That Time I Died


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"It's just a lot to adjust to. You wouldn't know what it's like."

"Oh don't I? Well it may interest you to learn that I used to be a mortal like you."


"Yes, really. Aside from Lady Amia, who was created by the original God for her role, all angels were originally mortals who were appointed to their holy roles by God."

"Wait, original God?"

"Yes. Something which isn't normally revealed to living mortals is that there isn't one God. Or well, there is one God, but he isn't the first. Since the dawn of time, Gods have ruled, before passing on their powers and responsibilities to their successors. There have been, I believe, 74828193748283 Gods since the beginning of time," Jayma explained, not pausing for a moment on the enormous number. "The current God was appointed just last year. I believe he came from your planet, although I'm not allowed to know anything more about him."

"My planet? You mean you're not human?"

"Well no, I'm an angel. But before I was an angel I was indeed human. I came from a planet on the other side of this current universe. I was a priestess of God before he appeared to me and gave me the chance to become an angel. That was about 20,000 of your years ago."


"Yes. Since then I've been training as a bliss angel. They're the people who provide the blessed with their eternal rewards."

"So what, you're a trainee?"

"Yes. It's why I don't have any wings yet; I've not earned them. And it's why Lady Amu was with me; because I'm not allowed to deliver bliss without a supervisor."

"Where is Amu?"

"She had other business to attend to. She left me here on my own to look after you. It's actually my first time on my own with a mortal. Like I said, I'm not normally allowed. I'm a little bit nervous."

"Well I think you're doing a great job. I mean, that blowjob you gave me was great."

"Thanks. I thought you sounded like you were enjoying it."

"That's a bit of an understatement. I didn't even realise it was possible to feel that good."

"Well, before death it's not. But in Heaven nothing is off limits to you. No pleasure is too great. If you want it, you will have it, no questions asked."

"This is all so much to get my head around..."

"Well don't worry, because you've got all eternity to get used to it."

I laid back in bed, relaxing and thinking about the prospect of being able to have anything I want. While I was doing that, Jayme cuddled up to me, which got my cock instantly hard. She giggled a little.

"Sorry..." I said, still embarrassed to have a boner in front of a girl.

"Jamie, relax," Jayma said, kissing me. "I and everything else here am here for your pleasure."

"Sorry, it's just...I've never done anything with a girl before this. I'm a virgin."

"We could change that, if you want."

I gulped at that. Handjobs and blowjobs were one thing, but fucking? Proper, no-holds-barred intercourse? I'd dreamed about it for years. I'd wanted it so badly. Why was I suddenly so nervous?

"You mean...we could shag?" I asked her.

"Of course. If that's what you want. In Heaven, nothing is denied to you. You can do, have and experience anything you wish."

"It is what I want. I want to get laid."

"Then lay back, and let me give you your heavenly reward."

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I'd wanted to put my penis inside a girl's pussy since before I even knew that was a thing people did. I'd jerked off countless times to the thoughts of banging hundreds of girls in dozens of positions; girls from my school, celebrities, random girls on the street, and even, to my shame, my sisters a few times. My mind was racing with speculation as to what it would feel like.

Jayma crawled on top of me, and kissed me softly and lovingly. I must admit, the idea of sex with an angel had crossed my mind once or twice before. I'd underestimated just how beautiful real angels would be though.

"Don't be nervous," she whispered, rubbing my chest sensually. "Just relax, and enjoy the feelings." And then, she did it. In one fell swoop, I was one no longer a virgin. Jayma lowered her hips, and I felt her pussy consume my dick. It was so tight, and yet so comfortable. Like it was shaped perfectly for my dick. Every little crevice of my dick aligned perfectly with every little crevice of her pussy. It was so hot and wet, more so than I'd ever imagined. All of this added up to a hell (Well, heaven) of a lot of pleasure for me.

While I was taking in all these sensations, Jayma looked at me lovingly. Without a word, she kissed me, and we made-out together, our hips remaining still for now. Jayma licked at my lips, and I opened my mouth to allow her access. Our tongues danced passionately, and Jayma guided my hands, laying them onto her bottom.

Jayma then began moving her hips up and down, and oh my God it felt fantastic. It was at that point I realised that everyone on Earth who described Heaven was wrong. They talk about it being a place of eternal bliss. But that is an understatement, let me tell you. It is so, so much better. Every thrust gave me more pleasure than I'd ever dreamed could be possible. My no-longer-virginal dick was screaming out with joy as this heavenly pleasure tore through it.

