The Book of David Ch. 11


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Just when I'd finished, and while my cock was still hard, I gritted my teeth and then rammed forwards, pushing my way through my own David-made lubrication into Brianna's sphincter.

My prick was ultra-sensitive and it hurt like hell, but I gritted my teeth while reveling in Brianna's scream of pleasure.


Soon, the sensitivity subsided and with Brianna's anal muscles rippling, I was soon hard again inside of her.

Five minutes of rough reaming later, I'd unloaded my second batch of spunk into Brianna's anal cavity and my heavy weight had collapsed onto her back.

We both panted for air in a sweaty heap, my shriveling prick slowly withdrawing from her ass. "You're so good to me, Bree," I moaned.

"Anything for you, David. I love you. I love you."

I smiled contentedly. Amber fluttered into mind briefly, but I pushed her aside and let the view of a smiling Brianna beneath me fill my mind.

Eventually, I rolled over and checked the clock. My eyes went wide and then I was moving to unlock Brianna's handcuffs. "Oops. We'd better get going before they run out of alcohol."


"I thought I told you to call me Stan."

I finished shaking hands with the distinguished Executive Vice President before me. "Yes... uh, Stan." We were at the annual company Christmas party, which by now almost seemed repetitious. Still, it was nice to hang out with coworkers outside of the office.

"I hear you've been promoted," Stan stated confidently.

I glanced to the side at my fellow Engineers, and found an especially reassuring gaze from my girlfriend of over a year. "That's right, Stan."

"But I'm not going to call you boss," Dan put in, prompting a chuckle from everyone around.

"Well, I'm sure you'll do a great job," Stan said warmly, then he bared his teeth in a predatory grin. "You'd better, your new project is a bit of a sacred cow to me."

I drew myself up to my full height and confidently stated, "I won't let you down."

"I'm sure you won't. Enjoy the party." The EVP gathered up his wife and they went around to network with the next few people.

Brianna stood before me and brushed invisible lint of my lapel, clucking over me happily. "That's three executives who've come up to you tonight. You're doing good."

"I'm not doing that great," I muttered, my early public bravado wilting in the private comfort of just me and my girlfriend.

"Honey, I work for HR. I KNOW how big of a raise they gave you. You're doing pretty good. Besides, those VPs wouldn't be so friendly if they didn't think you were a rising star."

"Actually, I think Mark Jacobsen spent more time staring at you."

Brianna blushed as I looked my date up and down. Her dark tresses were in an elegant half-up, half-down coif pulled back so her hair wouldn't overshadow her pretty face. Her dark green dress was a shimmering satin edged with soft velvet panels, hugging her lithe body nicely.

And then we turned back to join our friends. The Enginerds were still together. Marshall had found himself a cute girlfriend. Vipul was trying not to stare at Brianna too hard. And Dan was actually flirting with Kathy from Accounting.

A few more people came by to congratulate me on my promotion, and as I sat back and looked around the party, I felt content. My career was advancing, I'd paid off my student loans, and I'd just gotten a brand new big screen Plasma TV. I had good friends at home in Kevin and Jen, and great coworkers.

More than anything else, I was starting to fall in love with Brianna.

The sex had always been astronomically good. In terms of pure creativity and willingness to let me do whatever I wanted to her body, I could probably say that she was the best lover I'd ever had, Amber and Maria included. And while she wasn't happy about it, she even let slide E-Beth's occasional booty calls, letting me 'scratch that itch', as she put it. Our problems had never been in the bedroom.

Instead, our problems had always been emotional. I know Amber had been trying to ease my pain by allowing me to start seeing Brianna even before Amber and I had broken up. And I know Brianna just wanted to take a chance with me to see what we could be together. But in retrospect, Brianna and I couldn't possibly have had a worse start to our relationship.

For those summer months when I started dating Brianna but lived with Amber, I didn't give Brianna any part of the real me except my cock. I couldn't help it. I was still in love with Amber, and up until Amber left, my physical maturity with Brianna far outpaced my emotional maturity. We'd literally built our relationship on sex and nothing else.

And then when Amber left, I was in full rebound mode, and we all know how rebounds are never a solid foundation for a relationship. Brianna spent our first year falling in love with me. I spent that entire time wishing she was somebody else.

