The Change


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"You mean like you did with Jess?"

"Pretty much."

"No thanks. I don't want to be anyone's slave."

She chuckled. "Don't kid yourself, everyone is a slave to someone else. What else would you call where you work? The only difference is I'm upfront about it."

"And if I say yes to you, I go to Hell. I'd rather live my life working for Mr. Jensen than go to Hell."

"You misunderstand, you're living on borrowed time. Technically, when your sister poured her concoction on you, your soul separated from your body. The only reason you're still among the living is that I allow it. So, if you say no to this deal, your soul will be released and it will go to wherever it's destined to go. Your body on the other hand will be inhabited by an underling."

"What about my sister?"

"What about her?"

"What'll happen to her?"

The demon smiled. "Honestly, I'll use her to get many more souls. As an influencer, she'll have access to plenty of young impressionable people. The kind that needs a good dicking to seal a deal. You could hang around and give her a helping hand if you want."

Suddenly, I felt something warm and wet wrap around my rapidly hardening member. I looked down and could see a phantom Jess kneeling at my feet with my dick in her mouth. "Is this supposed to be an incentive?"

"No, that's happening to your body right now. Apparently, your sister still hasn't had enough."

"She's sucking my cock while I sleep in her car?"

The demon waved her hand and we were suddenly standing in my front yard looking at Jess's car in the driveway. I stepped closer and watched as my sister, who was awkwardly leaning over the middle console, sucked on my sleeping body. She had such a look of peace on her face as if my shaft was what had been missing from her life. My eyes traveled from her bobbing head up and down my body. I was a little confused and when I turned to the demon she shrugged.

"That's what my body looks like now? That looks nothing like me."

"True, but that's what you could've looked like if your genetics had been different and you didn't neglect your health so much." She patted my arm, "Okay, time to make a decision. Stay or go." I hesitated and she said, "Tell you what, if you stay I'll make you a deal, like I did with your sister, better actually since I want you to work for me."

"Work for you?"

"Sure. You might be a loser in your life, but with a little help from me you can be something better."

"And what would I do for you?"

"You'll be how I sign my contracts and feed."

"I don't get it."

"For the most part, people sell me their souls for things. A new car, a new house, a million dollars, or something like that. Those are one-time deals which are sealed with a sexual act which feeds me."

"And those deals are unlike Jess's?"

"Those are one-time deals and one-time feedings. You're sister's deal was for a new lifestyle and that means she'll be required to feed me at least once a month for as long as she wants to stay in that lifestyle." We looked toward the car, "I don't think that'll be a problem for her. And that's why I needed a body, so I could keep a vessel near her so I get my monthly feedings. That's where you come in, well your body anyway. Your body will travel around the world with your sister, fucking her and feeding me, but it'll also be in those places where I can use it for the one-off deals."

"So, if I stay, my job would be to travel around the world fucking women?"

"Women, men, trans, non-binary, and the whole smorgasbord of humanity." I must have made a face and she rolled her eyes. "Oh my God, it's just skin and holes. If you can fuck some woman in the ass, you can do it to some guy. And honestly, sucking dick isn't that bad. Hell, if you don't want to do it, take your sister along. She can suck them off as you fucked them up the ass." My dick twitched a little thinking about my sister and me double-teaming people. The demon ignored my imagination as she continued. "Honestly, I don't care what you do as long as you get your cum into their bodies. That's how I feed."

"I still don't want to go to Hell."

Again, she rolled her eyes, "No one does, but it is what it is. Work for me and it'll be a very long time before you go."

"Like a hundred years?"

"I've been alive for over twenty-five hundred years and I'm still going strong.

"But I'll still go."

"Maybe, maybe not. You do your job well and you'll never leave the human realm." She looked toward the car, "Looks like you're waking up. Take a little time to think about things."

