The Awakening Ch. 02


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Susan got up and hesitantly walked over to them joining in the hug. She wrapped her arms around them as she leaned in laying her head on Laura's shoulders. Her soft smile and warm embrace reassured them both.

"Julie, I hope you know you are so very special sweetie. But, your mother and I...."

Laura hushed Susan's voice as they all stood there together. They all seemed to be flush with anticipation neither knowing exactly what to do or say.

Finally, Julie spoke. "Mom, Susan I know, it was just a bit strange to see you two kissing like that. I know Susan was just helping me, but...I don't know. This is all so new and strange and wonderful at the same time."

The tears slowly subsided as they all stood embracing and enjoying the feel of each other's closeness.

Susan kissed her young lover again as they continued their embrace. Laura smiled as she watched them close their eyes and press their lips together. Laura was so close she could hear and feel them both sigh as their lips met. She felt a twinge of jealousy begin to grow inside her; she dismissed it and just smiled watching them embrace.

Slowly, the two lovers parted lips. Laura smiled with a mother's knowledge that things would work out.

"It's ok Julie; I know this has been a very, well....different day. I love you no matter what and I hope you know that." Laura reminded her. She leaned in and kissed Julie's flushed cheek and looked deeply into her daughter's eyes.

They stood there hugging, looking at each other more, still unsure of who should do what. Laura finally suggested Susan shower and get dressed so they could make a decision about dinner. Julie blushed, noticing Susan's nipples as hard round pebbles. Probably caused by either the kiss or their bodies close proximity as they hugged.

"Oh alright, I am starving." Susan smiled as she left their embrace.

Laura and Julie watched as Susan left the room. Laura returned her eyes to look into Julie's. She smiled and softly hugged her daughter once again.

"Susan is very lovely, Julie. We need to get deal with dinner and the fact that Becky might join us", Laura smiled as she released Julie.

A quick thought about having Rachel as a lover flashed through Laura's mind, as she looked Julie in the eyes. A young lover might not be so bad, she thought to herself smiling at her now not so innocent daughter.

"Yes, and mom, you are too, oh, is Becky coming over?" Julie smiled as she pulled Laura back to her, hugging her tightly once more.

"Yes, she called earlier. We'll call her cell once we figure out what we're going to do." Laura added.

They both smiled as they hugged each knowing that today they had grown closer together. Julie's firm breasts pressed into Laura as her thoughts turned back to Rachel. Julie was having similar thoughts about Susan as they both turned and walked out of the room.

Walking into the kitchen, they began to talk about what they had around the house worthy enough to serve their houseguest. They decided going out would probably be the best thing and called Becky.

* * *

Susan walked into the bathroom and ran the shower; the water didn't take long to warm up. She stepped in and let the hot water sweep away the scent of her day. Recalling the image of Laura and Julie embracing, she felt a surge of joy between her legs.

Oh my, she thought to herself that is so bad. She smiled lasciviously to herself as she remembered Julie's delicious body and fantasized about Laura's mature frame. This could very well be a week to remember, and it's only been a few hours already.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Blown away, really got into this, turned me on..."Great"

I couldn't stop reading, I was glued to your words, I mast abated over and over. Real emotions weld within me, I can't wait to your follow up. Fantastic I will read some more of yours right now.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Chapter 3 needed!!!

You can't leave me hanging on like this!!!

tlemmonstlemmonsabout 18 years ago
This has to continue!!!

Great storyline that has too much potential to stop here :-)

TE999TE999about 18 years ago
Sensual and exciting

I sincerely hope there are more chapters to this series. A wide range of possibilities for the women pairing off or in a group makes it even more interesting. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I can't wait to see how you twist and turn this

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