The Atom is a Voyeur

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The Atom shrinks down to spy on Wonder Woman in the shower.
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"Jesus, what's taking her so long?" Raymond Palmer said to himself. "I've been reading the back of this shampoo bottle for hours!" A monolith of flowery words towered before him, etched upon a clear bottle, half filled with translucent green liquid. The text described the effectiveness the product had at bringing out the inner beauty and power of the woman who used it. It sounded mystical in its properties and applications. Just below that was an even longer block of text detailing all the man-made chemicals in it.

Raymond Palmer was seated behind a shampoo bottle that rested on a shelf in a shower. To understand how he accomplished that, it's important to know his alter ego: The Atom. Through fantastical tech, currently housed on his belt and activated via thought, Raymond was able to shrink himself down to sub-atomic sizes. For his purposes in the shower, he settled for an inch tall. So, what were those purposes?

Months prior, Ray was fighting alongside his comrades of the Justice League. In the heat of battle, he was needed to help defuse a devastating alien bomb. There was no way he could reach the bomb in time on his own, so Wonder Woman volunteered to help. "I need both my hands to fight," she told him. With no pockets on her corset and skirt, she had no choice but to tuck him securely between her breasts. Once he shrunk down considerably.

Ever since that day, Ray had thought of nothing else but those big, caramel, breasts he got to spend three glorious minutes between. They had become his obsession. She had become his obsession. He knew he had to see them again, to see more of her. After several failed attempts to talk to her, as she was often being called away on a mission, and convincing himself he wasn't good enough to date her anyway - let alone get her into bed - he opted for option B.

Ray had always had a voyeuristic side to him. Though the story of his creation of the shrinking tech was told many times, he never told them the truth. The truth being he created the tech so he could sneak into locker rooms and spy on women changing - and hopefully more. He wasn't proud of it. It wasn't the kind of thing one brags about. However, he justified his fetish by saving the world and fighting crime. I've done a lot of good this week, he'd tell himself. I deserve my reward.

He was about to give up hope of catching Wonder Woman entering the shower when he heard the door to her bedroom slide open. Many leaguers had homes off the Watchtower, and Wonder Woman had several. When he confirmed she would be staying on the Watchtower for a few days, he pulled the trigger. While he knew she was out, he shrunk down to sneak into her room. He changed his heights various times to make it across her bedroom, into her bathroom, and climb onto the shelf built into the shower wall. Ray even made sure to leave the bathroom and shower doors open so he could watch her in her bedroom.

Wonder Woman, or Diana as she preferred to be called while off duty, gracefully sauntered into her bedroom. Ray peered around the bottle to watch her. Her hair was thick and voluminous; a raven black curtain that flowed like a water fall to her shoulders and stopping between her shoulder blades. Facial features were intensely beautiful. Fierce eyes, high cheek bones, and a strong jawline. However, nothing stood out more for Ray than her lips.

There was no doubt he was obsessed with Diana's breasts. It was his reason for his current position. However, her lips often gave him pause. One day, in the cafeteria, while Ray was watching Diana eat - more specifically watching her cleavage as she ate - Supergirl came down to sit with Diana. The cute teen offered her idol something Diana had never tried before: a Popsicle. Supergirl was happy to show Diana how to eat one, and Diana was a quick study. Ray figured he went roughly 30 seconds without breathing. All the focus and energy of his body went into pinpointing his gaze on her pillow-soft lips, parting to accept the phallic shaped dessert. Mimicking Supergirl, Diana slowly pushed the orange cream flavored ice cream in and out; the ice cream was also rotated left and right, corkscrewing into Diana. She had to occasionally stop to lick her lips clean of the accumulated cream. A droplet of melted ice cream reminded Ray of his true passion. It fell onto her right breast, catching his attention immediately. Little by little it slid along the curve of her expansive chest, until finally it disappeared into her cleavage. Ray immediately shrunk himself down so he could jerk off. There was no way he could wait.

Getting back on track, Wonder Woman was stunning. Her face had become the inspirational face of women everywhere. Her body, on the other hand, had become the masturbatory material for men, and women, everywhere. Long, strong, legs. High, firm, butt cheeks. Above all those, literally, were her two huge breasts. Ray had explored many bras in his life, and he figured Diana had to be somewhere between a large D and an F. I got a large D for her, he thought, laughing to himself.

