The Birth of a Kaiju-Girl


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Then her pussy was freed. The tentacles jerked back, releasing a flood of her juices with them. Satsuko followed a massive tendril with her eyes, unable to summon the strength to lift her head, and felt it press against her pussy. If her survival instinct remained, it was buried under mountains of lust. Her cunt squeezed around thin air, as if trying to call for it to fuck her. It was impossible, though.

No human could handle something so big. Then again, no human's breasts could swell up like balloons with some random liquid, nor could they handle having their stomach fucked from the throat and ass simultaneously, she reminded herself. It pressed harder against her opening, forcing the puffy lips to stretch like never before. Satsuko's eyes bulged from their sockets as she watched a massive bulge overshadow that of her stomach. It slowly moved higher, rearranging her insides for its selfish demands.

Fuck, it was a beautiful sight to behold. Satsuko felt jealous of Terri's height, wishing that she could peer down at the fantastical event of her body turning into a human condom. She wanted to see it as her groin was stretched thin, like a second skin over the monstrous sized tentacle, to watch as her legs were made to form a perfect split. Her tits framed her increasingly puny looking belly, acting like blinders to keep her focus where it needed to be. They, themselves, were vastly bigger than her head now.

She moaned and swallowed around the tentacle buried down her oesophagus. The girth had seemed incredible before, thicker than her wrist, enough to clog her throat as it fucked her lewd maw. Now it was insignificant. Her waist was thinner than the tentacle pushing through her cunt. Its veins almost seemed to match the tiny crevices inside her, filling them just as the body stuffed her canal. Not an inch was left untouched.

And it was bliss. Satsuko saw the shape pause, then it lurched forward with a stab of ecstasy tainted wonderfully by pain, turning her untouched uterus into another source of pleasure. Warmth flooded the organ, weighing it down and forcing it to stretch just like her belly had. This was just pre-cum, Satsuko told herself and felt her body go rigid yet again.

The army treated her as a doll. They used whatever they could for their pleasure, sliding into the crevice of her armpits, bending her legs to fuck the crease where calf met thigh, coiling around her still swelling titties and fucking them. One even saw fit to use her navel. All her movements were of pure instinct now. She jerked her hands reflexively, bucked her hips, clenched her legs... everything was by her desires wish.

Terri didn't make any hint as to whether it even knew Satsuko was there anymore. The giant was lost in its own ecstasy, moaning in its own way while geysers of cum shot from its shaft. Satsuko didn't care what became of her country at that point, trapped in the haze of pleasure. The tentacle went deeper, stretching her womb like a piece of elastic until it was forced over her belly. Even through her skin, a thick, circuit of veins was obvious.

Satsuko barely noticed when the legion grew restless. They moved erratically around her, changing pace without warning. Her throat bulged and flattened repeatedly as it was reamed violently, while her tits were squeezed like a pair of udders. The 'petals' that encased them tightened and the liquid poured as if from a fire hydrant, expanding her tits whole inches at a second. Satsuko felt another orgasm exploded within her as her abdomen was pushed to reach past her sternum.

Then all the tendrils went still. She didn't notice, caught in the maelstrom of bliss. After cumming so much, Satsuko was on a hair trigger so sensitive that even her afterglow almost set her off. When the many limbs quivered around her, she exploded again. As did they. Her tits burst in size, swelling to almost double their magnificent glory in a matter of moments. Just a second behind, her stomach joined in until she looked fit to drop a whole litter of babies, then a horde of them as her womb was brought up to standard.

Her pale flesh became buried under layers upon layers of cum. Heavy streaks of it piled on her face, concealing her features and even her pure black hair, while others all sprayed across the rest of her. Were it not for the sheer size of her tits and belly, there would be telling her from any other blob of cum Terri had produced. There was still more to come.

Satsuko world condensed until everything seemed lost. Only she existed in the universe of her glorious pleasure. Just her increasingly beautiful body, where she sported tits bigger than zeppelins and where her stomach quickly swelled to outshine them. Her nipples were the size of trucks, with a huge puffy areolae and thousands of gallons of milk. All that was missing was a cock or two... maybe three... or four. Satsuko's mind came to a standstill as she finally submitted under the sensations.

