Teresa's Christmas Miracle Ch. 02


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Weller looked angry at that. Teresa did not care as she continued: "And second, after the previous incident involving my aunt and my husband's grandmother in the same aircraft flying over the same area, the FAA and the NTSB crucified the pilot of that flight, forcing him to have to completely re-qualify to get his pilot's license back. You raked that poor guy over the coals. I felt like he was treated very unfairly if not outright wrongly, and I'm sure as hell not going to let you do that to me, at least not without one hell of a fight."

Gary Weller said "I don't want to get into the weeds of that case when we're just starting our investigation of this one. But I will say this: that pilot was very leniently dealt with. Some in the NTSB, including me, wanted to impose a lifetime ban on him ever piloting or operating any aircraft again. much less ever letting him hold a pilot's license again."

Agnes T. Spires said "Then maybe I should advise my client to not speak to you at all. Like my client, I do not trust your motives, Mr. Weller. At all."

Weller said "If she doesn't cooperate, her pilot's license will be immediately suspended."

"And we will see you in Federal Court." Agnes T. Spires fired back. "She's done nothing wrong. The plane landed safely, at the airport to which it was intending to go, and two critically ill children were delivered to University Hospital for badly needed lifesaving treatment. And that brings up a question now: Why are you even here, investigating this?"

Darryl Green said "Hold on, everyone. Please. Look, this is going off in the wrong direction from the get-go. Yes, the plane did arrive safely. But it did disappear from every radar in the nation... including NORAD's. And it reappeared as mysteriously as it disappeared, hours later, a long way from where it disappeared."

Green: "Additionally, this is the second of two very similar incidents, both involving the same aircraft, and that alone is proper grounds for investigating this incident. This is not a witch hunt, Commander Croyle, and I'd appreciate your help in determining just what happened."

Weller said "I agree that we need a reset, here. We also need to examine the Black Box data, get more complete electronic data, and get statements from people at the origin and destination airports. So why don't we take this back up tomorrow."

"It won't be tomorrow." Teresa said. "I've got the Christmas Concert--- er, the First Amendment Rally tomorrow night, and I'll be working on it from the moment I leave here until until cleanup in the wee hours of tomorrow night. So either we do this now, or we wait until after Christmas."

Weller: "If that religious event is so crucial, why did you go off on that flight like that, instead of staying here and working on the event?"

Jack Muscone got his hackles up at that. He stood up and said "What part of (air quotes) 'life flight' do you not understand, dumbass? That was a time-critical operation, and she flew it at night. Your investigation... not so critical."

Then he added: "And I'm beginning to wonder about your professionalism and impartiality, Agent Weller. Maybe the NTSB should send someone else here to replace you and take it over, hmmm? And I can certainly make that happen."

Darryl Green intervened again. He said to Jack, "Sir, I'm not sure what's going on here, but I would ask you to hold off on that for the time being. Let's take this back up on Monday morning, if that is convenient to all parties?"

Gary Weller said "And what about her pilot's license? We should suspend it until the investigation is completed."

"On what grounds?" Agnes T. Spires thundered. "Based upon what probable cause, and due process of what law?"

"That's a good question." said Muscone. "And if you do attempt to suspend her license without cause and before the investigation is completed, Weller, I'll kick your ass to the kerb. Your career in the Federal Government will be ovah!"

Before Weller could speak, Darryl Green said placatingly "No, your license is not suspended, Commander. But the BOW plane is grounded... again. Would you prefer us come to Police Headquarters on Monday morning, or will you come to the Federal Building?"

"Police Headquarters will be fine." Teresa said. "Or here at the Airport. But not the Federal Building---"


It was Muscone's FBI iPhone. He read the text, then said "Commander Troy and Sheriff Griswold would like to speak to us Federal Agents when you're done here. They have some important information for you..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Teresa and Agnes T. Spires had left the conference room when Sheriff Griswold, my mother Phyllis, and I went in and sat down across from the Federal Agents.

"I've put this data into our evidence servers." I said. As I handed Agent Green a jump drive, I said "This a copy of the data for you." I started up the video on my laptop, and turned it around for them to see.

