The Bachelor Weekend Deal Pt. 02

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Dan's deal with Josh gets a little easier to lean into.
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 04/10/2024
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It had been nearly dawn when we finally parted ways to our own rooms in the beachhouse, and I fell face first on my bed after unbuckling and tossing aside that damn harness. The skin under my arms tingled as the pressure released, and the relief from it lulled me quickly to sleep.

When I woke up, the sun was blasting through my room. I'd left the windows closed so it was like a greenhouse and I was already sweating. I rolled over and stood slightly to push one of them open and my head just continued rolling.

"Ugh..." I grunted out as my hangover hit me like a ton of bricks. I immediately dropped back down to the bed clutching my forehead as a cool sea breeze swirled through the room.

It took me a few moments, but my consciousness finally swiveled into focus and I could hear laughter and splashing coming from outside.

They can't possibly be up already, I thought incredulously.

"Ey! Stop!" Benji's voice pierced the air between his high pitched giggles. The sound of somebody splashing water abated for a moment before restarting even louder than before. Benji let out a playful scream and he and his antagonist laughed loudly as they battled it out.

My head felt like it was under the same water they were splashing so giddily at each other. I groped around on the nightstand for my phone. It wasn't there, but I did manage to knock over a glass of water. I gasped and leapt up.

"Fucking fuck..." I muttered angrily as my headache pounded the inside of my skull.

Who put that there?

My shorts and t-shirt from last night were lying on the floor next to the bed, and after (thankfully) remembering to extract my phone from the pocket, I plopped both down on the puddle. Leaning my hands against the edge of the bed for much needed support, I dragged my dirty clothes over the floor with my foot like some janky mop.

Satisfied, I stumbled out the door and into the hallway. Mercifully, the bathroom door hung ajar right across the hall. I hurried in and made it just in time to hurl the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

"Ah..." I sighed leaning on the bowl. That actually helped and I took a deep, rattling breath - ignoring the smell of my own sick - and sat back against the door.

I looked down at myself and saw I was still wearing only the pink speedo from last night. I chuckled groggily as the events of the evening flashed through my mind. The dancing. The alcohol. The hand on my ass... The lips on my cock... Logan...

Rubbing my forehead with one hand, I finally tapped the screen on my phone with the other and it flashed awake. It was already 12:35pm and my phone was on 3% battery. That was all I could glean about my situation before I felt another wave of nausea and scrambled forward to unload more bile and undigested alcohol.

"Sleeping beauty awakes!" Bellowed Amir when I turned the corner into the kitchen a few minutes later.

"Ugh, not so loud, please."

Amir laughed and flipped a pancake off the stove and onto a plate he handed me.

"Breakfast," he whispered with a sardonic smile.

I waved a hand to stop him pouring syrup over it.

"Oh god, please, nothing sweet. Just the pancake, thanks."

"Wow! Party Boy can't hold his liquor, I see." Benji was coming in from outside, drying off in nothing but a pair of very revealing swim briefs. They were an electric blue and I couldn't help but follow the line they drew along his hip when I turned to see who spoke. Allan was coming in right behind him, sporting a tight tank top and an impossibly short pair of swim trunks. Top and bottom were both a highlighter yellow that practically radiated their own light. Their sharp fluorescence in the sunlight just before he crossed into the shade of the house forced me to shield my sensitive eyes. Benji barked a laugh at me.

"Don't laugh at me," I said through the hand covering my face, "Who told you guys to wear neon in the sun?"

"Oh, you like the color, do you?" Benji twisted his body around to show off the bright blue fabric whale-tailing over his mostly-exposed ass cheeks.

"Not you," I said flatly, "I mean OfficeMax over there."

Allan looked down at his outfit and Amir choked on the orange juice he'd just then been sipping.

"Oooooh," he said between coughs, "girl, he gotchu with that one."

"Well, at least it's not my lack of tan that's so reflective," Allan waved a hand in dramatic dismissal at the still-posing Benji as he sidestepped him into the house.

Amir laughed again and Benji pulled a mocking pouty face.

"Hey! It's hard being a ginger out here!"

"Yeah, hard on the rest of us." The quip escaped my lips before I could stop it.

"Ohhh!" Amir called out, and Allan laughed along.

I grinned in spite of myself, but Benji fixed me with a dangerous look.

