The April Fool

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His wife thinks he cheated and she takes drastic action.
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Before you email me and tell me this story reminds you a little of Rod_Walker's very memorable story "The Halloween Prank", I will let you know I have written this with his story in mind. Rod, if you are reading this I loved your story and I have read it numerous times but I thought someone with a different frame of mind would have reacted differently and then I let my demons run wild. I thoroughly enjoy reading Rod's works and look forward to his new stories. If you haven't read any of his stories yet, I highly recommend them all to you; they are all great. Maybe it was my twisted sense of humour or a feeling of pain deep down in my groin that the instigators of his Halloween Prank got off too lightly for what they did, that has prompted me to write this. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you think my main character may have overreacted I will blame my demons that I let loose. If you haven't read "The Halloween Prank" by Rod_Walker already, please read it and I promise you will enjoy it.


The April Fool

By Sid0604©

My wife Vicky and I have known each other all of our lives. We were born within weeks of each other and played together as babies then grew up as neighbours in the same small town. Polaroid photos I have found have shown that as babies we even suckled from the same breasts for what reason I am not sure but I found out much later that our parents were closer than neighbours usually are. We always played together and went to the same schools starting with kindergarten and have been inseparable our whole lives until this incident. Some people said it was like we were joined at the hip. She was my best friend throughout our childhood and teenage years; in fact my whole life. Vicky was a tomboy and we looked after each other covering each other's backs and were always on the same football team or baseball team. Both sets of parents used to say it was like they had twins each instead of only having one child. It might sound silly but both of us called the other's parents mom and dad as well.

As we grew older we saw our small town swallowed by an ever expanding state capital. We even ended up with a zoo; oh sorry, I am supposed to say nature reserve to make everyone feel happier about it, and a couple of hospitals, as well as a university. All this expansion created great business for my dad's hardware store.

We lived at each other's houses as we grew up; had meals at each other's places and swam in each other pools. It was like having two sets of parents and I certainly didn't miss having any siblings or cousins around. Vicky was gorgeous from a very young age and loved being naked as much as she could when her parents went out and she soon convinced me to do so as well. She always wanted to be a Vet and whenever she wanted to explore a male body particularly in her early teenage years she used mine; and I certainly enjoyed exploring hers. We even had sleep overs in her room regularly, well into our teens even when her mother caught her fucking me. On pain of death, I had to promise never to tell anyone but I always wondered why I was sworn to secrecy when my mother and father knew before I got home next morning; it didn't stop the sleepovers though. We had already been fucking since the onset of her puberty and getting caught certainly didn't stop her almost raping me when the urge overtook her and that was often. Her mother knew how strong headed Vicky was and had the good sense to put her on the pill; to help her complexion of course. It was probably just as well as after we used condoms once she refused to let me use them again; it didn't feel the same she said. Secretly our parents wanted us together and married by the time we finished University and it was almost like they were encouraging us to be lovers at an early age. It was the towns worst kept secret that we would end up married.

From an early age our parents used to meet every Saturday night for a dinner or a bar-b-cue then party afterwards while Vicky and I were bundled over to the other house with plenty of pizza and fruit juice and soda for the night to watch videos as long as we wanted to and if we didn't put ourselves to bed we would wake up in the morning with blankets over us. In our teens we took the opportunity to fuck ourselves silly; we never wanted to go out as we were always too busy. It didn't seem strange to either of us that our parents would be having breakfast together usually in the clothes they wore the night before or just their swimsuits in summer and we would go over and join them when we finally woke up.

I can still recall the first tragedy to befall us when late one Saturday night an Ambulance with sirens screaming and lights flashing flew down our usually very quiet street waking us and turned into my driveway. It still seems like yesterday. Vicky and I held each other tightly as we watched from the kitchen window next door as the two paramedics rushed into the house with their bags and a trolley. We weren't game to move while they were there and soon enough they were loading someone into the ambulance. We were old enough to realize it must have been her father as her mother got in the back with him. With lights flashing the ambulance disappeared into the night. I took Vicky's hand as we tentatively walked back to my house and met my parents at the door. They told me to wait at home for them to come back and they took Vicky with them to the hospital to be with her mom and dad.