"Ho-leee Toledo!" Darryl Green exclaimed as we watched. The first video was from a camera outside, which was focused on the terminal door. It showed the back of the nurse as she walked to the door, opened it, and went inside. Next was footage from a camera on the corner of the building, by the gate where the ambulances had walked through, showed along the wall of the terminal building to the door, and showed the nurse walking up to the door, opening it, and walking through it. The angles did not show much of her face.

Then footage from inside the terminal was shown, from two cameras that were focused on that doorway. That was followed by footage showing other parts of the terminal (all of it was covered by the array of cameras set up in there).

I used an app on my laptop to run multiple videos at the same time, with the timestamps aligned. And at the exact timestamps the outside cameras showed the nurse walking in... the indoor cameras showed nothing, no one at all. Not through the glass of the door, not anyone going inside, not even the door opening!

"Where'd she go? What happened to her?" Agent Weller asked, his voice harsh.

Agent Green was more stunned and less angry when he said "This is like... Schrödinger's Cat. She's there but she's not there at the same time."

Jack Muscone was equally stunned. "What, do I need to call in Dana Fox and his FBI Paranormal Files Team?" (Author's note: 'Falsely Accused', Ch. 06.)

"That's all we need... even more Federal Agents in my County." I said acerbically. That did not go over with Green and Weller, especially Weller, and the ugly look on his face showed it. I handed Green a jump drive of the composite videos I'd made, and he looked much less irritated with me. Weller, not so much.

"So who is this woman?" Weller said. "What's her name? We need to get that from Croyle right away."

In a voice she usually used to reprimand me when I was young, my mother Phyllis said "I can tell you who she is, Mr. Weller. And I can tell you that she is the same person I told Agent Green that I saw when a very similar thing happened to me and Teresa's aunt several months ago." (Author's note: 'Who Watches The Watchers', Ch. 02.)

"Didn't you say you dreamed that, Mrs. Troy?" Darryl Green queried.

"At that time, I thought I did." said Phyllis. "But I was wide awake this morning when that girl looked right at me and winked at me, and I recognized her as the same girl."

"And how do you explain this, Mrs. Troy?" asked Weller skeptically... very skeptically.

"I don't." said my mother. "I am simply truthfully reporting to you what happened, and what I observed."

"One thing's for damn sure." said Jack Muscone. "This thing is going to get a lot stranger before it gets cleared up at all." I nodded vigorously in agreement...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10:00am, Wednesday, December 22d. Todd was staying at the Airport and working with the NTSB people and maintenance people on the aircraft, which had been towed to the area where the hangers were. Before I left he told me that the fuel tanks were dry, bone dry; not even the residual amount that should be left in the tank was present. How Teresa made it here to a safe landing was nothing short of a miracle, he said.

I drove my mother Phyllis, Clarissa, and Carole home to The Cabin. Clarissa was in the shotgun seat, and did not hide her curiosity in looking over all the neat gadgets in my well-equipped Police SUV. My mother and my daughter were in the back seat.

My mother said "I feel like we just witnessed a true miracle. I just hope Teresa won't get into trouble, like the pilot of our flight did."

"It's just amazing how closely Teresa's experience is to what you and I experienced, Phyllis." said Clarissa. "Such a coincidence."

"Are you sure it was a coincidence?" I asked. Then, sensing that Carole had something to say about that, I tossed her a softball, saying "What do we think of coincidences, Carole?"

"You can alll-ways have one, but you can nev-errrr have two." the Future Iron Crowbar most very correctly replied. "And this one isn't a coincidence, either, Daddy."

"Why do you say that, Child?" Clarissa said, her face a mixture of amusement and disdain.

Carole said "Uncle Har-vee Eck-hart says there are no mistakes in the Universe. But he's wrong. The Universe made a mistake with your flight. They thought Aunt Clarissa was Aunt Trreesa. They got it right the second time, when it really was Trreesa."

That struck the women into dumbfounded silence. Me, I couldn't hide a little grin. The Greatness is on the way, I thought to myself...

Part 10 - Confession


After a few minutes of discussion with Agnes T. Spires, Teresa was given a ride to Police Headquarters by Cindy. And Cindy did not need the Power of the Vibe to detect Teresa's utter exhaustion.

