The Best Laid Plans

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Her plan was perfect...wasn't it?
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Those of you who know my writing know things are not always as they seem in my stories. As you start this story some of you will be tempted to stop reading, comment "cuck" and give it one star, believing that LTW has gone over to the dark side. I would ask that you please indulge me and continue to the end before commenting or scoring. Thank you.


Connie couldn't believe she was really sitting there. This was actually going to happen. "Are you nervous?"

"A little, but more excited than nervous, I think. How about you?"

"Yeah, a little of both I guess."

Connie and Larry sat side by side in the back booth of the small diner. Connie anxiously played with her napkin while they waited.

Larry had just taken a sip of his coffee and glanced at his watch. "He's late, maybe he won't show up."

"He'll show up. We talked several times in that chat room I told you about. He seemed to know exactly what he was talking about, said all the right things. He got real interested when I sent him my picture. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would pass up free pussy."

"I hope you're right."

"I know I'm right. Here he comes now."

Larry quickly looked over by the door and saw a tall, rather rough looking man headed in their direction. "Are you sure that's him?"

"Yeah, we swapped pictures, remember? That's him," she confirmed with a smile.

As the newcomer reached their booth he confidently slid in opposite the eager couple. "I'm Adam," he announced.

"Hi, Adam. I'm Connie, this is my husband, Larry."

Adam took Connie's hand and kissed the back. "You're even prettier in person. I'm going to enjoy this."

He looked over at Larry. "What about you, cucky? I'll bet your little pecker is already hard just thinking about a real man satisfying your wife, isn't it."

Larry was a little taken aback at the man's assertive temperament. He stumbled with his answer. "Ah, we...well...yeah, I...I guess so."

"You guess so? You're sure this is something you want to do? I don't want to have to put up with a jealous husband after it's all over."

"No, I'm sure; we...we talked it over. We're both sure we want to do this," Larry replied.

"Okay. Your wife says you want to be dominated, is that right?"

Actually they hadn't discussed that. Evidently she just assumed that's what he'd like. He had to think a second. "Ah, least to a point; I...I don't want to be hit or beaten or anything like that..."

"No, of course not; I don't do that kind of shit. But any man who can't satisfy his wife deserves no respect from me and I WILL verbally abuse you?" he stated.

"Yeah—yeah, that'd be fine."

Suddenly the waitress appeared. "Can I get you get you something?"

"Coffee for her and me, nothing more for him, he's leaving," Adam announced before anyone else could say a word. He addressed them directly as soon as she left. "Okay, cucky, the motel's right across the street. Go over and get a room. We'll wait here until we see you come out of the office."

Larry looked at Connie as if asking for her approval. "Go ahead, Larry."

As he slid out of the booth Adam took his place. "Oh, cuck."

Larry winced at the moniker as the man spoke out loud. He turned around.

"Don't forget to pay the bill on the way out...and leave the waitress a nice tip," he sneered.

Larry did as he was told then headed across the street to get the room. He wondered if the girl in the office knew why he was checking in. Was it written all over his face? This was something he'd wanted to do for years but never had the guts to bring it up with his wife. He thought she'd divorce him for sure if she knew he craved to be cuckolded. He couldn't believe it when Connie said she'd like him to watch while she had sex with another man.


"You said this was your first time?"

Connie caught her breath as the dominant man slid his hand up the inside of her thigh. "Yes, ah, we're...we're both a little nervous."

"Everybody's nervous at first. Don't worry, I'll take it easy on your hubby. I can see he's scared. Most of the time I have the husband guide my cock into their wife's pussy for me but I don't think he's ready for that yet."

"Have..." she was getting more nervous as they spoke. Words were getting stuck in her throat. "Have you been doing this a...a long time?"

"Couple of years," he replied as his fingers touched the silk of her panties. He leaned in close, "Next time you wear no panties; understand?"

With a slight tremble, she took a ragged breath at the feel of his fingers. "Uh huh," she answered.

"Good, I like access to my bitches. No bra either. Now, like I was saying, I've been doing this a couple of years now. It's a real kick to do some guy's wife right in front of him. I always wonder what he must be thinking while his old lady is thrashing around on the bed, screaming from her second or third orgasm."

