The Catholic Lifeguard's Baptism

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His inopportune erections arouse inhibited female lifeguard.
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Author's Note: The encounter described below is being submitted under the "Nonconsent/Reluctance" category. This is not a rape story -- it is a story of inhibitions being relinquished under duress/encouragement, and a primal sensual metamorphosis taking place. If you're looking for a rape fantasy, please move on to another tale.

If you proceed to read, please take a moment to comment at the end. All comments, both positive and negative (as long as they're fair), are welcomed and appreciated.


I began swimming laps at the local community center as part of a New Year's resolution to get back into shape. I'd spend 20 minutes daily on the treadmill around 6:30AM, then head to the swimming pool for half an hour or so of cardio in the water.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, the community center hosted Aquafit water aerobics classes, attended mainly by seniors, at 7:30AM. One Friday morning, after hitting the snooze on my alarm clock a few too many times, I was half an hour late arriving for my routine. By the time I arrived in the pool after a stint on the treadmill, it was around 7:20.

As the lifeguard -- a girl of about twenty -- began removing the lane markers, I stood up in the water. I was disappointed, feeling somewhat cheated at being unable to finish my morning laps.

"Sir," called the lifeguard, "I'll keep a lane open on the far end of the pool for you if you'd like to finish."

"Thanks!" I replied, genuinely grateful. I smiled and gave her a quick wave as I headed toward the side of the pool. Her returned smile reached her eyes -- a genuine heartfelt smile. I had a keen sense that she was a real people-pleaser.

I hadn't really taken notice of her before that morning. As I walked to the other end of the pool, I took mental notes about her: dark, shoulder-length curly hair, deep blue eyes, muscular rather than curvy body, only about 5'3", dressed in a modest t-shirt and shorts covering her standard-issue lifeguard swimsuit.

I finished swimming my laps shortly before 8:00. Nobody else had been in the lane since 7:30. Rather than leaving the lane unoccupied while the Aquafit class could use the space, I felt obliged to let the lifeguard know that I was finished so that she could remove the final lane marker.

I climbed the ladder out of the pool and began to walk over toward her on her perch. As I walked, I noticed my wet, floppy orange trunks clinging immodestly to my semi-rigid cock. My first thought was to detour to where my towel hung on a rail in order to cover up. As I saw the lifeguard watching and smiling at me, however, I decided not to be so obvious. I sauntered over to her, smiling upward as I spoke. "All done. Thanks for keeping the lane open."

"You're more than welcome. Any time!"

"Okay, I may take you up on it. Have a super day."

"You, too!" Her pert, cheery response lightened my mood and convinced me that she hadn't noticed my swimsuit-clad boner. Her smile was just the kind of fresh start to the morning that would send me off to work with a positive attitude.

On Monday morning, I was once again half an hour late starting my workout regimen. I needed to work on getting up without hitting the snooze button. I was again only 10 minutes into my laps when my perky lifeguard friend began rolling up the lane markers.

"Can you keep the end lane open again?" I asked.

"Sure thing, sir!"

"You don't have to call me 'sir' -- it's Ben."

"No problem, Ben -- and you can call me Jen."

"We sound like twins."

"Separated at birth -- 15 years apart," she teased.

I was flattered. I was sure it was more like 25 years age difference. She was only a couple of years older than my 12th grade daughter. If my ex-wife and daughter didn't live 40 minutes away, she might even have gone to school with my daughter.

True to her word, she kept the last lane open. As the geriatric set bobbed to their retro music in the water aerobics class, I finished my set of laps in the pool. I floated on my back for the final length of the pool.

As I watched Jen atop her lifeguard perch, my cock started to stiffen once again. I wasn't sure why -- there was nothing revealing about her attire. She just had a fresh glow about her, something primal and innocent. I turned back on my stomach so that my hard-on wouldn't be evident above the water line.

As I climbed back out of the pool, I once again felt compelled to let Jen know that I was done with the lane so that she could finish her removal of the lane marker. Once again my towel was at the far end of the pool from where I climbed out. I decided not to make a scene, and sauntered over toward Jen as my trunks clung to my now fully erect penis.

To my surprise and embarrassment, Jen's smile disappeared completely as I approached. Her eyes were riveted to the front of my trunks, and a look of shock furrowed her brow.

