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Mike only had the ability to suck her nipple while they were in one specific position but when Officer O'Neill started to really move they weren't able to maintain it. Mike relaxed himself down to the floor and felt Nikki bring her hand to his chest.

"You can cum now if you want to." the cop said.

Mike almost laughed at the very idea that she could tell him when to cum. And then ... "Ah!" he called out. "What are you doing?"

"You like that?" she asked.

Mike couldn't answer because somehow the opening ring of her pussy was grabbing the base of his cock while the button of her cervix was pressing into the tip of his head and at the same time Officer O'Neill had reached behind herself to gently bring her fingertips to his ball sack. Mike's body locked into place as he started to cum. His vision blurred and eventually he wasn't even able to keep his eyes open. He had to just perceive the presence of Nikki and Officer O'Neill from physical contact. His orgasm continued and then he wasn't even able to sense that anymore.

He wasn't sure if he lost consciousness or not but when he did start to see and hear again it was like he was waking up from the grave. He saw Officer O'Neill helping Nikki up and Mike had a mind to ask for help himself. He flipped himself over and he was on his hands and knees. Then he crawled to the sofa and used that to help him get to his feet. Once he was standing Nikki came and hugged him while Officer O'Neill patted him on the shoulder.

"Alright you two. Consider this your official warning. Get fresh in private and that doesn't mean the office of this store."

"Yes, ma'am." Nikki said with her very clearly sounding very happy.

"And you Mike?"

"Yes, ma'am." Mike said.

"Now, don't go telling everyone else about this warning, you hear. Nikki, you have to understand that Mike can get in trouble for this sort of thing and you don't want that, do you?"

"No, ma'am."

"Good. You cause trouble for him and I'll cause trouble for you. He has enough to work out with that Susan girl, so don't pressure him until it's the right time for it."

"I understand. I would never hurt him."

"Say, Nikki. Um, can I ask for a favor now?"

"Of course."

"Can I buy some things on credit? I really need them and I can't pay for them yet."

"Oh, Micheal, you didn't pay back the other thing on time."

"But I did pay it eventually."

"I got in trouble."

"I'm sorry."

"Can you pay on time this time?"

"I'll try."

"I don't know."

"I'll make sure he pays on time." Officer O'Neill said. "Does that change things?"

"Oh, well then, yeah. Ok. What do you need?"

"Any chance you got bed frames?"

Business couldn't really be conducted while they were all there naked so they got dressed and Mike talked with Nikki about getting a proper bed for his two guests. He couldn't get bed frames but he could get two mattresses with the correct proportions to fit in the frames in the dorms along with bedding. Some students who brought their own mattresses from home liked to have a barrier between the frame and their personal item so Mike could get two of those and use them to keep the mattresses from having to be in direct contact with the floor. Then Mike went through the shop and got all the stuff he thought girls might need. The total came to quite a bit of money and Nikki got out the form that Mike needed to sign but then Officer O'Neill just put down her credit card and told Nikki to ring it up with that.

"Oh, but don't worry, Mr Freedman. You're going to pay me back."

"I bet I am."

Everything was finalized and then Nikki hugged Mike while he was exiting with Officer O'Neill.

Once outside Mike thought he was just going to say goodbye to the officer since he needed to be home when the stuff got delivered. However the cop told him to get into her car but at least he was in the passenger side instead of the back.

Officer O'Neill drove him over to where his bike was but before she let Mike out she had a few words for him.

"Boy, when are you going to stop being stupid?"

"Uh, I hope soon. It's sort of difficult when I don't know I'm being stupid."

"I'm going to give you a little heads up here. Your little girlfriend who thinks she's getting back together with you any second now is going to realize that if she really liked you she wouldn't have cheated on you in the first place. She's trying to keep you because she's selfish so you can expect that to blow up on you again. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Likewise, your teacher is going to come to her senses and realize she shouldn't be fucking one of her students. And when both of those things happen, where does that leave you?"

"I guess with Nikki."