At least Vicky had a chance to see her dad and tell him how much she loved him. He spoke a few words and gave her a smile then he had another major heart attack and died. He had had a severe heart attack at our house while they were all partying. My father phoned to tell me her dad had passed away and asked me to put on the coffee as they would all be home soon. I had known Vicky's dad all my life as a second father and I wished I wasn't alone when I was told; I cared a great deal about him and I cried so much. When they finally came home and saw me they knew they had made a dreadful mistake and I should have gone with them.

While had been waiting, I walked around the house and was struck that it must have been a boring party as there no mess. I watched some of the porno that was left in the video for a while but I had already secretly watched it with Vicky several times already. As I walked past the bedrooms I noticed the bed in the guest room was messed up and thought that was where they must have put him while they waited for the ambulance. I didn't think anything about my parent's bed being messed up though. Years later I knew better. He had suffered a heart attack while he and my mother were fucking. Our parents swapped partners every weekend.

Once everyone came back to the house there was much crying and hugging. Strangely I felt a closeness to Vicky that night I had never felt before as we stayed locked together for what seemed like forever. I wiped her tears from her cheeks gently and kissed as many again away as well. Both my parents took turns in comforting her mother. I heard my father promise Vicky's mother that he would take care of them forever and she cried into his chest wetting his shirt. I just thought he was talking about staying close friends and didn't quite realize what he meant until I took over his business and went through the books. It turned out Vicky's dad had no life insurance and my dad started to support two households.

After a month or two, the dinners and bar-b-cues returned still alternating between the houses and Vicky and I went next door to watch videos and to what we thought, secretly fuck. Whenever we stayed at my house and my parents went next door or went out with Vicky's mum I would sneak a couple of my father's video collection from his closet and we would learn some great new ways to make love. We ended up enjoying cow girl and doggy best. Watching Vicky riding me was amazing and I had forgotten how much until after my parent's sudden death I found heaps of videos he had taken of us from some hidden cameras. I found dozens of our parents swapping or all together as well. The thought of them making and watching the videos was all hard to deal with at first until Vicky's mum caught me watching one. She told me there was nothing to be ashamed of as they all had loved each other very much. It was then she told me her husband had a heart attack while he was with my mother and she was busy with my father. I asked about the ones of Vicky and I and she just smiled saying they all thought we were a beautiful couple and knew we would always be together. That wasn't the answer I wanted and started to think they all had a few kinks as well; why else would you video and watch your teenage kids naked and learning how to make love. I have since converted all of them to DVD and still watch them now and again with Vicky. I needed to be careful with them as we were under age in many of them. I didn't really need to tell you all this but I just wanted to share some of the things I remembered of my early life that affected me.

Vicky always had a temper; not just a little yelling and screaming but a full blown raging fury that made a tornado look like a puff of wind. She was an only child like me and but had always had her way. She was a very popular girl in High School and had the jocks hanging around her all the time if I wasn't there, even though we were officially an "item" even then. One day the captain of the football team finally convinced her to go to the movies with him. She made no secret of accepting his invitation and I was so hurt; I heard from some of the other jocks who wanted to rub my face in it that they were betting how far he would get with her. When Vicky confirmed she was going out with him I cried every night for days leading up to her date. She hurt me so badly. I had never even thought about any other girls; none compared with her. I tried to talk her out of going out with him and even told her there was a betting pool happening at school; she laughed at me and told me not to lie. I thought about asking one of the other girls out as revenge but they were all too afraid of her to be even seen talking alone to me let alone going out with me.

Before I forget, my name is James Marsh, just an average guy about six foot two inches tall; blond hair, deep blue eyes, like I said, average. Everyone asked if I worked out but I was extremely fit from working in the hardware store all my life restocking shelves and taking all the heavy items customers purchased to their trucks or utes. It is amazing how many bags of cement you can carry when you are really fit.

