The Big Tits Club Pt. 02 Ch. 11-12


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"Oh for fuck's sake, B." I rubbed my forehead and sighed. Clearly, she wasn't getting it.

"I'm gonna grant you for a second here that maybe Lily doesn't see the situation as you taking away her choice, which is why she isn't mad at you. But Number Two," I stated flatly while raising my middle finger to join the first, "you took away my choice. You betrayed me. I'd made a decision: a decision to NOT push myself into her and take Lily's cherry on a random Tuesday morning. I'd looked into her eyes and seen that while she'd be okay with me pushing into her, in my opinion she didn't want it to be that way. I promised her I wouldn't do that unless she was a hundred percent sure, and she wasn't a hundred percent sure. I'd mentally decided 'no'. And the way I see it, you tried to rape me by proxy."

Shaking my head, I scowled and pushed past Belle. I felt hot (like steam coming out of my ears hot) and I needed to cool off. I marched straight to the bathroom, turned on the cold water at the sink, and then bent forward to splash my face a few times. I felt thirsty so I grabbed the rinse cup, filled it to the brim, and then chugged its contents in a single long pull. And then with my face still dripping wet, I slammed the cup down on the counter, planted my hands against the countertop's bullnose edge, and bent forward so that the water dripping off my face would fall into the sink, panting heavily.

Movement reflected in the mirror before me drew my attention, so I looked up and saw Belle standing in the doorway. I didn't turn around to face her, but instead glared at her reflection and shook my head in disgust, growling, "You tried to rape me, B. You tried to rape Lily. And I can't just brush that off."

"I didn't rape either of you. Gawd that's such a harsh word," she exclaimed defensively. "Can we not use that word?"

"Sexual penetration against the will of the victim is pretty much the definition of rape," I stated angrily, deliberately continuing to use the word. I shook my head, still scowling, and since I still felt hot, I ducked down to splash my face with cold water again.

"There wasn't even any actual sexual penetration," Belle argued. "I didn't have leverage and your dick got deeper when she was just humping herself back and forth across your knob."

"You still attempted to initiate sexual penetration without permission from either of us. If your best defense is saying you only attempted to rape us, is that really so much better?"

"I get that you're upset, but I guarantee that if the two of us walked up to Lily out of the blue and asked if she felt like I'd attempted to... to... to R-word her, she'd say, 'Absolutely not!'" Belle shook her head. "The whole crux of your argument lies on the conditional 'against the will of the victim.'"

"I'm the victim! You raped me. You took action to initiate sexual contact against MY will."

Belle grimaced and looked away for a moment.

"You know how important it is to me for a girl to feel absolutely safe with me," I continued. "You know that's a core tenet of the entire BTC. Am I not part of The BTC? You took away MY safety, you made me feel like I was taking away HER safety, and to make me feel like I was party to that kind of violation goes against everything I believe about myself. It would have devastated me if Lily had reacted negatively, or if she'd been made afraid of me because of YOUR actions."

"You're not getting it. Look, I'll admit you have every right to say I attempted to R-word you. But not Lily, and if you'd stop to talk to her for a minute, you'd know I'm right." Belle shrugged and gestured her hands towards my reflection in the mirror. "I'm not trying to victim blame here, but you know how they say, 'You can't rape the willing?' I'm serious: Lily was willing. It's like... It's like... Well, I mean, you could never rape me."

"Sure I could. All it would take is one second of you saying 'no' or saying anything else that would indicate a lack of consent, and I would have to stop. That's Sex Ed 101 from high school. And if I didn't stop, it would be rape: plain and simple."

"I'd never say 'no' to you, Matty. For the rest of our lives I will never say 'no' to you. You have my full and complete consent to do whatever you want to my body, whenever you want, even if I'm completely unconscious or impaired due to alcohol. Fuck whatever legal rules there are. I'm your Annabelle, and I always will be."

I exhaled slowly and stared at her reflection in the mirror. "I know you're my Annabelle, the way I'll always be your Matty. But I could still rape you."

She smirked. "No you couldn't. Not if you had my consent, because you do have my consent. Anytime. Anywhere. In any hole. For the rest of our lives."

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. "I really don't want to get into an argument about semantics now."

"Then let's stop talking semantics and get back to doing what we do best." She stepped up behind me, wrapped her arms around my midsection, and gave me a fierce hug. "I love you, Matty, and I don't want you mad at me. I hate it when you're mad at me."

