The Awards Show Ch. 06

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Jane and Jet have a fight, and Jet turns to Rhett for help.
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Part 6 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/27/2020
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Jet would be lying to herself if she said the next three months were easy. They weren't. She and Jane got better. She felt recommitted to their relationship and Jane seemed happy. She started to even talk about moving in with Jet. Of course, that was a whole new level that Jet wasn't sure she was ready for, but it was nice to know that Jane trusted her and that they might have a future together.

When work started at the studio, everything felt good. Jet was so excited to see Charlie in action again and Rhett and Link both added a ton of humor to situations. They were pretty good actors despite how goofy they could be at times. Jet loved every minute though. She grew closer to Link as she got to know him and enjoyed his silliness more than anything. She and Rhett intentionally avoided being alone together, which worked. It even became a rhythm after a while. When the last person with them was about to leave, one of them would just quietly slip away as well. It was nothing, and Jet felt no tension most of time.

Of course, there were those moments that made it difficult. The moments where they would accidentally brush against each other, or end up in a group picture or hug. His touch would do things to her when that happened. Jet knew it did something for him too because he would have the same pause and catch her eyes. It was those nights she felt guilty meeting up with Jane.

Jane didn't seem to notice the moments. She didn't seem to pick up on Jet's sudden pushes to be with her. The quickies the moment Jane would come over were just something she took in stride. Jane even stopped her once and told Jet that the spontaneity was hot. Jet tried to play it off, and she almost convinced herself. It couldn't be Rhett's accidental brush against her leg that made Jet want to rip Jane's clothes off the instant she could. It wasn't the fact that he caught her as she tripped that made her bury her face in Jane's pussy for hours. Those things couldn't have a correlation because that would mean that Jet was still caught on Rhett and she had to fight against that.

Those three months were hard, and one day Jet's façade came crashing down. It was the simplest thing that did it too. The simplest thing.

"God, you are so good at that. Jesus Jet, please...I can't take anymore." Jet had been going down on her girlfriend for nearly an hour at this point Jane was a sloppy mess.

"Then, what do you want to do next, baby?" The word slipped out of her mouth in a deep playful tone and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

"Did you just call me baby?" Jane pulled Jet up to be level with her face and she came willingly, leaning in to kiss Jane.

"Yea, why?"

"It was just weird. I mean you sort of sounded like Rhett. I've been watching their show, you know that right?"

"You told me. I've watched it too."

"The way you just said that, well, it sounded just like how Rhett talks to food. Have you been watching them film at the studio?"

"I have, why?"

"Nothing, I just got this weird feeling when you called me that. It was sort of like you were thinking about him."

"Jane, come on. Why are you being weird? I'm in bed with you, you know. Why would you even bring Rhett up?"

"Why are you getting so defensive? Do you still like him Jet?" Jane rolled towards her with an accusation written all over her face.

"Jane, quit it. Rhett is my friend, that's it, that's all. We barely even text. We just work together. Even if I picked up something he says, would that be so weird?"

"How much time do you spend alone with him Jet?"

"What?" Jet sat up, angry. She had been going out of her way to not be alone with Rhett at all. She refused to text anything personal with him or be alone in any situation, even the most innocuous, and Jane was accusing her of this crap?

"I just asked if you were alone with him." Jane sat up as well.

"Jane, this is bullshit. I barely text him and I avoid being alone with him ever and you are sitting there accusing me like this. I mean fuck...I was just eating you out for the last hour and you're wondering if I'm thinking about Rhett?"

"Well are you?"

"I'm not. I don't think about him when I'm with you. I think about you, and I want you. God."

"If you want me so bad, then why are you going back to the studio tonight?" Jane crossed her arms.

"We have to film a few segments in the dark. I told you. I'm not going to be alone with Rhett tonight either since you trust me so little. You know you could come with me. There's nothing stopping you. You can sit there on the sidelines and make sure we don't even look at each other weird." Jet was pissed.

She started to get herself dressed and stormed to the bathroom brushing through her hair. Jet wanted to take a shower before she left, but it was now way more important to not continue this stupid argument. Jet thought they were past this jealousy and she had modified her every interaction with Rhett in order to avoid it too. Jane was just pushing her buttons.

