The Apple Doesn't Fall Far Ch. 02

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Amy and Josh take their relationship to the next level.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/25/2021
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Author's Note: The idea for this story and the protagonist's name are based on suggestions from two of my awesome Patrons. Standard disclaimer applies: this story contains graphic depictions of sex, so if it's illegal or immoral for you to be reading this, stop now! All characters in sexual scenes are at least eighteen, all situations are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to any real-life individuals or situations is entirely coincidental. Copyright Fidget, 2020. All rights reserved. Enjoy!

Chapter 2 - Completing the Circle

"I think our changes are getting stronger, Amy. I've been feeling... really horny around you lately. Even more than usual," Josh grunted during one of Amy's daily after-school visits. His large dick throbbed visibly against his athletic shorts, and his new girlfriend's eyes widened rhythmically in excitement with each pulse. "It's making it... hard to think," he concluded roughly, as his own eyes hungrily devoured his girlfriend's curves. Her bust and hips had put on at least another three inches in the past month, and at this point his formerly petite best friend had to be at least a D-cup. It was getting harder not to grab her increasingly appealing feminine body as soon as he saw her each day, and squeeze, and grope, and thrust.

Josh had learned over the past month just how good thrusting could feel. In the weeks after their first explosive contact they had continued to explore their exciting new sexuality, encouraging each other's powerful new desires even as their urges continued to strengthen.

At first, they had experimented with heavy petting and hand play. The next time they hung out, Amy had secretly snuck Josh's cock out into the open after getting it all nice and hard under his shorts, and she was completely entranced the first time she watched his dick straining and jerking under her gentle strokes as it delivered its thick load onto Josh's washboard abs. Josh had gotten over his initial embarrassment more quickly this time, and had returned the favor with his own fingers, probing and exploring the tantalizing topology under Amy's shorts as he groped her heavy breasts with his other hand while Amy moaned in pleasure. His inexperience hadn't seemed to matter much, because the excitement and sensation soon had Amy clamping her toned thighs around his hand and grinding against his fingers as her own strengthening core muscles involuntarily clenched in her own climax.

They had quickly graduated to blowjobs, since the sight of Josh's cock twitching and throbbing filled Amy with an inexplicable desire to feel it moving like that within her own body. Josh clearly felt the same way, and as he eagerly watched Amy's soft lips closing around the head of his dick for the first time, he let out a low groan as his pelvis began reflexively thrusting into her slick mouth, and Amy sighed with pleasure as she felt his surprisingly tasty dick twitching strongly against the rough, wet stimulation provided by her tongue.

That stimulation quickly became too much for him, but he couldn't bring himself to stop, and his cock began to stiffen as his automatic thrusting increased in speed and urgency. "Amy, I think I'm gonna..." he growled, but Amy only cupped his balls gently with her free hand in response, suddenly obsessed with feeling them powerfully contracting as they forced his gooey reward out into her waiting mouth. Something about that process suddenly seemed so attractive, so masculine, and Amy couldn't help but feel a giddy thankfulness at Josh choosing her to receive his seed.

For his part, however, Josh had felt a distinct lack of choice ever since he had touched that stupid football, and even now a primal urge drove him to continue mindlessly thrusting into the willing female in front of him. His powerful muscles clenched in anticipation, and then choice was suddenly taken away from him entirely. His final thrust brought his mind back to reality even as he felt himself lose control, and his dick began involuntarily emptying itself into Amy's eager mouth. She did her best to swallow as much of the delicious liquid as she could, but Josh's heavy balls continued pumping, and eventually it overflowed her soft lips, ran thickly down her chin, and dripped down onto her large chest.

When Josh saw the mess he had made of his girlfriend's face and breasts, he felt an unexpected, inordinate swelling of pride and satisfaction at his actions, and that scared him a bit. Not enough to prevent him from compulsively repeating the entire process every time he saw Amy's fuckable body for the next month, but enough to regret how good he felt about his actions afterward as Amy lay back on the bed, apparently delirious with pleasure at being covered in his cum.