As it happened, the weekend of Vicky stepping out, my mother's sister and her daughter, Amy were passing through on their way to participate in a beauty pageant in the capital in the next state and wanted to stay with us overnight. I knew they all caught up with each other every few years when my parents visited them. I later found videos of my parents swapping with them as well. It was real small town stuff and my mother's younger sister had married my father's youngest brother but they had moved away for employment I was told. Every time they went to visit I was left with Vicky so I hadn't seen my cousin Amy since she was little girl and now she had grown into a stunningly beautiful teenager. Maybe she was even more beautiful than Vicky. She was tall and had long blond hair and the same deep blue eyes as me.

Our parents wanted to "talk" in private and gave us some money to go to the movies, so we went. I found out after my parents died that Amy was really my half sister and her mother had stopped in to get pregnant again; my uncle was sterile and all their kids were in fact my half siblings. At the time, I wouldn't have gone out with Amy if I had known what fate awaited me. We watched the early movie; it was OK and no, we didn't neck or touch each other up; we were cousins; well I thought we were. I didn't see Vicky and didn't look out for her as I tried to forget what she had done to me. When the movie finished I phoned my dad to come and pick us up but he told us he couldn't get to us for about forty-five minutes minutes so we decided to head for the coffee shop and enjoy some more time together catching up on the years since our last contact. I copped a lot of strange looks from other teenagers I knew and just assumed they were looking at Amy with her stunning looks.

We were sitting quietly in a booth talking when Vicky suddenly appeared. Her eyes were ablaze and her face was flushed and if looks could kill both Amy and I would have been dead instantly; vaporised like on Star Trek. She moved very quickly to me and I was about to introduce Amy to her when she called me a "fucking bastard" and punched me in the eye. As I rolled back from her punch I covered my eye to somehow try to ease the pain only to have her pour my milkshake over my head. She then turned to Amy who sat stunned as Vicky gave her a verbal broadside about how dare she try to steal me from her; while all the time I was trying to interrupt. She said she had been humiliated when a couple of her classmates told her how I had been seen here with her and she was nothing but a tramp. This was too much for Amy who stood up and pushed Vicky's hand away as she kept pointing her finger in her face. I had seen this in baseball and knew what was coming and lunged to protect Amy; after all she was supposed to be in a beauty contest in a day or so and she wouldn't have looked any good with a black eye as well. I succeeded in protecting Amy but copped Vicky's fist in my other eye. I went to the floor this time as I was hurting badly but suddenly my pain got a whole lot worse as Vicky kicked me in the nuts twice; one for each she told me as I lay writhing in agony.

As Vicky stormed out I heard her call me an "Asshole" then say she was going home and she would deal with me later for what I had done to her. Vicky disappeared into the night as quickly as she had appeared. That didn't really sit right with me as she was the one who stepped out on me and I was only looking after my cousin. At least I had stopped that jock from getting into her bra or knickers; well I hoped I had and would find out how far he got back at school on Monday. There was no noise in the coffee shop as everyone sat speechless looking at me thinking how glad they were that it wasn't them who had upset Vicky. I found out later I had won some hearts by protecting Amy but no girl was game to speak to me for months and I was laughed at for the next couple of weeks for having two black eyes compliments of Vicky; but it kept all the other males away from her as well because they were scared of her. She had a reputation now but so did I. This was something that was to play in my mind later in life.

Amy wondered what had happened and between my gasps for breath I managed to say "Vicky". "Was that your girlfriend I keep hearing so much about? She is very pretty when she gets fired up. I feel so guilty that she thinks I was on a real date with you. What will you do about her?" said Amy. I just shook my head and raised my shoulders; I couldn't talk any more.