"Aren't you going to shower before you go in?"

"I was, but honestly I just want to not deal with you anymore right now. I can't believe I have alienated a friend of mine and been so damn cognizant to not even be near to him for months and you're acting like I've done something wrong just because I used a word that he does. This is fucking crazy. You are so immature sometimes." Jet felt the anger consuming her. It had been building for months and she knew it.

"You're so defensive. You do still want him, don't you?"

"I'm not answering that. Just please lock up when you leave, okay? I'll call you tomorrow when you've realized what a bitch you're being."

"A bitch, did you just call me a bitch?" Shit, Jet could slap herself right now. If there was one button she did not want to push it was that one, and yet...

"Look I didn't mean that. I'm sorry."

"Oh no, you meant it and I can't believe you. Fuck you Jet." Jet growled in frustration and grabbed her purse heading out the door.


When she pulled up to the studio in Burbank, Jet knew she was early. Her nerves were on edge and she had run away, because that's what she was good at running away from an argument, especially one she didn't know how to respond to. She grabbed her purse, heading towards the door and hoping to be able to take her mind off of everything.

Jet tried the door, and found it locked and she turned pushing her back against the wall. Great, she was going to have to wait outside now. She opened up her phone and saw two missed calls and at least 10 texts all from Jane. With a sigh, she closed it again; there was no way she was going to be able to deal with that until later.

"Hey, you're early." Rhett's voice made her look up. He was strolling up, keys in hand. His longer hair blew a little bit in the wind.

"Yea, I needed to get out of the house." She gave him a soft smile, not even realizing this was the first time they were truly alone since that night in his truck.

"Everything okay? I mean don't take this the wrong way, but you don't look quite as together as you usually do." He unlocked the door and ushered her inside.

"Jane and I had a fight, and it was bad."

"Do you want to talk about it?" His eyes were caring as he looked at her.

"I probably shouldn't, but I could use a friendly ear."

"Let me grab some water and we'll chat in the lounge. Do you want anything?"

"Water sounds great Rhett. How long do we have until everyone shows up?"

"They'll be here in like half an hour." He motioned to the couch and went to grab water. Jet felt better almost instantly, just knowing she could talk to Rhett. He returned a moment later and sat on the opposite side of the couch, leaving space between them, although not much once he stretched a leg out to turn towards her.

"Do you have something you came to do? I don't want to interrupt you."

"Stop. You need to talk, so talk."

"You have no idea how good it is to have someone say that. I care about Jane, but she's just not much of a listener. We had the dumbest fight. I mean I called her 'baby' and she just took that and ran straight to crazy town." Jet sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"What? Alright, you're going to have to be more specific than that or I'm going to call her to tell her to grow up." He smiled and Jet turned in to him cradling her legs in her arms.

"So, we' know...having sex."

"Be more specific." Rhett wiggled his eyebrows and Jet couldn't help but smile.

"You wish. Anyways, perv, we're having sex and I called her baby. Then, she tells me I sounded like you. Of all the times for her to even bring you up. I mean I'm buried in her pussy and she brings you up." Jet slapped a hand over her mouth and turned red. She really had not meant to go into so much detail with him.

"Oh. First of all, so hot. Second, what does it even matter if you sounded like me? I mean we're friends and we've been seeing each other practically every day."

"I know, right? So, then she goes on this rant about I must be thinking about you, and then when I get upset she calls me defensive. Then, I snap at her and tell her that we're, you and I, just friends so she needs to chill out."

"Which is 100% right. We are never even alone together, well I mean until today."

"I don't even care about that anymore. I should be able to be alone with who I want to and text with who I want to. That's what I told her. I flipped out. And, she started asking me how much time we're alone together and everything. I was pissed. I mean I literally just ate this chick out for an hour Rhett and now she's on my ass about thinking of someone else."

"Oh fuck, Jet that's..." Rhett readjusted his pants in front of her and she felt herself flush at the thought of his excitement.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be graphic, but I was just pissed. I'm not trying to rub anything in your face or anything."