In sum, the main takeaway of the past month was that Josh liked thrusting now. He liked thrusting a lot, and he wanted more of it.

Amy was bobbing her head, making her tits jiggle delightfully to let him know that she agreed with his assessment. She was feeling even hornier lately too, if that were possible. Amy understood all too well how hard it was to think whenever she was near her tall, increasingly muscled boyfriend, and she was eager to let him know as much.

"I know what you mean Joshie. Whenever we hang out my little pussy gets so wet and tingly for you that I can hardly stand it!" Josh wasn't sure how he felt about "Joshie", but after what she had done to his dick with her still-growing tits the previous night, he figured she could call him whatever she wanted.

"Amy! You've never said anything like that before!" Josh exclaimed, trying to hide the fact that her words were going straight to his boner, which was also larger than it had even been.

"I can't help it. I know that whatever's changing us is making me feel this way, but you just smell so good and it makes me wanna... do things..." she said, her voice trailing off as she was once again distracted by her need for his powerful body. Over the past few weeks, Amy had noticed that whenever she was in Josh's presence, it became increasingly difficult to string together multiple coherent sentences. She looked back up at him and opened her mouth as if to speak, hesitated, and then decided to come right out and say it. "Josh, I think we should fuck."

"What? Are you sure that's what you want?" Josh growled as his stiff cock strained against the polyester of his practice shorts. He was barely able to hold himself back already, and knew that any more encouragement on her part would inevitably result in him fucking her, whether he wanted to or not.

"Oh god yes! I even bought a pack of condoms a few days ago, so that we could finally enjoy ourselves without worrying about anything!" she said enthusiastically, proud to display what remained of her ability to plan ahead.

"But we always said we would never do this, and there's no turning back from here," Josh responded even as his body had already backed hers up to the foot of the bed. His cock had decided to fuck her whether Josh wanted to or not, and its patience was wearing thin.

"I know, but I'm horny and want to feel your dick cumming in my pussy this time!" Amy giggled at the intense look on his face as he approached her, knowing that her words had had their intended effect on her big, manly boyfriend. She knew all too well how overwhelming his sexy, masculine urges had become for him, and now he definitely wouldn't be able to resist her big titties and curvy hips any longer as her small, receptive body continued to call to his.

Josh pushed her down onto the bed, gently but firmly, and ripped her tiny, soaked shorts from her hips. His own shorts soon followed, and then his dick was bouncing into view, fully erect and eager for action as it dripped with precum.

Josh was briefly distracted by what looked oddly like a hint of regret in Amy's eyes as she slowly rolled the condom over the tip of his cock, but then the feeling of her soft hands stroking the condom down his stiff shaft pulled his attention back to what she was doing. Finally Josh could take the delay no longer, pushed Amy down on the bed, and mounted her in his need, plunging himself into his enthusiastic girlfriend and unrolling the condom the rest of the way as he pressed himself fully into her.

He moaned as the tight pressure of her pussy pulled at his sensitive dick through the thin latex, and then his hips began their instinctive thrusting once again, sending him deep into his girlfriend's stimulating passage as the sight of Amy's firm breasts bouncing beneath him spurred him on to even more vigorous motion inside of her.

For Amy, the pleasure of feeling Josh powerfully pounding into her and the throaty grunts and moans he let out as he did so, clearly oblivious to everything but the call of her seductive pussy and the pleasure it could provide, was driving Amy wild with desire. She slammed herself down onto his dick, wanting his cock as deep inside of her as possible as her own high-pitched gasps and moans of pleasure echoed his with each thrust.

Her soft, increasingly alluring body was entirely too good at sex, however, and soon Josh felt a familiar euphoric feeling building within him, but many times stronger than ever before now that a silky, receptive pussy was the one doing the coaxing. The testosterone coursing through his veins wouldn't allow him to hold himself back, and the man who had so recently been a weak, stringy nerd with a squeaky voice now groaned in deep baritone satisfaction as his mind blanked with pleasure and his body began its procreative pulsing, sending a thick, heavy load spurting against the tenuous latex barrier protecting his girlfriend's vulnerable reproductive tract from his torrent of catalyzing seed.