"Then why are you ALWAYS doing shit you know will make me mad? Why are you always trying to needle me? Why have you been talking up my sexual prowess to other girls when I've made clear I've got my hands full trying to take care of the three of you while starting my freshman year of college? Just because you're a voyeur who can't help but wanna watch me give a royal pounding to some other big-titted babe and then slurp out the creampie?"

"Well kinda yeah."

"Why do you listen to the words I say and then do the exact fucking opposite regardless of the consequences? You knew I was backing off from taking Lily's virginity. You knew I wasn't going to thrust myself into her."

"Of course I knew you weren't going to, which was why I grabbed your dick and tried to shove you in. For her sake, because I knew she wanted you to do it in that moment."

Belle sighed and hugged herself against my back a little tighter. Her body was so small behind mine that I couldn't see her reflection in the mirror save for her arms, even though I was still bent forward with my hands on the counter.

"Look, I know I haven't had the best impulse control lately," she continued. "I can't help it. These thoughts just take control of my mind and I... I dunno. I've been bad, I know. I've been naughty. I... I think I need to be punished."

I blinked twice and stiffened up a bit. "Um, what?"

"I've been a misbehaving little brat lately, haven't I? I deserve to be punished." Belle's right forearm slipped from my midsection as she relaxed her hug a bit, and I felt her hand slide across my belly and down to my crotch.

I stiffened and stood up straight when she started rubbing my package. Turning around to face her, I reached down to grab her wrist while muttering, "Now isn't the time, B."

"It's the perfect time," she stated flatly while fighting my grip to get her hand onto my crotch again. "I know you didn't get to cum this morning. Let me relieve the pressure for you."

"See, this is what I'm talking about. This is me explicitly telling you that now isn't the time, and you're doing the exact opposite anyways."

"Then why are you letting me rub your crotch?"

"I'm not... uhhh..." I glanced down and realized that sure enough, my grip around her wrist was limp enough to allow her hand free reign to rub my crotch. Her fingers were pointed downward, tickling my balls a bit while she used the flat of her palm to stroke up and down my rapidly elongating shaft.

My cockhead peeked out above the waistband of my flannel pajama pants. Since Belle and I didn't have morning classes on Tuesdays and would frequently end up back in bed together, I never dressed for school. And once the heel of her hand made contact with the sensitive bare skin of my manhood, she quickly slid her hand underneath my waistband to take a firm grasp of my shaft and start pumping.

"You're raping me again, B. Against my will."

"Am I? Is this against your will?" She tightened her grip and pumped me a little faster. "I know you haven't cum today yet. Let me help you. Do you wanna cum in my ass? It's been a while since we did that. I didn't pre-stretch myself with a butt plug, but I know we can still make it fit. It might hurt a little bit more than usual, but then maybe I deserve to feel a little pain. I've been a baaad girl. A naughty girl. A misbehaving brat. I deserve to be punished, Matty. So punish me."

"B..." By now her hand had become a blur of rapid-fire pumping on my prick, the sensations of her handjob too overwhelming for me to ignore. I'd sagged against the sink cabinet, hands holding the bullnose edge making no effort to stop her. And we both knew I wouldn't resist.

"If this is really against your will," she murmured breathlessly, "just say 'no'. Tell me to stop and I'll stop. But if you wanna cram your big dick up my tiny little butthole and hammer me over the sink right here and now in punishment for being a misbehaving brat, then do it. Take me, Matty. Take me now. Take me however you want me. Because I'm yours. I've always been yours. I'll forever be yours. You could never rape me because you HAVE my consent. Because I'm your Annabelle."

"FUCK, B," I grunted as I suddenly sprang into action. I grabbed the pint-sized pixie with both hands around her waist and pushed her against the sink cabinet while I spun around behind her. Belle was clad in a simple pajama set: flannel pants and a knit Henley long-sleeve. With a quick jerk, I yanked the pants and her panties down to mid-thigh and then yanked my own pajama pants down as well. Planting my left hand between her shoulder blades, I bent her forward while squatting down and bringing my cock up between her spread legs. She thrust her ass back to help provide a better angle for me to probe my prickhead against her soaking-wet pussy. And as soon as I felt myself notch into position, I forcibly pushed forward.