I couldn't do much there as I could barely stand up and slowly moved to a neighbouring dry booth to wait for my father. When he finally arrived late, he looked flushed and asked how many gorillas jumped me. He cocked his head a little and grinned when I told him Vicky was jealous of Amy and said no more. We finally got home and found everyone was in bed, so I said good night to Amy and apologised for Vicky's outburst.

When I awoke late in the morning Amy and her mother were gone. My father had neglected to tell my mother that Vicky had beaten me up and when I finally went down to the kitchen for some breakfast my mother saw me and went ape-shit about my getting into a fight while I was supposed to be looking after my sis...cousin. For a moment I thought she was about to say my sister; she obviously was confusing Amy with her mother. I told my mother what happened and she asked if I had phoned Vicky to apologise; "What's going on here? What had I done to apologise for?" I thought. I told her Vicky could stew for a few days then I might think about it.

Mothers can nag and mine was an expert, so I relented and phoned Vicky. As soon as I spoke she slammed the phone down hard and now my ear hurt as well. Mom was nagging again so I tried the phone one more time. This time her mother answered and told me I should ashamed of myself taking another girl out when Vicky had always been there for me. She told me that I should stop calling her until she was ready to forgive me. I had had enough and interrupted her long tirade and told her that Vicky had dumped me for the night to go out with one of the jocks and I was taking my visiting cousin out at the request of my parents when Vicky attacked me without warning or provocation. Vicky's mother didn't know that Vicky had gone out with someone else and was quiet for a moment then asked if I was lying. I was about to be rude and hang up on her when my mother grabbed the phone to confirm my story.

My loving mother told her I had been with my cousin (at least she got it right this time) and that Vicky had given me two black eyes and kicked me in the nuts....and I yelled out "twice". I had had enough and went to my room and locked the door. I didn't want my mother coming in to tell me I had to go over and beg for her forgiveness or something just as stupid. I was still hurting even after taking the painkillers so I was resting on my bed. I couldn't go out as I was sure everyone would have heard what happened by now and would have been laughing at me.

I suppose I really hoped that Vicky would come over and apologise but I was angry at what she had done to me by hurting me both mentally and physically and I decided if she came over I would pretend to be much worse than I was. The doorbell rang and I could make out three voices downstairs. My mother was there; that was a given. I finally made out Vicky's mother and eventually singled out my assailant's sweet voice. I was in love again but I still hurt and thought that for as long as I hurt so would she.

Our mothers were talking still and most probably now having a cup of coffee. I could make out the odd word but that was it. A noise at my door told me someone was trying to gently turn my locked doorknob. She called out softly to me; so softly I could barely hear her. I wanted to reach out and let her in so we could be together again. She knocked quietly again and again as she called out to me. I heard her say she was sorry and I wondered what for; dumping me or hurting me so I just left her at the door. I heard her start to cry as she slid down the door and sat on the carpeted floor outside. I listened to her crying softly outside my door for a long time trying to decide if she was pretending. I had been with her our whole lives and been there for her when she got hurt and cried from the pain. As well, I had been with her when she had tried to manipulate her parents by pretending to cry and I knew the difference. This sounded like when she had lost her father; I decided she was hurting and at the time I thought it wouldn't hurt her to know what pain I was feeling.

If anyone made a big deal about it I would just say I was sleeping and didn't hear her. I was still hurting even though she was crying. I heard my father come home for lunch and felt guilty I wasn't at the shop with him. I heard him come in and start talking and laughing with the women and then I heard his footsteps as he mounted the stairs. He stopped and spoke to Vicky and I heard her answer telling him I wouldn't let her in. I thought I was going to be told in no uncertain terms to do so, but I heard nothing but Vicky's whimpering and decided my dad was on my side because he knew what she did to me. Then there was a noise at the doorknob again and this time the door opened slowly. My father had a key for my door; I should have known, given that he installed them himself. All these years I thought I was the only one with a key to my sanctuary. I had time to shut my eyes before they both entered and saw me "asleep". I could peek from under my arm and saw my father push her towards me then he left the room locking the door behind him.