The Bodyguard


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A round whizzed by her head, but the only sound was it caroming off Jala's pod.

Silenced then. Not good. Still, her thermal sights gave her the edge and she located the shooter from the extreme IR signature of her pistol. The ex-marine sighted carefully and sent three rounds into the bulk of her body, catapulting her into one of the windows. She slid down, leaving a warm red smudge that let the ex-marine know there was no more threat in that direction.

One left. Where? She tired to remember where the waiters had been before the first shot, but she couldn't place him. Then it hit her, the fifth was the bar tender. She turned but his signature was flat on the floor with his hands over his head. Not in on it then. She stood slowly and waited as the elevators opened, disgorging security teams.


"One shot each, through the head, right outside the fucking building," Freely spat.

Max was sitting on a sofa in his office, while a nurse worked on the cuts Sotina had sustained.

"Bar tender?" she asked, wincing as the nurse applied an antiseptic.

"Poor bastard. We checked the surveillance tapes, his story checks out. The alcohols were delivered yesterday, so he had a smoke in the service garage and came straight in. Had no idea who the waiters were. Different companies. No real reason to suspect him, but Brady worked him over a little before we were sure."

"So they just killed the waiters in their van, switched uniforms, and waltzed right in packing?"

"Yeah. But they were slick. Killed the waiters in their van, you would have had to have a guy watching that exact camera when they hit and they were on cam less than twenty-five seconds. The weapons were broken down, slipped in on the food carts and trays. All that metal shit, no way to detect them."

"It's an inside job," she said flatly.


"Is it? They were only on cam twenty five seconds? The way this place is blanketed? You could only do that if you knew precisely where the cams were and what their sweep speeds and angles were. And you could only know that if you have spent time in the security center. A lot of time."

"Well fuck."

"We need to move her Max. Tonight. Get that sleek little bird she uses to land on the roof pad. I'll take her up and we'll be out bound before they can make another attempt. We'll be gone three years or more, plenty of time to find the inside guy."

"She's pretty shaken. I think they gave her a tranquilizer," the old man said.

"She's already packed. I'll carry her up. But we need to go. Now."

"Well, I..."

"Wait a fucking second, who's with her now???"

"The doc..."

Sotina didn't hear the rest, she was already out of the office and running towards the lift. Her piece was in her hand before it arrived and she replaced the Iso's with the armor penetrating rounds as it rose. When it opened on her floor, her worst fears were realized as both security men turned and opened up on her.

The staccato hammering of their machineguns completely covered the soft sighs from her piece, but while their 4mm slugs failed to penetrate her corset, the big 12mm ap's tore through their body armor and out the back.

She was past them before they hit the ground, her heels clicking on the tiles. Sotina didn't bother with the door, she just barreled into it at full tilt, crashing through and coming up on one knee, her pistol centered on the head of the man in the white lab coat.

Jala was strapped to a gurney her eyes wide in fright as the man held a syringe with a thick, green, viscous liquid to her arm. A smoking pistol sat on a medical tray and both nurses were lying on the ground, blood pooling under them.

"You almost saved her..."

Sotina's pistol sighed and the man's head exploded, the syringe falling from nerveless fingers.

"Did he give you anything?" she asked rushing to Jala's side.

The girl's face was frozen in horror and her eyes were glassy. Sotina slapped her, repeatedly.

"Did he give you anything?" she shouted.

"No, just the nurse," she said, shuddering.


Sotina set the controls for auto flight and finally relaxed. Jala was asleep in her cabin and the computer would redirect them around restricted airspaces as they moved towards the edge of the solar system and the jump point. Her dress was ruined, filled with bullet holes and blood spattered. She could easily see the dark blue of her corset in places and marveled at the way the garment had protected her. She hurt, and was sure every slug had left a deep bruise, but she was alive and breathing. A testament to the designer's skill.

She turned to find Jala, standing in the archway in her boxers and wife beater, holding herself tightly and shivering.

"What the hell are you doing up? You have enough tranqs in you to put a bull elephant down!"

"I can't sleep, the nightmares..."



"No buts, bed. Now! I didn't spend the whole freaking night watching over your safety to have you pass out and bust your skull open."

Jala started to speak, but she was weaving and Sotina barely managed to catch her as her legs gave way. She carried Jala back to her stateroom and gently placed her on the bed.

