The Adventures of Tim Bodge Ch. 17: Pt. 01

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So this beautiful young lady is your mother.
5.5k words

Part 22 of the 74 part series

Updated 11/22/2023
Created 09/17/2020
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Tim looked at David and Wendy and said, "So that beautiful young woman is your mother; I thought she was your older sister."

"No, Tim, she's our mother," David said.

Tim extended his hand to shake hers.

With tears in her eyes, she went to Tim, wrapped her arms around him, and embraced him. She whispered to him, "Thank you for saving them and keeping them safe."

Tim hugged her back, "That was my pleasure. Why would anyone want them injured? They were blessed with a mother who would give her life for her children." He whispered to her.

She just stepped back a bit to look in Tim's face, but still with her arms around him, "How did you know?"

"We watched the recording and saw how you took them and concealed them. Then you surrendered to the Red Ants and walked away quickly, so he wouldn't look inside."

"Once more, thank you."

"Was there anybody else with you and the children? If so, why don't we bring them here?"

"No, my husband died approximately four years ago in a car crash. It's just the three of us."

"The kids stayed with a family on deck two; if you like, I'll ask Sarha to put you in a unit close to theirs," Tim said this with an understanding look.

"That would be good; that way, they will have someone to play with and talk to."

"Mother, do you mind if we go play with Sadris?" Asked David

Deniece turned her attention to Tim, and the gaze was more of a question than anything.

"Tim, why don't I take the kids back to Deck 2 while you finish your conversation with Deniece?" Asked Tammy.

Deniece has turned her attention towards Tammy.

"I'm sorry, this is Tammy, our Navigator, and she's been so accommodating with all the kids." Said Tim.

Tammy raised her hand and shook Deniece's hand: "Pleased to meet you; finally, the children and I got to know each other."

Wendy approached her mom's side and pulled on the edge of her dress to get her attention. "Mommy, let Tammy take us back and play; we were playing a game of tag."

Deniece looked back at Tim, "will they be, okay?" She could not help it; she just worried so much about her kids.

"David, Wendy, will it be okay if your mother and I talk while you two go play?" Asked Tim.

"All right, Tammy, come on." Said David. Wendy grabbed Tammy and pulled her to the lift.

From the lift, the children turned around to wave; both of them said, "Bye-bye, mom."

Deniece waved to them, then turned back to Tim. "What now?"

"Let's move to the lounge where we can relax," Tim said.

She followed him into the lounge and looked around; this place is lovely. Is this where the crew eats?

"Yes, sometimes it's just the way it is; the on-duty team has a place to relax. Here, have a seat. Would you like a drink? We have coffee, tea, or something more substantial."

"I'll take a tea for now. Thank you."

"Millie, could you bring us tea, please?"

Millie brought the tea, "Will there be anything else, Tim?"

"No, Millie, Thank you."

"How many people have you got on this ship?" Asked Deniece.

"At present. I would say around five hundred. Sarha, could you please appear?" Asked Tim.

Sarha appeared on the right side of Tim's seat.

"Deniece, this is Sarha, our ship's AI. If you need anything, she will assist you."

"Deniece, nice to meet you," said Sarha.

"Sarha, is there a unit close to Sadris' parents that Deniece and the kids might have?" Asked Tim.

"Yes, I'll have the bots clean it up."

"Could you also mention the Deniece to Sadris's mother so that she won't be surprised?"

"All right, we've dealt with all the issues. Did you see Doctor Madlyn? When you see her, you can ask about the kid's health records, and she'll tell you everything."

"How did you get them out of hiding?" Deniece asked.

"I will allow them to tell their story in their way."

"Tim, we need you on deck three, and if you want, Deniece must go as well." Said Sarha.

"Sarha, what's the matter? Is Tammy all right?"

"Are my children all right?" Asked Deniece.

Tim and Deniece rose and proceeded to the lift and deck three. As they were leaving the lift, they noticed a small group of individuals standing around the wall. Tammy was one of them. When she saw Tim, she came up to him.

"Tim, I'm sorry, they said they were going to explore a couple of caves."

"Tammy, where are my babies?" Deniece asked. She looked around and didn't see them. Look back at Tammy.

