he plans to rape her, but Ali doubts it. Somehow she knows it is from HIM.

"Hello Fat Tits," a gruff man's voice says, making Ali scream a brief scream as she thought she was alone in her bedroom. Ali jerks towards the voice as she sits up in her bed, lifting her sheets up to cover her entire body as if they will transform into a magic forcefield.

There, sitting in the corner of her bedroom, is HIM. The one that started all of this. It's Pete the rapist. He's pulled her chair out from her desk and moved it into the corner where he sits calmly, facing her. His body is relaxed and calm, looking like this is his house and that he didn't break in. It freaks Ali even more as she wonders just how long he's been there. The simple fact that he was here while she was sleeping means he could have done anything to her.

Ali's stomach drops continuously as she stares at him, knowing nothing will come from this but trouble. Her fear, anxiety and terror amp up, making her normally calm and logical demeanor start to tremble and shake. It changes her from the logical being she enjoys being, into something of a scared blob.

But at the same time, between her legs becomes very excited at the sight of the older man. Her womanhood reproduces all of the same emotions from the first time she saw him. His strong older man demeanor, as he's a man of at least sixty, combined with the intensity of his eyes makes Ali feel that same fear from the day he raped her. The sort of fear when you are completely helpless while being free to fight back or run away. The sort of fear that she is helpless against.

"When you didn't respond immediately, I figured something might be wrong. So... I decided to pay you a visit," the old man, who is named Pete, says, the faintest smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Other than that he looks as serious as ever. A man that doesn't mess around and doesn't suffer fools. A man that is here for a purpose.

"We both know how meticulous you are, and you would not keep me waiting," Pete continues, only Ali knows this isn't a compliment, even if the words put on paper would make it look like one.

Ali continues to hold the sheet up as if it protects her body, but isn't aware that she's doing it. For one of the few times in her life, she isn't able to think, only feel. Emotions swirl inside of her, deep, dark emotions, causing her to feel like she's drowning in some sort of dark, joyful lake. It's why she is unable to say anything to him, not even a "Get out."

Pete leans forward some, as if he means to get to business. When he does, Ali finally regains the ability to think, only with each question that pops into her head, she finds she has the answer. Such as how he knew where she lived. That's because he made her say on camera right before he raped her. Same thing as how he knew to get in, as she confessed that her window was broken and anyone could open it.

"I must confess, with all of my victims, I have never encountered anyone like you," Pete confesses, his tone very honest.

"And I do not mean because of your body type. Granted, my normal tastes are different from the thick frame, huge tits you offer, but those black tits are magical. What I mean are by far, the most messed up girl I have ever met," Pete confesses. Ali's first response, which she doesn't say, is she wants to say how she is more adult than most of the people she knows. Probably more so than him at his later age and definitely smarter.

"Well, Fat Tits, we have a long and eventful day ahead of us, so how about we get started?" Pete says, leaning back in the chair, looking like he is ready to start a long journey.

"S-Started?" Ali finally stammers, getting just a single word out of her troubled mind. She looks at her rapist with a confused expression, truly not understanding what he means. Despite the message she sent, her mind feels blank and confused, not able to process what they should be starting.

"Yes, you dumb bitch, let's get started. What you begged and pleaded for in that pathetic message you sent," the older man answers, motioning vaguely towards her computer. To this he looks a bit annoyed, as if Ali is playing games.

Ali opens her mouth to speak as the message comes back to her, where she wants to say that this isn't what she meant. To her, the plan was to meet at some secluded location in the dead of night where he would have everything needed, set up. That their meeting would be in the future where she could have checklists of everything required so they could make sure all aspects are covered. Especially since there would be more than one man this time.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this, nor at this time with the sun shining so brightly. It was supposed to occur when it's dark and late, where the atmosphere is perfect for letting dark things roam. It wasn't supposed to happen.