Josh didn't remember pulling out, but when he came to and saw that Amy's tiny, curvy figure was snuggled up against his, he was overcome with a sudden, overwhelming urge to protect her as his body released powerful post-orgasm bonding hormones, and over the next few minutes he waxed poetic (or at least as poetic as he was currently able given their diminishing mental faculties) about how much he loved her and how she would always be the only one for him.

Amy, full of happy satisfaction herself after a good fucking, was drinking in every one of his words of devotion. Even so, she found herself frequently gazing over at the spent condom with disappointment; her first time with her sexy, masculine boyfriend had been amazing, but she couldn't help but feel like all of that tasty-looking jizz belonged inside of her instead of in the trash. She'd earned it, after all.

Josh's physical prowess on the football field had been improving just as quickly as his prowess in bed, and when the first game finally rolled around early in the school year, he was surprised to discover that his coach had made the choice to start him at quarterback. With the excitement and intensity of a real game it took a few minutes to settle down into the position, but by the end of the first half Josh already had two passing touchdowns and nearly a hundred yards rushing.

His dad came to watch him play, of course, and when Josh was off the field between possessions, he would look up in the stands and think about how he'd never seen his dad more proud than he was at that moment.

On the field, however, Josh wasn't thinking about anything. He was in his element, and everything was instinct. It was the best feeling in the world to just shut his brain off entirely once the play had been called, and let his strength, reflexes and muscle memory do the work for him. He loved the way his powerful legs flexed as he flew down the field on running plays, but his favorite part was taking hits from defenders larger than he was, testing his body against theirs as he roared with cathartic rage, and he won the clashes as often as not.

Football had become an important emotional outlet for Josh over the past month or so. He had been slowly losing his natural state of calm, objective detachment as his emotions became more intense and harder to control, but here on the field he was finally able to release all of his confusing, pent-up feelings about his father, Amy, and himself in a relatively controlled environment where he didn't have to hold anything back.

On the sidelines Josh's grunts and exertions were having a visible effect on the busty Amy, and she felt herself tingling with arousal as she tried to focus on leading the cheers, jiggling and bouncing in her revealing outfit for Josh's eyes alone. She was proud of his success, of course, and proud to be his girlfriend, but it went beyond that - watching his powerful body flexing as he established his dominance over the other players was striking a primal feminine chord somewhere deep within her, and she was filled with an oddly contradictory sense of submissive possessiveness, almost a need for Josh to mark her as his own in some more permanent way.

After winning handily, Josh was unprepared for his newfound popularity the week following the game, having been mostly ignored in school his entire life. Now, however, guys were chest bumping and high-fiving him as he walked through the halls wearing his letter jacket, but it was the senior girls' reactions that he really took notice of as they began seeking him out and showering him with flirty attention. The curves of their tight, eighteen- and nineteen-year-old bodies had grown increasingly enticing to him over the past month, and, though few of them could hold a candle to Amy's tits and ass at this point, his drastically strengthened reproductive urges still welcomed the other attractive females' not-so-subtle displays of sexual interest. He found himself eagerly anticipating the frequent embraces and other light physical contact the girls began giving him as their natural desire for his new chiseled looks and muscular physique increased. Their arched backs and "innocent" touches frequently sent blood rushing to his dick, resulting in a bulge too large for him to hide, and seeing the result of their flirtations and physical contact left many of the girls flushed and practically panting with their own arousal.

During the pep rally before the next game, Josh was surprised to see that there were actual signs made about him. He tried to keep his eyes on Amy as she flexed her own muscles and showed herself off for his benefit during the pep rally cheers, but his attention kept drifting to the smooth skin and petite curves of the other senior cheerleaders as well, and though he was still more attracted to Amy, he couldn't help but wonder how the other girls would feel pressed up against his powerful body, mewling with need as his thick cock probed and sought for what they both wanted.