"Micheal, she had sex with you and another woman at the same time. That is a huge red flag that it's not going to be a long term relationship. She just doesn't know it yet. You have to be smarter than that. You have to be aware and see how the future is going to work itself out. You don't have as many chances as everyone else. It's a lot more dangerous for you to be doing these things. Cut it out. You have more important things to worry about. You're in college and you have a good opportunity. The only college I ever got was four years as an MP. You have two young women who showed up here looking for their family and they found ... you. Why are you wasting time with naughty Nikki's knickers?"

"Say that three times fast."

"Go home, boy."

Mike was about to move but then curiosity compelled him to ask. "Officer O'Neill, why are you helping me?"

"Why wouldn't I help you? I'm a cop."

"I haven't really had good experiences when cops say they want to help me."

"Just cause I'm a woman and I'm a cop you think it means I don't like sex?"

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to pry but it really seems like it's more than that."

Officer O'Neill frowned and then looked up at the ceiling of the cop car. "I lost my virginity in the back seat of a car with a boy who swore he loved me. Then the next Monday he was back with his girlfriend and I got labeled a slut. I deserved better than that and so did you. I've been watching you since you got here. You're a good guy. You follow the rules. I was so proud of you. That girl had no right to take advantage of you like that. I had half a mind to find a reason to haul her in."

"Please don't do that."

"When that boy did that to me I didn't have a dad who would get angry. I didn't have an older brother who would vow to go beat him up. I didn't have a mom to hold me when I cried myself to sleep every night. No one defended me. Instead the group home staff forced me to take birth control and said if I refused they would put me out."

"You were in the system?"

"You just assumed I was normal like everyone else, didn't you?"

"I'm sorry."

"I know things are different for you boys. I know that. If you need a sexual outlet I am giving you one. All I ask is that you fly straight. Don't let one of these girls who don't really care about you get her hooks into you and make you mess up. You want to make love in a bed? Ok. You want kinky fucking in one of the cells? We can do that too."

"So, you'll be, like, my girlfriend, then?"

"Mike, I'm almost ten years older than you. No, I'm not your girlfriend. I'm the one you fuck until you find the one you want to be with. And if any of these girls hurts you I will be pissed and I will go after them. And when I'm done with them I will hold you and care for you because you ... you ... you're not alone."

Officer O'Neill was choking up there at the end and Mike himself was getting emotional. He embraced her and she held him. At the moment, they both just needed someone to hug.


Mike was keeping his bike under the speed limit since before parting Officer O'Neill mentioned that there was a sensor in his bike that let her see how fast he was going so she knew he had been speeding the day before. Before arriving all the way at home he stopped to look at the sparkle of the water bouncing off the lake as the house sat next to it.

"I'm not alone." he said to himself. He smiled. "I'm not alone."

While he was there like that a truck passed him on the road. Once Mike reached the house he found the truck stopped there with the manager from the commissary opening up the back. Mike parked his bike and then while taking off his helmet went up to the truck.

"Good, you're home. I'll grab that box but you have to get the mattresses yourself."

"No problem. Let me just get the door open."

It was a relatively quick process and then Mike was standing there with his two 'relatives' waving goodbye to the old woman.

"Ok. So you two can sleep in the same room or each get a different room. I don't care."

"All this stuff is for us?" Carmen asked.

"Well, you're not going to see me using it."

"You went shopping without us to buy stuff for us." Michelle commented.

"Yeah, that's weird." Carmen said.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. If I let you two use my shampoo and all that then we'll be out before we know it. And you two are going to pay me back for all this."

"I thought you wanted us to leave." Michelle said.

"Well now you get to stay until you at least pay me back."

"Aren't you worried that maybe you bought all of this and then we'll run off."

"If you're trying to pick a fight, I'm not in the mood for it today. Oh, and just a heads up, I ordered two bicycles for you guys so you can get to town more easily."

"It could be nice if you had a car, though." Carmen said.

"What good would it do us? None of us have a license for a car."

"I have a license, not that I'd need it for what I'd want to do in a car." Carmen teased.