"Don't leave me," the tall girl murmured.

Sotina nodded and stripped her ruined dress off, before lying down next to her charge. Jala snuggled up close, resting her head on her bodyguard's shoulder. She was out almost instantly. It took Sotina a couple of hours before the adrenal boosts from the night's activity finally wore off and she too, found sleep.


A strange tightness in her chest roused Sotina from her dreamless sleep. She cracked open an eye to find Jala intently watching her. She wanted to move, but something in the tall girl's eyes held her back. Jala's eyes strayed from her face to her chest and the delicate looking corset. With shaking hands, the tall girl very gently traced a finger over Sotina's nipple. The contact sent a delicious ripple of pleasure through the tired woman.

That explained the tightness in her chest, but she had no explanation for why it was happening. As she watched, Jala seemed to be deep in thought, her finger still lazily circling the hard nubbin. She removed her hand and bit her lower lip. Sotina was sure she had come to some conclusion, but nearly gave herself away when Jala glanced back at her face nervously. She resisted the urge to blink and held very still.

Jala nodded to herself and carefully began detaching the cup from the corset. She was lucky that Sotina was only feigning sleep. When Jala's hands touched her bare skin, the Marine was hard pressed to suppress her combat reflex. Jala lifted the armored cup away and placed it on the bed behind her. She bit her lip again and then reached for the other one. Soon, Sotina could feel the warm cabin air on her other breast.

For a while, the tall girl just stared with something approaching awe on her face. Eventually, she very hesitantly reached out and gently touched Sotina's breast. The ripple of sensation was more intense, more pleasurable and more immediate than the earlier gentle touches. Now she seemed to gain confidence as her fingers caused the ex marine's nipples to harden again and her large aureoles to pucker. Soon the trim woman was fighting back moans and the urge to arch her back.

"Don't fight it," Jala said in the softest, most sensual voice Sotina had ever heard.

She moaned softly as the girl's head dipped and she enveloped Sotina's nipple. Her mouth was warm and her lips as soft as the finest silk. Her tongue gently teased and swirled over her nipple. The ex-marine arched her back, pushing her breasts up like an offering and Jala took them. Her hands gently cupped the small orbs as her tongue swirled over the sensitive nipples. She alternated between them, tenderly squeezing and fondling until Sotina thought she would explode. No lover had ever been so careful with her small breasts or treated them so lovingly.

Her sexual experiences, though few, had impressed upon her how much guys liked big boobs. Most men paid hers scant attention even when out of her armor and in the fast and needy confines of a Marine's life, they got no attention at all. Sex was all about getting it in, getting him off, and getting back to the grind. Her own pleasure had never rated better than third of fourth consideration.

Now, Jala was treating them like fine china. Caressing them, laving them with her tongue, and lips. Something strange was happening, something she had never felt before. Her muscles were acting on their own, at least the muscles deep inside were. Tensing and relaxing in a rhythmic way that sent pulses of bliss outwards. Soon her other muscles tensed, and for a screaming instant they were so taut she felt sure her skin would rip. With a blast of pleasure that seemed to blot out all else, they relaxed, but contracted again almost instantly as her first ever orgasm ripped through her.

It was followed by a second, even more powerful one as Jala moved a hand between her legs and pressed inwards. She heard a drawn out whimper, like the sound an animal made when it was hurt, but what she felt didn't even resemble pain. Jala slid down her body, pulling Sotina's soaked panties down her legs as she went.

Sotina barely noticed. Her world was contracted to one of pure pleasure, as her orgasms rippled away to aftershocks. The red starbursts on the back of her eyelids took on fantastic shapes, dragons and butterflies. They reminded her of the fantastic shapes she once saw in the crab nebula while on maneuvers.

The dark haired girl's eyes fluttered open. She looked down her sweat soaked body, past the aching mounds of her breasts, over the dark blue corset to see Jala's eyes as the tall girl's nose settled into Sotina's dark public curls.

Those soft lips that had so lovingly teased her nipples, that warm velvety tongue, now slipped between her slick lips and gently caressed her most private place. She moaned, a soft, sexy sound that she didn't think she was capable of making as the sensations shot out from her pussy and flooded her senses. And then came more and more, ever more powerful pulses, every more disconcerting shocks to her already over loaded system. She was drifting now, drifting away on a wave of euphoria like nothing she had ever imagined existed when Jala sucked her clit into that warm mouth and feathered it with her tongue.

