The Ballad of Decker Crane Ch. 03


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Persya told him her answer with her eyes.

He looked at her body like he did. "Or, conversely and on the other hand, I can take you to that room right now and have my way with you like I want and worry about the rest later. I restrained myself on the ride with you in front of me smelling like you do because I know you're hurting, but I'd be happier with that choice, I admit."

Looking at his face, she didn't doubt he was telling the truth. He was right. Either choice ended in evil, which was himself, but she could delay it. She went and sat down at the table, refusing to look at him, her hair in her face. Before long, he put a bowl in front of her. Glancing at it, she leaned in. It had no smell.

"What're you sniffing at? It's synth rations, girl," he said.

Her hands were shaking as she began eating, her wrists red. She'd heard about synth rations. It was what they ate on the frontier and in most places in mid-system. It had everything a person needed. She'd never been so hungry. He sat across from her and watched her. It didn't taste like anything, the strangest thing, but it filled her. When she was done, she wanted to sleep, her eyes heavy. She'd walked all night.

"You don't want more?" he said.

She shook her head.

"You're a little thing,' he muttered.

When he stood and reached for her, she drew back sharply. He grabbed her arm and hauled her up, bringing her into his bedroom. Releasing her when they went in, he turned on the tap to the bath. Then he went to the door, closing it behind himself.

Back in the room she'd escaped from, she looked around. It was the same. A bed. A dresser with a basin and a pitcher with water and a glass. A bathtub and towels. A desk with a console that would be password locked. A chair.

She looked, but there was no way out. There was nothing but clothing and personal items in his drawers. No weapon. When she tried it, the window was locked, made of some kind of thick glass she'd never be able to break. The door was locked. Sighing, Persya finally got in the bath, washing her hair. Her arm still itched, but it was clean now. Putting the dirty shirt back on and curling up on the bed when she was done, she went to sleep, having, as he'd said, no other options.


When she woke, it was nighttime, and something was touching her arm. She'd been itching it while she slept. She sat up, pulling away. Decker was sitting on the bed. He jerked her arm back, rubbing gel there, the whole area raw, and the terrible itch and pain faded.

He began wrapping it in gauze. "It won't itch anymore. Don't touch it for a time. It'll be better in a day or two." He reached and began putting the cream on her wrists, Persya letting him and then he reached for her leg.

She pulled away and his hand became a manacle on her ankle while he rubbed it all over the area, Persya tugging and struggling. When he released her, she pulled herself up. Her hair was everywhere. She tried to tame it.

He studied her. "You are more beautiful than any woman I've seen in my life. Negotiation seems to work with you. So, here's my offer. I won't take you to Cochrain and I'll defend you from him. But that means I'm setting aside dakas and risking myself. I know he said you're not a whore, but you don't really have anything else to trade. I'll feed and clothe you and you'll have a place to sleep. For the other, I'm willing to bring your whipping down to just a spanking, and we'll do it alone, just the two of us, right here and now. So, what'll it be?"

She stared at him, her belly flipping and then lowering. Agree for him to hit her. He reached to trace the curve of her cheek, his touch gentle, his thumb going to her mouth before she pulled away and felt herself shiver.

"You're soft like nothing I've ever touched before," he said. "You don't have a lot of wiggle room here, baby. I'm a big raw fucker, but he'll hurt you a lot more for what you've done, trying to bash in his head like that. I had better watch you around heavy objects. I may be rough, but I'll treat you well enough, provided you listen and do what I say. What's your answer?"

Feeling a wave, she broke her silence to tell him, unable to bear the thought that he would think she would ever consider such an offer, even for a moment. "I could care less which of you abuses me. Take me to him, if you'd like. You're all the same to me."

His eyes searched her face and then he shook his head, exhaling. "Stubborn as hell. Cromwell, you said. That name's familiar, but I can't place. Who is he?"

"He lives on a small moon in-system." Beren could rescue all of them, she was sure, but not if she couldn't contact him so he knew where they were.

He smiled, a nasty smile. "In-system. Well, that makes more sense. So Cochrain has stolen himself a sweet virginal Prime woman. That's illegal, baby, but you're here now. Did you meet Cochrain somewhere?"

"Of course not. I'm an orphan. Mr. Cromwell is the benefactor at the orphanage where I lived on his land."

"Wait. What moon?"