"There's a choice of words." He laughed a little and Jet snickered too.

"I'm trying to be serious here Rhett."

"I know, and I'm trying to not picture you naked buried in Jane's pussy. So, you'll forgive me if it's not that easy." He shifted his jeans down again and Jet watched before shaking her head to continue.

"I just flipped out Rhett. All this time that I've been on eggshells about our friendship and she starts the bullshit again. Then, she was like 'why are you going to the studio tonight?" Suddenly, she doesn't trust me at all, which is crap. I'm the one who put the brakes on things when we almost kissed, and I'm the one that has kept you at a distance even though you are so easy to talk to and make me feel better."

"I completely get where you're coming from. You really have tried to do everything to make her feel comfortable, and trust me I love talking to you too. You know I've missed it." He leaned in patting her hand softly.

"Thank you. I was a bitch though. I mean she was accusing me and I was angry. I invited her here to watch and told her she could keep tabs on me, and she had the nerve to get more upset and ask me if I still wanted you."


"So, then I put the nail in the coffin. I told her to call me after she realized what a bitch she was. I knew it was a big button for her, and I said that shit anyways. I mean the look on her face Rhett. I shouldn't have gone there."

"Wait, you called her a bitch?"

"Yes. I did. Then, of course, I pulled a signature move and I left. I just fucking left. I'm such an asshole."

"Wow. I have nothing for you on the bitch thing, except you are really going to have to apologize. Although, I don't know where she gets off accusing you of all that. I mean just over saying the word 'baby'?"

"Right? I've been such a fucking good girlfriend, and here we were talking about her moving in and everything. Then, bam she's back to jealous little girl again."

"It should be enough for her when you said you didn't want me anymore. Plus, you've been completely cutting me off, like no texts, no nothing. I don't' get why she doesn't trust you."

"I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if it's just because she's so young. She might just not be mature enough. I didn't tell her that I didn't want you, by the way, although maybe I should have."

"Why didn't you tell her that Jet?" Rhett had grown closer somehow and Jet was just noticing, worse she couldn't tell if it was her that moved or him. Her nerves were on edge from the fight still and she was so frustrated, but Rhett's smell was invading her nostrils. She wasn't sure what the scent was exactly, but it was pure Rhett, and it was making her excited.

"I...I couldn't."

"You need to tell her that. She needs to hear you say that you only want her, trust me." Rhett's fingers suddenly lifted her chin and she was staring into his eyes.

"I can't tell her that Rhett. I just can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's not true. I can't lie to her." Jet leaned up then, without even thinking and kissed him. It was like one minute she was rational and explaining this argument and the next the world made sense on some primal level that had been right in front of her.

Rhett didn't move at first, and then he sprang into action. He was far quicker than she expected and she was on her back in an instant with him lying between her legs, mouth devouring hers. Jet moaned into him and her fingers ran through his hair. He was warm and enticing as he groped on her body and his tongue ventured between her lips. God she needed this. Jet wanted him so badly.

"Oh fuck, you smell like pussy still. I want you so much." His fingers gripped her tighter.

"Yes, please. I need you ...please." The heat was intense between them as she clawed at his ass, pulling him against her as best she could.

"Rhett are you sleeping on the couch?" A voice rang out coming towards them and Rhett and Jet both sat up to look. It was Link, who was standing there with his eyebrows up, just staring at them.

"Fuck." Jet said a single word and scrambled out from under Rhett's body racing to the bathroom. What the hell was she thinking? This wasn't her. Her head wasn't right, and she felt the need to slap herself for the second time that evening.

A few cold splashes of water later and she went back out to where the two guys were.

"What are you doing man?" Link was angry at his friend and Jett slowed her approach.

"I don't know. I don't fucking know. We were just talking and then she kissed me and it was like a switch was flipped. I can't resist her. On some level, it's like I can smell her Link. The moment she's close to me it's just...boom...I want her."

"You're dating someone now Rhett. You can't be doing this. That woman is taken, by a woman for gosh sake. You need to control your dick man. Do I even have to mention that you're doing that in the studio, on our common couch?"