But somehow, even though I was barely holding up my end of the relationship, Brianna loved me with everything she had. She held nothing back, loving me unconditionally. Brianna stuck with me as I gradually got over my ex. And now, almost a year and a half late, I was starting my relationship with her.

I paid attention to the way she liked to be held, instead of holding her like I did with Amber. I stopped to ask where she wanted to go to dinner, instead of frequenting Amber's and my favorite places.

And I'd made a decision.

"Brianna..." I said softly.

She was immediately by my side. "Yes, honey?"

"Would you like to get an apartment with me?" I asked the empty space ahead of me. But after I finished the question, I tilted my head and turned to face her, a wan smile on my face.

I could already see the moisture in her eyes. "Really?"


A happy whimper escaped her lips, then she kissed me quickly before pulling me into a hug. We could be happy. Brianna deserved at least that much.


WINTER (February 2005)

It had taken a little more than a month to work out the leases. Brianna's roommates had found someone else to take her room. Kevin and Jen were only too happy to see me leave. They'd actually started talking about kicking me out so they could really move on with their lives together, on their own. I figured they'd be married by summer at this rate.

So on February 1, Brianna and I moved in together. Somehow, it felt more momentous than any other living arrangement I'd ever been in. Sure, I'd already lived with Amber. But that roommating had slowly grown from having my own room to Danielle's unique situation pushing me into Amber's bedroom. Besides, we had E-Beth and Diane living with us and college was a different world.

This was me choosing, with lots of forethought, to cohabitate and build a home for just the two of us, without any roommates. I was excited; Brianna was thrilled. And when we made love that night to christen our new apartment, it was one of the sweetest nights of my life.

It was all downhill from there.


SPRING (March 2005)

"Come on, David! How many times are you going to leave your socks on the floor!"

"They're... around... the laundry basket!"

"Well you certainly weren't a basketball player, because your aim sucks!"

Like usual, it started off as a petty argument. Whenever a couple moves from dating to cohabitation, there are ALWAYS roommate issues. I had them with Danielle and Cherys at first. I had them with the girls at Amber's house. I had them with Kevin and Jen. And now I was having them with Brianna.

But as had been typical lately, the petty argument snowballed from there. Twenty minutes later, when Brianna was complaining about my "emotional remoteness", I just threw my hands up and walked out the door.

Ten minutes after that, Danielle sighed and leaned against the front door of her house with Cherys. "Another fight?"

"Don't want to talk about it," I said gruffly as I pushed my way past her and into the house, bumping my shoulder into her on accident and not apologizing for it.

Five minutes later, the phone rang and Cherys picked it up. "Yeah, he's here," Cherys sighed. Not much more than a month had gone by and this was becoming routine. "Yeah, I'll tell him."

She hung up the phone and Cherys turned to me, "Brianna says dinner's at seven."

I nodded silently and stared at the TV. The girls were watching Iron Chef on the Food Network and Danielle snuggled in against my side. I was here often enough that I was actually starting to like the stupid show.

"Well, I don't want to say that fighting is a good thing," Danielle mused as she rubbed her cheek into my chest while I wrapped an arm around her. "But it's a nice silver lining to have you here more often."

I was still stewing over the dumb argument with Brianna. It had sort of become the usual complaint. She gave 110% into our relationship, loving me with everything she had. I wasn't doing the same.

I couldn't do the same. I felt like I should be, but I wasn't. I furrowed my brow in frustration. As pretty as she was, as intelligent, and as well as she took care of me, I just didn't feel as strongly about Brianna as she did me. I didn't love her that much. I couldn't help it, the power just wasn't there.

But didn't she deserve more from me?

Still growling internally, I tried to let the tension flow out of me. And when Cherys came around to cuddle on the other side of me, I smelled her sweet hair and just let myself soak in the idle pleasure of being with two women I did truly love, 110%, even if sex wasn't part of the equation.


"Honey, let's take a vacation."

Brianna looked up at me with a little smile on her face. "A vacation?"

"You know, you and me alone together on some tropical island, the kind of vacation young couples go on. Have you ever done something like that?"

"Well," she looked down at her plate. "No," she smiled softly.

Even though Brianna was a year older than me, we were still recent college graduates and still recovering from college poverty. And yet, we'd both had steady jobs for a few years and had built up some good savings. A vacation without our families seemed like the perfect way to both establish our adult independence and put some spark back into our relationship.