Before I could ask any more questions, I blinked and was back in the car Jess's head in my lap. With a grunt, I sprayed the back of her throat and enjoyed the feeling of her swallowing. She sat back and smiled. "You looked so yummy I couldn't help myself."

My sister's change in attitude was confusing me like nothing before. I was used to the pissed-off woman who liked to tell me to go to hell whenever I asked her to hurry in the shower. The woman who couldn't keep my cock out of her was a new thing I wasn't sure I could learn to deal with.

She led me to the front door and since I didn't have my clothes or my keys, I had to wait until she let me in. She followed me as I navigated the familiar route to my room and then to the shower. I tried to ignore her but when she attempted to enter with me, I told her to go to bed and give me time to think. She nodded and left me to stand under the falling water. I don't know how long the warm liquid cascaded down my body as I thought about the demon's offer, but when the water turned cold I dried off and went back to my room. The demon was waiting for me on my bed and going through my porn stash.

"Black and Beautiful, Asian and Beautiful, White and Beautiful... well, I guess no one ever claimed the porn industry of being great title writers, but the one I love the most is this one," she said holding up a photo album. "Family and Friends." Fake shock raced across her face as she whispered, "Did you know there are photos of your sister and her friends in various skimpy outfits and revealing poses in here?" She smiled as her voice went back to normal. "Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say my Alex isn't quite the angel we imagined. Ooo, I'm definitively keeping this one."

I groaned as I saw the one she took. It was my favorite photo of Traci. Most of my photos were of Traci, Brenda, and Jess in their swimsuits, or of them reaching and stretching for something when they stayed the night and were wearing skimpy night clothes. Personally, I always thought my sister, desperate for attention, purposely exposed herself to me because her photos always had a posing quality to them.

For example, if she stretched up high for something, she'd stand on her tiptoes and pop out her ass. Or if she was on the floor looking for something she'd bend over until her face was close to the ground and her back was arched giving me a beautiful shot of her form. Plus, she always waited until I had lined up my perfect shot before she moved.

Just thinking about those photos would make me hard, but the one the demon grabbed was a once-in-a-lifetime shot. A few years prior, the girls had asked me to drive them to a week-long retreat which turned out to be Spring Break. Not only that, they tricked me into paying for the room and ignored me the entire time except when they needed food or a place to crash whenever they couldn't find a guy to go home with. And it was there I got the photo unlike any other in my collection. Normally, if the girls had stayed in the room, they would stay up late into the night talking and playing on their phones while I tried to sleep on my uncomfortable cot. Then, because of my routine, I'd be the only one who got up at sunup and have to be silent as a mouse or get berated for making the slightest noise. For some reason, Traci had woken up before me and tried to retrieve something from behind the dresser.

As I looked toward her I almost came when I saw how she was positioned. She was bent over, face down ass up, and with her knees spread for support. Her nightshirt had fallen to her waist leaving her entire backside exposed. The absolute best part was Traci was sans underwear and as I watched, I could see her delicate pink opening wink at me. My cock was hard in an instant, but of letting her know I was awake, I grabbed my phone and began videoing her. I knew it was wrong, but my lust wouldn't let me stop until I had as much footage as possible.

I didn't make a noise, I didn't move a muscle save for my thumb as it slid the zoom in on her gorgeous holes. She wiggled and struggled and made sure I had enough material in my spank bank to last the rest of my life. I was able to get almost two minutes' worth when she started to sit back up. I silently lay back hiding my phone as I did and pretending I was still asleep. After they left for the day, I watched and rewatched the video as I jacked off until it hurt to pee.

While I recovered from that self-abuse, I went frame by frame of the video until I found the perfect spot and grabbed a screenshot of Traci's vagina and asshole. When I got back home, I printed it out and put it in my special book and found I loved jacking off to my original photos more than I did to my 'Beauties' magazines. The demon was right, my mind was drowning in dirty fantasies about not only my sister's friends, but my sister also. I hated she was taking it, but I knew I could make another.

