The Aphrodite Project


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"About six weeks."

A ripple of muffled laughter rolled gently around the room. When he looked up the other few women in the room didn't look away, but stared back.

"In your state, do you think you could handle the sight?"

"Yes", he said with a whimper. "What state?", he queried. But he knew - they all knew - what Olwen had meant.

The women slid a chair across the office to the wall and ducked Jon into it. Scotched shafts of sunlight fell onto the patterned carpet and the room was still. Olwen hadn't moved. They had been lying in wait.

"Jon, lay your hands on the armrests. You won't move, will you?"

The women gathered in the middle; four around one, a blonde woman with tight hair who faced Jon with a confident stare. It felt like a dance piece, and Jon was the only audience, but they remained motionless. Jon looked uneasily across at Olwen, his hands gripping the chair.

Hands began to slip down the central woman's body, along the smooth material of her black leotard. She stared at Jon as she lifted her arms straight above her head and kept them there, unafraid of her vulnerability. Eight pairs of hands began to explore her body. Steady at first, but bolder with excitement and curiosity. They cupped her breasts, and Jon was close enough to see their fingers indented on the yielding flesh.

It was as if they were floating towards him. He caught wafts of a subtle perfume, intermingling with an earthier, damper scent. A finger and thumb caught the the zipper at the neck and pulled it down a few inches. The hands sensed the opening and flew inside, massaging the naked skin underneath. Jon chanced a sideways glance at Olwen to see that her taunting gaze was fixed on him. Everybody was staring at him.

From then he gave the performance in front of him his full attention. The woman in front of him had been inscrutable until one of the others started to knead her breast softly beneath the material of her clothing. Her eyelids twitched and her gasp was clear against the silence of the room. Kisses followed, planted on the sides of her neck, and Jon twitched when he heard the first low moan.

Jon was engrossed and didn't notice Olwen's movements, as the women pulled the zipper down further to leave their companion naked from the waist up. When he saw her naked flesh he felt an epiphany. He was alone with them in a different world, but, crossing the divide from one to the other, Olwen drove herself into Jon's consciousness by kneeling down next to him and speaking into his ear, her lips and tongue forming sounds that resonated through his body.

"Now is the time. You arrived enclosed within a wall and we've been scratching away at it every day. With every passing hour a piece of it has been removed. Now you can start to be the person you want to be."

Jon didn't turn. He couldn't. He had been waiting for so long, unable to orgasm, that the sight of women in passion tapped a fathomless well of wonder that he could never hope to exhaust. At first the cadence of her voice affected him more than what she said, but the meaning of her words began to trickle into his mind.

"We're going to call Kathy and end your relationship with her. It's the only way you can take the next step. You'll be ours forever. Don't worry about her; she will survive. We're going to train her, and she'll become a keeper like us."

Olwen went on.

"Its just natural. You're a different person to the one that arrived. She wouldn't recognise you, and over time it will hurt both her and you to go back to the life you had before."

"Besides. You prefer this life. This one makes sense to you. You're not scared about making the wrong choices anymore, because we'll make the right ones for you."

Jon heard what Olwen said, and the meaning of her words set off a twinge in his stomach. The woman at the centre of the group sat back as the others intensified their attack: Hands caressing her small breasts and plunging between her thighs. Her moans were becoming louder.

"Isn't it beautiful, Jon? This is what you want to live for now."

Olwen's lips were an inch away from his ear, and he could feel the breath that accompanied every word she spoke. He felt an intimacy with this harsh, strict woman that was purer, more meaningful than anything he had experienced in the outside world.

Jon's arousal throbbed like heartbeat, and the sense that he was being coerced into cutting the biggest tie with the life he had before turned him on like he could never have imagined. He watched the woman and all the tension and guilt drifted away until he felt it was too much to think about Kathy. Her image perished in his mind and was forgotten. The woman's chest was heaving, her eyes etched with desperation. Staccato cries filled the room, Jon was catapulted into a dreamscape of raw desire and when she came he wanted more than anything to capture that moment, and forevermore be an agent of pleasure for all womankind.

"So do you consent?", Olwen probed.

