That Makes Two of Us!


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Milly laughed. "You walk me the length of a nude beach and then say that? Give me a break!"

"Nude beach?" said Betty, and Milly flushed, about to apologise, but realised that Betty Clark looked interested rather than anything else.

"Dover Point, Mom," said Candy. "We all went. Good fun!"

"Your Dad and I have talked about it, but weren't sure how you would feel. Were there many old wrinklies like us?" Betty said, laughing.

"You and Dad?" said Candy, obviously surprised, but pleased, too, Milly could tell.

"Why not us?" said Joe, his tone mild.

"No reason at all that I can think of, Mr Clark," said Milly. "There were quite a few of your age on the beach, and you know what? They all looked happy to be there."

"Definitely," said Candy. "Dad, you don't have to work again until next week, do you?"

"No, hon, I don't."

"Harry and I want to go back to the beach, 'cos we enjoyed it. Come with us? Milly and Charlie have plans of their own tomorrow, but there's nothing to stop you. That is, if you want to?"

Joe and Betty looked at each other, and Joe shrugged. "Up to you, hon. I don't particularly care who sees my old hide."

Betty bit her lip, then nodded. "Okay, Candy, we'll give it a go."

"You know Kirsty Anderson? She was a year ahead of me at high school? Well, she took her Mom last year. They both go regularly, now."

"Helen Anderson goes?"

"Sure does, Mom. We never saw her, but Kirsty was there."

Betty nodded decisively. "If Helen can do it, so can I. Okay, Candy, your dad and I will come with you and Harry tomorrow. I'll hide behind you, because all the guys will be looking at you. Harry, why are you shaking your head?"

"Mrs Clark, forgive me for saying so, but you are a very attractive woman, and it's no surprise where Candy gets her looks from. Agree, Charlie?"

"Definitely. Like Candy said, Milly and I have plans for the morning, and possibly early afternoon, but if you leave it until after lunch, we'll join you there. Would that suit you, Milly?"

Milly was doing rapid calculations. Get away shortly after nine, say a two hour round trip to Charlie's cabin, a nice leisurely fuck or two, say two hours. Total, say, four and a half hours. "Around two, I think we could be there," she said, winking at Charlie.

"Okay," said Candy. "Dover Point at two. Okay, Mom? Dad?"

"Okay, hon," said Betty. "In case we chicken out early, you and Harry go in your car, and your Dad and I will go in ours."

"If you like it, do we sign up for the club?" said Candy.

"We'll see," said Betty.

"If you do, can we skinny-dip at home, too?"

Betty laughed. "You do already, don't you?"

"Only Milly and me, Mom. We weren't sure about how you'd feel if Harry and Charlie joined in," said Candy, rather avoiding telling the full truth, Milly noticed. But it was true that it had been just her and Candy. And occasionally Trudi Jansen, but they'd seen less of Trudi after she'd started dating Alan Wilson at Christmas.

"I'll think about it," said Betty. "Now, is everyone finished?"

Thinking about the evening as she prepared for bed, Milly reflected that she'd had a great day overall. Charlie was turning out to be quite a guy, she decided. A self-confessed geek who didn't seem to be at all. I'll ask him about that, she thought. She sighed. Candy had even taken her dildo back. she'd apologised, but with Harry having gone home, she'd needed it, she said. Still got my fingers, Milly thought, closing her eyes and imagining Charlie with an erection.

Charlie picked her up shortly after nine next morning. In the car, he turned to Milly. "My cabin?"

Milly nodded. "Definitely." She paused, but Charlie interrupted, a flush on his face.

"I got some rubbers."

Milly grinned. "Good."

"Actually, Sue gave them to me. She said she could see a strong attraction between us and told me never to put you at risk, then she shoved the pack in my hands and said, 'but enjoy yourselves'."

"Observant lady, your sister."

"Yeah. Too much so, at times. This time, A-Okay."

"Let's go, if we're going to be back at the beach for two."

"Milly, I'm sorry, I never thought."

"I know. Typical male." She grinned. "It's okay, I'd like to see what Candy's parents are like, anyway! If we go now, we should have plenty of time. We can work up an appetite, ready to get something from Sue when we hit the beach."

