The Battle of Dragon's Bay


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"Forgive me, princess, but have I not heard that you are promised to another?"

"That was not of my own doing," Daiyu replied, looking up into his eyes. "I do this of my own will."

"Do you know who I am?" he asked softly, and she trembled again for just a moment before replying.

"A pirate," she answered, her voice quavering. Caeruthir nodded.

"I am Caeruthir, an immortal of Tirannion," he supplied. "And you would be my bride?"

"I would," she answered, and he heard her maids murmur in discontent. Behind him, some of his guard also muttered their disapproval.

"Do not marry this mortal," one of his guards called to him in the elvish tongue of Tirannion. "Make her a slave like all the rest. She will fetch a great ransom from whatever warlord she is supposed to marry."

"Why lower yourself to marrying a mortal? Fuck her and leave her, like all the rest."

"Add her to your harem if you wish, but she is not worthy of your hand."

Caeruthir reached up an armored hand to cup her chin.

"You are brave," he said in High Leiyani. She swallowed hard and nodded slightly. "I am impressed, princess."

"Do we have an accord?" she asked, her voice faltering slightly. Caeruthir smiled and cocked his head to one side in thought. His eyes wandered around the room. Slaves aside, there was a fortune in silk, porcelain, gold, and silver in this room alone. What need did he have of a ransom?

But a bride of the imperial house... he thought to the vision he had seen on the quarterdeck of Tempest. A dead dragon, with hatchlings crawling from a sapphire egg to eat its carcass. The dynasty was dying. A new dynasty would rise.

"I accept," he said, and Daiyu's posture slackened in obvious relief. "You will be my bride, and your maids will be taken into my household as freeborn women." Daiyu nodded, and her naked maids cried out with relieved joy. Caeruthir looked over the rest of the women in the room. "The rest will be slaves," he said, and the cries of joy were drowned out by those of despair. "Let us consummate the marriage."

Daiyu stiffened again, and Caeruthir laughed as he began to strip off his armor. As each piece of armor clanged to the deck, Daiyu started. His crew were filtering into the pavilion now, first his bodyguard and then the common sailors. Daiyu's maids huddled together like animals of a herd, but his pronouncement of their status saved them for now. Instead, the common sailors went for the women he had sentenced to slavery.

One of his men grabbed at a haughty, severe woman, who screamed and kicked at him. She shouted in the Leiyani tongue to let her go, but it only inflamed the desires of the other men. They swarmed forward to claim their women, and the slaves began to scream. Men ripped at their clothes, stripping them naked in short order as they began to undress themselves. Following the sounds, more pirates flooded into the room, and the women not seized at first fled. They ran for the stairwell, where the pirates gave chase, and the room erupted into chaos as men raced to claim slaves for themselves while they could.

Before Caeruthir, Daiyu trembled in fear, and he laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"You belong to me now," he said softly, barely audible over the chorus of cries. "None of them will touch you."

Daiyu bit her lip and nodded. Caeruthir undid his belt to let his hard cock fall free.

"Now, perform your wifely duties and let us be married." With visible trepidation, she knelt before him and took his cock in her hands. Caeruthir beckoned to his guard and indicated her maids. "It seems a shame to leave them standing there naked and all alone. But be gentle with them, they are not slaves. And I will need them to keep my wife in the appropriate condition."

Daiyu cast a fretful look over her shoulder as her Caeruthir's elves approached her maids. The women were anxious, but did not fight or flee, for Caeruthir's commands were obeyed. He looked down at his new bride again.

"Not merely with your hand, with your mouth," he encouraged and Daiyu, taking a deep breath, put her mouth to his cock and swallowed him to the base. She looked up at him, hands on her knees, holding his cock inside her mouth with only her lips and tongue, and he smiled. "Good girl," he whispered. Her deep brown eyes stared up at him from beneath his cock and he laid his hands on her head. She moved her pretty little head back and forth on his cock, guided by his grasping hands, and he sighed with pleasure. Daiyu moaned softly, her eyes staring up at him obediently.

Behind her, the maids submitted and began to suck cocks. Elsewhere in the room, pirates were claiming their prizes, and from the decks below Caeruthir could hear more pirates ransacking the ship.