"Ah! What? Where?" Satsuko gasped and burst upright, whipping her head around frantically. Her soaked hair whipped at her face, though she paid it no mind as she saw Terri's face. The giant was smiling at her, eyes twinkling like lovers after their first time. Or was it something else? Satsuko wondered and followed the monster's eyeline.

"Oh my god! Yes!" Satsuko screamed. She couldn't see her feet past her tits, which reached past her hips, though they couldn't hide them, not when her sides reached a good foot past her shoulders. But such developments were pitiful in her eyes, "Did you know this would happen?" She asked Terri, beaming at the Kaiju-Girl, who only shrugged. Regardless, Satsuko rushed forward to hug the giant creatures chin, "Thank you so very much."

Running was a whole new experience now. Her breasts bounced like huge bowls of jelly, while her hips swayed in a way that she knew had to be hypnotically sexy - exactly she envisioned it - but the greatest addition was that of her cocks. Plural. Satsuko rolled her broad hips against Terri's face, moaning at how great it felt to do so.

There were no other words for it. The sensation was just 'great', she could try to bolster the moment with all manner of bigger, grander words, but they were unnecessary. Not when she could savour the feeling of two, huge cocks, each of which hung to her shins and were wider than her newly thickened thighs. They rubbed together as she moved, swinging to and fro against her immense ball sack as well. That, too, was monumental and glorious.

Were it not for her secondary mission, Satsuko would've played with her new self for hours. Perhaps even days if her orgasms were half as amazing as she envisioned them being. She stepped away from Terri to look it in the eye.

"Are you satisfied?"

Terri shook its head and nodded to its cock, which remained as hard as ever. In fact, it was bigger than Satsuko remembered. How long was she out? She looked around again and saw that the daylight had dimmed greatly, now a warm fiery colour as the sun began to set. Oh crap...

"Think maybe I could?" Satsuko offered, hefting her twin shafts. She repressed a moan at their weight, though she couldn't help but take a moment to smell their pussy-conquering musk, her own snatch pumping hotly at the odour. Surely, they would be big enough when erect to fuck even Terri, although how they could accomplish that was another matter all on its own.

The monster shook its head once more and held up to two fingers, then gestured to Satsuko's cocks. She threw up her hands in exasperation, understanding what it meant; her cocks would be as big as two of its fingers, something that she doubted a Kaiju-Girl would get off to. Not to mention that she didn't even know how to use these things properly yet. There had to be another way.

She, then, looked at Terri's monumental dick and it slowly dawned on her, "Hey! Ever tried sounding or docking before?!" Another shake of the head, which she couldn't help but smirk enthusiastically, "Wanna try sticking my dicks down yours?!" For most, such a thing would sound excruciatingly painful, but Terri was practically sex incarnate. It proved her thought with an excited nod, raising her to stand at its peak. Satsuko rubbed at her members, moaning as she experienced her first erections. With many more to come, she promised herself.

She stared down at the chasm in Terri's godlike cock. The slit was big enough to run a train through, with fat globs of thick, delicious pre-cum rolling from it, each the size of a car. It could swallow her whole with ease, a prospect that lured Satsuko in closer, still jerking her twin masts to their true glory. She watched, entranced as they rose far above her head and steadily revealed a field of veins. Her body was almost perfect.

Almost. Satsuko glanced between her members and Terri's own, tower dwarfing prick, unable to decide which to focus on. Moisture flowed from her tips, coursing down her lengths and onto her hands, lubricating her strokes into long, swift jerks that soon had them at full attention. They dominated her view, so immense that she almost wondered if this was enough. Then she recalled her fantasy.

"Let's do this!" Satsuko called to Terri. Its cock jerked and nearly sent the newly created futa flying, though the giant kept her in place as it brought her dual pillars down to greet its own. The comparatively ant-sized girl breathed heavily, both from the arousal that pervaded every inch of her mutated body, and the anxious fear of what she was about to do. Her cocks pressed against God-Futa's, depressing the huge, spongy tip.

She moaned at the blissful warmth that slowly surrounded her dicks. They gradually spread Terri's urethra open, gliding inside as gushes of slimy pre spewed over them, bringing her own body closer and closer. Satsuko reached out and laid her hands against the head. Her insides clenched as she did so, pushing something out from her as she threw her head back in a joyous explosion. Euphoria saturated every inch of her being at that moment as she came to the hilt, buried inside a Kaiju-Girl's cock.