"You do?" Michelle asked.

"Sure, since I was 16."

"And people say privilege doesn't exist." Michelle remarked.

"Anyway ... I got work to do and homework to do and housework to do so ..."

"But Michael, you said we needed to have a family meeting." Carmen said while trying to look cute.

"First you both need to pick a room, put your mattress in it and make your bed."

"You're bed's not made." she countered.

"You went upstairs?" he questioned.

"You weren't supposed to tell him." Michelle said.

"I was curious. I only looked for just a second."

"Just a second my ass." Michelle said.

"Stay out of my room." Mike said and then just walked off to end the conversation.

"Sorry." the two girls said in unison.

Everything got set up and the girls were sort of having such a good time helping each other get settled that they forgot about dinner and so Mike cooked for everyone. While they were eating conversation came back around to the family meeting. Instead of agreeing to things by consensus it basically just got reduced down to Mike pontificating.

"No one is going to catch us if we fall. We have to do our best on our own. So, in addition to working I want you two to start auditing the remedial classes at the college. You'll make friends and it will help you when you guys get enrolled."

"I don't know if that will work." Carmen said.

"Why not?" Mike asked.

"Do they take transfer students? I'm already a sophomore at my other school."

"That's amazing." Michelle said.

"I guess we'll have to get working on that." Mike concluded.

"Actually, now that I think about it; no, officially transferring might be a bad idea. I should probably just enroll as a freshman again. It would be for the best."

"If you think so. Actually, that would be good because then we would all be in a lot of the same classes and we could help each other with homework."

"You want me to go to school too?" Michelle asked.

"Uh, ... yeah."

"That might be sort of a problem."

"Why's that?" Mike said annoyed because he could tell when someone was just trying to get out of doing something.

"Well, see, I only got a GED. I didn't graduate."

"Oh. That's all. The school is open admissions so they're legally required to take you so long as you have an address here, which you do now. So if we get everything done now by next semester you guys should be enrolled."

"How are we going to pay for it?" Michelle asked.

"I'll find out what all the fees cost and see if I can pull some strings to get them paid. In the meantime, do your best at your work and try to get along with the people around here. When it comes to explaining to everyone about why you're here and why you're living with me, let's just stick to the line that you're ambiguously related to me. It's not such a stretch then for you guys to show up here and want to be close to a relative coming out of the system. Going to college here also adds a lot of weight to it and gives you even more reason to be here so hopefully we'll never have to explain about why specifically this house."

Everyone agreed and Carmen even went so far as to ask them to call her Freedman instead of her adoptive family name. Mike thought that was a bad idea because it seemed to disrespect her adoptive family but Carmen insisted on it and said that her adoptive parents would be ok with it. That seemed strange to Mike but it was her life and her name so it was ok. She wanted to get a new ID using her original birth certificate and her original name and she'd just tell people that Carmen was a middle name.

"That way I don't have to tell anyone that I was adopted." she said. Mike didn't know why that would even come up but it was her name and her life.

After dinner Mike went to his computer to get homework done and if he had time get some paid online work done as well. He wanted to keep himself busy because the girls were going to take a bath and to save water they were going to both take a bath together. Before getting into the bath Carmen came to him by the computer in only her underwear. If Mike didn't know any better he would think that she was trying to flash her body to him. She was trying to make chit chat while she leaned her butt against his desk.

"You better hurry up and get in the bath before it gets cold." he told her. "If you don't take a bath now you'll have to wait."

"I can take a bath with you instead."

Mike looked over at her and her skin was calling out to his eyes for him to touch her. He snapped his gaze away. "I said go."

Carmen bounced off of his desk and then said "oh, what's this?" She bent over with her ass right next to Mike's face. It was right there for Mike to look if he wanted to.

'She thinks she's related to me.' he reminded himself in his mind.

"Oh, I guess it was nothing." she said as she turned back to him. She then surprised him with a hug around his head where she was pressing her breasts to the side of his face. "Did I tell you yet how much I want to thank you for letting me stay here?"