"To the victor go the spoils," murmured, thrusting his cock into the waiting, eager mouth of a beautiful princess. "I am hard," he said, "Stand up."

His new wife obeyed, rising to her bare feet. Caeruthir turned her around and lifted one leg over his shoulder to slide his cock inside her bare sex. The princess quivered on his cock, her breath coming sharply. She moaned and clutched desperately at the back of his neck, half-suspended in the air on his cock. Across the room, the pirates mounted the captive women with abandon. Wine was flowing freely from broken casks brought up from below and the orgy was in full swing.

Caeruthir slid himself inside her to the base, then pulled out and rammed himself in again. Daiyu squeaked with surprise, her big breasts jiggling on her frame. She squeezed her eyes shut, only to pop them open again when he repeated the motion. Caeruthir fucked her vigorously, the clapping of his naked skin against hers reverberating through the room with all the other sounds of the orgy.

He clutched at her breasts with his free hand, the other holding her close so that she did not fall. Balanced on one leg, there was little she could do but hold on and moan in pleasure.

"I return, Captain," said a voice in elvish behind him, and Caeruthir turned, without removing his cock from the princess or breaking his rhythm, to see Belathir standing with the enormous flag folded in his arms. Caeruthir smiled.

"How goes the battle?" he asked, his cock driving in and out as he spoke. "Come here, spread the flag on the floor. I want to fuck my new bride on her father's standard."

Belathir obeyed, unrolling the flag across the deck and briefly disturbing the many fornicating groups. As he did, he reported to Caeruthir the events outside.

"All the great junks are taken, the warships are boarded or broken as well, except a few. Half the vanguard continued south instead of engaging, while two of the fleet's cargo vessels drove themselves aground and set fire to the ships. Resistance is broken, and the battle is won, save for a few desperate holdouts that will not last much longer. Surrak has begun towing the many prizes together that they might all board and pay tribute to your victory."

"You have done well," Caeruthir said as Belathir finished unrolling the flag. It carpeted the room from one wall to the other with more cloth to spare, a vast expanse of gold and jade silk being trampled underfoot and spattered with all manner of filth. He stopped his cock stroking into Daiyu for a moment and watched her womanly juices drip along his cock and her thigh to the floor where they stained her father's banner. He smiled, then drove himself back into her. She squealed in pain and pleasure.

"Claim yourself a woman, Belathir, and have some fun! This is a great victory we have won today!"

"Of course, captain," Belathir said with a nod, already stripping off his armor. "But what of the other treasures? The vaults?"

"They will be there when we have fucked our fill. They don't have legs you know."

"They do not, but the other pirates aboard this ship do."

"Are you volunteering to leave this orgy and guard the vaults yourself?" Caeruthir asked with a wicked smile. Belathir sighed.

"I'll choose some entertainment and go, then." Caeruthir bid him goodbye and returned to his bride.

She was losing her balance, one foot flailing in the air above his shoulder while she balanced on the tiptoes of the other. She bit her lip and looked back at him towering above her, her long hair dragging on the silken flag below her. Caeruthir slammed his cock into her again and she squealed, her breasts shaking, and lost her balance.

He caught her before she fell too far, but instead of setting her back on her feet he gathered her up in his arms and knelt down to lay her out on the floor. He settled her on a pile of cushions under the silken flag-turned-rug, and lay atop her.

Daiyu covered herself, suddenly modest as he pressed his cock against the lips of her sex.

"Why so shy all of a sudden?" he whispered to her, and she blushed again.

"I prayed for deliverance," she whispered back, "but this was not what I expected."

"What did you expect?" he asked, and she shrugged.

"Not this."

"I can promise you a lot of things you did not expect," he said, and slid himself inside her again. She gasped, arching her back as he pressed her against him, feeling her big breasts against his chest. She moaned, and buried her face in his shoulder. Daiyu wrapped her arms and legs around him, embracing him inside her as he began to fuck. Daiyu moaned into his shoulder, and Caeruthir wormed a hand between their bodies to play with her nipples.

He fucked faster, squeezing her breasts in his hand and locking lips with her in a passionate kiss. Up so close, her perfume was overpowering, and he fucked with raw animalistic lust until she grew white hot beneath him, screamed, and convulsed in orgasm. He followed soon after, and spurted a hot load of cum deep inside his wife.