Diana raised her arms and stretched, yawning from the exhausting mission. Her inspirational tits strained against her red and blue corset, trying to spill over the gold-trimmed edge. As if to tease him, Diana moved out of Ray's line of sight. He only had a minimal view of her bedroom, just from the door to the edge of her bed. He thought it would be fine, until he saw her corset fly back into frame, without her in it. Damn! I'm missing it!

"Ugh, that battle lasted far too long," Ray heard Diana say, out of sight. "The thrill of it all was splendid! However, my breasts have become quite sore. They yearn for a soothing massage." Okay, now I'm really missing it. While Ray thought of a way to get down to spy on the bedroom, without being seen, and having a good angle, Diana narrated her touch. "Ahh, much better. To knead strongly my gifts from the goddess, to replace pain with pleasure. Such splendid relief." Ray was paralyzed by surging arousal. Her moans helped paint a vivid picture for him.

"I look forward to my well-earned rest," Diana commented. Nooo, Ray screamed internally. "But first, I must wash clean the accumulated filth of battle, and refresh my body, mind, and soul." Yesss. Ray eagerly awaited to see what he assumed would be a fully nude Wonder Woman sway into the bathroom. This is it, sounded the excitement in his head, I'm finally going to get to see Wonder Woman in the buff! What he got, however, was Wonder Woman in a bathrobe.

What the hell? Why are you wearing a bathrobe? You're alone in your room! And who wears a bathrobe before showering? Ugh! It wasn't even some short, satiny, number, either. It was a practically sized, fluffy white, robe. She had it closed enough to hide away her cleavage, and it reached well past her ass. Regardless of how her ample assets still curved against the fluff, it was still far less sexy than Ray wanted.

Ray rested his head in his hands as he watched Diana do her pre-bed bathroom routine. It's honestly too boring to even list. Just imagine your typical routine, then imagine you're Ray and you had been promised a nude Wonder Woman but was being denied. That's where Ray was. When Diana finally turned toward the shower, he perked up. However, her only goal was to close the door - before she sat down on the toilet. The frosted glass of the shower prevented Ray from seeing anything. Finally, something I'm happy I'm not witness to. The glass didn't stop him from hearing anything, though. I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...

The brief relief over, Diana was now moving toward a greater relief. No, not that; this isn't that kind of story. The shower, remember? Ray's eyes widened; watching the silhouette of Wonder Woman letting her robe slip off her shoulders and then be hung up on a hook. She was reaching for the door. He was reaching for his cock. The door pulled back. His mouth dried. The first hint of her naked hip revealed itself. Ray hid.

He panicked. Ray had a feeling she might be able to see him as she got in, so he dove back behind the shampoo bottle. He had come too far, though, and he wasn't about to give up. So, to psych himself up, he watched Diana's shape through the distorted lens of the translucent green shampoo in the clear bottle. It was like watching Cinemax soft core porn on a scrambled channel. The shapes were familiar, when you knew what to look for, but they were heavily warped. The water poured from the shower head, and Ray figured he'd build up his courage again as Diana waited for the water to heat up. Instead of doing that, Diana into the shower. In that initial cold temperature.

"Ah!" she exclaimed with satisfaction. "Bracing! Like the waterfalls on Themyscira. It only misses the pounding pressure and the presence of my Amazonian sisters." I got some pounding pressure for...ah screw it, I need to focus, Ray crudely thought but gave up on. All mental energy had to go toward getting himself to pull the trigger and watch Wonder Woman shower. So that's exactly what he did. Slowly, but surely, Ray peeked himself around the edge of the bottle, bringing more and more of Diana into view until finally he saw her in all her glory.

Wonder Woman, Diana, Amazonian warrior princess from the lost island of Themyscara, and arguably the most beautiful woman in the world was revealed in all her glory, awash in the gradually warming waters. Waters rained upon her face, so their journey started there. Quick streams trickled down her prominent features. With her lips parted, some water rained upon her tongue, if not dripped there as the water trickled over her pouty pillows. Most dripped off her chin and jaw, or continued to run down, racing down her sleek neck. Her fingers followed with them, sliding gently down her throat and over her collarbone.

