The Best Medicine Ch. 04


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Vanesse turned onto her back and pulled Trina on top of her. She planted feathery kisses on Trina's lips and cheeks, and ran her hands down the woman's athletic back. Trina took everything in stride, matching kiss for kiss and caress for caress. Her hands cupped her lover's large breasts, pushing the nipples north and more readily available to her hungry mouth.

'Lover,' she thought. She had just actually referred to Vanesse as her lover.

"What are you thinking?" the Princess asked as her breasts were lovingly teased with an amazingly talented tongue.

"How grateful I am for second chances," Trina replied.

Vanesse was beaming, her smile lighting up every corner of the fantasy world she had created in her mind. "Can I see you on top of me? Like you were with Jack?"

Trina nodded, sitting up and straddling Vanesse's hips. She raised herself up and put Vanesse's hand between her thighs. "Now just curl the fingers," she instructed, then sank down with Vanesse's fingers inside her. "So how's the view?"

Vanesse actually blushed. It was her own head and her own fantasy, and Trina had made her blush. Because her best friend was beautiful and sexy, and because Vanesse couldn't think of a thing to say. Trina threw her head back, her long brown hair flowing like a cloud behind her, and it was long enough that it could tickle Vanesse's legs when the battle-dancer turned her head just right.

The battle-dancer's eyes were drawn back to her companion's full bosom, complete with its soft, pink nipples that looked back at her with a certain wickedness. She leaned forward and took one into her mouth, but switched to the other so it would not feel left out.

"I wanna taste you," Vanesse cooed, stroking Trina's head as the woman ravished her breasts.

"Soon," came the amused reply. "Gotta learn to crawl before you walk."

"I know how to crawl!"

Trina kissed Vanesse's lips. "I know. Seems like being on your knees is getting easier for you."

Vanesse felt a blush overcome her dream body. "Is that --"

"It's wonderful. I'm happy that you're feeling more comfortable with yourself. And I have to admit, thinking about you on those knees sucking off Farmer and her crew," Trina breathed heatedly, "is kind of a turn-on."

Vanesse grinned. "So you . . . you know, want to watch? Next time?" The very notion of Trina being the voyeur for the Princess's exhibitionism made her skin tingle.

Trina started riding Vanesse's hand harder. "If you haven't noticed," she gasped, "I don't like taking my eyes off of you for ANY reason."

"I want you to watch me," Vanesse said. "Always."

Trina hid her face in her hair for just a moment. She did not want her friend to see the slight blush play across her skin. It was not exactly a grand offer of eternal love, but it meant something. Trina's face revealed itself again as she climaxed, but her own look of wonder failed to match Vanesse, who seemed to be orgasming again. Without so much as a touch from Trina. Neither woman had much mental capacity available to process it, as they both rode their respective waves of pleasure until Trina collapsed, leaving their two bodies rubbing against each other.

"What the hell just happened?" Trina whispered into Vanesse's ear, then took a moment to nibble on it.

"You're the expert. You tell me. Damn, that feels good," the Princess muttered back.

"There's lots of places on your body that can get you going, and I'm going to make sure you know where each and every one of them is."

"I'm just interested in one of them right now, and you promised me I could have it."

Trina grabbed Vanesse's bottom lip with her teeth, pressing lightly together before releasing and granting another soft kiss. "I did say you could taste me, and I always keep my Word." She stood up and walked toward Vanesse's head, letting her hand trail along every curve of the Princess's body. She knelt on either side of Vanesse's head, then lay her own body down on top.

"Think you can keep up, your Highness?"

"I can take anything that you can . . . sweet spirits!" In other words, no. Vanesse could not keep up. Not even close. Trina's tongue was everywhere at once, penetrating Vanesse's sex like a snake going into a burrow.

"Well Princess?" Trina joked, flicking her tongue at the sensitive nub peeking out from under its hood. "You said you could take it?"

"I did. I just didn't say I could do anything abow-wow-wow-tit! Where the hell did you learn to do that?" Vanesse gasped, with one of Trina's fingers touching a spot inside Vanesse's body that was doing some pretty spectacular things to her ability to process information. Or form complete sentences.

"I did have some practice while waiting for you to turn into a total babe," Trina replied between licks.

"Pluh-ease stop!"

Trina kissed those wet nether lips again. "Why?"