Connie was already squirming from the touch of his exploring fingers. She could feel the rush, the pure thrill of it all. Just as she thought she would embarrass herself right there in the restaurant-he stopped and pulled his hand away.

"There he is," he said. "He's got the room. Come on," he demanded as he grabbed her by the hand and stood up. They both got a knowing smile from the waitress as they passed by the register.

Adam possessively held her by the arm as they crossed the busy street to where Larry waited with key-card in hand. Once inside the room Adam never relinquished his control. "Cuck-boy, take off your clothes—NOW."

Larry immediately disrobed and stood naked waiting for his next order...his cock at full mast. Adam snickered as he walked around and inspected him. "No wonder your wife was looking for a man," he snarled in Larry's ear. "Sit down over there," he demanded, nodding to a corner chair.

As Larry meekly complied, Adam turned to his newest conquest. Connie felt herself tremble with excitement at the mere thought of being this man's fuck toy. Submissively she stood while Adam undressed her.

"Sit down," he said, guiding the naked, married woman to the edge of the bed. He took a broad stance directly in front of her but glanced over to Larry who was now sitting naked in the corner. "Hey, cuck-boy, you don't touch yourself until I say it's okay—got it."

Larry timidly nodded with a mumbled, "Yes sir."

Adam had to laugh to himself. He never did understand the whole cuckold fetish thing but what the hell, as long as he was the one getting all the pussy, who was he to judge. He looked back down at his prey. "Well, do I have to tell you every little thing to do?"

Connie undid his belt then looked into his eyes and smiled as she slowly lowered his zipper. God, she felt so naughty, so wicked. His cock was about the same size as her husband's but that didn't diminish the eroticism of the moment one little bit. She pulled his pants and shorts to his knees and took the already hard cock into her mouth.

She heard him take a deep breath and felt his hand on the back of her head. In all the years she'd been married her husband had never held her in place like that. She felt vulnerable, so defenseless to resist his power.

Soon his fingers entangled themselves in her golden locks and she felt him tightening his fist. He was controlling her movements, forcing her head back and forth more rapidly. She could feel his whole body starting to tense. Suddenly he pulled her against his groin. He eyes widened and she struggled to breath. The hair on his balls tickled her chin as he pumped rope after rope of thick cum down her throat.

Slowly she felt him release his grip and the stiffness that had fill her mouth was relaxing and starting to shrink. He took in a deep breath and let it out with a sigh. "Good girl," he praised.

Connie sat and watched as her paramour removed his shirt, exposing his muscular chest and arms. In a moment he stood like a naked Adonis in front of her. "Get it hard again," he demanded.

These scenes were as hot for Adam as they were for the couples he serviced. It took no time for him grow hard inside the warm, moist confines of his bitch's mouth. They both moved to the center of the queen size bed where he took her in arms. Connie closed her eyes and just reveled in his embrace.

"Okay, cuck-boy, you can start playing with yourself now but you don't come without permission, you hear me?" he told his cuckold.

Larry couldn't wait to start pulling his meat. The scene in front of him was so lewd, so dirty, and so exciting...he'd have agreed to anything just to be able to touch himself. "Yes Sir," he said with more enthusiasm this time.

Adam pinched and sucked on Connie's hard, protruding nipples. He moved up to her neck and nuzzled behind her ear. "Who do you belong to? Who owns this sweet little cunt," he salaciously whispered.

"Oh God, you do. I'm yours," she surrendered in a breathy voice. "Take me, Adam, please take me."

He reached down and felt the dampness of her bald pussy. "If you want my cock you have to ask for it," he whispered.

"Oh yes," she gushed, "yes, I want it...please."

Larry sat watching as Connie writhed under Adam's strong body. His eyes focused on the man's hard cock as he stroked in and out of her wanton love canal. He couldn't believe how hard he was. His skin was stretched so tight it hurt. He could feel the urge building. "Sir, sir, may I come, please."

"No, you don't come until I come," he warned.

Adam's words cut him like a knife. He didn't dare touch himself now or he'd burst. How long, he wondered, how long would he have to wait? This was torture; sadistic, malicious, wonderful torture.

"Oh, oh God," cried Connie. Adam was driving into her with long, powerful strokes. Never had she been taken so forcefully. Every nerve in her body was on fire with lust as she climaxed with a blood curdling scream. Her nails dug into his skin, her toes curled upward, and her head was thrown back in a fit of euphoria.