Sotina's legs locked against Jala's head, her pussy quivered and she screamed as her lover delicately slipped a finger into her molten core. Shocks and shivers, tingles and spasms, her body was off on its own ride, seemingly unconnected to her mind. She was struggling though blasts of pleasure on a sea of euphoria and the deluge was simply too much. She experienced a disconnect, where the world ceased to exist and only the sensations were real. Only they, with their soul shattering pleasure made any impression.

She came down slowly, with Jala holding her and kissing her brow and eyelids. Her breath was ragged and when she tried to speak she could only slur.

"Shhh," the blonde butch admonished.

"Why?" she managed to gasp.

"Why not?"

It wasn't an answer, but the way she was feeling, it sufficed. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation as her body slowly relaxed and her heartbeat returned to normal.

"I've never had a girl cum like that," Jala said quietly.

"Like what?"

"Like that. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it was like you were an animal, thrashing and moaning and stuff. Do you always cum that hard?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I've never...cum before," she said, embarrassment causing her to flush.

"Well, we've got three months to find out," Jala said with a smile.



"When did you know I was awake?"

"From the very start baby. Your body is so delightfully aware, are you supposed to feel things more intensely?"

Sotina nodded.

"But not for sex, I mean, we're not supposed to. It's for combat, so you know better when you're injured so you can trigger the appropriate drugs in combat. I never knew it made this."

"I like you like this," she said, sliding back down Sotina's still sensitive body and kissing her thigh.

Sotina was sure she would die if she had another orgasm like that. Jala's tongue caressed her lips and she moaned.

'If this is death, what a way to go,' she thought.


"So you're lovers?"

"Yes sir. I guess that pretty much sums it up," Sotina replied.

"Excellent," Max said with a big smile.


"I said excellent. Good. Wonderful. Not what you expected, I presume?"

"Frankly, I expected to get fired."

"Why? Think banging the old man's daughter is grounds for termination?"

"Well, I mean,..." she said shrugging helplessly.

Max laughed loudly and rose, fixing them both a drink. Sotina sipped, knowing now to expect the real stuff. She wasn't disappointed as the fiery, smoky flavor was exquisite.

"You're the strangest employee I've ever had Gunny. Did you realize that?"

"No Sir. I think I'm pretty average."

"Well, you aren't. In the first place, you didn't come to me for a job, I came to you; that happens very seldom. In the second, you don't kiss my ass. Even executive VP's around here have degrees in brown nosing, but you? You give it to me straight every time. Makes me feel young again, to be treated like anyone else. Adoration gets old, believe it or not."

"I'm sure it does."

"How many other people do you think would have the guts to walk into the office of the most powerful guild head in the Authority and tell him they were shagging his daughter?"

"I don't know. Not many?"

"'Not many' is right. Practically none. But here you are, and I know for damned sure Jala didn't put you up to it."

"No sir, she doesn't know."

"I wouldn't bet on that, she's wet behind the ears still, but she has great empathy and it gives her uncanny insight. Still, the point is, you came here on your own, because you felt it was the only course of action. It shows deep respect for me, and respect for her and self-respect. And it shows an unusual commitment to doing what's right."

"I guess," she replied, clearly unsure.

"Trust me on this one Gunny. You're going to find right and wrong aren't so easy in the corporate world. You keep your commitment to it, it speaks well of you."

"I will."

"Good. As to my daughter, I've known of her orientation for many years. I couldn't have asked for her to find a better woman. And as to your job, it would seem to me you have more reason now than money, which never seemed to impress you much anyway, for wanting to keep her alive," he said with a sly grin.

"Well, yeah, I guess I can see that, but..."

"I love my daughter," he interrupted, "I want her to be happy and safe. If she can find happiness and safety with the same person, I'm all for it. We still don't know who the inside man was on the attempt in her penthouse. Overall, despite a massive infusion of money and pulling a lot of strings, we still haven't located the leaders of the splinter cell trying to kill her. She's still in danger and I'll sleep better knowing you are there and truly committed to her safety."

Jala barged into the office before Sotina could respond. She looked devastating in her tailored pinstripes and had a come hither look on her face that sent the ex-marine's blood racing. She walked right up to Sotina and caught her face in her hands before kissing her soundly. When the kiss finally broke, Max was smiling, Jala was smiling and Sotina was blushing scarlet.