"Because I can't think when you're doing that and I ah ah ah!" Vanesse should have known not to admit "weakness" to Trina. The battle-dancer had the upper hand and was planning on keeping it. Her tongue was inside Vanesse's body, where it had apparently made itself comfortable and had no intention of leaving.

Vanesse did try, but it took so much mental energy to tear her attention away from what was going on between her thighs that she made very little headway. So she just gripped Trina's ass with the grip of a woman hanging on for dear life, gave Trina's pussy the occasional deep lick, and just let the battle-dancer do her thing, so to speak.

Trina removed her tongue, pushing her finger into Vanesse's slot and feeling around for that magical little spot that would make the Princess forget all her troubles.

"What . . . what are you . . . there!" Vanesse yelped. "How are you doing that?"

"G-spot. I'll tell you how to find it."

"Please do."

"See, just follow the vaginal wall until you find a --"


Trina licked Vanesse's clitoris again. "See, if you're going to keep interrupting, then I'll never --"


"-- get around to telling you how to --"

Vanesse's back arched and she shoved her sex against Trina's hand and mouth. She climaxed so hard that she thought she might lose consciousness. Except that she was already unconscious. Weird that.

Trina lifted a leg so that she could see Vanesse's face, and was somewhat taken aback by what she saw. "Princess, you're glowing."

"Well that was a pretty amazing --"

"No, you're ACTUALLY glowing!"

Vanesse worked her hand into her view. Her skin was radiant, healthy and full of life, and did indeed seem to be giving off a little more light than usual. "What the heck?"

Trina removed herself from the sixty-nine and knelt next to her friend. "How are you feeling?"

The Princess just smiled. "Amazing. Now it's my turn to make you feel this way." She pushed Trina onto her back and then pushed those long, athletic legs apart. "Now you are GOING to tell me how you did whatever it was that you did."

"Princess --"

"And would you PLEASE stop calling me Princess! Don't make me order you."

Trina raised an eyebrow. "Now your Highness, I really don't think that . . . okay, you've talked me into it."

Vanesse had begun her own exploration of that beautiful garden between Trina's thighs, and had begun trying to replicate Trina's oral attentions.

"Not so fast," Trina murmured. "This is for pleasure, not for racing."

"Says the girl who won," Vanesse muttered, then pulled Trina gently open using her thumbs, allowing her tongue to get in a little deeper. Her friend was wetter than she had thought she would be, though why she should have thought otherwise escaped her. She just knew that she enjoyed this. Trina had been given so few things to be happy about in her far too short life, but Vanesse was determined to be one of them.

"Okay, so you're a quick study," Trina said happily. "But can you . . . okay, I guess you can."

The Princess had begun to improvise, finding the spots on Trina's body that got the best reaction and then spending more time on them. She was careful not to focus exclusively on the clit, which she imagined would have been a bit of overkill. Her tongue was her primary tool, as her fingers were digging into the tight ass flesh that she had often admired.

"Trina --"

"Oh don't you dare stop to talk!" the battle-dancer interjected, writhing like a snake as she felt an orgasm building.

"It can wait." Vanesse went all out, trying to share a bit of the magic that Trina had brought into her life. Every ripple of taut muscle, every sigh, and every moan let the Princess know that she was close to her goal. Then, Trina climaxed. And once again, without being touched, Vanesse had an orgasm as well.

"What the hell?" Vanesse muttered, then stopped to kiss the inside of the Trina's thigh.

"Seems like the hostess gets bonus orgasm points," Trina chuckled. Then she pursed her eyes. "Maybe that's it? In your mind, we both feel what we are supposed to feel, but you're the only one here with a body. It's reacting for both of us."

"That's--" Vanesse stopped as the world began to blur. "Trina, what's going on?"

Trina looked less than alarmed. "You're waking up."

"I don't want to! I want to stay here with you!"

Trina leaned in, her face the only thing left in the dream world that was not fading. She kissed her best friend on the mouth. "I don't know how long this is going to last, but I don't think I was sent back for one night, however amazing. You have things to do in that other world, but I'll wait for you in this one. And I WILL look after you."

For some reason, that seemed to make everything all right in Vanesse's shifting, turbulent world.

"Vanesse? Princess? Farmer, I think that she's --"

"-- waking up! Oh holy hell girl, you scared the living crap out of us!"

Vanesse opened her eyes. She felt like she'd been run over by a full-grown moose, but she also felt incredibly energized.

"What . . . why did you wake me up?" she muttered, more than a little disoriented.