Jon was now riding a slow orgasm that would not climax for days. And in his passion he turned to Olwen, whom he now loved more than anything, and with wild intensity shouted back, "Yes! With all my heart, yes. With everything I've got. Yes!"


On that day a threshold was crossed. From then on, in his heart he felt a frisson that transmitted throughout his body when he saw a woman. Any woman. The trigger for this transformation was sexual, but Jon's sexuality was being rewired.

For the time being he would treat his love and weakness for womankind as something dangerous and subversive, but Lauren and the keepers were heightening his submission, and in the coming days would reinforce his sense of veneration towards them.

In short, they needed to make him safe and compliant. They had to harness his arousal for their purposes to avoid him becoming another Wyatt. Safeguards had been drawn up in the years since the Wyatt Mistake to ensure that Aphrodite subjects were powerfully aroused by women, but didn't see them as objects. Their lust would need to be channelled into respect and compliance.

This process was guided by years worth of empiricism and protocols, and Lauren, Olwen, Jennifer and Alice were seasoned experts. As the end of Jon's program approached, they made preparations for what they termed his "finale".

Jon was a special case, and they sensed it when they were first briefed about him by Leslie Hardwick, his university professor. See was a member of Aphrodite, and had been planted at the university to identify possible candidates for the course. She recognised both Jon's potential and lack of initiative, and had been tracking his progress in the few years he had spent at the university.

Yes, Jon was going to be important to the future of the Aphrodite Project, and to mark the culmination of his program Lauren saw fit to throw a celebration.

With Jon now enjoying semi-captivity around the grounds of the mansion, the four keepers held a series of meetings to make sure everything had gone to plan. They also had to lay the groundwork for Post-Prog: Jon's release.

Jennifer assured the group that Jon was now in good physical shape; his body fat was at 10% and this was allied with a heightened sense of self-esteem. She was currently working on a set of video files that would be given to Jon so that he could continue his exercise routines in the Post-Prog world. Jon would be weaned from total dependence on the fortified shakes that were currently his only form of sustenance, but she would send the order to the central office to make sure a daily dose would be sent to his new address.

Alice assured the group that Jon was indeed heterosexual. It was clear that he was highly attracted to her, and that this attraction made him compliant. She reported that her efforts to serve as a light guiding hand to make the program more palatable had been successful, and that he had fully immersed himself in all of his activities. She had soothed his doubts throughout the course, and he was emotionally ready for his finale. The biome and wrist device had operated perfectly throughout his stay, tracking his growing arousal, administering incremental doses of IV, airborne and food-based aphrodisiac, and bringing the subject through the long course of verbal affirmations unconsciously. Despite his extreme state of arousal, he was also no danger to anyone - the new batch of trainees were free to approach him. He had completely submitted to Loving Authority.

Olwen, with a chuckle, re-asserted that Jon enjoyed being a supplicant to women. Despite encountering the usual reservations, which Alice had deftly allayed, Olwen had managed to pique his sense of masculinity while diverting it into servitude. There was no task too onerous, and this boded well for his Post-Prog prospects. He would fight to serve women. Jon also had no defence against a sexually assertive woman, and when she tested the voice commands that he had assimilated during Lauren's sessions and via the voice recording in the biome, his body had responded instantly. (Smile, Ragdoll, Consent).

Lauren was one of only three Aphrodite members in the country with the ability to condition the minds of men. She kept her methods secret. But she told them that the Aphrodite network had taken steps to plant Jon within the management structure of the BBC, and had already moved his possessions to new accommodation in Pimlico. Jon's former girlfriend was scheduled to start her training on the 20th of June, two days away. She would become a keeper.

Jon had been left to wander the grounds, but mentally was in a completely different place. He was no longer able to distinguish between his ever vivider fantasies and reality. It was all the same thrilling and terrifying ride. This stage of his progress would continue up to his finale, and would be when his mind and body were most amenable to the Aphrodite programing. Like The Beast in Walerian Borowczyk's movie that he had watched with Alice, Jon's hard cock was issuing white fluid without prompting.