"Hhhhnnnngggghhhh..." Belle grunted as my battering ram burrowed deeper and deeper into her tight teenage twat. She was still super-snug - entry would always be a little difficult - and her restrictive route resisted my rod's resolute ramming. It didn't go unnoticed that her charms would be nearly impenetrable for someone my size were she to present any resistance. But Belle was good to her word, and with practiced ease the gates of my pint-sized pixie's super-snug channel started relaxing against the intruder stretching her most intimate muscles right up to the edge of pleasure and pain. So it only took a minute for me to seat the entire length of my steel-hard schlong within her saturated snatch.

"Holy fuck," I grunted in astonishment at the intensity of the sensations as I held myself at full depth and then relocated my hands to her hips, yanking my misbehaving brat of a 'little sister' against my pelvis as if I could crush our half-naked bodies together another half-inch closer.

"Punish me, Matty," Belle moaned, bowing down while keeping her head up to look at my reflection in the mirror. Our eyes met through the polished glass, and I recognized my little lover's expression of incredible lust and erotic need.

So I pulled back until I was almost all the way out, and then I rammed myself forward once again as hard as I could, making her moan as she felt her innards getting rearranged with every invading inch.

And then I did it again.

And then I did it again.

"Punish me, Matty," she groaned before suddenly stiffening and yelping, "AHH!"

I looked down in surprise at my right hand, now cupping my Baby Belle's bare buttcheek where I'd apparently just spanked it. I'd spanked it hard, and it was only then that I realized I was still really, really mad at her.

And I wanted to punish her.

So I spanked her again.

And again.

And again.

Belle squealed with each heavy impact and the formerly pristine, creamy skin of her buttcheeks rapidly reddened beneath my assault. I stared at her face in the mirror rather than look down at her ass, laser-focused on her grimacing expressions, the way she clenched her eyes shut with every slap, and the way moisture covered her pale green irises before tears started rolling down her cheeks.

A great part of me rebelled at the sight of Belle... my Annabelle... in such obvious pain. Bile rose up in my throat as I felt just a little bit sick to my stomach at the realization that -I- was the one causing her this pain. It went against every bit of my core personality to do this to her, and angry at her or not, I would've called a halt to this entire thing immediately if it wasn't for one thing:

The way Belle kept howling for me to continue.

"Spank me!" she screamed through her tears.


"Spank me!"




I was no stranger to spanking a girl during sex. Naimh, in particular, really got off on it. Holly actively encouraged it while in her "Personal Slut" mode. And even Sam enjoyed the occasional adrenaline rush of a good spank on her tight "arse" from time to time. If there was one thing I was really good at, it was giving a girl whatever she needed. As I'd told Sam before, being obedient to The BTC had sort of become my life's purpose, collectively.

Despite the rivers of tears rolling down Belle's face and despite the sight of my Baby Belle grimacing in obvious pain with each meaty slap, I obeyed her commands.

"Punish me! Harder! Harder! HARDER!!!"


And if I was being perfectly honest, I really did WANT to spank her too.

In some dim corner of my consciousness, I knew this probably wasn't the best time for us to be having sex, and certainly not the best time for rough sex. I wasn't in my right mind. I was still angry, and a part of me really wanted to hurt Belle. I wanted her to feel pain, as evidenced by the way I kept carelessly driving her midsection into the sharp corner of the countertop with every forceful thrust. I wanted to see her in pain, as evidenced by the way I remained focused on her crying face in the mirror instead of watching my prick piston in and out of her used and abused wet box. It was a slippery slope, to be sure, and we were playing a very dangerous game.

But fuck if it didn't just feel so fucking gooood.

Belle's tight teenage twat tensed around my turgid tool as I mercilessly pounded her poor pussy with unrelenting endurance. Lightning bolts shot up and down my spine, not only from the physical pleasure of plundering such a blissfully wonderful wet box, but from the adrenaline-fueled power trip of dominating my darling "little sister's" petite pint-sized body to the point that I'd shoved her up and onto the countertop with her feet flailing in the air.

My Baby Belle squealed like a stuck pig as I heartlessly hammered her heinie with my pelvic bone and I pillaged her pink pussy with my powerful prong. She wound up holding the faucet with one hand and planting her palm against the mirror to prevent herself from slamming into it face-first from the unflagging force of my thunderous thrusts.

