Terry Ch. 03: A Girl and her Mother 01


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"I think they look lovely and a real turn on... Er what are you doing?"

"Its time to sleep and I need to wear a bra to protect them for now."

"Oh, nice to have seen you two tonight, night night for now."

Sleep came easy that night, I drifted off with a smile on my face a hard lump between my legs, a pretty face snuggled on my shoulder and some lovely thoughts running through my head.

Waking at 7am to the smell of coffee and bacon was definitely a habit I liked. I had a pee, shave and shower then followed my nose to the kitchen to find Gissy fully dressed and made up, standing at the stove.

"Morning lover" without turning to me when I padded round the corner "Sleep well?"

I put my arms round her for a hug "Oh yes... how about you?"

"Like a baby in your arms"

I raised my hands to the level of her breasts "May I, now I know the score?"

"Well if you can find them but be gentle"... "Very gentle"

Still behind Gissy I placed my hands on her breasts and tenderly hugged them.

"Mmm that's nice but no more than that" as she turned her head to me for our morning kiss.

"Ah that's better, at last a proper hug. Anyway what do you mean, 'if I can find them?' they're lovely and in proportion. You always look right regardless of what you wear."

"You just keep telling me that, one day I may just start believing you."

"I can't wait to play with them."

"Sorry lover, but you're gonna hafta wait. You ok to go on the bus today?"

"Of course. What you up to today?"

"Meeting up with some friends. Are you coming home tonight?"

Wow, that casual question hit me like a thunderbolt "Home?"

It did not affect Gissy in the same way "Yes home... here?"

Suddenly I'm being asked if I'm coming here, to 'home' "Er I hadn't given it any thought." I hesitated. "Tell you what, only if I can bring fish & chips with me."

"Deal... give me a call before you go in the chippy. I'll get plates hot and wine cold."

Ring ring bip bip bip bip bip "Hi."

Gissy answered: "Hi lover." That gave me tingles down my spine.

"Just at the chippy. They reckon ten minutes before the fish is ready so hopefully see you in fifteen minutes."

"See you then, can't wait, remember no touching."

I went back to the chippy queue in a bit of a daze thinking about last night and all the revelations, the 'no touching' comment rolled round and round my head...

"One pound forty then please... laddy that's One pound forty please."

"Sorry miles away" handed over two pounds.

"Somewhere nice I hope."

"ER mm yes."

"Girlfriend? And sixty change."

"Erm yes I suppose so, thanks."

"Cheer up it might not happen."

"I think it might have already happened, and I think I want it to."

"Say, have you got a sister?" I snapped out of my dream world.

"No why."

"There's a girl comes in here sometimes, looks just like you, same eyes too."

"Looking like me? Poor girl!"

"Wish you luck with your girlfriend."

"Cheers, thanks for that" I put the bundle of newspaper inside my coat and headed ... My thoughts changed from breasts to... to home. Ah how nice that thought. I walked realising the word home meant so much... I walked home to Gissy, when I got to the street door I pushed the buzzer, click "Hi it's me."

"Come on up" click buzzzzzzzzzzz

Top step round the corner "Bloody hell," I nearly fell over backwards.

"Well that's a fine greeting."

"I didn't expect you to be waiting for me stark naked outside the door."

"Only for my lover."

I went in for a hug and kiss; Gissy stepped backwards towards the door "Ah ah promised" with a finger waving.

Both inside the flat now "But that is..."

"When these babies are out, I'm in control."

We kissed with our usual vigour which upped my condition from getting ready, to being ready for action. By the time the kiss finished we were in the kitchen, I got the food from my coat and nipped to the bathroom, peed, washed for dinner, returned to the kitchen and corked the bottle of Blue Nun.

Gissy had finished putting the food on hot plates "Where do you want this? Not the bedroom, that's all clean."

Now I had spent the much of my twenty-two years with my food on my lap (and if I was really lucky it was on a tray or at least a plate in the early days) and sitting at a proper table was still a bit of a novelty especially with someone nice. "Dining room please."

"Yes if you like" Gissy took two plates of food. I took glasses and wine then went back for cutlery and condiments.

I had a big grin on my face "So what's with the" gesturing to the lovely naked body opposite me... "Attire."