Trying to make the best of the situation, I quipped, "Glad to see you again today, Jen -- I guess you've noticed. Thanks for keeping the lane open."

"Happy to do it, Ben. And glad to see -- um, I mean..."

"It's okay. I don't do this for just anybody."

Jen's face flushed crimson, with white patches creating a mottled effect of patent embarrassment.

I decided to let her off the hook. "Anyway," I said, "have a great day. I'll be thinking about you. Be sure to think about me."

I'm not sure what had prompted my boldness. I rarely was so crass even in my mind, let alone laying it out there to embarrass a perfectly respectable young woman who was just trying to satisfy the customer. I was nonetheless pleased with myself.

Jen nodded and began unfastening the lane marker. I retreated to the showers. As I showered, I couldn't shake the thought of this perky lifeguard staring at my erection as I walked unabashedly toward her. The lather from my shampoo found its way down to my turgid cock, and I found myself masturbating at the thought of Jen stroking me to orgasm.

I fell into a somewhat deliberate rut of again being half an hour late on Wednesday and Friday of that week. I wanted to see Jen, and more directly, see her reaction if my water wand once again stood up to salute her.

Invariably, Jen brought out the best boners that I had sported in a long time. On the Wednesday, I noticed that Jen's gaze fixed on my rod without causing her to blush. She greeted me cheerily and acted as if nothing were awry.

On the Friday, I saw clearly the outline of her erect nipples poking through her swimsuit and t-shirt as she watched me shamelessly approach her with my dick threatening to bore a hole in my trunks. This time, she licked her lips as her eyes followed the path of my erection.

I deliberately stepped from one foot to the other, subtly shaking my torso, to see if her eyes would move with the flopping of my prick in my trunks. What a reward -- it was like seeing a kitten watch the path of the ball in a ping pong match!

I could no longer resist. "Busted," I whispered to her as I rubbed the outside of my trunks over my crotch.

"Sorry, Ben," she apologized.

"No need to apologize. Glad you likey enough to watchey."

"No, I'm REALLY sorry. You see, I'm Catholic... and I'm planning to be a nun. I shouldn't be noticing things like that. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

Holy shit! A freakin' nun??? Maybe that explained her perky smile, her innocent eyes and her anxiousness to please. I could actually envision her with one of those dorky wimples, sort of like a young Sally Field playing "The Flying Nun" on old TV re-runs. Jen at least had the perky smile down pat.

"Um -- sorry," I managed to mutter. Then I spoke honestly: "Such a shame. Pretty girl like you, unwilling to fulfill the role God called you to."

"Excuse me? Didn't I just say I'm planning to be a nun?"

"I just figure you weren't made with that kind of smile, that kind of body and that kind of curiosity if you were meant to forego a lifetime of giving and receiving satisfaction."

"I'm truly sorry, Ben -- I haven't meant to stir the first of the seven deadly sins in you."

"Come again?"

"The first of the seven: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride."

"Jen, I'll take full responsibility for my own actions -- and reactions. You hang in there, girl -- you'll have enough guilt to deal with if you stick with your plan. Don't let me add to the pattern."

"Thanks -- I think."

I managed not to jack off in the shower, but did spend a lot of time thinking about her. She hadn't said she was a virgin, but she was clearly inexperienced in life if not in sex. My guess was that she had never lost her cherry.

Sweet and sincere as she was, she needed to know her options before she crystallized the path she would take. Somehow, some way, I wanted to help her explore those options in order to make an informed decision. Of course, it was just possible that there were two or three of the seven deadly sins tilting my way of thinking.

My opportunity came a lot sooner than I expected. Saturday nights at the community center featured a time of family swimming, followed by an adult swim with hot tub and sauna available. Somewhat outside my normal routine, I had decided to bring a book and spend some time in the hot tub.

The glow of the setting sun through the large plate glass windows near the hot tub provided the perfect lighting for my reading. I was enjoying one of the "Father Brown" books by G. K. Chesterton and was completely oblivious to the people milling about the pool.

"Hey, Ben -- whatcha' reading?"

I looked up to see Jen grinning down at me. I could perfectly imagine that Sally Field wimple flopping up and down on both sides of her head.

"Oh, something that might interest you -- a little Catholic priest who carries an umbrella and solves mysteries," I replied.

"Some sort of caricature?"