Amy was more popular as well of course, with her busty new body, though she wasn't getting anywhere near the attention from the older senior guys that Josh was getting from the girls. This was partially because Josh had quickly made it known that she was taken, but also because Amy never showed any interest in the other guys in the first place. She felt a strong physical attraction to a few of the more masculine jocks on the various sports teams, but it paled in comparison to what she felt for Josh, who had quickly outstripped all of the others, and his attentions were more than enough to meet her needs.

Still, Josh noticed that the mysterious changes had affected her just as strongly as they had affected him, and mentally just as much as physically. Their much less frequent conversations were rarely about anything more complex than cheerleading or football, and Amy was also becoming increasingly obsessed with makeup and fashion. She no longer hung out with her nerdy friends from before her transformation, and instead spent all of her time with the other cheerleaders and popular girls. Also, Amy's grades had dropped, and on some level Josh found himself missing the close friendship he had had with the girl Amy used to be.

Even so, Josh was finding it harder and harder to care. His own grades had slipped a bit due to all of the time he devoted to football (and fucking Amy), and his interests had shifted as well. Even if Amy were the same person she used to be, he didn't think they would have enough in common to share that kind of friendship any longer. Also, he appreciated what her new interest in makeup and clothing did for her ridiculously sexy body, and, though he wouldn't admit it to himself, he also found himself appreciating her increasing submissiveness and eagerness to please him sexually. So, in the end, as much as he missed the friendship they used to have, he couldn't deny the intense, carnal pleasure he got from fucking every part of her willing, delightful little body over and over again.

At home, the two of them were fucking more and more often, especially with the sexual frustration building up inside Josh everyday at school from the other girls' flirtations, and Amy was more than willing to relieve all of that pressure, encouraging Josh to use her any way he wanted, especially if it resulted in watching his balls clench as he covered her with his cum. If Amy was ever bothered by the other girls' interest in her man, she never mentioned it.

Josh was filling their condoms up fuller and fuller each day as his balls continued to grow and he produced more and more cum with each release. Amy eyed each discarded condom full of potent jizz greedily, and first brought up the possibility of fucking bareback in early October, initially couching it as a response to the fact that at this point most of his cum squeezed out of the condom and ended up all over her crotch anyway. Her advances were getting harder for Josh to resist, especially because he too was now feeling a desire to thrust himself into his girlfriend's enticing body without protection, and that need was growing stronger and more insistent with each passing day. He would come home incredibly horny after eight hours of constant titillating yet unfulfilling sexual attention from the other senior girls, and it was all too easy to just lie back and let his seductive, smoking hot girlfriend release all of that tension with her body. It felt so good to let her go further and further each day before reluctantly telling her to put a condom on, and then he'd throw her down and fuck her with reckless abandon, grunting and straining with his need for release, asking himself why he was still wearing a condom and coming up with fewer reasons each time.

For her part, Amy was completely unable to resist her growing need to feel him thrusting raw inside of her. It was like a primal instinct deep within was driving her to get just the tip of his dick inside her pussy, where she knew everything would take care of itself and all would be right with the world, whatever that meant.

One inevitable day in late October the mindless pleasure of thrusting his naked cock against the curvy, inviting body beneath his was more than Josh could resist, and after Amy had teased his throbbing erection against the smooth skin of her mons a few times, she eased it a bit lower and looked up at him with the coquettish, come-hither eyes her transformation had recently caused her to develop, and which tugged at his cock whenever he saw them. That look, combined with the soft, encouraging folds surrounding the entrance he suddenly found himself pressing up against, ready to submissively give way to his eagerly probing dick, silently convinced him to allow just the tip to slide into her warm, slick canal unprotected, just to see what it felt like. Predictably, it felt very good, and as Amy pressed her new bombshell body up against the hard muscles of his chest and abs in wide-eyed urgency, it was all too easy to allow himself to slide in another centimeter.