Connie's world was rocked four more times before Adam was ready. "Okay, cuck-boy, you can cum now," he said as he plowed into Connie's pussy with one last mighty stroke. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down to her chest as he emptied his balls.

Connie's heart was still pounding as they all stepped out from the room together. Everyone was all smiles.

"You want to do this again?" asked a triumphant Adam, obviously pleased with himself.

"Oh yeah," Connie replied while looking at Larry. "What about you?"

Larry had enjoyed it immensely. "Yeah, absolutely."

Connie stretched to give Adam a passionate kiss. He took her in his arms while they played tongue tag. As they broke the kiss, Adam glanced over Connie's shoulder at a man coming toward them. "Jesus, this guy looks pissed at somebody."

Connie turned to see who he was talking about. "OH MY GOD...BOB! HOW...WHAT...NOOOOOO."

Adam, suddenly sensing something was dreadfully wrong, asked, "Who's Bob?"

By that time the irate man had reached the unholy three. "I'm her husband, asshole," he angrily spat.

"Husband? Hey wait," Adam pleaded, putting his hands up in surrender and stepping back from the infuriated man. "She...she said he was her husband...that he like to watch. I don't want any trouble. This was all supposed to be consensual."

Bob looked over at Larry who was cowering in retreat. He looked back to his now crying wife. "All the way over here I kept telling myself she was wrong, it couldn't be—not my wife, somebody else's maybe but not mine." He was so pissed he really wanted to hit somebody or something, but that would only get him in trouble; and for what... "I'm going back to work. I will see you when I get home." With that he turned and left the three hedonists.

All the way home, Connie kept asking herself how, how did he find out? How did he know? She was so careful. How was she ever going to smooth this over? Her husband was certainly no Larry.

By the time she reached home the psychological terror that she was putting herself through had drained every ounce of energy from her body. She barely had enough to get into the shower but she knew that was a must. She had to wash away any scent of Adam. The anticipation and worry that pervaded the next hour and a half was sheer torment. She tried to keep herself busy by cooking dinner but her heart dropped when she heard the front door.

The anger she saw earlier in his face was still there.

"So, was it fun? What was the biggest thrill, getting spit-roasted...DP'd, what?"

"I...I'm so sorry. I don't know how you found out. I was so careful. I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't have sex with both of them—only the one..."

He cut her right off. "Bullshit. Why lie, I caught you red handed. Why the hell would you go into a motel room with two guys and only have sex with one? That doesn't make sense."

"Honest, Bob. I...I just wanted to see what it would be like to have sex with another man. It was just curiosity. I only wanted to try it once but I was scared; all alone with a stranger in a motel room somewhere—what if he was some kind of maniac, a sadist, or some guy who like to beat up women?"

"So you found some asshole that would just there to protect you while you cheated on your marriage?"

"Well, not exactly. Larry's one of the salesmen where I work. He was supposed to be at a big sales meeting one day but he got tied up with a client and couldn't make it. They needed his numbers for the month so they sent me into his office to find them. He had a tablet in his drawer. I thought he might have had the numbers on it so I turned it on. As soon as I did this cuckold website popped up. There were some chat rooms on there too. It looked like he was really into it. That gave me an idea.

"A couple days later I asked him to lunch and told him what I found. He was of course extremely embarrassed but got a little more comfortable when I showed an interest. I asked if he and his wife really did that. He said no. His wife would never go for it. It was just a fantasy that he had to keep to himself. That was exactly what I wanted to hear.

"I asked if he wanted to make it a reality. It was perfect. He could get his jollies off and I had someone in the room for protection."

"You're telling me he stood there beating his meat the whole time and just watched you getting fucked? What kind of fucking degenerates do you work with?"

"It's pretty common, Bob. You'd be surprised how many guys are into watching their wives like that."

Bob was shaking his head at her cleverness. "Had it made, didn't you. Well I don't care if it was one man, two men, or thirty-two men. It makes no fucking difference."

"I...I know," she sobbed. "How did you find out? I was so careful. I worked so hard to make sure you would never know."