When they were finished, he rolled onto his back and settled her against him, looking out over the orgy and the deck outside the pavilion. A group of pirates from another ship had arrived, carrying a treasure chest between them.

"Look, dear," he said to Daiyu, who lifted her head dreamily to follow his outstretched finger. "Wedding gifts."

Five orcs approached him where he lay with Daiyu and set down a treasure chest which they opened to reveal a king's ransom of gold, jewels, and bolts of silk.

"Captain Surrak sends this in appreciation of your great victory, mighty Caeruthir."

"His tribute is noted and appreciated. Come, you and your captain alike, and exult in our great victory today. Have some wine, have a woman, and reward yourself for your conquests. There is much to go around."

"I will tell him as much. And he sends congratulations on your lovely new bride." The orc looked Daiyu over and licked his lips. Against Caeruthir's side, she stirred anxiously and clung closer to him.

"Your captain's taste in women is as fine as my own. I have no doubts that he has found himself a beauty in this bountiful fleet."

"Indeed," the orc confirmed, then bowed again, and stepped back to make room for the next group of tributaries. Caeruthir sighed with contentment and patted Daiyu's naked ass.


Daiyu lay against her husband's chest, feeling his hot seed inside her. The tribute had slowed to a trickle, and the many new arrivals were having their way with all of the women who packed the pavilion. In the upper levels, women hung halfway over the railings, some bound to the posts with rope as men took turns on them. On the deck below, she could hear the screams of women and roars of men as they rutted in the narrow halls and hastily built servants' quarters.

The princess and her husband were an island of tranquility in a raging sea of carnal lusts. Her maids were beset by pirates, mostly Caeruthir's elves and the better dressed types. On the other side of the room, the unfortunate other women and their servants were assailed by a horde of pirates like those from Daiyu's earlier waking nightmare. Even the great number of women who had insinuated themselves aboard her ship were outnumbered by the ever-growing throng of men pouring into the pavilion.

The pirates brought gifts taken from her other ships; gold, porcelain, silk, jade, and more slaves. The women arrived naked, often with their hands bounds. Some were bound at their feet as well, carried over their masters' shoulders or slung under poles like deer on a hunt. Some of these unfortunate women were gifted to her husband Caeruthir, the victor, while others were conscripted into the orgy that was fast spreading throughout the entire ship.

Captain Li remained pinned against the door, still clinging to life, and many of the new arrivals made sport of tormenting him as they passed. Daiyu had seen the captain's pained look as he watched the elf fuck her, though something in his eyes told her that his cock would have been hard at the sight if he had been in good health.

Those women not protected by their status as her maids had been made slaves to the pleasures of the pirates. Presently, Lady Shi began to whine again about debasing herself by taking barbarian cock, but a burly orc grabbed her head and thrust himself into her mouth before she could get more than a few words out, and she sputtered in indignant surprise as he began to fuck her throat. Down on all fours, she was fucked from behind by two other pirates, black tears running down her face as she cried out in protest.

Lady Jiao had protested all the same when the pirates seized and stripped her. But since then, she had been on all fours with a cock in each hole and hand, quite unable to speak. The pirates had taken a liking to her long hair as well, winding it around her white neck and choking her with it as they savaged her body. But from her moaning, Daiyu presumed that she had come to quite enjoy her new predicament.

Daiyu clung tighter to her husband, not liking the prospect of being savagely fucked by rude and rough men with whom she shared no common language. The men shouted to their women and each other what Daiyu could only assume were ribald and domineering words, lost in the throes of pleasure and drink.

Lady Jiao screamed and squirted on the men fucking her, her legs shaking so badly she collapsed atop the man beneath her and spasmed hard enough fall halfway off him. Grunting as his cock slid out of her, he hauled her back atop him and rammed himself inside her again. Daiyu felt herself grow hot at the sight, and the elf she had married noticed.

"Get on top," he said, and she saw that his cock was hard again. "Ride me," he urged, and she lifted herself from her pillows. He wrapped a hand around his cock and held it upright for her, but she did not immediately climb on it.