"They went to explore the caves, and the caves are here," said Tammy while she led them to the air duct on the side near the floor. Tammy singled out the ventilation cover on the floor. "This is probably where they crawled into the cave."

Tim knelt and stared into the vent. The vent was not more than two feet by two feet. He came close to the vent and called David's name. He listened for any reply.

"All right, who's with him?" Asked Tim.

"All three, David, Sadris, and Wendy." Said Tammy.

"How long have they been gone?" Asked Deniece.

Approximately ten minutes later, one of the other children came to fetch me. I came over here thought he was joking about the cave. Once I saw that the cover was off, I began to call them by name, without answer."

"Sarha, can you locate the children in the air ducts?" Asked Tim.

"Sorry, Tim, I don't have any sensors inside the ducts; I only have the ductwork diagrams when the ship was built."

"Sarha, I need a bot here with the diagrams on his screen."

"Tammy, how could you have let this happen." Said Deniece.

"I am sorry, I didn't know a five-year-old could remove the cover. Their imagination can take them into many worlds and beyond, but for an air vent to be a cave."

"We will get them back into your arms safely."

The bot appeared in front of Tim. Tim looked at the plans and saw that Sarha lit up the air ducts from deck three in red. He now knew that there was no drop duct to the lower decks unless the kids moved to the far end of the duct.

"How are you going to get the kids out?" Asked Deniece.

Sadris' mother ran over to Tim, "Is it true; my Sadris is lost?" She heard about the three missing kids from another kid's mother. She did not think about it until someone said two small boys and a small girl. That is when it hit her.

"It's going to be okay." Said Tim.

"Tim, how are we going to find them?" Asked Tammy.

"Sarha, I need some help. I need Pauline, Madlyn, Jeanne, Commander Anden-Aipas. See if you could get them all down here ASAP."

The Commander was there first, being stationed on deck three. "Tim, I have heard. How may I help?"

"If you can, I need about ten soldiers to give me a work zone without all these people around."

"I will be right back with your helpers. We wouldn't call them guards." And turned and headed back to get some volunteers.

Pauline, Madlyn, and Jeanne all arrived together. Sarha had already informed them of what was taking place. "How may we help?" Asked Pauline.

"First, a question? Tawni, can your flames work away from you? If so, how far?" He asked Tawni.

"Tim, I have never tried that; why?"

"The kids are in the air vent, there." Tim turned to point to the opened air vent near the floor.

Tawni bent down to look into the vent. Placing her hand near her face, "Friend, I need your help." The tip of her finger started to glow. A small flame appeared, and the top of it moved back and forth.

"One of my little friends is lost in there. And if we can track them down, could you light their way out?" Asked Tawni.

Tawni watched her fingertip, and the Flame moved at a quicker pace. "Tim, the flame can help once we find them."

Anden-Apia returned with about twenty soldiers. The soldiers were not dressed in their uniforms, but casual clothes. The soldier was off duty and had already changed. "Tim, I called for volunteers, and these young women said they would help."

"Thank all of you. Anden-Apias, I need one each at these six air duct entrances. If the kid starts yelling, we need to know where." Tim turned to the bot and pointed out the six locations he needed someone at.

"You six over here, please, we need these six openings to have someone there. If you hear a sound, let me know. Now go." All six women left and headed to their new location.

"The rest of you, I need a twenty-five-foot semi-circle around this spot; now make it so." The rest of the women started to form the semi-circle and started moving the onlookers back.

"Tim, what do you want me to do?" Asked Pauline. She stood next to Madlyn and Tawni.

"Pauline, I need you to change into something that can move through these vents with no trouble."

"I can change into a mouse; that would do it," Pauline said.

"We have a little girl in there, and a mouse would frighten her. How about something a little bigger?" Tim asked. "We need an animal that can carry a string, and that way, the kids can find their way back. That is where your Flame will come in, Tawni."

"Once the animal finds the kids, we will need the flame to go to them and light their way back."

"Tim, I am sorry I can't think of any small animals, now."

"Sarha, do you have pictures of different small animals that Pauline could look at?" Asked Tim.

"Tim, I have picked some pictures out; these are small animals with excellent low-light vision at night and also are fast-moving." Sarha showed them to Pauline.