"Somehow, I just knew you would have to come spill the beans," she said, in mock admonition.

"Indeed she did," Max said.

"You aren't angry are you?"

"I can't be angry with you long and well you know it. In this case though, I was never angry. If anything relieved."

"Good. If you'll excuse us, it's lunchtime and I have been looking forward to a nooner all morning," she said, watching Sotina blush again.

"On that score, you will have to take no for an answer," he said with mock gravity.

Both of them looked at him, but he just smiled.

"I don't mind you fucking my daughter," he said to Sotina, "And I don't mind you having a nooner, lord knows I've had enough in my day," he said to Jala.

"But if either of you think I'm leaving my own damned office so you can get it on, you are mistaken," he finished.

Max's secretary shook her pretty head and wondered what could be so funny, as laughter filtered out of her boss's office.


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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy4 months ago

Like Max in the tale its Elon for us in RL and for sure many humans are really pissed just focusing on Tesla and the environment destruction happen to produce those batteries … whats wrong whats right, love or hate, greed or success and so on, the one who is free of sins takes the first stone - we are all sinners - but killing people or War is the most perverted dumbest human act

Sotina Jala lots of fun cruising the galaxy’s 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝🌸✨🥰

💝🌸☘️ thats for your soul CT

PurplefizzPurplefizz4 months ago

Truly outstanding story, very, very readable indeed, tbh it’s probably an editing Masterclass, it’s been pared down to just what is needed for the story and nothing else. All that aside, I’d have loved a follow up chapter, hopefully involving and resolving the unknown inside accomplice.

Many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz. 5⭐️

MarsPatrolMarsPatrol9 months ago

Semper Fi Gunny 🔥

Shadowolfe1313Shadowolfe1313almost 2 years ago

Liked the story, both ladies were great, the ending was awesome, had me laughing.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefover 3 years ago
Another five *s

This is such a well written story that makes is easy to believe that among all the blood and carnage happening, there's a love blossoming. I've always heard of "bulletproof panties", but now I know where they make them, lol. Again, well written and easy to read. Thanks.

roveroneroveroneabout 4 years ago
PS Jala's first time worshipping Sotina's petites...SO hot...

and Colleen leaving Sotina her 'dark pubic curls'...

...don't if it's true in her other stories(going to enjoy exploring) natural....

this going in 'all-time faves' folder

quite surprised there's so few comments

roveroneroveroneabout 4 years ago
thoughtI left comment 1st time I read this...

gave it a 5 then, and while I can't vote again, would certainly do so if I could

just brilliant....

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
About author....

In an older post from a few years ago, it was stated that she had died and that’s why there are no more stories.

Crusader235Crusader235over 5 years ago

Excellent sci-fi Marine adventure! OooRah Five Stars! I so wish this author would have added a chapter two so we could have read how the Marine put an end to the Vermin trying to kill her love, Jala. I just hope this author found success, and went on to write novels. Wish we knew for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
im a straight guy and I loooove lesbian stories like these.

For the simple fact that I loove women and not men. Seeing two women fall in love is simply double the entertainment. I guess thats shallow or something but w/e. How I feel

cittrancittranover 11 years ago

Honestly, I don't get what the big stereotype is about straight guys loving lesbian sex. It isn't a turn-OFF for me, but it doesn't get me going either. I just view it as being sex.

That said, I read stuff on this site for the stories, not the sex. Yours certainly qualifies as having a great background story, and this was in only 3 pages. I'd be very hard-pressed to come up with something like this, and I'd need at least 3 or 4 times the number of pages to do it. And writing that much is difficult for me.

jkthekatjkthekatover 11 years ago
So sad to hear you have left us Colleen


Thank you for absofuckinlutly brilliant storys

fingers46fingers46almost 12 years ago
Great sci-fi,great erotica,great romance

Gibbs meets lady love?,why not,this is much better than the film,very suck sess full

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I'm a straight woman, and while lesbian sex doesn't turn me off, it very rarely turns me on. Your stories have the same passion and heat I love in my favorite stories without being forced or leaving me with a neutral so-so feeling. You're an amazing author who has an insane amount of talent, skillful plots, and lovable characters!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Long action scenes

Long action scenes. Short sex scene, but still very good, a sequel perhaps.

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