I couldn't even last a minute, it was just too good. My cock exploded, releasing an ocean of cum into Jayma's pussy. It was even better than my previous two heavenly climaxes, which might seem impossible, but as I was quickly learning, nothing is impossible here. Jayma continued to thrust as I came, which only served to increase my outstanding pleasure.

When it was over, I'd been expecting Jayma to stop, but instead, she continued thrusting, simply rotating herself on my dick so she was instead riding me reverse cowgirl. I watched her wiggle her ass in my face as she continued riding my dick. I grabbed hold of her bottom, kneading her cheeks playfully. Jayma had a fantastic bottom, and I very much enjoyed watching it bounce up and down as she fucked me. I came again within a minute, unleashing yet more hot semen into her pussy. I'd established by this point I had an unlimited supply, and that some sort of divine magic was helping Jayma take it all in, given that by all accounts the fact I felt like I was shooting litres each time meant we should both be wiped out.

"Wanna take charge?" She asked. Still dazed from having had two colossal orgasms in as many minutes, I just managed to say "Sure". With Jayma's help, and without ever removing my dick from her pussy, she got on her hands and knees and we moved into doggy style. I grabbed hold of her bum, and I began thrusting. I wasn't really sure what to do, so I just did what came naturally, moving my hips back and forth.

"Oh yeah!" Jayma moaned loudly. "Give it to me Jamie!"

I got into a bit of a rhythm, feeling quite manly at the idea of pounding such a gorgeous girl and making her feel good. This 3rd fuck felt different to the previous two, in that Jayma's warm wetness was complimented by my previous loads, which she still had in there. I could feel it vividly, but it only added to the wonderful sensations running through my body.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum...OH JAMIE!" Jayma cried out, and I got to enjoy the wonderful sensations of an angel's vagina contracting down on my cock. It sent me over the edge, and I unleashed load number 3 into her with one long, powerful thrust.

Jayma began to move for a different position, but I just grabbed her hands to stop her.

"Oh no, not yet," I said. I had a decade of horniness to burn off, after all. "Not by a long shot." I resumed my thrusts, picking up the pace quite a bit. Anyone who's looked at me would probably have thought "That guy's done this before, he's a real expert", but in reality I was still really nervous. My mind was a mixture of disbelief that this was happening to me and my brain trying to work out what to do next. And certainly the moans and whimpers I was letting out were far from manly.

"Oh God Jayma, I'm gonna cum again..." I moaned.

"Me too...give it to me..."

And with that, we both hit orgasm. Feeling adventurous, I raised my arms above my head in triumph, which definitely made me feel more manly as my genitals struggled to comprehend the intensity and frequency of the orgasms they were being forced to have. My balls ached pleasantly from all the semen they were releasing. I didn't waste any time when it was over, going back to thrusting almost immediately after I'd stopped jizzing.

I'd decided that this time I was going to continue thrusting through my orgasm. When Jayma had been in control she'd kept fucking me as I came, and it had felt great, so now I wanted to try it for myself.

"I want you to cum at the same time I do, every time," I told her, and she nodded in response. I really went for it now, thrusting as fast as my body could manage. About 45 seconds later, I reached my peak, and I felt Jayma's vaginal contractions begin as I began shooting my 5th load of the morning. It took all my strength, but I did manage to keep on thrusting, albeit at a slower rate, despite the ocean of cum that was being fired out of my cock like a garden hose.

When I was finished cumming I maintained my pace, a little worn out from all this fucking and cumming, but still hard and horny. This time I wanted to cum all over Jayma's ass, so I knew I'd have to summon up the willpower to pull out at just the right time. I kept fucking her at a leisurely pace, finally getting used to the feelings of pussy-on-dick action. I actually got so into the rhythm that I almost forgot about cumming. Almost. Eventually I felt myself approaching the edge, so I picked up the pace. I had to time it just right. I felt the pressure building, and just as I passed the point of no return, I pulled out of her.