Daiyu had lived all her life in the cloistered halls of the Imperial Palace, forbidden to leave and see the lands her dynasty ruled. The only men allowed in those quarters were her father, brothers, and the many court eunuchs. Her father had banished her from the room before taking his wives, and her only knowledge of lovemaking had come from observing secret trysts in the garden below, until Zhi had snuck a servant in the night before they had set out for Shinza.

Daiyu had learned as much about the art as possible before the man had been too exhausted to continue, but Zhi had never mounted him as Caeruthir now expected her to. So it was with nervous unfamiliarity that she straddled her husband and settled herself onto his cock. He smiled encouragingly up at her as his hands ran up her legs and flanks to grasp her breasts.

What do I do now? She wondered, but Caeruthir came to her rescue. He bucked beneath her, lifting her up into the air as he drove his cock up inside her. She squeaked in surprise, then came slamming back down onto his cock and slumped forward, off balance. Steadying herself with both hands planted on his chest, she took his next thrust inside her. She looked around to her maids, none of whom were in the same position.

The only woman she saw being taken by a man in the same fashion was Lady Jiao, who was satisfying three men at once. Daiyu felt herself blush at the sight, but wondered what it felt like. The circumstances of fucking her first man had been terrifying, but she found the act incredibly exhilarating.

A smile creeping across her face, she surveyed the room as she bounced on her husband's cock. Her maids were in the throes of it all, as drunk on cock and wine as any of the pirates. Zhi lay on her side, one leg in the air as an elf fucked her shaven sex and she sucked the cock of another man kneeling beside her. She could hardly see Lady Jiao and Lady Shi anymore, for there were so many pirates crowded into the room.

Giggling to herself at the unrestrained debauchery, she turned back to her husband. He smiled up at her, his face warm, and his hands gentle.

"Bounce on it," he said, slowing the rhythm of his cock inside her. "Match my movements with your own."

Daiyu took a deep breath, raising herself up on his cock as he retracted himself, then settling herself back on him as he entered her. She quivered with delight at the sensation, and felt her pleasure enhanced by his fingers that played with her nipples. She exhaled, and looked down into Caeruthir's glittering elven eyes.

"Now you understand," he said, and she smiled wider. She bent to kiss him, and he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.


Caeruthir held his bride against him, kissing her lips and neck as he fucked her. She moaned softly against him, her soft hands pawing at his chest. Caeruthir fucked her wit abandon, wild in the middle of the orgy that he had ignited in victory.

Daiyu raised her head from his neck and looked around. Caeruthir sat up.

"You want to look?" he said, and she hastened to reassure him.

"No, I just--"

"Worry not, I do not take offense. I want to see as well." He lifted her off his cock and set her on the silk-draped deck. "On your hands and knees. I will fuck you from behind and you can watch to your heart's content."

She was unsure of what he meant at first, until he indicated another girl in the position as she was fucked from behind and sucked a man's cock. Daiyu turned away from him and raised her ass for him. Caeruthir sank himself up to the base in her purse and sighed with satisfaction.

He gripped Daiyu by her waist and slapped his hips against hers. The princess moaned again, turning her head back to look at him with dark brown eyes before looking around the room with wonderment. Caeruthir fucked passionately, holding her by her wrists as he pounded.

Ramairan entered the room with Syrandor following behind, ready to report.

"The battle is won, captain, and we have--"

"Not yet," Caeruthir cut him off. "I am busy, unless there is something urgent to attend to." He slammed himself deep inside Princess Daiyu and she squealed with delight. Syrandor's eye was drawn to her jiggling breasts, and he seated himself on a pillow to wait for his master to finish.

He and Ramairan watched the princess with interest, calmly accepting the service of wine by her nude maids. They sipped and conferred quietly in the elvish tongue as Caeruthir fucked before their eyes, and the princess blushed at the close attention.

At last Caeruthir was ready to cut, and he pulled himself out and guided his wife to turn over on her back. She looked up at him with bashful curiosity as he brought his throbbing cock close to her face and unleashed it.

Cum, hot and white, spurted from his cock to land on her face and the young princess started in surprise. She jerked away, but Caeruthir caught her and held her head steady to receive him cum. She squeaked and shut her eyes against the shower of cum, but did not fight it. Cum fell into her squeezed-shut eyes, onto her nose, and her red lips. When Caeruthir had come three times, he sat back on his heels and smiled.