She'd stopped howling for me to spank her.

But I kept on spanking her.

She'd stopped ordering me to punish her.

But I still wanted to punish her.

I hammered her harder and harder and HARDER. I grabbed her right leg and raised it up to the side so that she had her right knee atop the counter, giving me a better angle to drive my demanding dick deep into her vaginal depths.

I bunched up her hair with my left hand and jerked it backwards to force her to face the mirror head-on, giving me a better view of her reflection to watch her cry out in anguish and pain as I spanked her several times with my right hand.

And then after popping my own right thumb into my mouth to get it soaked with saliva, I pried open Belle's buttcheeks and started shoving the spit-slickened digit through her tightly crinkled sphincter.

Belle shrieked in surprise, and I could see her reflection as she gaped her mouth open and went a little bit cross-eyed at the anal penetration. Her tongue lolled out a bit as she went silent, and there was no mistaking the way she'd tensed up and tightened her twat around my big dick buried up to my balls within her clamped-up cunt.

"You did say you wanted to help me cum because I haven't yet today, didn't you?" I growled, leaning forward to cram as much of my cock into her as I possibly could while still yanking back on her hair with my left hand and caressing her reddened asscheeks with my right without removing my thumb from her broadened rosebud. "You asked if I wanted to cum in your ass, remember? You said that even if you didn't pre-stretch yourself with a butt plug, you figured we could make it fit. So let's test out that theory, huh? You're a misbehaving brat. You're a bad girl, a naughty girl. You deserve to be punished, Belle. And I'm gonna punish you."

"Maaattttttyyy..." she whined, shivering and shuddering.

"You said I'll always have your consent, right? Anytime, anywhere, in any hole?"

"Any hole, Matty," she whimpered pitifully, quivering as she closed her eyes and took short, nearly hyperventilating breaths. "Any-- EEP!"

I'd interrupted her with a wicked slap that echoed in the calm silence. And then I slapped her again.


I let the second slap echo, and after a beat, I ordered, "Tell me 'no'."

Belle lifted her head and her tear-streaked eyes found mine in the mirror. "Yes. A thousand times 'yes'. For the rest of our li-- EEP!"



And then I was fucking her again.

I kept my thumb jammed up her butt and reached forward with my left arm to grab her shoulder and yank her tiny little body back to meet my relentless thrusts. She planted both forearms flat on the countertop and arched her spine. Her head lolled backwards, and I could see her chin jutting forward as she closed her eyes and just sort of endured my aggressive assault, drool leaking out of her slack-jawed mouth.

She hadn't climaxed at all. Not once. Perhaps it was the awkward position or perhaps it was just the pain. Perhaps she didn't think she deserved to orgasm given that this whole thing was supposed to be a punishment anyways. Or perhaps it was simply because I'd fucked her ragdoll body like an uncaring asshole up to this point, taking my pleasure from her tight little hole and making absolutely zero effort to ensure hers.

But at some point, her right leg slipped off the ledge and she wound up belly-down on the countertop, her short little legs just barely long enough to reach the floor on tiptoes. Perhaps that gave her just enough leverage to relieve the painful pinch of her midsection getting hammered against the unyielding surface. And I felt her relax just a little bit more as she gripped the faucet with one hand and bowed her head forward to concentrate on the feel of my swollen schlong stretching her snug snatch over and over and over again.

Harder and harder and HARDER I fucked her as I hammered down the final stretch. I fucked her for my own pleasure. And I fucked her with a little extra anger-fueled oomph.

"AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!" she started crying as I really laid down the lumber.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!" I grunted, powering my way towards a cataclysmic eruption.

"AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!" Belle howled, her eyes clenched as she once again raised her head up.

"UNGH! UNGH! UNGH!" I grunted again while focusing on her grimacing face in the mirror's reflection as I felt my balls come to a boil.


"UNGH! UNGH! ... UUUNNNGGGHHH!!!" At the last moment, I yanked my big dick out of my Baby Belle's wet box and unplugged my right thumb from her backdoor. I centered the tip of my schlong against her slightly stretched-open sphincter and literally took matters into my own hands by grabbing my rod and rapidly stroking the shaft to send spurts of scalding splooge straight through the hole into her anal chute and cover the inner walls of her colon with coats of creamy cum.