Farmer moved into the Princess's shaky vision. "You gave us a bit of a fright," the werehyena said, looking quite relieved. "You got captured, due to someone's faulty judgement," she added, glancing at Jack, who in turn looked quite chagrined, "and then got knocked out. Then --"

"Then what?"

"Then you single-handedly knocked out five people with your eyes closed before collapsing. We brought you on the RV and started moving again, but then you started to . . . well, you started moaning. And cumming. A lot."

Vanesse blushed. "You stood there and watched me? You know, get off?"

"Well it was kind of hard to avoid. Sweetcheeks, our noses are pretty sensitive. You've gone everyone so riled up that I had to stop being the driver and come back here just to make sure no one got any ideas. Now, would you mind explaining just what the hell happened back there?"

Vanesse did something that surprised the werehyenas. She smiled. She just threw herself back onto the cheap RV bed and grinned like an idiot. "I had the most amazing dream --" She paused when she felt her abdomen clench a little, almost as if she was laughing. 'No, not me,' she thought. Then she realized that it had all been real. Trina was laughing at her, using her own body.

"Are you --" Farmer started to ask again, then was surprised when Trina launched herself from the bed and hugged the matriarch of Joker's Wild.

"She's not gone," she whispered, her voice and eyes caught up with joyous tears. "She didn't leave me."

Five minutes later, Vanesse had relayed her conversation with Trina to her compatriots, though she left out the more amorous parts. Based on the chuckling feeling emanating from her own body, Vanesse realized that Trina found her sudden shyness to be quite amusing.

"So you have the spirit of a not-quite-dead battle-dancer living in your dreams?" Farmer asked at last.

"You don't believe me?"

Farmer sighed. "No, actually I do."

Jack nodded. "There's no way you could've pulled those kung-fu moves off. No offense, but hand-to-hand combat isn't exactly your thing. I'd know Trina's moves anywhere."

Vanesse grinned as she felt her body feel a bit flush. Jack had been fascinated by Trina, and the battle-dancer found it all just a little flattering.

"Is this normal?" Farmer asked. "Battle-dancers so enraptured with their charges that they possess them afterward?"

"I've never heard of it." Vanesse scrunched her eyes. "Trina? A headache for 'Yes, I've heard of this' or . . . uhm, upset stomach for 'This is weird, even for me'."

Everyone just stared at her. The Princess chuckled. "I think she liked the options." Then she gripped her stomach lightly. "Nope, I don't think she knows of anything like this."

"Okay, that's the weirdest form of communication I've ever seen," Jack said.

"It's like a biological magic eight-ball. Clever though." Farmer locked her fingers behind her head and then cradled her skull in her palms. "So what does this mean? How long is she in there? What --"

"I don't know," Vanesse interrupted. "I just don't know. But I know someone who might. Can I borrow a phone?"

Farmer grabbed the phone from her belt, then hesitated. "Vanesse, I'm not sure we should tell anyone else. If word gets out that Trina was killed, then her being not-quite-killed is a major bonus for you."

"But Lillian is one of the good guys. Isn't she?"

"She's one of Stapleton's, which means that I'm more likely to trust her, but can't it wait until we get to Atlanta?"

"But I STOP THAT!" Vanesse had touched her temples mid-sentence when a small throb of pain hit her. "Okay, okay! I won't tell anyone. Yet." The pain receded. "We have GOT to work on a better system of cues. Okay, maybe I did suggest the headache, but still! How about . . . Trina what are you --"

Farmer was alarmed, but only temporarily. She saw Vanesse double over and then sink to her knees, her whole body beginning to shake. But when the Princess raised her face, it was obvious that pain was NOT what she was experiencing.

"Oh . . . you . . . BITCH!" Vanesse cried as another orgasm wracked her already tired body. She was blushing, but smiling as well.

"Can I assume that something ELSE has changed since Trina got back?" Farmer asked knowingly.

"You . . . could (gasp) say that again."

Farmer grinned, tipped Vanesse's head up by putting a finger under her chin, kissed the girl and said, "Pass that on. Tell Trina I'm kind of happy to see she's okay."

"She can (gasp) hear you, but thanks," Vanesse said, wiping the sweat off her brow. "Anyone got some chocolate or some donuts? Suddenly, I'm starving. And could I get a change of underwear?"

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Elsewhere . . .

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Torris stepped off the plane, headed through security, and fell into step with the group of elvish hunters that were waiting for him in the waiting area of Lambert St. Louis International Airport.