"Several times. I mean it about the hot water. I'm still saving up to replace the ..."

"Oh" she interrupted. "I just wanted to let you know that since we're living together and we might be family and all and then again even if we're not since I'll be here I know that we might have to bump into each other but even if that happens and we get peeks at each other I won't be upset. I know how it is in close quarters with people."

"Carmen. Bath. NOW. Let me work."

She kissed him again on the cheek and then left him alone. Mike distracted himself reading a news article about two companies suing each other over microwaving plastic. While he was reading he felt pressure start to build in his abdomen. It was slight at first so he hardly noticed it and automatically decided to ignore it without even thinking about the decision consciously.

Grumble. Pinch.

Mike's eyes went wide. Oh, no.

Cramp. PAIN.

The thing that was funny about this house was that the toilet wasn't in the bathroom. It instead was set up in it's own little closet size room by itself for some reason. Mike had used to think that perhaps it was the layout of the house or space constraints caused by being close to the lake that cause the original building planners to do it that way but then he realized that the original building built so long ago didn't have a toilet so it literally was a closet that had just been converted.

Mike got up and headed for the toilet but just as he was about to get there he saw Carmen naked and dripping wet going in and from the look on her face it seemed she might be having the same issue. Mike told himself that he was going to patiently wait but then the bloating dramatically increased and he started to doubt that he was going to be able to hold it. While Mike was starting to debate with himself about what to do Michelle, also wet and naked, came up to him by the bathroom door and started to bang on it. Her need for the toilet overpowered modesty and she just didn't care that Mike could see everything.

"Hey, can you hurry up?"

"Sorry." came the voice of Carmen who sounded like she was struggling.

So then it appeared that Mike was no longer second in line, he was third and his body was telling him that it was not going to wait that long. He bolted for the front door.

"Hey, wait." Michelle said.

Mike took off past his bike and got some distance from the house. In the tall grass between the road and the lake Mike just got completely out of his pants since he didn't want them to get dirty from what he imagined he was going to have to do. He left his pants, underwear, shoes, and socks in the grass at one spot and walked a few more steps away to get distance. Even with all the other crazy things that had happened to him in his life he had never had to squat to take a dump before. Then, to make things worse, right on his heels naked Michelle was there with him. There was no time for argument or to be shy about each other's bodies. Mike and Michelle were facing each other, both hands gripping the other's, together they squatted down and ...

Mike opened his eyes as his nostrils were assaulted.

"We must never speak of this." he said.

"We gotta never let you cook again." she replied.

Michelle seemed really worried about what to do since they didn't have anything besides grass to wipe with. Mike just told her he knew what to do so she followed him back to the house. She stood naked by the side of the house away from the road and Mike sprayed her with the water hose he had never yet used for anything. Michelle shrieked from the feel of the cold water. Mike took off his shirt and then sprayed himself and so he and Michelle were both out there naked.

"Well, I guess we ripped that band aid off real good."

"What do you mean?" he asked her.

"This is me naked." she said as part of her attempt to bring levity to the moment. "You didn't have to go to such extremes to get a look at my body. Geez, man."

"What are you talking about?"

"You want to see me naked, I'll strip whenever you want just so long as I never have to do this again. I'm cooking from now on. You are banned from the kitchen."

"Har, har."

Once inside they found Carmen peeking out of the toilet closet door. "Is is safe to come out?"

"Sure, we're both already naked so you can join the party." Michelle said.

"Party? Ugh. I feel like ..."

"ANYWAY!" Michelle interrupted. "I'm freezing so hot shower time for me."

"You're going to have to share it with me. I'm not dying of hypothermia." Mike said.

Carmen cautiously came out and hid part of her body with her hands as she went with them and then all three of them were in the bathroom trying to shower at the same time. There was a very somber mood in the shower at first as soap was passed around and everyone was trying to not touch each other but then Carmen was the one to go out on a limb and use the soap to begin to soap up Mike's back. Then she reached around to his front and she had her arms around him while pressing her body into him as she soaped up his front.