"You ready to make a decision?"

I started searching for something to wear as I said, "Just so I'm clear, if I decide not to work for you, then I go to Heaven?"

"No. Your soul is released from your body and then will go into Judgment." She held up my photo album, "Yeah, we'll be seeing each other again."

"C'mon, what's the harm in a few photos?"

She shrugged and said, "Ever put any online?" My face turned red and she smiled, "So, what'll it be? Work for me, or take your chances?"

"Fine, I'll work for you."

"Excellent. Then we need to get the ground rules out of the way and then we can seal the deal."

"You mean you and I will fuck," I asked looking around at her.

She smiled again, "No. One, you wouldn't survive, and two, I don't seal my own deals. Don't worry, I've got the perfect woman, you'll love her. Okay, first off, we can't have you living like this." She pulled out a black card and handed it to me. "This has an unlimited limit on it. Tomorrow, you'll be visited by an associate of mine who'll set you up with clothes, housing, and a car. Seriously, how the fuck do you not have a car?"

"Well, technically the car Jess is driving is mine. Hers got repossessed and since I don't really go anywhere..."

"She took it. You know it's always the angry aggressive ones who love to be dominated. Don't worry, the new ride will be a thousand times better. Oh, and here," she said tossing me a phone. "I don't care if you're balls deep in someone, you answer that phone."

"What if I'm sealing a deal?"

"I'll know about it and won't call, but any other time, answer."

"What if I'm in the shower or something and don't hear it?"

"Take it with you. If that rings, it means I'm ready to seal a deal and your services are needed."

"I won't have to force myself on anyone, will I?"

She rolled her eyes, "What kind of demon do you think I am? I'm making deals and everything has to be consensual."

"What about Jess? It looked like you were forcing her to complete the deal."

"Yeah, that's what it looked like, but it wasn't. The moment your sister started the ritual, I knew everything about her. Particularly her triggers. Your sister likes to be made to do things, that's why she's so defiant so I performed a little tough negotiating with her and she responded." She thought for a second, "Although, I may have gone too hard as she is calling you Master and following you like a puppy." She shrugged and said, "I'm sure it'll work itself out. Any other questions?"

"Can I have sex with anyone else or just with the people you contract with?"

"Anyone. Matter of fact, I strongly encourage you to fuck as many people as you can."


"Because I feed when you have sex. Doesn't matter if it's with someone who's made a deal or if it's with a random hookup, you have sex and I get fed."

"What if I'm not horny when you call?"

She laughed, "Don't worry, I sprinkled a little incubus demon into the mix with I cooked you, your cock is on a hair trigger and will get hard anytime you want."

"What is an incubus?"

"Nothing evil, just a minor sex demon. Oh, that reminds me," she said as she crossed the room to me. She placed her hand on my chest and I could feel her searing something into my skin. When she released me I could see she had branded me. "That is my mark, it lets other demons know you're mine and not to fuck with you so don't try to remove it. Alright, last question."

"Can I make deals?"

"No, but if you find someone who is looking for one, call me and I'll come running."

As I thought about everything she had said, she sent a text. Within seconds, she received a reply and suddenly, a woman was appearing in my room.

She was a gorgeous black woman that stood almost six feet tall, even taller than my new height. Like me, she was very fit with large perky breasts which seemed to defy gravity, a smooth taut stomach, and a round firm ass that begged to be manhandled. Her clothes, what little there were, clung to her body as if they were painted on and her high heels almost made it impossible for her to stand upright in my low-ceiling room.

She looked around for a moment and said, "Hey, Lu, this the guy?" The demon, Lu, nodded and the woman frowned. "I mean, I get wanting to get out of this dump, but he doesn't look like the normal type."

"Stacy, this is Alex, he's one of my vessels and we're striking a deal."

"If he's already one of your vessels, then you don't need to strike a deal, you've already got him."