"Carol Hindsley," he said. "She was sitting in the restaurant and saw you walk in with a man. She was going to say hi but when the two of you sat together on the same side of the booth she changed her mind. She was over by the tables. She said you didn't even see her. Anyway, she saw the other guy come in a few minutes later. She said it looked like you guys were playing musical chairs. She watched one guy go over to the motel then saw you and the other one go over a couple minutes later and watched as the three of you went into a room together.

"That's when she called me but I was in a meeting and had my phone turned off. After the meeting, when I turned it back on there was a text message from her telling me to call her back right away. The text was almost two hours old so I called her right back. She told me what she saw and gave me the address of the motel and the room number."

Connie couldn't believe it. She thought she had all the bases covered. She never guessed she'd be seen by someone all the way over on the other side of town.

"What's this Larry guy's last name," he demanded.

"Why, what are you going to do? It wasn't his fault, Bob. It was my idea."

"He went along with it didn't he. He knew you were married. He sat there watching you guys the whole damn time, knowing you were cheating on your husband and cheating on his own wife in the process. I think his wife should know what kind of pervert she's married to. Hell," he said with a forced chuckle, "the only innocent one in this whole thing is the guy who actually fucked you."

"Bob, I'm so sorry. It'll never happen again, I promise."

"You don't have to promise. I can guarantee it'll never happen again. The first thing I did when I got back to the office was call a divorce attorney. I have an appointment with him tomorrow at three. I just came home to pack some clothes. For the time being I'm going to bunk in with my brother. They said I can sleep on their fold out couch until I can find an apartment."

"No, no please, Bob...please, don't do this. I know I screwed up—big time, but don't leave me. I'll do anything you say...anything. We can work this out, I know we can."

He wasn't listening. It was a done deal. He headed upstairs and packed. She was still crying and begging him not to leave as he walked out the door.

The following day Bob sat in his office doing more thinking than working. His heart would be breaking if he wasn't still so damn mad. He visualized what must have gone on in the motel room from his wife's account. Larry was a real sore spot. He wanted revenge on that prick.

I wonder... the company his wife worked for had a website. He wondered if they had pictures of their employees. He tapped out the company name and voila, Larry Steinhope. He checked the white pages and sure-enough, there he was—the only Lawrence Steinhope in the region. It showed his wife's name as June.

Bob tried the number but after a few rings the answering machine kicked on. It sounded like a land line rather than a cell. He tried again just after five but got the same results. Later that night, after dinner, he tried again. This time a man answered. Of course it had to be Larry. He wasn't about to put his wife on the phone for Bob.


"Hello, sir. This is Woman's Day magazine calling. Is this the Steinhope residence?"

"Yeah, look we don't want any magazines," he said as he was about to hang up.

"No, sir, I'm not selling magazines. A Ms. June Steinhope filled out contest sheet for a two-week vacation at beautiful Loral Bay Resort. Well, sir, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that she won. I do need to talk to her and verify a couple things. Is the lady of the house in?"

"Yeah, yeah, wait just a second, I'll get her," he excitedly replied.

A moment later a bewildered female voice was on the line. "Hello? What's this about a contest?"

"Mrs. Steinhope, my name is Bob Carson, my wife works with your husband. Yesterday I caught them both coming out of a motel room together. There was another man involved as well. I'll let your husband tell you what he was doing in there." With that he hung up. It was up to her to pry the truth out or him.

The following day Bob's secretary told him his wife was calling. He picked up out of habit, not thinking until it was too late. "Yes, Connie, what is it?"

"Bob, why? I told you it wasn't Larry's fault."

"And I told you, he was an accomplice. As far as I'm concerned he's as guilty as you are. What happened, did she kick him out?"

"Yes. He's devastated. I don't know what you told his wife but he wound up confessing and told her what we did. He told her how he wanted to be cuckolded. He said she went ballistic and tossed him out of the house."

"Well I have no sympathy for him, Connie. I saw the lawyer yesterday. He said since we don't have any kids and you're working, he doubted I'll have to pay you anything. We'll split everything fifty-fifty and go our separate ways."

Connie's tears were streaming down her cheeks and falling on a sales report that was on her desk. This wasn't supposed to happen. She had been happy with Bob and now realized what she gave up just to satisfy her curiosity. She enjoyed the sex with Adam but it sure wasn't worth her marriage. "Bob—Bob, please, give me another chance. I swear I'll never do anything like that ever again. Please, Bob."