"You wouldn't know it."

"I might. What's it called?"


He grinned, a soft laugh, and then it faded, his eyes on her face, narrowing. Suddenly he was studying her, looking at her all over. "Pedige," he echoed. "You're serious."

She eyed him. "Yes."

He laughed, sounding delighted. It was distracting that he was handsome. Then he'd speak and she would be reminded how awful he was.

"Well, shit," he said. "Even if I didn't know what you are, which is sexy as hell, you are the sweetest little thing I've ever seen. No wonder Cochrain was willing to risk his certification taking you." His eyes went to her breasts. "There's still room for you to make a deal with me."

There was nothing for it. She braced herself. There was something she wanted, although she doubted he could give it to her. "You said you would negotiate. I have a counteroffer."

Leaning back, he smiled again. "All right. Tell me what you want, then."

She gathered her arguments. "If you agree, I would have as much sex with you as you wanted. I could work on your farm."

His eyes narrowed. "It's a ranch. I don't need your help, and you're already going to have as much sex with me as I want anyway. What is it you want so bad?"

Seeing his face, she knew it was hopeless. He wouldn't help them even if he could, because he was a petty and cruel man, a frontier brute. She looked down.

"Tell me, stubborn," he said.

She had to try. Her voice was low. "There are more of us who were taken. I would like you to rescue them from that place. The whorehouse. From Mr. Cochrain."

When he tipped her chin, his face was close. She was aware of the heat of him, of his overwhelming presence. His hands were huge. She'd had no idea men would be so primitive in person.

"How many more?" he said.

"They took my whole house from Pedige. Seven others. One of them is my sister, Bryn."

"Eight? That isn't right. It should be seven."

Everyone seemed obsessed with that number here. "I want you to help them. If you can't free them, call Beren Cromwell and he can. I'll agree to do what you want."

He turned to her in profile, so handsome it was difficult not to look at him. He seemed to be thinking. She waited. When he looked back, he smiled slowly. It wasn't a friendly smile. She looked down, her fists clenching. He was going to refuse her and then rape her anyway.

"All right. I can help them, if you'll take the deal," he said.

Looking up, she went still, staring. "What? You will?"


"You'll let me call Beren Cromwell?"

"No. I already said no to that. I'll get them."

Her jaw clenched. She didn't believe him. "Are you just saying that?"

His face tightened and his eyes got cold. "Are you questioning my word on a deal?"

She felt a chill, drawing away. "No. Can you even do it? Could you get them away from him?"

He still looked offended. "If I said I can, I can. I'll have to call some friends of mine."

"But why would you?"

He relaxed and then shrugged, giving her a lazy smile. "For our bargain, beautiful."

She studied him. He was lying. Something wasn't right. "What would you do with them?"

"Send them back to Prime where they belong, of course."

"When will you do it? Get them, I mean?" She still didn't believe him, but she wasn't going to say so. There had been something in his eyes she hadn't liked.

"Soon enough. Do we have a deal then, baby?"

Swallowing, she looked away, feeling sick. Now she understood. He knew she'd do it even for the chance he might not be lying. "Yes."

He stood up. "Then there's no time like the present. Take off the shirt."

With a deep breath, she rose and pulled it off of herself. This and more for even the possibility of getting her sister and the rest of her house away from Mr. Cochrain, who had also wanted to rape and abuse her. She would endure it for them.

His voice was a little hoarse. "It's time for your spanking, girl, and I've been looking forward to it all day, stubborn as you are. You want to tell me your name?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Telling you my name wasn't a part of the deal."

He laughed. "You're right. Face the bed and put your hands down."

She'd agreed to this. Beginning to shake, she did what he said, her palms landing on the bed, which was lower than her hips. Nothing happened. She finally turned and looked at him. He'd taken off his boots and his shirt, a huge male figure. He was watching her, but he wasn't looking at her face.

"Fuck," he breathed.

She looked at his large hands and imagined him striking her. Her whole body tensed and she faced forward and let her head hang, breathing, closing her eyes.

"You're that scared of a spanking?" he said.

She didn't answer, her jaw clenched and her breath stuttering.

"You are." His foot tapped her ankle. "You've never been spanked before."

"No." Her voice wavered.

"Cochrain whipped you?"

"With his cane," she said, her voice husky.

"This won't hurt like that, sweetheart. Spread your legs."