Lu rolled her eyes, "Do I come to your place of business and tell you how to do your job?"


"Well, then this is another one of those times, get to work."

Stacy chuckled and I started seeing a little bit deeper into who Lu was. She wasn't just a demon who took people's souls, she might actually be a decent boss. I shook my head as my new co-worker lied back on my bed and pulled her skirt up. She smiled at me as she spread her legs and presented me with her glistening pussy.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's make mommy happy."

Still naked, I got hard, and as I started for her, Lu stopped me. "This isn't a fuck session, especially with you two, it's a down and dirty eat her twat until she pops in your mouth session."

Stacy stared at the mini log between my legs and said, "Hold up now. It really wouldn't be fair if we didn't give him the full experience."

"Uh-uh, I don't get fed if you two fuck so do it on your own time. Right now, I need you to initiate him so I can get back to work. I hear someone starting a ritual."

Groaning as I knelt pissed that all I could do was eat this woman's delicious-looking pussy, I grabbed her legs and pulled her ass to the edge of the bed. "You like to be in charge, don't you baby? Good, then maybe I won't have to tell you where the sweet spot is."

Eating a woman who was more legs than most of the women I'd ever dated was a challenge, but she was an expert and did her best to keep her long stems from flopping too much. She was damn near gushing by the time my tongue stretched out to trace her folds. I'm not sure if it was because of her supernaturally gifted body, or if she had always tasted so good, but within seconds of her flavor hitting my mouth, I was lapping her like a dehydrated dog. I couldn't get enough of her and it didn't help that the more I ate her the wetter she got.

As I was slipping my tongue into her body, Lu's hand pulled my head away from my new favorite food causing both Stacy and I to groan in dissatisfaction. "Hey, dummy, see the clit? Lick the clit and drink the yummy reward. I told you, we've got places to be."

I smiled and said, "Yes, Mommy," before diving back into Stacy.

Once I switched to her clit, she bubbled up much quicker than either of us wanted and soon her cum was flooding my mouth and I was gulping her down. I started to go a second time, but Lu pulled me away again and said, "About time." She waved her hand and as Stacy faded away she smiled and waved at me. After my new friend was gone, Lu ran a finger across my face scooping up a nice portion of Stacy's juices before sucking her finger clean. "She does have the best-tasting twat, doesn't she?" I nodded and she looked at me. "Alright, I'm out of here."

"None of my clothes fit," I said holding up my old oversized underwear.

"First off, I didn't know they even made tighty whiteys anymore. Second, I can make all of your old clothes fit, but they'd still be ugly as shit. Don't worry, tomorrow you'll be visited by one of my people and she'll set you up."

"What am I supposed to do until then?"

"Wear a belt," she said as she disappeared.

I looked at my underwear before tossing them toward the hamper. Fuck it, I thought as I entered Jess's room. I was hard and ready to bury my cock in her tight little cunt. As I climbed into the bed of the woman who changed my life forever, I contemplated my new existence, and as she spread her legs to allow me to slide into her, I knew no matter what else happened, at least it wouldn't be boring.

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MaleMacNYMaleMacNY11 months ago

need more great story

my_third_accountmy_third_account12 months ago

This is amazing. I could absolutely believe every last detail about this was true. This was extremely realistic, I could definitely see a 35yr old spinster of a women doing something so incredibly selfish and retarded as this. Awesome read. 5/5★

202GE202GEalmost 2 years ago

Story was interesting and fairly believable but overall not sure that is a good thing. Best of luck with your stories.

SabbatageSabbatagealmost 2 years ago

Awesome. Wasn't sure how I was going to care for the story line, but really ended up liking it. Maybe have someone edit your work for you, but it was pretty good.

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198almost 2 years ago

Well that escalated quickly!

Looking forward to part 2.

sp9983sp9983almost 2 years ago

Very entertaining, I would like to see where this story goes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The story description was interesting but the story was terrible

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