As he lay a patch of the the lawn shaded by the broad leaves of a thriving sycamore tree his mind floated off. In the dappled sunlight and with the scent of summer hay on the air he was swimming lengths in an outdoor pool on a sunny day, accompanied by a few strangers going about their daily exercise. They were in different lanes, so he could keep his head down and keep going, in the same way that he wanted to knuckle under and get to the end of his course.

There were no obstructions ahead, and as he swam he contemplated the clear, turquoise water through the lens of his goggles and felt safe and secure. He completed a length and turned, and as he approached the opposite wall he saw two pairs of female legs fluttering beneath the waterline in the deep end. Jon tried to change course to avoid them, but they moved across to cut him off. The jig was up, and Jon's rhythm was broken. He had to grip the edge of the pool and find out what these women wanted.

He lifted his head to notice Jennifer and Alice treading water. With his back to the wall, they closed on him side-by-side in bikinis. "I want to ask you something, Jon." Alice said.

"Do you like my breasts?" Her round eyes interrogated him in such a matter-of-fact way that he felt compelled to think of an answer. Yet as his tongue stumbled on the words and his gaze darted from Alice's beautiful face to her pale, buoyant chest, he neglected to watch Jennifer whose hand had descended beneath the surface of the water to untie the string on his waist and grip the hem of his shorts. Jon was still trying to think of an appropriate answer for Alice when Jennifer dived below, whisking his shorts in a flash before jumping back up to throw them far over a fence that enclosed the pool.

"Whoops!", she said perkily.

Jon was completely humiliated. The water was cool against his groin, and his penis wafted with the currents. Fortunately none of the other swimmers had seen what Jennifer did, but he was relying on the pair to take sympathy with his plight.

"Jenny, you bad, bad girl. Now he's completely naked!" Alice gushed. "We'd better get closer to him so nobody can see his dick. He'd probably get arrested."

"Or we could leave him here!" Jennifer suggested wickedly.

"We could, but look at the poor thing, Jenny. I don't think I could do that to him."

"Aww." Jennifer chimed.

They drew themselves in close, hiding him from the rest of the pool, and trapping him against the side. Their breasts, tight within the wet sheen of their black bikinis, pushed against his chest. He was already turned on - in fact, Jon couldn't remember a time when he wasn't turned on - but he was ashamed about the idea of them noticing his hard cock against their waists. He tried to focus to get it down, but there was no chance.

Alice felt it first and issued a delighted cry. Jennifer looked down and was a little less impressed, "Oh, you perv!" She shouted, and ducked Jon's head beneath the surface. Alice joined in and pushed him down. Reflexively, Jon tried to come up again, but was stuck underwater, held in place by these two women, who, far off above the waterline were clearly entertained by his predicament. Just as panic started to set in they hoisted him back up, only to find him all the more aroused by his treatment.

"Ha, he's going red." Jon, was exhausted and terrified, but his arousal could conquer anything.

Jennifer expression reminded Jon of when she had soundly thrashed him earlier in the week. "OK, here's what we'll do. We'll give you 10 strokes. If you come then that's it for you; we'll push you under and you'll never come up again. If you survive I'll go and get your shorts, and you'll be a free man."

"Ooh, you meanie." Alice taunted.

"Are you ready?"

Jennifer started. The first stroke was swift and casual, barely grazing the head of Jon's penis. Despite his building anticipation he could hardly her touch. But soon the strokes became firmer and more urgent, and by the fifth Jon was in real trouble. He looked up at the two girls and could read only amusement in their expressions. They were pitiless. They wanted to kill him.

Jennifer turned the knife, "Look at Alice's tits, Jon. Look how they strain against her bikini. Feel how soft they are against your body."

There were four to go. The first of these began at the bottom of his shaft and twisted its way to the top of his head before sinking and twisting back down to the base. Alice took over and gripped harder. As she worked her way up Jon was sure he was about to burst, but survived, more by luck than any willpower. Two to go.

The penultimate stroke pushed him unmistakably to the edge. "I thought you were my friend, Alice." he bawled.

"Oh, well, your mistake." She shrugged.

"Last one now." Jennifer grinned, "You come, you die."

Their hands intertwined and slipped along his cock in the water. Jon couldn't hold on. He yelled in pleasure and terror as semen streamed disobediently from his swollen head.