Charlie started the car, and they were away. "Fast thinker! I knew I liked you for more than your glorious body."

"I bet you say that to all the nude girls."

"Yeah. I do. Sum total, one."

Unlike the previous day, they chatted idly as Charlie drove to his cabin, talking of everything and nothing, except what was on both of their minds. It was nearing ten when Charlie pulled up beside the cabin.

"This time," said Milly. "I get to see the inside."

The cabin was small, only two rooms. A kitchen took up most of one end, with a table and two chairs, and a couch, a pump for the water. The bedroom at the other had an old brass bed, covered with a bright patchwork quilt.

"No john?" said Milly.

Charlie made a face. "Outhouse, out the back door."

"I'll save myself for the moment," said Milly, with a grin. She moved into Charlie's arms, stretching up to kiss him. "Say, mister. You got me here. What we gonna do?"

"What would you like to do?" said Charlie.

"Fuck," said Milly, then stopped, suddenly realising the enormity of what she had just said. Eyes wide, she looked up at Charlie. It took him three attempts to clear his throat.

"Are you sure?" he said, his voice unsteady.

Suddenly, she was. "Absolutely."

Charlie looked away for a moment, swallowing, then his eyes came back to hers. "I've never, I mean this is my, um." His voice trailed off.

"First time?" said Milly. Mute, Charlie nodded. "And only my second. so, okay, we take it slow and easy. Couch or bed? My vote is the bed, there's more room to play."


"Okay, bed it is." In the bedroom, Milly turned to Charlie, then gave him a quick kiss. "Undress me, Charlie."

She'd dressed carefully. Outwardly, a sleeveless tank top and shorts, but under the outer clothes she was wearing a half-cup bra that seemed to be made of black cobwebs, with thong panties to match, and she wanted to see Charlie's reaction. She sneaked a glance down. Looked like Charlie's reaction had started!

He reached out to the hem of her tank top, and gingerly began to raise it, so Milly lifted her arms and let him lift it off. He stood with it in his hand for a moment, staring at her, then tossed it aside onto the bed. He lifted a timid hand to her bra.

"Front-fastening, sweetheart," she murmured, and waited until he worked out how the catch fastened, feeling her nipples get even harder as Charlie uncovered her.

"Gorgeous," he said, "simply gorgeous," and buried his face between her breasts, breathing deeply, before pulling back, smiling at her. "May I touch?" he said.

"Please," she whispered, shuddering as his warm hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs rubbing lightly over her nipples. She could feel herself getting wetter. Charlie broke the contact, and she felt his hands at her waistband, loosening the catch, sliding her zipper down, then tugging gently so that her shorts dropped to her ankles. He went to his knees before her, his fingers on her waistband, and looked up.

She nodded. "Take them off." She felt his fingers slide the wisp of panties down, feeling the air on her mons, closing her eyes to savor the moment, jumping, startled, as she felt his breath on her and, a moment later, the touch of his lips. She moaned deep in her throat, feeling his mouth leave her. Her eyes opened and she looked at him.

She smiled. "My turn now. Stand straight." She took the hem of his t-shirt in her fingers and lifted it, pressing forward as it came off over his head so that her nipples brushed his chest. He shuddered. Her fingers went to his waistband and unbuttoned him. Then she began to slide the zipper down, but his own fingers had to help her get past the bulge of his prick. I want to see that, she thought, 'cos it sure feels good. As Charlie's shorts hit the ground, she took hold of the waistband of his boxers and began to move it down. This time, she didn't need his help, and her breath caught in her throat for a moment as she saw his erection for the first time, hot and hard, a tangle of dark curls at its root. Oh, yes! I want that in me!

Charlie stepped out of his shorts and boxers and took Milly's hand, moving her towards the bed. She looked down for a moment and burst into laughter. Startled, Charlie looked down, then grinned. "Oops," he said, lifting her, laying her on the bed and pulling her sneakers off, discarding his own, pulling off his socks, and then laying beside her on the bed. She reached for him and their lips came together in a kiss, hot, demanding, a promise from each of them.