"I'm sorry man. I don't know what happened."

"Nothing happened, that was me. I'm just keyed up from an argument with Jane and I did something stupid. I'm sorry Link. It won't happen again. And, Rhett, I'm really sorry I did not know you were seeing anyone. That was just a shitty thing for me to do. Now, I'd appreciate if we can all just pretend it never happened and get this filming done." Jet stepped out of the shadows and laid things out.

"Jet that was not just you." Rhett was standing and he approached her.

"Rhett, please." She put a hand up and he nodded.

"I'm going to my office for a minute. I'll...I'll be back." Rhett walked past her and down the hallway.

"I'm going to get some air. I'll be ready to start when everyone gets here." Jet smiled at Link and made her way to the door.

"You know you can talk to me if you need to Jet. I mean you don't have to just turn to him." Link smiled and she turned to him.

"Thank you. I guess Rhett just got here first today, and...I need air okay?" She turned walking out.

The rest of the evening Jet spent avoiding Rhett entirely. They were never within a foot of each other as they set things up for shots, and they didn't speak. When it was over and time to tear everything down, Jet grabbed his arm, steering him to the side of the room.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have done that to Jane and I definitely didn't know you were seeing someone. I fucked up. Can we just go back to only friends and leave it there? I really want to talk to you again, even if it's only over text once in a while." She gave him a smile.

"Absolutely. Look, the girl I'm seeing is only casual so not a big deal, but I honestly don't think you should say anything to Jane. If you really want to make things work then don't tell her about a momentary lapse that was really just kissing. You're allowed one small mistake, so just let it be."

"Okay. I'll see you on Monday alright? We'll wrap up the last few scenes and then we can go back to casual text buddies." Jet gave him a soft smile and then went back to help clean up.


When Jet got home that night, she went through her messages, which did not make her feel much better. It was mostly Jane apologizing for being jealous, and it was enough to make her regret everything that had happened. Eventually, Jet reached a boiling point and went out to her car heading over to see her girlfriend. Jane was thrilled; of course the flowers Jet brought helped.

From there, things seemed to go back to normal. Filming only took one more week and after that Jet didn't text Rhett at all for a while. They were nearly strangers, except for an occasional hello from him and response from her. It made her sad every time she saw the one word text, but she couldn't bring herself to rekindle a friendship that she wished had been so much more.

Despite all of it, everything seemed to have worked itself out. When the film was finally all put together and edited, they submitted it for awards everywhere and Rhett and Link put it up on the website. It was great. It took off and Jet was getting offers left and right for work. She was in heaven, and busy as hell. It seemed she was always being asked to fly somewhere to discuss a new project. It was great, but it had its negatives.

First of all, Jet was always thinking about work. She poured herself into it, always up half the night typing away at her computer. Second, she was gone, a lot. Jane hated it. It was that struggle that made her reach out to Rhett. She needed a friend who was just as busy as she was, and she needed to hear from him somehow.

'Hey, can you text for a minute?' She dropped the line as she sat at the airport.

'Yea, what's up?'

'I've been working like crazy and Jane and I are drifting apart. I was hoping you had some insight on making a relationship work when you're this busy.'

'I have a feeling this is a phone conversation. Can you talk?'

'No. I'm at the airport waiting on a flight.'

'Step away and call me anyways.' He typed the words and Jet realized she needed this. So, she called him.


"Hi. Sorry I told you to call me like that, but you just seemed stressed."

"I am, and I know you probably don't want to hear about my girlfriend troubles, but..."

"Jet, I'm here for you no matter what. Honestly, I miss talking to you about anything. I want to be friends, remember? That's especially true when you need it, and you sound like you need it." His voice had such a calming effect on her. Jet took a deep breath, feeling comforted for the first time in what felt like forever.

"You know you're awesome right?"

"Uh, yea, of course. Anyways, what's going on with Jane?"

"Well, you know we made up after that fight, and then things got good, really good. Then, my work took off, and now she's been so pissed. I mean I can't blame her I guess. I've been crazy. I'm flying here and there and then I'm working all the time."