"Then let's go. Somewhere far away from work, away from the apartment. Just us, the sand, and no worries." I took a deep breath. "Let's face it, Bree. I think this would do a lot of good for our relationship."

She reached out and took my hands, understanding the seriousness of my comment. "Yeah..."

The way her green eyes sparkled, I was suddenly reminded of the way she'd looked almost three years ago when I first met her. I remember the little surge inside me from her physical resemblance to Danielle. And even though over the past few years I recognized enough to easily distinguish their faces, I still had a powerful physical attraction to Brianna.

"I want to make this work, Brianna. I want us to work."

She pulled me away from the table and with a saucy grin, she stood me up and kissed me. "I love you, David."

My eyes tightened. She'd said the phrase to me more than once, but I still couldn't find it in myself to return the sentiment. Not even now, not yet.

She didn't let it bother her this time. She kissed me again and then said, "Let me show you how much I love you." And then she turned in my arms and dry humped herself against my leg. The sex freak inside of her was starting to come out.

Her voice dropped to a husk and her eyelids half-closed. "Besides, it's been almost a week since you fucked my ass..." And then she led me to our bedroom.


SPRING (May 2005).

We'd scheduled the vacation far enough in advance to appropriately account for our workloads. It had also given us enough time to make plans, book accommodations, and generally over-prep for our first ever vacation together.

For almost two months, the weeklong vacation had us happy with anticipation, and many of the little issues we used to argue about were forgotten as we set our sights on Kauai, the Garden Island of Hawaii. Life was good... for ALMOST two months.

Just a week before we were to leave, a little tiff over nothing escalated into a full- blown fight, and I found myself at Danielle and Cherys' place once again.

Feeling burdensome, I promised them I'd alternate between them and Kevin and Jen's pad, but Danielle was just happy to have me visit as often as I could.

I took her words at face value and on this night, I stayed out much longer than I normally would have, remaining with the girls until it was bedtime. Even if my ego refused to acknowledge it at the time, I knew I was at fault the majority of the time we got into arguments. I really did leave dirty laundry on the floor and get up to get myself a drink without asking if Brianna wanted something.

But this time, Brianna had overreacted over absolutely nothing and I was damn certain of it. This time, the fault was hers, and I wanted to rub it in a little more by not coming home until after midnight.

When I did get home, Brianna shocked the hell out of me.

She was reclining on our bed, dressed in naughty lingerie. This in and of itself was not shocking. A few other times, she'd also chosen to greet me in such a fashion. It was her way of admitting she was at fault.

What shocked me was that sometime while I was gone, Brianna had gotten her dark brown hair cut and dyed... into a perfect dirty blonde that looked JUST LIKE Danielle's hair.

When she fixed her green-eyed gaze upon me, I literally did a double-take, at first seeing Danielle dressed in skimpy lingerie in my bed before I recognized Brianna's unique features to confirm her identity. Still, the doppelganger affect was startling.

"Bree?" I ventured, wondering what the hell was going on.

She big her lip nervously and blinked away the moisture in her eyes. She'd been crying recently, and then she put on a brave smile. "David, I'm so sorry. I know I pushed you away tonight."

"It's okay. Really, I'm over it. But..." I mimed the hair around her head. "Why?"

Brianna turned onto her side, posing herself in a way that was very flattering to her curves and long legs. "I had to show you that I can change. I know that you don't love me and I know it's my fault that you don't love me. I haven't been good enough. But I can become whoever you want me to be. I can become the kind of woman you'll love! Just tell me how you want me and I can be like that. I love you soooo much, David. I'll do anything to make you happy with me!"

I probably should have recognized the almost unhinged tone in her voice, but I was still to engrossed in her new look. "I just can't believe how much you look like Danielle right now."

"I know you love her. I know you see her in me. And I desperately want you to look at me the way you look at her sometimes." She ran her fingers through her hair. "I thought this would help..."

She looked down at the hard bulge in my crotch and then back at my face. "I was right." With that, Brianna got onto all fours and crawled to me like a panther stalking its prey. She was my panther, all sinewy musculature and toned body, truly built for speed. "Come on David, you have to have fantasized about her. Beautiful older sister? Ever wondered what it would be like to make love to her? Now it's your chance. I can make your fantasy come true."