Eventually, they broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes for a long moment. Milly smiled.

"I want you," she said.

"I want you right back."

"Charlie, are you excited?"

He gave her a wry look, and indicated his prick, hot, hard, a trace of moisture at its tip. "Can't you guess?"

Milly giggled. "You're excited. Me, too, I'm soaking. If you put it into me now, how soon would you come?"

Charlie made a wry face. "Very quickly, I think."

"That's what I thought. Don't get me wrong, I want it in me, and soon, but I want it to last." She looked away for a moment, and there was color in her cheeks when she turned back. "Can I suck you off? Then you'll last longer when we fuck."

Charlie stared at her, then groaned. "God, yes!"

"I've never done it before, so tell me if I do anything wrong," she said, and bent over him. Her mouth made an 'O' and her head went down, her lips covering him. He hissed in a breath as her mouth travelled down the hot, hard length of him. She stopped before he hit the back of her throat, not trusting herself not to gag, and came back up, her lips pursed, her mouth wet, letting the head of his prick slip from her mouth with an audible 'pop'. She smiled up at him, pushing her hair out of the way. "Okay so far?"

"You have no idea," he said, his voice thick with desire.

"I'm doing it right?"

"Hell, yes!"

Milly grinned and her mouth closed over him again. 'Just fuck him with your mouth', Candy had told her when she'd had a slightly embarrassed and hurried word with her friend. 'And watch out for your teeth!' She could manage that, she figured, and began a gentle rise and fall on Charlie's prick. Hot, it filled her mouth and she had a brief moment of panic when she thought he was coming, but it was just a deep groan from Charlie and she carried on, but not for long, because she felt his fingers in her hair, and heard another groan.

"I'm close, baby, very close," he muttered, his voice hoarse. "You're gonna make me come!"

Swallow, or don't swallow, she wondered, with a wild corner of her mind. Candy swallowed, she knew that, but she'd had more experience. Before she could formulate a decision, Charlie groaned again, she felt a pulse deep down and her mouth was suddenly full of a pulsing prick, jetting freely into her throat. She swallowed without thinking, trying to clear her throat, almost frantic as Charlie came, but slowing now, the jet becoming a trickle, then a pulse, and then nothing. She licked around the head of his prick and it twitched, with an accompanying gasp from Charlie. With a final lick, and then a kiss, she lifted her head, and sat back on her heels.

Charlie's eyes were closed, there was sweat on his face, and his breathing was heavy, but as his eyes opened, a beatific smile spread across his face. "Wow," he said.

Milly giggled. "Wow?"

Charlie nodded. "Definitely. Wow. You never did that before?"

Milly shook her head. "You're my first."

"Absolutely incredible, Milly. Absolutely fucking incredible."

"You liked it?"

"I loved it. I've never been sucked off before, blown, or whatever it's called, but after that, I'd say you were a natural."He grinned up at her. "Come here."

She lay herself along him, hips touching, one leg between his, her hand on his chest. She stretched up and kissed his nose. "Any left where that came from?" she said.

"Soon," said Charlie. "I just need to recover a little first."

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere."

"Good. I like you here just fine."

"Me too."

There was a long, comfortable pause, then Charlie stirred. "Milly?"


"How can one guy get so lucky?"

Milly lifted her head and smiled at him. "I was thinking the same, 'cept the other way around."

"Milly, you said you'd been fucked once before?"

"Once, yes."


"Very, but don't worry, sweetheart, the prick I want inside me is attached to you." She blew him a kiss. "If it's not too good first time, well, we practice until it's very good. Okay?"

"Very okay." Another long pause. "Milly?"


"Ever been eaten?"

She lifted her head and looked at him, excited suddenly. She shook her head. "Never. Why, are you offering?"

Charlie laughed. "Yes, I guess. I've never done it before."

"And I had never given a boy a blow-job before. Maybe we can go for three firsts in one morning."


"Blow-job, pussy-eating, and fucking."

"I love the sound of that," said Charlie, rich contentment in his voice. "Ease off, hon, lie back and spread those lovely legs. Snack time for Charlie!"