"Oh, I'm sure you learned a thing or two about what's hard last night, Party Boy," he said.


"Didn't we see you coming out of the dark room at Peaches?"

"I told you, I was just looking for you guys," I said quickly.

"Mhm." Benji flashed me a distinctly unconvinced look as he theatrically draped his towel over a shoulder and walked to the refrigerator to get a drink.

The front door creaked open just then and the sound of heavy panting and shoes being flicked off feet told us that Josh and Craig had just come back in from a run.

"We're back! Hey bro, you're awake!"

"Barely," I groaned back. "How do you guys do it? It's like you didn't even drink last night."

"Years of practice, honeybunch!" Benji chimed in.

"Amen," said Josh. "Speaking of which, shall we have some mimosas before the beach?"

"Yasss!" They all said in enthusiastic unison.

"Oh, no..." was all I could muster, and the rest of them all turned to each other and laughed at my expense.

Josh and Craig went up to rinse off while Allan handled preparing the mimosas, and in just a few minutes, the gang was all seated around the table by the pool, toasting the continuation of the bachelor weekend.

I had water.

The beach was not far, but a bit of a hike. Apparently we weren't just going to any old beach on the shore. The others called it Boy Beach.

"It's not really on the map, you have to know where to go through the woods," Craig was explaining to me while we walked along the shoulder of the one road that ran through this beach town. To the left, across the road from us, were the rows of beach houses for rent, and to our right, brushing my shoulder as we went, was a sparse forest of mangled, windswept trees. It covered the dunes that separated us from the sandy beaches on the other side. "The townies never really come here because it's so hard to get to, so when the queers started showing up, obviously it's where they went to let loose."

"They used to call it Pirate's Cove," Josh called back from his position ahead, leading the pack. "People say pirates used to use it to hide from the navy, back in the day, but we all know it was all about getting some alone time with the cabin boy."

Josh skipped a little to turn his stride backward and flashed a mischievous wink at us before flipping back around and continuing his march forward.

It was another ten minutes before we reached a small gap in the trees with a well-worn path leading over the dunes through a winding gap between crests. We picked our way through; the spongy, unmoored surface of the trees' matted roots beneath the sandy ground made the going slow. Though my hangover was mercifully abating, the uneven ground was making me a little queasy.

"Don't lose your way in here," Amir whispered playfully from behind me on the path. "They call this the Meat Rack. They'd eat up a fresh slice like you, no crumbs."

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. "What are you gonna tell me, there's monsters in the woods?"

"No," he replied ephemerally. "Maybe just a few bears...if you're into that."

"Uh huh," I grunted back. The double entendre wasn't lost on me, and I looked around at the trees - not entirely sure what I thought I might see.

About fifty paces after we made it past the crests of the dunes, the trees gave way and a gorgeous expanse of beach lay before us. It was smooth and sandy, and the forest stretched out in a U-shape, hiding the bay and open only to the deeper water. We were totally secluded.

Well - us and the dozens of men tanning on towels or swimming in the crystal blue water. Though the absence of women was obvious to me, I felt an encouraging sense of relief at having arrived and finding it such a gorgeous setting. Even my head stopped pounding as hard.

Josh charged forward through the crowd of people laying in the sun, and the rest of us followed in single file. Suddenly, phrases like "meat rack" made a lot more sense. I had never felt more on display, even counting the night before. Then, at least, there was the crowd to hide amongst. Here, we were a walking buffet, and guys were openly checking us out as we passed.

The others seemed to lap it up.

Both Josh and Benji appeared to pay none of the onlookers any mind - but I could always tell when my brother was strutting and Benji also trudged through the sand with a pronounced sway in his hip. Craig was carrying his beach bag at a half lift, flexing his large bicep at a gaggle of smaller guys (was the word "twinks"?) who were not so discreet about ogling his muscles.

"Oh, hey, you!" Amir said flirtatiously behind me, to no one I could see in particular.

I did my best to avoid eye contact as I half-pretended to be looking for a good spot to set up camp. But it was hard, considering several guys seemed to be actively trying to catch my eye.

What did I get myself into? I thought desperately.

We found a convenient little spot relatively close to the water and deep within the crowd. Josh was always such an extrovert; he and his friends grinned with delight at having found such a prime location.

"So good, right?"