"How many have you assembled?" Torris asked. The Baron Montain had moved quickly to make sure that his chief assassin would have everything he needed, though Torris was under strict orders not to tell anyone else of his true mission. Let the others do as the King had commanded. Torris would make sure the Princess did not survive.

"Twenty, sir," the lead hunter replied. "We pulled everyone back off the West coast to help in the hunt. The Princess was spotted in North Dakota, but the pursuit team was incapacitated."


"Yes. None of the hunters were seriously harmed. One of them reported that --"

"What?" Torris asked angrily.

"That the Princess resisted being rescued."

This was what the Baron had been afraid of, making Torris's job that much clearer. "Her captors have obviously done something to her to make her more suggestible."

"But sir --"

"Listen . . . what was your name again?"

"Hunter Tulek."

"It is a common thing for captives to become enraptured with their captor. It will make the retrieval of the Princess more complicated."

"Yes sir. And there was no sign of the battle-dancer," Tulek said, his voice bitterly cold. "So either she was being restrained somehow, she had been left somewhere, or --"

"If a battle-dancer were still alive, she would be tracking her charge across the face of the world. We should assume that the Princess no longer has such protection." This actually bothered Torris a bit. He had started his career as Baron Montain's battle-dancer, and that fraternity of guardians had a special respect for one another. Lady Trina Cresole would have died doing her duty, and she would be remembered well for it. She could not possibly be blamed for the flighty, weak nature of the woman she was sworn to protect.

Tulek simply nodded. "Yes sir. The kidnappers seem to be headed south-southeast from North Dakota, but they aren't following traditional routes, and they don't seem to be stopping."

Torris scowled. It probably looked like he was angry that the Princess had been taken, but he was actually annoyed about the notion of the Princess making it to the lands of Lord Stapleton. The Lord of Atlanta was easily one of the most powerful lords, or even vampires for that matter, in the world, and he had been given extra resources to help deal with the care of the resurrected Greater Dragons. If the Princess found safe haven there, then there would be no way to kill her, and the future of the elves would be placed in the hands of a spineless woman.

"We have feelers out for any route that they might take," Tulek said, and we're in a good position to intercept if her Highness is spotted coming this way."

"I have his Majesty's permission to access additional funds to hire more mercenaries to watch the roads. I will personally lead the next rescue attempt. We cannot afford any further mistakes."

----------- --------------

In Denver . . .

----------- --------------

Abraham Holmes was not happy. He had put a silver bullet through the skull of the werewolf who had fired on the caravan too early. Now, he needed to come up with a plan. Natasha had indicated from her "visions" that the Princess was being taken to Georgia, which was not a place that Holmes wanted her to be. Taking on the elves were one thing: assassinations and intrigue were part of their game. Taking on Shane Stapleton, his house and the Council were something else.

"Sir," Christopher Knight said, "we have another problem."

Holmes looked at his second like he had sprouted a second head. "Another problem?"

"Yes sir. Natasha is . . . well, she went catatonic for about ten minutes. When she came around, she ate a pizza delivery guy and now she's babbling about 'the Lazarus woman' and how someone 'should not be.' I think she's completely flipped this time."

"You think that every time." Abraham stood up and grabbed his gun, checking to make sure it was fully loaded. "Joker's Wild isn't going to be making any mistakes now, and they're not going to slow down. Find out where they are, and have a strike team ready within the hour. If the Princess escapes to Lord Stapleton's lands and calls in the Council, then there's not many places in the world we'll be able to operate from. But just in case --"

"I've got a plane chartered for Mexico already, loaded with everything we'll need to start over."

"Good man. Now get Natasha ready for another casting. We can't afford another mistake."

---------- -------------------------

To be continued . . .

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 2 years ago

That was evil , but another unbelievable move to combine the living with the dead ...... Just after my heart and head ache finished with chapter 4 and smiling ........ Extraordinary


Just for letting them discover their love all those hearts

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
beginning of forgiveness

last chapter, killing my favorite character was depressing and tear provoking. i am beginning to forgive you a bit with this partial return of trina. still i feel sorry for trina despite reading this story several times over the years. you have wonderful imagination and writing. might you return one day? :)

TheBigBadRobobTheBigBadRobobover 13 years ago

okay, I like the story again! I hope Trina finds a body to inhibit or something. But for now I'm laughing at the way they communicate with eachother.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

So well thought out. And great cliff hanger.

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