When he said that, she shivered. She widened her legs, completely open to him. It would happen and then it would be over with.

"Such a good girl," he said, his voice thick and his hand trailing up her inner thigh, the skin there sensitive.

His hand withdrew and she tensed, readying herself for the blows, her shoulders coming up and her eyes closing tightly. But his hand landed on her other thigh, light and gentle, trailing inward. His fingers got close to her sex and she felt a twinge, feeling herself contract there.

"Pretty pussy," he muttered, and his hand withdrew. "Don't move, baby, or I'll take my belt to you instead."

She shivered hard, closing her eyes. She believed him. There was a touch on her sex she couldn't interpret, his fingers spreading her outer lips, and then she cried out, pleasure there. She almost moved and remembered, going still. He had squatted behind her and was licking her sex, she realized. It was so good. She strained toward his mouth. It was difficult not to move, Persya's hips squirming in tight motions.

She felt herself swelling, knowing she had to be getting wet. "Wait," she breathed, his tongue reaching under her, the perfect angle to lick her clitoris, her hips shaking. She didn't hear herself anymore, his tongue dancing. Her whole sex was alive with sensations. Just as the pleasure was going to break over her, he withdrew.

A solid smack came to her bottom, across the whole cheek. Persya cried out, surprised, still in that other place. He did it on the other side, another solid blow, and then his fingers touched between her legs and she didn't care at all, pumping her hips.

His voice was flat. "Hold still. Just let me do what I'm going to do."

She brought herself to shivering stillness, lowering her shoulders and offering her sex. It was going to happen anyway.

"That's it," he muttered, stroking. "Good girl."

It was on her, the most delicious pleasure, almost there. Then it stopped and he spanked her bottom, hard blows and fast, one cheek and then the other. His thumb slid into her sex, his fingers passing over her clitoris, everything slick.

Her cry stopped and became a light grunt of pleasure, her bottom hot. She didn't care. It was a pattern. Once she understood, she decided he could do whatever he wanted if he would just give her more of that deep pleasure, her bottom stinging and hot, between her cheeks slippery.

Then the erotics of it took her, being like this, offering her sex to this hard, cold man, her nipples sliding over the coverlet. Being spanked by him. She realized there were tears on her face and didn't care, jutting as the cracks sounded through the room. She wanted to come, making a desperate sound.

Her whole body was flipped over. Persya was flushed and her hair was wild as she was yanked to the edge of the bed and her knees were pushed up, her legs spread. She was panting and she felt his sex at her entrance, her eyes flying open. It had been just sensations before, but now he was there, real. He was close, watching hers as he pressed, his face compelling, with intense eyes. He was a stranger. Handsome and cruel. She began to shake, tensing.

"Hell, don't be scared, baby," he said, kissing her as he opened her.

His kiss was intimate and slow. It stung, her thighs trembling, his body big and pinning hers. But this time, he did it gently, breaking the kiss and waiting in between, watching her face. She avoided his eyes. As he fit his whole sex in her, Persya stretched and full of him, his breath was staggering. He came up on his arms and pulled out a little, beginning to thrust, gentle.

She hissed. That hurt. She wanted to tell him to stop, the pain getting worse. But there was also a place he was rubbing. Her face relaxed, panting as he went faster.

"You like that," he muttered.

"It hurts," she whined, meeting him.

"Son of a bitch, you're sweet," he bit out, going faster.

She hitched.

"Tell me your name." His voice was ragged, his hips jerking.

Shaking her head, she firmed her mouth. She wouldn't. He could spank her all he wanted and she wouldn't tell him.

He laughed softly. His hand rested, relaxed, on her pubis as he thrust harshly, the pain getting worse. Then he looked down and his thumb wedged under her clitoris, lifting it, passing over it repeatedly. Persya went still, squirming. She cried out, trembling, the pleasure climbing.

Now his thrusts were too harsh, her whole body jerking with them. Grimacing, she went still as his thumb came back, rubbing. It was on its way. She was afraid to move, holding her breath, his sex going deep, and then she felt it on her.

"I can't--" She couldn't hold still.

"Go ahead and take your pleasure, girl," he panted. "Show me."

Not caring, she began humping him, meeting his thrusts, making the pain and pleasure even more. It broke over her and the pleasure arrived. Crying out, she arched and writhed, so intense. She'd never come so hard.