"I know! And with such a good view." Benji was not looking in the direction of the water, and was rather seductively removing his outer clothing to reveal the same bright blue swim briefs from earlier.

Josh quickly stripped down to white swim briefs, his color for the weekend, and began lathering some tanning oil onto his exposed skin. The white rimmed sunglasses he wore flashed in the sunlight as he turned to me.

"Come on, big bro, get comfortable."

I was still in my t-shirt and cargo shorts for the journey and I realized when he spoke that I'd just been standing and staring at everything... everyone.

Nearby there were groups of guys laid out on towels. Some were in thongs, others in trunks or briefs. And some weren't wearing anything at all. One nude man was lying on his stomach not far from us. He was propped up on his elbows with his head turned in my direction, smiling at me from over his sunglasses. My eyes wandered from his face to his lily-white buns on full display in the sunlight; a tanline clearly marked out where he normally wore his briefs. I must have remained entranced by that tanline for too long because Josh called to me again.

"Earth to Danny!"

"Oh! Is it 'Danny-time' out here too?" Amir asked tauntingly.

"No." I said flatly, coming out of my reverie.

"Yes." Josh replied at the same time.

I looked at him.

"Hey bro," Josh began, not looking at me but smoothing out his towel and flicking bits of sand away. "The deal was for the weekend, and last I checked, it's only Saturday." Satisfied with his clean-up, he laid himself out on his back with a gentle sigh.

I looked around at the others, who mostly raised their eyebrows in an up-to-you kind of way. I exhaled loudly.

"Fine. Fine," I said, resigned. "You win. Yes, it's still 'Danny-time.'" I drew the customary air quotes.

"Excellent." Josh stated matter-of-factly. "I hope you've come appropriately dressed to blend in."

"Well I couldn't find my swim trunks this morning, so yeah, I'm stuck with these skimpy pink ones you gave me."

"That's cuz I hid your trunks before I left on my run this morning."

"You what?!"

"You'll get them back," he said wistfully. "But I had to take action. That hideous excuse for swimwear was an affront to all things gay and I wasn't about to let you embarrass yourself." He lifted his head and opened his hands in a dramatic gesture. "I did this for you, my son!"

He loved milking this.

The others laughed and continued their prepping - laying out towels and slathering on sunscreen (Benji) or tanning oil (Amir). Allan had set himself up next to me and was pulling off his offensively yellow shirt.

"You wanna help me with some sunscreen?" He asked. He sounded hopeful.

"Uh... sure, I guess," I said, and pulled out my own towel to lay down and placed my stuff on top. I reached a hand out for Allan's sunscreen and he gave it to me before turning around and presenting his back.

He stood a full head shorter than me and I had to ask him to bend over a bit so I could reach the lower part of his back. Not very familiar with the feeling of men's bodies - other than my own and what I'd laid hands on last night - I was surprised at how delicate Allan felt beneath my palms as I smeared sunscreen on him. His toned torso was not very muscular, and his skin felt smooth and cool, despite the heat. Distracted by my wandering mind, I'd accidentally used too much and his back was looking pasty white.

"Hang on a sec," I said, tossing the bottle aside. I figured he wouldn't appreciate being left like that so I needed to massage it in a bit.

"No problem," he said quietly as I wiped the excess off my hands then returned them to his back to rub it into his skin.

"I just gotta spread this around a bit," I muttered. I ran my palms over him, trying to even out my hack job. He just stood there with his arms raised a bit. I could feel his breathing get deeper and quicker as I tried to spread the lotion down his sides.

"Sorry, just gotta..." I mumbled as my fingertips grazed the sides of his abs and chest. He was very distinctly hairless; even his armpits were shaved. When I chanced a glance down at his legs, they were also shaved. The only bit of hair on him was his neat mop of curly jet black hair, and I found myself wondering if his penchant for shaving included what was under his neon swimwear.

I felt a twinge in my speedo again when the thought crossed my mind and I quickly removed my hands.

"I- I think you should be good now," I said, turning away and wiping my hands along my forearms to clear them of the excess sunblock by beginning my own application.

"Thanks," he said, facing me and picking up the bottle. "You want me to do you?"

"What? Oh... oh, no, that's alright."

"You sure? Don't want to get burnt out here."