The first thing I felt was the cool air on my soaking-wet dick. Although it had only been inside Jayma for maybe 10 or 15 minutes at most, my penis had grown accustomed to her vagina, so being removed was a shock to it. I looked down at it, and it was absolutely covered in a mixture of Jayma's pussy juices and my own semen. My cock had reddened, with the head very bright red. I guess that's what five orgasms in 10 minutes does.

Except it was now turning into 6 orgasms, as the pressure built and built until I blasted an enormous load all over Jayma's bottom. I grabbed hold of my dick, and sort of waved it around a little, pointing it at various parts of her bum and back, although the sheer volume of the semen I was shooting meant it wasn't difficult to get an all-over spread. What was difficult was keeping myself supported. During my previous orgasms I'd be supported by leaning on Jayma with my dick buried deep in her, but this time I only had my own knees. So I ended up falling forwards, my cock and balls rubbing against Jayma's bottom as they continued ejaculating forcefully.


Meanwhile, those who had had red flames on their hands were significantly less comfortable. They had been led into a cramped, dark room, where some rather unfriendly-looking angels were waiting for them. The room was boiling hot, which only added to their discomfort. The angel Dominique, who had led them in, stood at the front.

"Hello everyone," she said. "As you have possibly worked out by now, you're all dead. And as I'm sure you've all now worked out, you're in Hell."

"Hell!?" Miss Wilson shouted. "Why!? How!?"

"God has classed you as sinners, and it is his will that you are to suffer unimaginable torment for all eternity." Several people were in tears by now. "Please note that there is no right of appeal. God's will is final. Escape is impossible, and there will be no break at any point. Once the pain starts, it won't ever end."

The sinners' bodies were them consumed with fire, and they screamed in agony as they were taken for their punishment. Miss Wilson appeared in a flame-filled cavern, and she looked at her surroundings. She saw 3 naked angels looking at her. To her horror, they had erections that were several feet long and thick, and covered in spikes.

"Sally Wilson," one of them said. "On no less than 463 occasions you cheated on your boyfriend."

"As such, you are to spend the next 463,000 years experiencing excruciatingly painful sex."

The angels approached her, and mercilessly crammed one cock into her pussy, one into her ass, and one into her mouth. It was agonising for Miss Wilson, but she couldn't scream from her mouth being filled.

"Oh, and we should mention," said the third angel. "When you cum, it will only give you pain. When we cum however, we will ejaculate lava. Enjoy."

In other parts of Hell, meanwhile, the others who'd been damned were being introduced to their first punishments. Adam was having his genitals devoured by tiny insects, and not enjoying it one bit.

"Don't worry," said his torturer. "When they done with your bits they'll move right on to your internal organs." Alex meanwhile was finding out what a bath in an infinitely acidic solution felt like. Others were simply dumped into pits of infinitely hot fire, pending further torture.


I passed out after that orgasm, my body unable to cope with any more. I woke up laid on my back in bed, my penis now noticeably soft. I looked around, and Jayma was no-where to be found, although she'd apparently tucked me in before she left. I then noticed a note on my bedside table.

*Jamie, I got called away suddenly, but I had a really great time meeting you and I'm sure we'll meet again at some point. Until then, have a nice eternity. - Jayma*

Great, now what, I found myself thinking. I got out of bed, and looked around my room. Or rather, the room that looked like my bedroom. My real bedroom was back on Earth. This place seemed to be a perfect copy of it though, with not a thing out of place. Although if God is truly as powerful as they say, that shouldn't be surprising. I wondered if God was watching me right now. I suppose if he saw everything then he would be. That'd take some getting used to. I walked over to my window, and saw it was getting on to sunset. Outside my "house" my neighbourhood seemed perfectly normal, although there didn't seem to be anyone around. I wondered if I could go and walk around.

My ponderings were interrupted by the sound of singing from downstairs. I walked down there, noticing that the rest of the house was an equally-accurate depiction of the real one, and followed the singing into the kitchen. There I saw a naked girl, about my age, bent over the oven to look inside, giving me a very good view of her bottom.

"Um, hello," I said.

"Oh, hello," the girl said, turning around and smiling at me. "My goodness, you've certainly grown."

"Grown? Do I know you?"

"You don't recognise me?" She asked. "Well, I suppose I do look a lot different to when you last saw me."

"I've never seen you before in my life. Or afterlife."

"I died about 6 years ago. You were really very sad. You cried for hours in your bedroom."

"...Gran?" She nodded.