"Why don't you like?" with a scowl.

"No, of course I like but it's a lovely surprise."

"These babies" pointing to nipples with knife and fork "need some air to help them heal and there is a film on soon that I want to watch, so I have decided I will sit and watch it," raising her voice an octave, "like this."

"I guess no touching."

"No touching."

"So shall I do some college work then to avoid temptation?"

Nose in the air "Up to you."

I spent the rest of the meal admiring Gissy's body. We chatted idly and played footsie under the clear glass table. For the first time I realised her pubes were not quite as jet black as the hair on her head.

I started stacking plates "Go and get comfy for the film. I'll sort the plates."

"No I'll do this, go have a shower then join me for the film."

"Ok, I never argue with a lady."

I took my bag and other bits to the study and sat on the sofa bed to check I had everything for the next lot of homework, I came across a sketch of Alison I had done in the park and for a moment thought about the guy's comments in the chippy.

"I can't hear the shower going."

"Just a minute."

"That feels better" walking across the lounge towards Gissy, fresh from the shower and still naked."

"Is this for me?" reaching up to hold my willy.

"It seems to be for you. I don't get the impression it's mine to play with any more" ruffling her hair "Budge up a bit."

"There seems to be a problem with that bottle of Blue Nun."

"And the problem seems to be?" picking up the bottle and holding it to the light of the TV to see what's left. "oh I see."

"There must be a hole in it and it's all leaked out."

"All leaked out right into your tummy?"

I corked another bottle and dumped the cork in the bin with the empty, then took what seems to have become my usual position in the corner of the sofa with Gissy lounging on me. For the next two hours we watched the romantic adventure film and finished the bottle.

At one point I had to move and Gissy turned to kiss, as she did one of the rings got trapped between us and she yelped. "When that happens I do wonder if it's worth it but the other girls reckon it's not like this for too long and well worth the wait." We kissed then settled back to the film to its end.

"Coffee?" as I extracted myself from the sofa and Gissy.

"Ooh tea please" bottle in bin, glasses washed to drain.


I ran to the bedroom thinking something serious had happened "What's up?"

I followed the line of the finger to... to.. "What?" I looked again "What?"



"Under the stool... but don't hurt it."

I lifted the stool and the spider ran, I caught it and threw it out of the window.

Gissy was standing with her fists clenched at shoulder level with her forearms squeezing her breasts together, I went to her for a comforting hug.

"Go and wash your hands again."

I did and returned with the tea in 'arsenic & opium' mugs, placing them on the side table. Gissy hadn't moved "I wish I had a camera here, that looks so sexy." I went to her and hugged the best I could being very careful not to touch her nipples.

She relaxed in my arms "Thanks, you didn't hurt it did you?"

"No of course not, just put it outside for next doors cat to catch" BIG smile.

"Good... bed... me on top like last night."

I laid on my back and Gissy knelt beside me. She started on a blow job then my nipples and came up for a kiss, as always her kiss was amazing. I was playing with her pussy with a couple of fingers inside and my palm on her clit. I could feel her getting wet and she had a little orgasm. With my hands on her hips, I lifted and positioned her over my willy. She used a hand to guide me into her pussy and I lowered her down. During this move we were still locked in the kiss so her breasts were hanging and the rings were tickling my chest.

"Careful" I said, she broke the kiss looked down and sat up impaling herself fully on me. She repeated the humping and grinding moves from the previous night and I soon came in her and stayed firm enough that she could continue her movements and took another couple of orgasms.

I was getting hard again and wanted to play with her breasts. I raised my hands, she looked at me but before she could speak "I promise" and ran my hands up her body under her breasts and gently squeezed/rubbed her breasts between thumbs and forefingers taking great care to stay well away from her nipples. "Just say no." She didn't. "I can't believe how firm they are. Alison's are really soft in comparison."

We spent three hours making love that night. I was not allowed to move off my back so Gissy could be in full control and at 2am we both went to the toilet then Gissy put on a white bra and adopted what had become our position of laying her head on my shoulder for sleep.