By now, Brianna had pulled my jeans and shorts down to my knees, fisting my erection and pulling it up towards her face. "I'll make all your fantasies come true."

She slowly moved her head down, swallowing me an inch at a time until her lips were pressed around my base and her throat muscles were massaging my cockhead. And then she slowly pulled back, taking a deep breath of air once she got clear of my dick. Her green eyes swiveled up to me as I took in the sight of her wild, dirty blonde hair running over her shoulders and back from this position. She really looked so much like Danielle, and I could now picture my sister actually blowing me.

There was no way Brianna could know that once, just once, Danielle and I really did make love. But there had been no repeats since and despite my idle fantasies, Danielle had never given me a blowjob.

Now I could look down at the dirty blonde head bobbing in my lap and envision what it would have been like. The mental excitement alone nearly pushed me over the edge right there.

Brianna felt the half-surge and got ready to accept my cum down her throat, but when I held it back she popped off and smiled at me. Then she got up onto her knees and gave me a sexy striptease as she removed the delicate lingerie.

Damn, even her tits and hips reminded me of Danielle.

Once she finished, Brianna moved to help me get my own clothes off. And then while I stood beside the bed and she knelt at the edge, she pulled me to her for a hot kiss.

"I mean it David, I'll do anything to make your fantasies come true. I'll even..." she hesitated and took a deep breath. "I'll even be with another woman for you."

My eyes popped open wide at that comment. Brianna suddenly felt the power that she had over me, and that little burst of energy gave her quite the confidence boost. I could actually see her eyes sharpen as a little shred of control over our relationship fell into her grasp.

She kissed me again and growled. Then she titillated me even further by husking, "When we get back from our vacation, I think I'll seduce Danielle for you. You can watch while we roll around this bed naked and then move into a sixty-nine so we can both taste each other's sweet nectar."

I was panting and on the verge of hyperventilating while Brianna kept her face just an inch away from mine and whispered in her sexy voice, her eyes searching mine to delight in my reaction. "And once we've brought each other to orgasm with our tongues, we'll let you join in..."

I groaned, a low keening sound deep in my throat as the vision took over.

Brianna grinned right in front of me. "I'll let you decide which of us you'll want to sink your dick into first. But I promise you, I won't mind if you choose her."

I was already moaning deliriously as Brianna pulled me down onto the bed.


Brianna's back hit the mattress first. I fell heavily on top of her and my teeth were immediately at her neckline. The windows were open and the roaring sound of waves crashing against the rocks beneath us joined in whimpers of ecstasy as Brianna thrashed beneath me.

A seagull cried in the distance and I roved my eyes over Brianna's naked body, illuminated wonderfully by the dark yellow of a setting Hawaiian sun.

"Gawd, you're hard again already!" she gasped as a fresh erection nudged at her vaginal gateway.

"You inspire me," I told her before kissing her, tasting the remnants of my own cum on her lips, since I'd just blasted into her mouth a few minutes before.

"Oh, honey... make love to me..."

"Mmm..." I ran the mushroom head over her clit, teasing it before pushing downward to her wet folds. "Tell me the fantasy again."

Brianna giggled and then started spinning a new narrative. "You've got her flat on her back, her legs scissored around your flexing, firm ass." Brianna's legs suited her words as she began tugging me into her. "She digs her heels into your buttcheeks as your thick cock splits open her folds, harder... deeper... wetter... until you're all the way inside your sister."

My girlfriend paused to catch her breath and soak in the feeling of having me fully embedded inside of her. And then she kept going. "Once you're inside, she drops her legs to the side to let you control the pace and the depth as you lift your chest up to stare down at her pretty face and perky breasts."

I did as she said, arching my back away.

"And while you do that, I take advantage of the room to straddle her face and lower my pussy to her talented lips. I'm facing away from you and bent over, my face mashed against the mattress while I reach back with both hands and spread my asscheeks wide so you can see the winking rosebud of my asshole, which you plan on fucking next. And while you drill in and out of Danielle, I'm trembling on her face as she licks me to orgasm after orgasm..." She trailed off as the pleasure emanating from our joining momentarily disrupted Brianna's concentration.