Pauline saw a picture of a small animal with a long body, about fifteen inches long, not counting the tail. It looked like it weighed only three pounds. Its face was white fur and looked like it wore a light brown mask. The big black eyes were all shining, with small white ears atop its head, with light brown and black fur trailing down its back. Its chest was dark brown with black mixed into it. "Sarha, what is this animal called? It looks delightful."

"That is a ferret, and it has a musky smell."

"If I change into it, do I have to smell like it? I have never thought about that!" Stated Pauline.

"I do not have any data on shape-shifters and their smells." Sarha, at this point, had a smile on her face.

"Well, I'll try this one and think of no smell." Pauline transformed into a ferret and sat at Tim's feet. Tim tied a tracker device around her neck.

Tim kneeled to Pauline, "Please be incredibly careful; if you need help, change into a small child and call us. We will then know where you are. Find the kids, and we will send the Flame to you. That way, the kids will be able to see."

Pauline scampered into the vent and turned to the right, moved amazingly fast along this vent. Her hearing was a bit better now, and she could hear sounds somewhere ahead. She came to a junction and sat for a second to see if she could listen to the sounds and which way they came from.

She did not hear a sound, so she went straight ahead until she came to another junction, stopped to listen; this time, she heard a sound to her left and moved quickly in that direction. About fourteen feet down this section, there was another junction, again stopped to listen. She heard the sound, and it was louder.

This time the sound sounded as if someone was talking. The sounds came from the right, and she moved faster now. The voices, she now heard two voices. Thinking that she was close, she smiled at herself. Up ahead, where the voices were coming from, was a light.

She now raced to the light, and she had found the kids. She got to where the voices were, and there was a vent opening. The sounds were coming from there. She looked through the screen to see the kids. To her surprise, she looked into the kitchen, and two little ones were talking, but not the right kids.

She now had to backtrack to check the other junctions. She went back to the last intersection and turned to the right; that was the way she had been going. She traveled about another twenty feet and again heard voices, which did not sound like the others. She came to another junction and stopped. The voices she heard now were of small children. She turned to the left, and they're about ten feet away sat the children.

Pauline moved quietly so as not to scare them. Once she saw them, she knew where the kids were; she moved back around the corner and changed into a kid about the same age as David. Once the change was done, she took the tracker and called Tim. "I have found them. I have changed into a small child. Will crawl around the corner and talk to them." Tim sent the Flame to guide us to the nearest exit."

"Is there anyone else here?" Pauline called out as she started around the corner.

"Are you here to save us?" Asked Wendy. She now sat up and wiped away the tears.

"I don't know, are you lost? I am. Do you know how to get out of these caves?" Asked Pauline. She was trying to make the kids feel like they were the brave ones.

"Yes, we are lost and would like to go home. Do you know how to get out of here?" Said David. He is the one that's close to Pauline.

"Well, I have a little friend that is coming to help me find my way out; maybe she will help you too." Pauline now sat close to the kids. She just waited for the Flame to get there.

A few minutes later, a small light shows up. The kids could see the light, but not the body. "Hello, Flame. Did you come to guide me home? Could you help these children also?" Said Pauline.

The Flame got a little brighter and started back the way she came. Pauline said. "Let's follow my little friend, You guys go first, and I'll follow." She allowed all three to slide by her. She quickly checked each one out, making sure there were no cuts. Then said into the tracking device, "we are on our way back; everyone seems okay."

Everyone supportive of the mothers was listening. There were happy faces everywhere now. The Flame brought the kids back to the vent's opening and flickered out after it headed towards Tawni. The kids came out and ran to their mothers. Pauline came out, and everyone saw a ferret go in, and a small girl came out. Most had a shocked look on their faces.

Pauline walked over to Tim, "Should I wait before changing back?"

"If you could, please, attention would be focused on you and not on the children." Said Tim.

The mothers hugged their children for a few minutes and then began the lecture on where they could not go.

The mothers turned towards Tim and the girls. They walked over to the group. Each one thanked Tim and each girl for their help in bringing their children back to them.

"If you kids want to explore caves, maybe we could build you some in the play area at the end of deck three. How would you like that?" Asked Tim.