Waking at 7am to the smell of coffee and bacon felt like a habit I could easily get used to. I had a pee and a wash then followed my nose to the kitchen to find Gissy fully dressed and made up, standing at the stove.

OOPs no... force of habit and copy & paste there. No scrub that last paragraph dear reader

"Morning lover" as I woke at 10am with Gissy firmly planted on my morning wood, "Sleep well?"

"MMMM yeah, what a way to wake up. Been awake long?"

"Just long enough to make coffee."

"And put a bra on."

"I did that last night."

"Yes but last night you put a white one on, this is pink."

"Who's a clever boy then with a pinch of my cheek" I flinched "Oh I'm sorry" as she bent down to lavish kisses."

"Put those kisses here" moving her to my mouth "I'll pass the message on."... "Actually I must go to the bathroom."

"I was hoping you'd say that, for a pee?" I nodded "Take me with you please."

Again I don't know how but from laying flat on my back in the middle of a 7ft square bed with Gissy impaled on my hard willy, I managed to get up, carry her to the bathroom, not the ensuite but the family room which is bigger, but is out of the door, along the passage and round a corner and in the door, and sit on the toilet without once uncoupling us. I started humping but this time was so desperate to pee that my erection dwindled enough and I started slowly peeing into Gissy, the flow gradually got faster and that look was again on her face. She was grinding hard on me to the point she was hurting me. By the time I finished peeing Gissy had two big orgasms and my erection returned.

"Stand up" I asked.

"Oh I want to shag."

"So do I but not sitting here"

"Stand up with you hands on the edge of the bath, I want to take you from the rear."

We did, I came hard, Gissy didn't. The door buzzer went: "Hello."

"Recorded delivery."

"Ah, can you come up to the first floor please?"


Click buzzzzzzz.

The mood was broken. The package was signed for and breakfast cooking started. This time Gissy was dressed in my T shirt which being an XL fitted her like a marquee on a stick, no make up and her hair was sticky and all over the place. I guess I looked the same too and dressed in only pants.

We finished eating. I pushed my chair back to make my lap clear of the table and patted it. Gissy walked round the table and sat on my lap with her legs to one side, one arm over each of my shoulders and my arms round her waist. "I think I have a problem."

"What's that?"

"Oh that's my willy."

A slap on my shoulder "Not that, what's your problem?"

"I love you."

"Don't be daft. Don't you know the difference between love and lust?"

"Yes, I think I do and I think this is love."

"Wait till Alison gets home. Your thoughts will return to a nice trim young body again."

A slight shifting as my rising erection was getting uncomfortable, "Your body is just as trim as Alison's, your face is just as pretty too. In the nine days we have been seeing each other, I have developed greater feelings for you than I have with Alison in six months."

"Don't be silly. I'm old enough to be your mother, in fact grandmother but as much as I like the flattery we have to face facts. We'll talk about this later. Right now we both have places to go this morning or what's left of it."

"I'll clean up here and the bathroom. You go get ready and put on something that shows your gorgeous figure properly."

"I'm only going to the shops."

"And there's plenty of guys nearer your age that need a thrill."

"What are you saying?"

"No that came out very wrong forget it"

Breakfast cleared, bathroom cleaned, showered, shaved and dressed and leaning against Gissy's bedroom door frame. "I do love you." I walked over to her sitting at the dressing table, put my hands on her shoulders, bent down and kissed the top of her black hair. "I do love you." another squeeze of her shoulders, "What I said earlier, came out all wrong. You should be proud of your body and not hide inside baggy clothing."

"Do you really mean that?"

Another squeeze of her shoulders confirmed yes.

"Right, I need to go. I'm already running late. Are you ok on the bus today?"

"No sweat. You're heading the wrong way today."

"What time will you be home?"

"Ah er I think I might spend the night at mine, I have lots of thinking to do."

"Oh that's a surprise. Erm ok, let me know if that changes. See you later."

We shared a lovely kiss and I nearly changed my mind about staying away tonight.


Watch out for chapter two.

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Harvey_32Harvey_32over 8 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the comments.

Hi guys.

All the questions raised in PM's are answered in chapter 2 which has been submitted for a second time, hopefully it will be here soon.

Thanks for the responses I have received so far, it makes my effort worthwhile.

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