"Not really -- he's actually a very likeable character. Chesterton was a master of subtlety and irony -- nothing really over the top. The man knew human nature and expressed it through the priest."

"Wow -- that's impressive!"

"I'll lend you the book when I'm done, if you like, Jen."

"Absolutely -- that's fantastic! Thanks, Ben."

"Don't mention it. Hey, Jen, it's sure different here on a Saturday night than on weekday mornings."

"Tell me about it. There are five of us lifeguards here for the family swim. We only need one for the lap pool on weekday mornings. It's not just a difference in the number of people. It's a different type of people."

"Does that make me a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, since I'm here for both?"

She laughed and then waved, presumably needing to continue surveying the pool for problems.

When the overhead buzzer beeped three blasts a short time later, signaling the end of the swimming and the impending closure of the community center, I grabbed my towel and meandered toward the showers. Jen was nowhere to be seen, and neither was my erection. Perhaps she was on a break, or had equipment duty or something like that. I was sad that I hadn't been able to say goodbye.

There was a crowd in the men's shower room, so I sat down on a bench and read further into the adventures of Father Brown. There's nothing to feed my patience like a good book.

Before I realized the passage of time, the lights in the shower room blinked off, save for a few security lights here and there. It dawned on me that all of the other men were gone.

I decided it was too difficult to shower in virtual darkness, so I was just finishing getting dressed when I heard a splash in the pool. Concerned that someone may be in danger, I quickly walked -- not ran, for it was a pool area, after all -- barefoot across the slick tiles toward the location from whence the splash had come.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim security lights, I could see a figure at the far end of the lap pool. I trotted along the edge of the pool toward the figure. As I approached, the figure ducked under the water and swam away from me.

I followed along the edge to keep pace with the figure. When it broke the surface once more, I could see that it was a dark-haired girl. Moreover, despite the poor lighting, I could see that the girl wore no swimsuit.

"Hey!" I called, "You okay?"

To my utter shock and amazement when the girl turned toward me, I saw that it was Jen. Mutual recognition must have taken place simultaneously. She looked up at me in surprise and said, "Ben? Is that you?"

"Yep. Lady Godiva, is that you?"

"Not funny, Ben."

"There's definitely a comical element to the situation, Jen. I mean you, playing the part of the naked nun, and me, the smartass with the recurring rigid rod, finding each other here in our daily meeting place with our roles reversed. Me on the edge, you in the water. Me fully dressed, you in a state of potential embarrassment."

"Embarrassment is right. I need you to leave."

"Are you sure about that?"

"What makes you think I wouldn't be?"

"Oh, let's just say that I find it ironic you're in the pool with no clothes on. Tells me you're a bit of an exhibitionist, even if you didn't really expect to be discovered."

"Maybe I'm just a naturist."

"But you're not a liar."

"No... I guess you're right. Thanks."

"So you won't lie to me when I tell you that I think this is one way of letting out some of your sexual repression."

She moved a couple of steps toward me, one arm covering her breasts, the other hand shielding her crotch.

"You think I'm repressed? What about simply making a conscious decision to be celibate?"

"Only if you're truly called to do so. And I don't think you know whether that's the case."

"How so?"

"You're still curious."

"What makes you think so."

"I saw the way you stared at my dick."

"You've got it all wrong..."

"You're no liar."

Jen was silent.

"And I'll tell you something else. Jesus said to count the cost, and not to put your hand to the plow and then look back."


"You won't know what you've given up until you've tried it. That's counting the cost. And you'll always wonder if you don't try it. That's looking back."

"I couldn't..."

"You could. And you will. You just need someone who understands your dilemma. Someone who will strive to show you what you'd be missing. And who can handle it if it turns out you have a true calling to celibacy."

"Ben, are you saying..."

"I'm saying I showed up in your pool for a reason. I didn't know it, and you didn't know it, but I was sent here by God to help you count the cost of your vows. So you would never look back."

"But lust is one of the seven deadly sins..."

"This isn't lust. Not by you -- not by me. It's affirming a calling. It's an unselfish act in search of the will of God."

"Ben, are you serious? Do you really believe that?"

"It's not one of the more traditional pick-up lines. I haven't practiced that one before. So it must have been given to me. Divine intervention -- no way I'm that quick on my feet."

"You're very convincing..."