"That would be wonderful. Can we assist you?" Asked Sadris.

"I'm going to speak with DarkIce and see if we can start tomorrow." Said Tim.


Esireli had her mother worried. She had changed in the last week; now she is all smiles and happily. Nothing seems to bother her. After she finished with her work each afternoon, she met with her friend and said they were going to the fields to sit and enjoy the quiet time.

She wanted to know what went on in the field that made them so happy. So, she decided she would follow them. She knew when they got off work and which walkway they took. She started towards the walkway about ten minutes before the girls got off.

She found a location to observe them without being seen. She sat there for a few minutes and saw the girls were headed down the walkway. They were talking and didn't see her. She watched them as they took a pathway to the left. They now strolled and spoke with a lower voice.

Nanladra started to follow her daughter and friend. She stayed back far enough, so they did not see or hear her. The only thing she saw was a lone green plant in the middle of this field. That was the direction the two girls were headed. The girls stopped next to the plant, and it looked like they were talking to it.

Nanladra moved a little closer hoped that she might hear what was said. She saw the plant and the girls better now. The plant was about a foot tall and one foot and a half around. It had some yellow marking on the sides, and it looked like it needed something.

She sat back and watched to see what would happen next. It only took a minute, and both girls started to remove their clothes. They placed their clothing away from the plant and laid down with their legs spread apart. The girls were on different sides of the plant.

Nanladra was about to get up and go down there and ask what they thought they were doing when something started moving the grass. The girls did not seem to be afraid, so she sat back down.

She heard a sound, "Mmmm, that feels good." And she got up and found out what had happened. What she saw frightened her. She saw both girls on the deck with what looked like a vine entering their pussies. She started to go to them, but the girls lay there and raised their asses off the deck. She stopped and stared, and both girls had their arms straight out to their sides to help keep their asses in the air.

She watched, not believing what she saw. The vines that had entered their pussies were growing larger. But now, two more vines were reaching for the girl's tits. Each vine seemed to encircle the breast, squeezing gently, and then the end seemed to suck on their nipples. The girls both were now moaning, and their hips started to move.

Nanladra stood there with her mouth ajar. She noticed the vines in the pussies were now approximately four inches in diameter and going in and out. The girls enjoyed it; that was obvious.

Nanladra watched her daughter get fucked by a plant and started to get hot herself. She was not going to play with herself here, but when she returned home.

She started to hear groans, and they were growing louder and louder. She watched the plant place a vine close to both girl's lips. The vine was goading them; her daughter raised her head and grabbed the vine between her lips and started to suck on it.

She looked at her daughter and what she was doing to that plant. The plant must have enjoyed it also because it started to turn a darker green. She watched a lot of smaller vines move all over her daughter's body like it was cleaning her up. She checked out the friend, and the same thing had happened to her.

Nanladra could not wait any longer; she walked up to her daughter and started to scream at her. Both girls were startled but could not move. The vines wrapped around their tits and in their pussies and mouths kept them from doing or saying anything.

Esireli was shocked by her mother's presence and could not tell her that she was okay. She came down from a magnificent climax that this plant had given her. Her mother needed to stay away, or the plant would think she was here to feed it.

Nanladra stomped up to the girls and the plant, "What the fuck is going on?" She stood there with her hands on her hips, waiting for an answer.

The answer came when the vines wrapped around her legs and placed a large vine against her back. Then lowered her to the deck. Wasted no time, the vine spread her legs, and another vine headed towards her pussy.

Esireli's hands were free, so she gently removed the vine from her mouth so as not to hurt the plant. Saw her mother was about to get fucked, "Mother, please do not scream; it will not hurt you."

Nanladra looked at her daughter with a frightened look and did not scream; she could already feel the vine inside her. She was already wet from watching her daughter take the vines. So, the vine went in quickly and easily.

Esireli looked at the plant, "Please do not hurt her; she is my mother. She only wanted to protect me." She could now sit up. The plant was pulling all its vines back from both young girls. However, it continued to work with the mother.

Esireli asked, "Mother, are you okay?" She looked down at her mother's face and saw a smile; for years, she did not smile. "Mother, enjoy this time because it may not last long."