Breasts, where Ray spent most of his time looking, were gently caressed by the water and Diana's familiar hands. Ray always assumed her corset had done a lot of lifting, especially given how heavy her jugs seemed. While there was no doubt it hugged her tits together and hoisted them higher, he was surprised at how much her assets did so on their own. Gravity held little sway over her great globes, which showed a scant amount of sag. Perhaps it was due to her super strength that kept her skin taunt. Perhaps it was the will of the Gods who sculpted her that she be this way. Ray didn't know who to thank, he just knew he was thankful. At the center of either breast was a light-brown nipple. They made his mouth water.

Diana's hands curved over her breasts. Like a magic trick, her nipples were soft at first, but when her hands passed over and revealed them again, they were erect. Hands cupped underneath her melons and lifted. The world-famous Wonder Woman's breasts were lifted and hugged to her chest appreciatively. After demonstrating her breasts ripe fullness, her hands continued down.

Unsurprisingly, a woman with as much strength as Wonder Woman had considerable muscle definition. Though not enough to look at her and assume she was a body builder, there was no doubt she was strong - especially in her abdominals. Trickles of water careened down over and between her breasts. Running along her raised abs, the water traced over the subtle hills and valleys of her fitness. Her legs were the same, though Ray spent no time examining them. He'd seen them plenty already, thanks to Wonder Woman's costume. He was there for the unseen treasures. Treasures like the one nestled above her thigh gap.

Wonder Woman had an expansive bush, though she kept it neat and very trim. The hairs were but a whisper in their length. A choice likely made to minimize chafing in her tight costume. Ray had spent many nights fantasizing about the reality he was witnessing. His fantasies didn't compare. The Atom had to keep edging himself as he jerked off; he wanted the sensation to last longer. He couldn't hold out forever, though. When Diana turned around, letting the water run down her muscular back, he was treated to the sight of her firm backside. High and tight; the kind of ass that could crack a walnut. Her super strength could likely accomplish more. Yet it still looked so soft and smooth, Ray had to stop himself from diving toward it. He was almost able to hold on a little longer, but Diana's satisfied moan pushed him over the edge.

Turning back around, Diana reached for her body scrub and body wash bottle. Ray dove behind the shampoo again, not wanting to risk being spotted. After hearing the bottle open, squirt, close, and be rested back on the shelf, he felt confident in peaking again.

Diana began to wash herself, starting at her neck and working down. A fine lather was formed along her body, covering up the tan of her skin and replacing it briefly with white suds. Breasts were paid special attention to and would be later as well. After every inch of her skin from her neck down was soaped up, Diana began to rub her hands into her soft flesh. She gave soft, appreciative, moans with every erogenous zone she passed over.

As noted earlier, Diana paid extra attention to her breasts. Groped and squeezed, lifted and hugged. Her tits were given every little bit of attention the world's population had dreamed they could deliver. Ray had recovered and was stroking again right around the time Diana started massaging her famous assets. While one hand remained on her tit, another slid along her tummy and cupped her sex. The moans she had given up to that point were somewhat sexual, given the situation, but mostly just satisfied in their tone. The one she gave as her fingers slid along her petal lips were far unmistakably sexual.

Oh shit, he thought. Am I going to see Wonder Woman masturbate? He would. Diana had used the washing of her body as foreplay, so she needn't spare any more time to it. As soon as her fingers were over her slit, her middle finger disappeared inside. Fingers firmly squeezed her tit in response. For comfort, Diana took a step back and rested her back against the wall. Dutiful hand swapped between nipples as needed, while the other stayed pressed against her vagina.

"Oh, Hera," Diana whimpered, "How I long for the intimate touch of another." Ray cursed himself for not being more forward with her in the past, as it sounded like, to him, she would have eagerly accepted him as, if nothing else, a one-night stand. "Man. Woman. I care not which, just send one to me," she prayed. "Whether it be the attentive ministrations of a woman's lips worshiping at my altar, or a man's pride working itself inside me, I'll shall take either," Diana wished. "Or both, should your blessings be bountiful!" Wonder Woman squeezed and held her bountiful breast as her fingers hit a specific spot in her blessed box.

As soon as I'm done here, Diana, I will be that man for you, Ray promised. He was getting close. Diana was getting close. Her fingers were moving faster, as was his hand. He felt in sync with her pleasure. Eagerly awaiting the climax, Ray held off just a little so he could time it along with hers. Closer, closer, and closer still until finally - the door knocked. Ray came regardless, though Diana seemed to have been interrupted.