"So warm... a-and tight..." Satsuko slurred, her mind barely able to process the new sensations. Her balls mashed against Terri's cock, pressing them flush against her pussy, urging it to squirt powerfully. The twice endowed futa jerked with each convulsion of her body, sending truckloads of semen down Terri's cum pipe, inundating it in her seed. Window-shaking rumbles drowned all other sound as the giant moaned, though it sounded far from a proper release.

"That's so good," Satsuko all but purred as she rubbed Terri's soft, peak. She, then, dug her legs in and pushed her hips up, gasping at how the monster tried to suck her back in, "Don't worry," the futa moaned as she plunged oversized breeder sticks back inside, "I'm not stopping anytime soon."

She quickly set a vicious pace. Her balls swung pendulously, slamming against Terri's cock as her own towers returned to that blissful heat, adding more and more to the soaked tunnel. Pleasure enveloped Satsuko's brain, barring all higher thought from being heard. Only one desire reigned at that moment, the craving to be bigger. She had to get bigger.

Satsuko shrieked and gagged as her body was stuffed. The tentacles had returned, as if brought by her lust, retaking their positions and more. Three, then four rammed past her puckered ass, reaming her body at its deepest parts. Another pair swivelled around in her throat, their shapes jerked by another around her neck. Her tits weren't penetrated by needles, instead they were crammed to bursting with a small orgy of tentacles each. They moved energetically, bulging against her overblown flesh.

Then there was her pussy. Where before it had taken a tendril nearly twice her entire body mass, now whole legion of smaller tentacles took up the workload, stretching her just as wide. Each limb moved differently, at its own pace. Some caressed her insides slow and lovingly, while others stabbed at her.

"More!" Satsuko tried to plea around her gags, their huge shapes fucking her gullet fiercer than before, "Cum! Cum! Cum!"

Once again, they seemed to heed her words. Each tendril quivered as they had before, then unloaded cum into her at an endless stream. Gallons after gallons piled into the once human body, stretching it bigger than ever. Each gush set off her own cocks, which poured into Terri's shaft at an equally potent rate.

Satsuko happily let herself fall back into the abyssal embrace of her ecstasy. Its arms were everywhere, caressing her, relaxing her, pleasuring her in ways no human could. All concerns wavered, then turned to dust. She simply existed, only recognising the bliss and how her stomach and titties swelled hugely.

Then they stopped. The flow of cum hadn't slowed in the slightest, if anything it was only pouring faster with every ecstasy laden second, and not a drop leaked. Such a thing was impossible with her holes stretched airtight. Satsuko continued to writhe in her bliss, though it was tainted in her frustrated curiosity. Her hips worked harder and faster, while lifting her higher.

An orgasm ripped through the blessed woman. She was growing properly, not just swelling with cum but her body was developing further already. Because of her previous exposure? Or was it Terri's own evolution? Satsuko didn't care which caused, only that it continued. Through half-lidded eyes, she saw her tits smoothly expand until they were twice as big, with no end in sight. She would still be insignificant to Terri, but Satsuko could live with that.

What she couldn't live with, was the sudden vacancy across her body. Satsuko sputtered in her abrupt freedom and looked around, "Why'd you stop?" She rasped. Even after her changes, her throat was sore from the rough fucking. She continued to work her hips, hoping to incite God-Futa to resume. Then she heard it; the sound of epic wing beats.

Satsuko went to turn around and see what could make such sounds, only to have her vision eclipsed in darkness. A scorching, smooth and soaked darkness. She squirmed around as it moved around her, seemingly pulling her deeper into wherever she was. Then she came to a barrier, only to be pushed through it and shoved against a pliable wall. It conformed to her beautiful curves and stretched around Terri's cock as well.

"Where..." Satsuko began, then realised that she couldn't breathe. There was no air. She clapped her hands over her mouth and froze, conserving every last particle of oxygen that remained. Her hips pressed flush against Terri's cock, unconsciously grinding her balls against it. Even under threat of suffocation, she felt another orgasm building. Her cocks pulsed and swelled, taking their portion of whatever chemical made her grow, "Fuck..." Satsuko groaned, eyes rolling. Then she was moved.