"Yay, he's coming!"

The moment he heard that he was gone beneath the water, white trails of semen still erupting from his cock, Jennifer and Alice's slender legs kicking him down further.

Jon's body began to convulse, and as it did his eyes opened to see a cock jumping beneath his uniform and, beyond that, a semi-circle of trainees watching him with a mixture of curiosity and empathetic excitement. When they saw he was awake they scattered. As the program reached its closing stage he still hadn't achieved a conscious orgasm.


The days that approached the finale were a blur. Jon had lost all control. One moment he was watching Jennifer and a set of trainees gyrate as they exercised, the next he was staring into depths of Lauren's unfathomable eyes and forgetting everything. .

Childhood memories continued to flood back. Jon remembered helping his mother bake, and, once, when she let him fold ingredients into the food mixer his sleeve got caught in the mechanism. She dashed to switch it off the moment he screamed, and he suffered little more than shock and a sore wrist. But it would have torn his hand off, and both he and his mum learned a lesson. The memory that had stuck with him down the years was the feeling of powerlessness - how the machine kept on turning, brutal and uncaring.

Jon recognised that his body and its unconscious functions were working against him in a similar way. He was simply along for the ride and no more a master of his impulses and drives than if they belonged to another man. He was at their beck and call, just as he was to his keepers. He discovered he was contactable via his wrist device and on the penultimate day Olwen called him in to brief him on the party that would take place on his last evening.

"We've fitted a tuxedo for you. We're expecting a hundred guests and you'll be the sole waiter, so I hope you're up to the task. Everything is pre-catered; you simply need to keep champagne flutes topped up and canapes on-hand."

"There will also be a de-briefing tomorrow, so you're aware of everything that's taken place on the program. After that we'll send you out into the world."

"But, I don't know if I've learned anything."

"No?" Olwen didn't look convinced. "Strip for me."

Jon took off his outfit without pause. His cock sprang up as it was released from beneath the material, and a thick drop of semen was sent twirling through the air.

"Now, how do you feel at the moment?" Olwen asked tersely.

"Exposed, a bit vulnerable. But...", Jon needed time to grasp the full extent of the other sensation, " unbelievably happy." His eyes welled up. "You know, I think I'd do anything for you. And yet, I don't need to have you. I don't want to conquer your body to feel better about myself as a man. I just want to do right by you. And by you I mean, every woman."

"Yeah, I think you've learned everything you need. That feeling will stay with you for the rest of your life, dear. You're a perfect man."

Olwen ran her hand gently down his chest, sliding it down to his crotch. She pulled a single finger up over his balls and slid it teasingly towards the shiny, mushroom-shaped tip of his rigid cock, prompting a small burst of cum to cover her black fingernail. She lifted it up to his mouth, which opened unthinkingly. It was the most tenderly she would ever treat him.

"Now say it with me." Jon sensed exactly what she meant.

"I submit to feminine love.

I develop myself to honour this power.

The stronger I get the harder I serve.

The harder I serve the better I feel.

The better I feel the longer I wait."

With each repetition Jon felt like he was being dragged closer to that final, cataclysmic orgasm. Olwen lightly ducked his head until he was kneeling, and he gazed up at her adoringly. She wore black leggings that clung to her curves and her waist was cinched by a black corset, which lifted her breasts to form soft, pink-white peaks. The sight of her sharp face gazing down at him contentedly was sending him to a delicate place, but she never let him get further than the edge of the abyss.

The edge was where he would stay, agitated and defenceless, for a further 24 hours.

Olwen sent him on his way, and he was appalled to find Jennifer and Alice, waiting at the biome. sharing wicked grins. Their hard work was done; they had broken Jon and rebuilt him successfully, and in their demob-happy mood they wanted to play with their guinea pig before its release.

"Can you imagine, Jon, that we know more about you..." Alice paused to think "...than almost anyone could know about another person."

"We have weeks of data to tell us what turns you on, and we tested every little sexual quirk to see which ones would whet your appetite the most. Turns out you have a big thing for cleavage, more than any other man we've dealt with. When you responded well we gave you more. I bet you've even dreamed about it."