"Curses!" Diana cursed. Fuck! Ray cursed. "Wh-Who is it?" Diana called out over the sound of her shower.

"It's me. Karen!" supposedly Karen replied. Power Girl? What's she doing here? Both Ray and Diana wondered.

"Come in, Karen," Diana welcomed, pulling her hands free of her sex and breast. The door slid open and Karen entered.

"Oh, you're in the shower. I can come back later," Karen noted in surprise.

"Don't be silly. I'm always willing to help an ally in need," Diana said, dismissing Karen's attempt to leave. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, actually, the thing is my shower is broken. So, I came by to see if I could use yours," Karen explained.

"Of course! What's mine is yours," Wonder Woman happily offered.

"So...should I wait here, or...?" Karen wondered aloud, curious how she was supposed to use the shower if Diana was already in it. Considering what kind of story this is, it's easy to guess how.

"Nonsense; there's no reason for you to have to wait for the waters to warm again. Just come join me, I'm nearly finished as it is," Diana explained with her generous and boner-inducing offer. I think I might have psychic powers, Ray non-psychically thought, convinced he had orchestrated the flow of events through will power alone.

"Well...alright," Karen accepted. After removing her clothes, her bare feet padded into the hard tile bathroom. Ray sat paralyzed as he watched her silhouette grow closer and closer, until finally the door swung open. Not wanting the water to spill out, Karen quickly stepped inside the shower, causing her breasts to wobble and bounce. "Thanks for this, Diana."

There wasn't much space in the shower to begin with; designed with only one person in mind. With two huge chests, wide hips, and plump asses - space was tight. However, the women, eager to shower together, made it work. They started platonically enough. Backs to each other, getting themselves as wet as possible. When that wasn't enough, they turned to face one another.

In the interest of being an ever more generous host, Diana had even begun washing Karen for her. Her soapy hands explored all over. To get a deep clean, Diana made sure to squeeze Karen close. Not to be passive, Karen too began to wash Diana, though she didn't need to. Who could pass up the opportunity, though? The women covered each other in soap, only to have it wash away, numerous times. The longer they spent trying to get clean, the dirtier they got.

"I must say, Karen," Diana began with her commanding voice, "your 'gifts' were delivered by the Gods themselves." It wasn't hard to figure out which gifts she meant. Had she Power Girl's laser vision, she would have burned a hole through Karen's chest. Good thing she didn't. "Their bounty is...well, bountiful." Diana's examination was conducted with a hands-on approach. Karen's galaxy-famous breasts were lifted and bounced in Diana's examining palms. Despite being a cup or two larger than Diana's, Karen's breasts were impossibly perky. That's Kryptonian genes for you. As if stupefied by their bounce and perk, Diana explored all over the jugs, searching for some answer to the sexy riddle. Judging by the way Karen bit her lip, Ray deduced she didn't hate the attention.

"They've certainly helped me make a name for myself," Karen admitted. Without them, there was a good chance she would have just been Supergirl's alternate reality doppleganger, though slightly older. With them, however, and thanks to her viewing window on her suit, Power Girl was a household name. "I'm just thankfull I'm Kryptonian. Otherwise my back would have given out years ago." The women shared a laugh. Karen's turned into a moan when Diana gave her girls a firmer than usual squeeze. I must be dreaming, but I'll be damned if I'm going to pinch myself to wake up, Ray thought.

"I wish I had your breasts, though, Diana." After Diana's hands dropped away, Karen lifted her own to her comrade's breasts. Her touch was a bit more intimate, making squeezes and gropes as she tested their fullness. "Such a perfect size and shape."

"All breasts are beautiful, as they are all gifted by the Goddesses," Diana pronounced.

"Yea, but not all breasts are this plump and juicy to play with!" Karen and Diana laughed. "Plus, you have such perfect nipple placement." Karen's fingertips gently circled Diana's aereolas, leaving goose bumps in their wake. Boldly she let the brown pebbles slip between her closing fingers. "Such a perfect color, too. Like two Hersey Kisses." Totally agree, Ray agreed. Forgot to mention it, without all the breast play going on, but Ray was jerking off again. Just FYI.