With a laugh, Milly did just that, easing herself up the bed so that the pillows supported her, spreading her legs so that Charlie could kneel between them. He paused looking down at her, and she flushed as she caught his eye, fighting the urge to bring her knees together to hide herself.

Charlie smiled at her. "Beautiful," he said, and then his mouth was on her, his tongue stroking up the full length of her cleft. She groaned as the sensations raced through her, her very being seeming concentrated in the sensations Charlie was inducing in her pussy.

"Okay, hon?" he said, lifting his head for a moment, Milly's juices bright on his chin.

"Yes! Keep doing that!"

Milly was already excited, Charlie was enthusiastic, if unskilled, but he knew enough to pay attention to Milly's clit, and she could feel the excitement building in her. She groaned, loving the feel of his mouth and tongue on her, her fingers in his hair. She had a sudden, frantic vision of Candy eating her and felt a surge, her climax building in her, her fingers tight in Charlie's hair as his tongue took her over the edge and then her climax surged through her, her thighs clamping on Charlie's head as her belly rippled, her pussy sucking at Charlie's tongue, trying to draw the non-existent seed from him.

Slowly, gradually, they stilled, and Milly unclamped her knees from Charlie's head. He sat back, rubbing his ear and she heard herself give an embarrassed giggle.

"Sorry, sweetheart," she murmured. "I guess you got me excited."

Charlie grinned. "A small price to pay, Milly. I think we both got excited." His prick was standing hot and proud, and Milly groaned.

"Charlie," she said, her voice hoarse, a husky parody of itself. "Get a rubber on that thing and get it in me. Please?"

He rolled off the bed and fumbled frantically in the pocket of his shorts, taking out a foil-wrapped package. He ripped it open and was ready to roll the rubber onto his hardness when Milly reached out to stop him.

"Can I do it?" she murmured. Charlie grinned and passed her the rubber, kneeling tall so that his erection was there, ready for her. Tongue tip protruding between her lips Milly carefully unrolled the rubber onto the hot, hard length of him. Finished, she lay back again, her legs spread. Their eyes locked. "Fuck me, Charlie?" she said.

Weight on his arms, he shuffled forward, angling himself so that his prick was at her opening. She reached down, taking gentle hold of him and guiding him into herself as he pushed forward. As the bulb of his prick moved into her they groaned in unison, each of them delighting in the feel of hot pussy around hard prick.

"You feel incredible," said Charlie, his voice a croak, a look almost of wonder on his face.

"And you feel pretty fucking good to me," Milly murmured.

"Oh, God, Milly, you feel so fucking tight!" He pushed in, but her juices hadn't wet him enough and he faltered.

"Pull back, then push in again," she managed to say, feeling empty as he pulled back, full again as he pressed into her, further now with her juices spread over him. Again he did and she groaned as she felt him fill her, a groan echoed by Charlie as he felt her heated wetness envelop him. He paused a moment, eyes closed and then began to move, pulling back from her, pushing back again, more freely now as Milly's juices flowed.

She fought a giggle at the wet slurp of him moving in her, but her main sensation was pleasure, Her hands were on his shoulders as he fucked her, his skin warm, a sheen of sweat on their brows in the summer warmth, slick film between them at their joining. There was a smell of hot dust, a hint of pine resin from the surrounding trees, and male musk from Charlie, his breathing heavier now as he thrust into her yielding depths. She squeezed down on him as he thrust, exhilarating at the feel of him within her, bringing her knees up, to hook her feet together behind Charlie's ass. I love fucking, she thought suddenly, almost surprising herself. Oh, yes! I wish I'd started doing this sooner.

"I love fucking," she said.

"Yes!" said Charlie, his breathing heavier now, pushing deep into her on every stroke. "Oh, yes!"

Milly could feel the beginnings of a climax building, and she closed her eyes and let sensation carry her. The feel – the sound - of Charlie thrusting into her, the alternate filling and emptying, the heat, yes, and the sweat, they all combined to make the moment real, special, giving herself to this boy she'd known for years, but who was suddenly her lover.

And making a fucking great job of it, too! For all it was his self-confessed first time.

"Milly," he gasped, "I'm getting close."