"Jen, it's our destiny. You need to be treasured; I've been given a burden to treasure you. Come here, girl -- let me take a look at you."

"Ben, I've never been exposed in front of a man before."

"You've exposed your soul to me, Jen -- exposing your body is much less difficult."

With that, her hands dropped to her side, and she began making her way over to the side where I stood. As she climbed the ladder, I offered her a hand.

Smiling, she reached up to me and I pulled her out. I made sure to look into her eyes rather than at her body for the better part of a minute. "You can look, Ben," she finally offered.

As she stood before me in all her naked glory, I exhaled loudly. "Thank you, Lord," I whispered.

I had expected that, as a lifeguard frequently getting in and out of a swimsuit, she may have shaved her pubic mound. I was completely wrong. Her bush was full and long. Perhaps that helped explain her perpetual wearing of shorts over her swimsuit. Still wet from the pool, her curly mane of pubic hair hung low enough to preclude any glimpse of her nether region without brushing it aside.

Her breasts, however, had no such obstruction. They were magnificent -- not too big, not too small, totally suckable. But I needed to bide my time.

"Cold?" I smiled, noticing the turgid peaks of her tits jutting out toward me.

"Excited," she admitted, "I'm no liar."

"Perhaps I can enhance that excitement," I said, "I'm feeling completely overdressed for the occasion."

I untucked my shirt and pulled it over my head, then cast it aside. My pants were the next to go. Standing there in just my underwear, I paused and looked into Jen's eyes.

"You've been waiting a long time for this, haven't you, Jen? To see a man's naked cock? To touch it? To taste it? To feel it inside you?"

A teardrop made its way down her cheek.

"Yes," she admitted, "God... yes."

"Help me take these off -- please..."

She silently obeyed, hooking the fingers of one hand under the waistband of my Jockey shorts. Slowly, painstakingly, she began unveiling what lay beneath. My dick was beginning to rouse out of its prior slumber. I'd been so intent on discerning the will of God, I'd lost focus on the willy of Ben.

Jen had gotten my underwear just to the point of exposing my pubes when her hand started to withdraw. "It's okay," I said, "it's not going to bite you. And stop worrying -- we have a divine appointment."

I placed a hand on one of her shoulders, gently patting encouragement. With my other hand, I took her hand in mine and guided her hand to pull my underwear all the way down. My cock sprang free, nearly barking its greeting like an overjoyed and undertrained puppy.

As I stepped out of my underwear, I placed her hand on my cock. I silently tutored her, using her hand in mine to gently stroke my prick to fuller erection. Meanwhile, I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek, then the lips, then grazed one of her nipples with my free hand.

Her sharp intake of breath spoke of pent-up passion. "Jen, are you okay with this?" I asked.

She nodded silently.

"I'm going to get you ready, Jen. Make sure you're good and lubricated. And give you a little heaven on earth in the process. And I have an idea of where to best position you."


"Rather than having you sit on the side of the pool while I work on you from the water, let's use your lifeguard chair instead. I've seen you sitting up there every morning, looking after others, legs innocently spread, covered by your shorts and swimsuit. I've been wanting to see you up there naked, legs not-so-innocently spread, covered by nothing at all, letting me look after you and your needs."

"Ben -- you're making me hot." She blushed after she said it.

"You're only going to get hotter. I'm like James Bond -- a cunning linguist," I joked.

Humorous though it was, I was dead serious. I am a connoisseur not only of the act of eating pussy, but I truly get off on pleasing a woman. I can think of no greater satisfaction than feeling the evidence of my lover's orgasm as her pussy walls clench and contract in and around my mouth.

As Jen climbed the ladder to the lifeguard's chair, I couldn't help but enjoy the view. The luscious round globes of her sweet derriere, with her long bush peeking out below, caused my erection to stiffen once again. I was anxious to bury my cock deep inside her, but I wanted to make her first time unforgettable. I was determined that she would really struggle before committing to a lifetime of celibacy.

"Do you have your seat belt on?" I asked.

Jen laughed at my inane joke. A little levity seemed to be just the right touch -- Jen had flinched slightly when I first moved toward her crotch, but the humor relaxed her to the point of slightly parting her legs.

"Jen, I'll be honest," I said, "I'm going to do everything I can to change your mind about being celibate. I think God gave you a fiery passion, and that your light shouldn't be hidden under a bushel."