"I mean... no. I guess not." I agreed reluctantly. Allan raised the bottle expectantly. I turned away from him again and slowly removed my shirt, presenting my bare back.

His hands on my skin felt icy cold at first and I shivered and jumped slightly.

"Sorry," he said.

"No worries, you just got cold hands."

"I know, I've always had poor circulation. But that's why it's nice to be at the beach!" He said as he pushed a layer of sunblock over my skin; his fingers sliding carefully over the ridges and valleys of my back.

"Do you- um... do you mind sitting down a moment so I can reach the top?"

"Oh sure," I said and sat down on my knees.

"Thanks," he intoned with a delicate chuckle. "Short guy problems."

He finished up his work with a rather thorough caress of the back of my neck, really working in the lotion and almost getting at the soreness I'd earned from throwing up in the morning. Involuntarily, I closed my eyes in enjoyment right before he stopped.

"All set!" He said kind of quickly, and was already rummaging in his bag when I opened my eyes and turned to thank him.

Then, I got up and finally tugged my shorts off to reveal the speedo I'd been relegated to for the weekend.

Here we go again.

I finished up covering the rest of my body in sunblock and then laid out on my towel with the others. The afternoon was so pleasant; and it wasn't long before someone pulled out another joint to pass around. We played music from a speaker and the others laughed and bantered endlessly.

"Anyone want to actually go in the water?" I finally asked about an hour later.

"Ew, no," said Josh immediately. "It's still early in the season. That water is too cold."

I laughed. "Then what are we even doing at the beach?"

"You're looking at it," he said, weed smoke billowing from his mouth as he spoke.

"Anyone else?" I looked at the others.

"Maybe later," said Craig. His eyes were again roaming the crowd. "I think I'm gonna go for a little jog."

"Didn't you just run this morning?" I asked.

"Oh honey, he's not going for the cardio," Amir jibed.

"Well, not from the running, at least!" Craig added, before getting up from his towel and performing a very conspicuous stretch. The lines of muscles that wrapped around his athletic body strained and bulged in alternating spots. "I'll see you bitches later."

And with that he took off at a decent pace along the surf. I could see the actual heads turn his way as he did. He struck me as a bit of a hunter in that moment, and the dude in me admired that. Craig was definitely scoring some ass in under ten minutes, that much was damn certain.

I laughed to myself.

"Well, I guess it's just me then!" I said jumping up and heading toward the water. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Allan watching me go - well, Allan and a few other guys nearby. I was hyper aware of my near nakedness in this speedo and while I guess it was nice to be admired, I disliked the exposure.

I shuffled down to the water and let it wash over my feet. Damn, Josh was right, it was very cold. But I'd made a thing about it and wasn't going to chicken out now, aware of my audience. I waded in a bit before taking a deep breath and diving.


Oh my God, it was so cold. My dick shrunk and my nipples hardened to daggers, but I surfaced and immediately began a casual front stroke past the break point of the waves. I could see a sandbar farther out with some people lounging in the shallower waters, so I headed out that way, feeling the exercise warm my muscles.

As I got closer, I could start to hear the voices of the guys on the sandbar. Their jokes and laughter carried over the surface of the water. And when I could finally touch the ground again, I managed to stand up with my chest out of the water. Slowly, I walked out to the left of the group of four, where I figured I could enjoy the sandbar without disturbing them.

But as the gradual slope of the underwater terrain revealed more of my body, the three who could see me each turned to not-so-stealthily peek. One of them gasped gently.

"Look at this one now," he said to the guy whose back was still turned. "Look, Logan, just your type!"

My ears pricked up when I heard the name and I looked just in time to see Logan turn around and recognize me.

"Oh my! Danny!" He waved a meaty hand in my direction and stood up from where he'd been floating in the shallows.

I honestly couldn't help but be distracted by the body that was revealed. Though I'd already danced with him in the club, his open button down had concealed just how burly he was. His arms were thick and his chest full, with dark hair that covered his pecs and belly. He was in his red speedo again, and it shone bright as day where it cupped his substantial package right above the water surface.

I caught myself staring for a moment and forced my eyes upward, where his warm smile pulled at his ever-immaculate beard. His eyes were covered by tortoiseshell sunglasses that were so reflective I could watch myself walking over to them, waving meekly back at Logan.

"Hi," was all I could manage.