"Why don't I take you home." the Green Crowbar suggested. "You need to get a few hours of sleep."

"No, take me to Headquarters." the Iron Wolf replied. "I need to talk to Father Romano."

"Confession is good for the soul." Cindy said. "But you did very well. Better than well." She did not receive a reply. Teresa was looking out the window, lost in contemplation. Cindy could sense the anguish in her BFF, but could not understand why...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny Me thrice."

--- Jesus Christ to St. Peter, the Gospel according to St. Matthew 26:34 (KJV)

Catholic Chaplain (Captain) Alberto Romano was sitting in his cubicle in the Chaplain's office. Also in the room, in his own cubicle, was Protestant Chaplain (Captain) Calvin. Not even they could evade that bane of all Police Officers: year-end paperwork.

Teresa went into the room. She greeted Chaplain Calvin, then said "Father, are you busy? I need your Spiritual services, if you have a moment."

"Always." said Father Romano. He began collecting the things he'd need, then said "Let's go into the Pastor's Room."

The Pastor's Room was the next room down the hallway, between the Chaplain's Office and Interrogation Rooms A-C. They went inside, and Chaplain Romano hung up the sign on the door that said 'In Use - Do Not Disturb'.

There was a screen, like those found in hospitals, that could be rolled out as a wall between them, but they chose instead to just take two of the wooden chairs that had no armrests, and place them back-to-back in the middle of the room. As they sat down Teresa turned on the anti-bugging device the Iron Crowbar had given her on a previous Christmas.

"Father forgive me, for I have sinned." Teresa started. "It's been ten days since my last confession."

"Daughter of God, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, open your heart and mind to His infinite mercy, and confess your sins."

Teresa said "Father, I flew my husband's company's aircraft on a Life Flight mission. As we were returning, the aircraft lost radio contact and all guidance systems. I prayed and said a Hail Mary, and a star appeared, letting me navigate by it when the autopilot went out. And then the star was enveloped by dark clouds. And I was overcome by fear." She began shaking, her soul full of remorse, her voice trembling.

"It is perfectly normal to feel fear when one is in danger." said Father Romano. "But you came through it, did you not?"

"That's just it, Father." Teresa said. Hr voice broke and she began sobbing. "I didn't just feel the fear, I let it overcome me." Then she wailed "I gave up! I lost faith! I let go of my faith in God! I did not trust Him to guide me!" She broke down crying.

"Ahhh." said Father Romano compassionately. "But God did not lose His faith in you. And He did guide you home. Remember, my child, Peter denied Jesus three times, even after Jesus told Peter he would do so. And even with that, Jesus built His Church... our Church... upon the Rock of Peter. Tell me, child, how did you overcome your fear and regain control?"

Teresa said "I thought of Commander Troy. I knew he would not let fear overcome him, and I told myself to get my sh... er, act together. And I felt better. And then the hole in the clouds opened up, and I dove into it. I... I guess God didn't abandon me, abandon us on that plane, after all. But still, Father, my Faith wavered. It was not trust in God that helped me. It was the thought of the Iron Crowbar, and his fearlessness and greatness that pulled me through that dark fear."

Father Romano said "The Lord works through His instruments here upon this earth. The Iron Crowbar has been the Lord's instrument for the saving of many good lives, even if he himself refuses to believe." Then he said "As penance, I want you to do two things. First, after this Confession, say a prayer in your own words, asking God's forgiveness and mercy for your doubts, and ask Him to strengthen your Faith. And as part of that prayer, give your thanks to God for bringing you safely home with your precious cargo... and for bringing the Iron Crowbar into your life to help guide you on your path."

Father Romano: "And the second thing I want you to do, is to tell me everything that happened on that flight. Everything, no matter how strange, no matter how unexplainable..."

Part 11 - Ducks In A Row

10:30am, Wednesday, December 22nd. After dropping off the ladies at The Cabin, I drove to Police Headquarters. The dark clouds of earlier that morning had disappeared, replaced by sunshine washing over the Town. A strange euphoria filled my soul.