Terri's cock pulled away, taking her with it as she were lodged within. She recalled the fins on the monster's own member and realised what they were fore, as the movement jerked to a stop, then she was sent racing back to the wall. Oh god, Satsuko thought in disbelief and bliss. She was deep inside the Kaiju-Girl Maria mentioned, all the way in its womb. Though a technicality, she was fucking two Kaiju-Girls at the same time.

"Ah!" Satsuko screamed, expulsing the last of her air as she came harder than ever. She faintly remembered how it had felt for all her nerve endings to light up, to explode like fireworks, but this felt akin to an atomic blast. They tore her mind to shreds, leaving no fear or doubt, only bliss. She laid flat against Terri's cock, basting it in her cum even as her balls and dicks persisted in their expansion. Her body was locked in place. Even her hips were still.

Darkness creeped at the edges of her consciousness. She glanced around the womb in a blind sense of wonder, her mind barely absorbing the information provided. A soft glow caught her almost childish attention, pulling her closer. Terri's cock quaked powerfully against her, its insides fluttering like a pussy. The uterus walls that surrounded her did likewise, contracting as if in ecstasy. Satsuko's hand stretched for the glow and met a soft ball.

She giggled with the scarce air remaining. Squishy... Satsuko gripped it gently, smiling at how it compressed under her fingers. She tried to pull away, but it followed, as if glued to her skin. Her smile faded into a frown as she weakly tried to shake it off, the quivering of Terri's cock growing more violent by the second. It remained stuck, worse, the glow almost seemed to be extending up her arm. Satsuko whimpered and pushed on Terri's prick, freeing herself.

Yet that only made it worse. The glow rapidly flowed across her body, which jerked and contracted until she was curled into a ball. Satsuko struggled, though her muscles refused to listen. Then the flood came. Septillions of strange things pushed against her relentlessly, until they just stopped. Each time this occurred, she felt... calmer. Like her mind was being soothed. Or washed away.

Satsuko's eyes slowly fell shut as another wave came. More of those things rushed her, then stopped. It's alright, she thought tiredly and relaxed. This was her purpose. To be attacked from all sides, to receive that which she most needed to grow. Once she was big and strong, then she could leave. But not a moment before then.


-9 months later-

Terri rutted into her lover for what had to be the millionth time. The giant form beneath her moaned and cried out in bliss, begging for more of a cock that stood almost twice its own height. This was Muffra, a Kaiju-Girl like Terri, or God-Futa as most referred to her now, and she was beautiful. Exactly how Terri had envisioned her ideal girlfriend if she had ever wanted to experiment.

Large, expressive eyes stared into her own as they shone with the impending climax. Full, delicious, cherry-red lips moaned her name while huge, torso defining tits jiggled atop a belly that far outclassed them. Beneath that, a rigid cock bigger than a stretch limo bounced with each thrust. The stomach and cock weren't something Terri had imagined, though she couldn't deny their appeal. Not when they provided such awe-inspiring sessions as these.

Her hands caressed the huge, round semi-sphere as she fucked harder. According to Muffra, a Kaiju-Girl foetus thrived on its sire's fluids, whether they were cum, saliva, pussy juices or even urine. Terri was more than willing to give every ounce of cum her mountain-sized testes could offer. Despite both being Kaiju-Girls, Terri still marvelled at how Muffra could a cock of her magnitude.

"Cum in me! Fill me again! Make swell up like a balloon!" Muffra wailed, arms and legs wrapping around Terri's body to hold her close. The far taller monster mashed their lips together, her tits swallowing Muffra's, while the hundreds of tentacles on her back went to work. Her biggest slid in alongside her cock, thrusting wildly, while the smaller groups attacked Muffra elsewhere. They slid into her ears, her nipples and cock, playing excitedly. More coiled around her nipples and clit, while the rest massaged her tits and balls.

"Yes!!" Muffra screamed to the heavens, arching her back and shooting cum like a geyser. A basin waited in the distance to catch the load, thousands of human-sized women bowed around it. When the streams faltered, they immediately climbed a series of ladders or stairs to jump into the bowl, swimming their deities' ejaculate. Terri grinned as she watched them, knowing that they would soon change to define humanity's concept of 'curvy'.

She, too, came as her lover's myriad of holes clenched around her. Terri roared, the sound of which echoed throughout the hidden island, audible to any who resided on it. She pushed to the hilt inside Muffra, stuffing tentacles anywhere that could accept them, and came.