My grandmother Mary had indeed died 6 years ago, and I'd been heartbroken.

"" I asked.

"Jamie, this is the afterlife. I died, and was admitted to Heaven. For the last 6 years I've been enjoying my eternal reward." Without hesitation, I ran to my grandmother, and hugged her tight.

"I've missed you so much," I said.

"I've missed you too, Jamie, although we've never truly been apart.

"What do you mean?"

"I've been watching over you. All those hardships you've faced, I was there cheering you on."

"You've been watching me? You mean even when I'm...alone?"

"Yes Jamie, I've watched you masturbate. There's nothing wrong with that. You were simply enjoying the pleasure God allowed you to feel."

It was at this point I remembered that the two of us were completely naked. My 18-year-old grandmother's perfect boobs were pressing against my chest, and my hard cock was rubbing against her skin.

"Sorry..." I said, backing off.

"Jamie, nothing is taboo here. It is good that we arouse one-another." And with that, my grandmother kissed me deeply on my lips.

"Gran, I..."

"The angels asked me to come and see you, to try and help you adjust to Heaven. Why don't we go and sit down?"

My grandmother led me over to the sofa, and we sat down on it.

"So how did you enjoy your first night in Heaven?" My grandmother asked me.

"Well, um, it was good I guess," I replied, not really comfortable talking about sex with my grandmother.

"Nonsense Jamie, it was the single greatest thing you've ever experienced. I was watching the whole thing, and I cheered as Jayma made you a man." I felt so embarrassed at this. "When I died I was greeted by an angel called Luna and her husband Mavro. The two of them showed me pleasure beyond belief. Pleasure your granddad could only dream of giving me."

"Granddad was bad at sex?"

"I wouldn't say "bad", per say. He tried really hard. But he just wasn't up to the task. I can't wait for him to die so he can come here and I can show him real sex."

"Yeah, the sex here is pretty great..." I said, still not entirely comfortable with this conversation. "But then, I don't know what sex on Earth is like..."

"I know, it's a real shame, isn't it? I kept screaming at you to ask girls out, but you never did it."


"Well, it doesn't matter. You're here now, to enjoy the infinite pleasure God wishes to reward us with."

My grandmother then laid down on the sofa, and gestured for me to join her. I laid down, and she wrapped her arms around me. My head was positioned on her boobs, using them as a soft pillow. It was a strange experience.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asked me.

"Like what?" I asked, and she just grabbed her boobs. "Oh..."

"Jamie, many years ago I fed your infant father from these breasts," my grandmother said. "Now they will feed you."

My grandmother took hold of my head, and guided my mouth to her nipple. I latched onto it, and began sucking. Warm milk flowed from my grandmother's boobs and into my waiting mouth. It was different to Amu's. While she had lactated many wondrous liquids unknown to mankind, this was merely milk, albeit the most delicious milk I had ever tasted. My initial hesitation vanished, replaced by an insatiable hunger for this sweet nectar.

As I sucked my grandmother dry, I felt her hand take hold of my cock, and begin stroking me.

"You're such a good boy," she said. "You deserve infinite pleasure." I switched nipple, eager to give both boobs the attention they deserved. Grandma continued jerking my cock, wanking me off intensely. The strength of my heavenly arousal meant that I couldn't contain myself for even a minute.

"Uhhh shit..." I groaned. "I'm gonna cum..." As the pressure built, grandma lifted my head away from her chest, and got me up on my knees. With one hand supporting my back, and one hand supporting my cock, I erupted. Hot cum spewed forth from my dick at the same impossible rate I'd yet to become accustomed to in Heaven. Grandma opened her mouth, and took in what cum she could, the rest splattering across her face. She then moved my cock to point at her tits, and I coated them in a thick layer of cum as well.

It's weird, aside from my enlarged genitals, my heavenly body was identical to my mortal body. Which meant it was also not used to orgasms of this intensity, frequency or duration. I could almost hear my balls, wondering how and why they were able to replenish and supply my cum so quickly, and my prostate, working overtime to provide me with a plentiful ejaculation.

When my orgasm finally ended, I feel forwards, collapsing into my grandmother's waiting arms. Her body was covered in cum, which meant mine now was, but it didn't matter. I was now more comfortable, relaxed and happy than I had ever been. My cock softened, but the arousal was still there. It felt nice.