I went inside Headquarters and went to my office. I greeted my assistant Helena French and Tanya's assistant Dora Nunn. I saw Cindy talking with Tanya in Tanya's office. When she saw me, Cindy broke off her discussion with Tanya and followed me into my office. A full pot of fresh coffee awaited me, for which I was extremely grateful.

"Pour me some, too." Cindy said as she came in. I did so, and handed her her mug, then took my filled Airborne School mug to my desk and sat down in my comfortable 'Command Chair' behind it. The lumbar support felt very, very good to my back.

Cindy sat down in the near-side hot chair. "Teresa went to see Father Romano. I think they're in Confession in the Pastor's Room."

"Withhold my surprise." I said. "How is Teresa doing? What's her state of mind?"

"She's exhausted after flying all night, and in harrowing conditions." Cindy said. "She didn't say anything about it to me, though. I think she's worried about the way those Federal Agents were treating her, and what they're going to say and do when she has to be interviewed by them next Monday."

I said "Yeah, I need to make some phone calls, to make sure they don't try to fuck her over, nor do something stupid like suspend her pilot's license."

Cindy said "She'll need that help." Seeing my glance at her, she said "Look, Don, I remember Clarissa and your mom's flight, and all the unexplained things they said happened. And now Teresa just had the same thing happen to her. It's an unbelievable story, and the Feds might take it just that way,,. and say she's lying to them. Especially the stuff about that nurse being Amy."

I said "You're right. We'll burn those bridges when we cross them. In the meantime, you've reminded me of something I need to do. I need to talk to our sketch artist, and right away, before she goes on Christmas vacation..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I went to the office of the TCPD Police Photographer and Sketch Artist, which was near the opposite corner of the building of my own office, near the Booking area but on the inside of the wall separating those areas.

"Hi Connie." I said to the attractive Asian woman as I came in. "Do you have an app that can age a person, show what they look like when they're older, or younger."

"Yes sir." Connie said. "We use it mostly to make images of people that disappeared years before."

"Good." I said. I took out my Police iPhone and sent a photo to her computer. "I would like for you to age this teenage girl to what she would look like in her early 20s, maybe 22 or 23 years old..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As I walked back to my office, Teresa came out of her office suite and fell in beside me. We walked into my office, and I poured cups of coffee for both of us. Teresa literally sighed as she sipped hers.

"How are you doing?" I asked. Teresa knew what I fully meant.

"Much better now, after Confession and talking with Father Romano." Teresa said. "Any word on how the kids are doing?"

"Not yet." I said. "And I haven't really had a chance to find out. If you want to go check on that at the Hospital while you check on the Concert preparations, you're excused to do so."

"Thanks, I will." Teresa said. After a moment of thought, she said "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." I replied.

Teresa said "I know how you feel about lie detector tests. But what if they demand I take one? I have the right to refuse, but then they can use that as their excuse to suspend my pilot's license. And it was obvious earlier that that's what Weller wants to do."

"I-yi-yiiii." I said. I thought about it for a moment, then said "If it were me, I would never take one. But I can't advise you to make that same decision. I think you and Agnes Spires need to discuss it thoroughly, and determine the rewards versus the risks. But whatever you do, make damn sure she or other legal representation is with you, so they can cut off any questioning if the Federal Agents try to go off-message and ask about other, unrelated things."

"Okay, thanks." Teresa said, her voice beginning to show her tiredness. As she stood up, she said "If you'll excuse me, sir..."

"Just two things." I said. "First, be prepared for the possibility that the Federal Agents will come back earlier than Monday, in an ambush attempt. Let Agnes Spires know I said that, as well. And second... you cannot drive anywhere until you've had at least four hours of sleep, and in one contiguous block of time. I'll ask Cindy to drive you to the Hospital..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

2:00pm, Wednesday, December 22nd. Todd Burke and FBI Special Agent In Charge Jack Muscone were admitted into my office. Upon my invitation, Jack sat in the near-side hot chair, and Todd in the far-side hot chair where his wife usually sat. It was one of those days: they accepted cups of freshly made coffee.

Muscone said: "The NTSB people working on this case either worked on the previous BOW Two-Niner incident or worked on the train explosion incident." (Author's note: 'Scavenger Hunt', Ch. 04) "They know me from either of those events, and they've been very cooperative with me, and are sharing everything they are finding."