He stabbed into her. "Pretty little slut, little cunt." He gave a sharp grunt and cried out, pinning her, deep in her as she pulsed around him.

There was more pleasure, her voice high, and then it washed away and he was kissing her again, demanding, as his hips stilled. She shivered, her whole body doing it. The pleasure faded with little aftershocks. Her bottom felt abraded and hot, and between her legs felt the same. He drew back. She was panting, her body relaxing.

"Ow," she said as he began to pull out, staring back at him.

He stopped and grinned. "What was that?"

"Slower," she got out, hitching.

"Don't tell me what to do, baby," he said, but he withdrew gently. He returned, on his elbows, and pushed her hair back. Touching her cheek, he leaned down, his kiss gentle, and drew away. "I didn't know you hadn't been bedded before. I wouldn't have been so rough on you for your first time, stubborn. You have a sweet butt. Get up and I'll run some more hot water." He rose, his large body leaving hers, his warmth and solidity gone.

He looked pleased with himself. Her eyes narrowed, feeling a wave of dislike for him. She got up when it was ready and got in, turning around once while he watched and then crouching, sitting gingerly and wincing. She kept the bandage on her arm out of the water. Hanging her hair outside the tub, she sighed, letting it soak her. He disappeared.

When he returned, he got her out over her protests and dumped her onto his bed.

"Let me go," she cried as he got in with her, rolling her on her belly. She tensed. It would hurt too much to have sex again.

"I told you, stubborn. Don't tell me what to do. Be still or I'll spank you even if you're sore."

It was a terrible thought, her bottom tensing when he touched it, but it felt cool, his hands gentle, and then it felt better. He was putting some kind of cream on her. She was so tired and her arm didn't itch. He moved to her leg, rubbing it into the abrasion there, and then her wrists. She let him and he was finally done.

Lying down and stretching out, she found her spot on her belly, her leg thrown out and her arm around his pillow, exhausted. She'd figure it all out tomorrow.



Decker watched her burrow into his bed naked, that skin and her hair, the innocence in her face and then she was asleep. He'd like to know her name, but she was all sorts of stubborn. He grinned. Her butt was dark pink, turning him on. Son of a bitch. He didn't care even a little. That stubborn face she made just made her cuter. She was the sweetest thing alive, even with it all new to her. The way she'd responded. She was everything they said.

His eyes lingered on her fat cunt, a little red because he hadn't held back. She'd taken him, and her spanking, and she'd still come all over his cock like a good girl. His prick responded, getting thicker, thinking about her cries. She was his now. Their deal was set.

He didn't need her cooperation to fuck her, but he had to admit it made things awfully nice. He imagined rape got monotonous after a time, and she was little and fragile and stubborn and he didn't want to hurt her. His hand landed gently on her round ass, taking up almost the whole space, tan on her soft skin. Fuck, look at her. He could hardly believe she was his to do with as he liked.

Reaching, he touched the puffy pouch showing between her legs, one leg conveniently crooked so he had access, spreading her. Such a pretty pussy. She was out. He could mount her. He was ready again, his breathing deepening. He decided he would wait a time. Too much pain and she'd go sour on him, maybe. He'd figured that out while he was spanking her. He couldn't be all rough, and she'd been real scared. A little mercy might go far with a woman.

It didn't mean he couldn't touch her. His fingers were pressing gently. It was no good rubbing until she was wet. She liked sex, came easily and often. He gave her some time, enjoying the softest flesh. It took him, the erotics of such a neat little cunt, feeling all sorts of possessiveness and just pleased all around. There she was. Her little pussy moved on his fingers, her breathing a little deeper, and slick began at her passage. He used it to help find her clit, distributing it, going lightly and finding the bump under the skin. He polished.

Sure enough, she moved, giving him a better angle. Reaching with his other hand, he raised her leg, his hand moving fast, his tongue catching between his teeth. Her hips tilted and then she jutted, humped his hand. Her eyes flew open and she came all over his fingers, her cries drowsy and desperate, his cock erect. She panted, her eyes getting heavy again.

"Good girl," he muttered, touching her slick on his fingers to his tongue. Her eyes closed. She'd take him in her ass, in her mouth. He'd whip her with his belt just like Cochrain had promised him. His cock jumped. Fuck, he'd liked spanking her.