"Me, too, lover. Go for it!" Inspired, as Charlie lifted on his back stroke, she slid a flat hand between them, sliding it down to her clit, her fingers feeling Charlie's prick thrusting into her as she added her self-stimulation to the sensation mix. It was only moments before she felt herself rise to her peak and just as she felt her pussy spasm in climax she heard Charlie's triumphant cry as his hips jerked in reflex at his own release and for a few moments they were lost in the mutual almost-agony, the miniature death of orgasm.

Gasping for breath, they clung to each other as the sensations slowly eased. Charlie was the first to find his voice, a look almost of awe in his eyes as he smiled down at her, a smile of love, a smile of satisfaction.

"Thank you, Milly, thank you so much."

"For what? Fucking? I wanted it, too, you know."

He shook his head. "That was more than just fucking, Milly. That was sharing an absolutely incredible experience." Sudden doubt on his face. "At least it was for me."

"Me, too, Charlie," she said, her voice soft. "Me, too." She stretched up and kissed him.



"I want to do that again as often as we can possibly manage it."

She grinned at him. "Don't worry, hon. That makes two of us!" She angled her head, trying to see his watch. "What time is it?"

"Just after eleven-fifteen. Why? Going somewhere?" There was a smile in his eyes.

"Dover Point, to meet Candy and Harry, remember?" She grinned at him. "But not before we've had a little rest, then got you hard again so we can have seconds."

"Amen to that," said Charlie.


That's it from Milly and Charlie for the moment. I hope you've enjoyed reading my little tale. Votes are nice – go on, it's only a mouse click – but feedback's even better.

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Rapier875Rapier875over 8 years ago
Loved it !

You are one very good author !

This needed another chapter to cover the period 'Later the same day...." but I guess after a gap of nearly 10 years that just isn't going to happen, which is a real shame.

Nevertheless, what have written here is great.

Thanks for another excellent story !

lesbimanlesbimanabout 9 years ago
very nice

A very sensual and believable story. I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm looking forward to reading about the mom and dad at the nude beach with the kids and Candy eating Millie.

ChucksSiteChucksSiteover 12 years ago
I Really Like Stories of Teens Because ...

they take me back to yesteryears. My girlfriend's parents belonged to a tennis club with a nice lake. We opened the gate and locked it behind us; we made love in the water and on the pier; we returned to her home and made love in her basement/den. Other times we shared our love on the beaches, on the porches of homes temporarily empty, and in the water (which reminds me to ask why none of your nude beach stories have the folks getting it on in the water - it's so easy and fun). I don't mean to belittle your stories because they are all different and all fun, but many of them create such good memories that overwhelm me and add tremendously to the erotic reading, the fantasy story. Thanks and I look forward to 6 more years of your increasingly well written stories.

desire61desire61over 12 years ago
How fun!

Such a fun, loving story of a first sexual romp. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

geekwolf67geekwolf67almost 16 years ago
Blown away

I was Blown Away by this and the one before it. I've read few other of your stories But this and the other our your best. Hope to see more stories of these four.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Blown away

I was Blown Away by this and the one before it. I've read few other of your stories But this and the other our your best. Hope to see more stories of these four.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
just plain good

Very likeable characters, you have an easy style.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
A Year apart...

I love how the stories were posted a year apart.

THis was excellent, the characters were fully developed and built on the first story. Very hot too.

marriederoticamarriederoticaalmost 18 years ago
That also makes more of us

That was really great Summer Sex Story. All that conversation helped establish and set up a rapport which many other's don't have and need. I also liked the point of the protagonists' friends urgings and social interaction without interfering in Milly's and Charlie's sexual/sensual experience. Your description of, and verbal import in the experience was, to me, much more realistic; athletically led performance type sex had no place here. This story was really fun to read and even more fun to witness how a freer environment and more free minded (touched with common sense)experience can be, added caring and loving, experience can be. It is then 'human'. Now this is a sign of a 'real writer' doing and enjoying what he loves. I would, please, like to read more of your work. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

That was incredilbe, erotic, but with an excellent story! Most stories here are all about fucking, but you built up a very good storyline. Please keep them comming ;-)

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