The Cheating Zone 08: The Wish

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Cheating wife gets her wish and regrets it.
6.8k words

Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/16/2019
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The Cheating Zone 08: The Wish

As always, constructive comments are always welcome and appreciated. Please refer to my profile for more on my personal policy regarding comments, feedback, follows, etc.

For the nit-pickers who want to say this or that would never happen, remember, this is the Cheating Zone, a place outside the normal space-time continuum where literally anything is possible... Please remember, this is a work of fiction, meaning that it is not real in any way, shape, matter or form.

Christine Jennings was flat on her back, her legs spread wide, as the man above her pumped his huge cock inside her body, giving her the fourth orgasm of the night. She couldn’t believe how good he felt inside her, filling her up more than her husband ever could.

As she watched, Jake Gibson’s face turned red and he grunted as he pumped another huge load of semen inside her cheating pussy. After he settled down, he rolled off of her. She wrapped her arms around him and smothered his face with kisses.

“Oh God,” she said. “That felt so fucking good.” He smiled.

“I’m glad you approve,” he said. “Can you spend the night?”

“No, I’d better get going. I have to take care of Manny,” she said, referring to her husband of five years. She knew that Manfred would pick up their two-year-old daughter, Mandy, from his parents house and would be expecting her home. She had told him that day at lunch that she would be out with “the girls” that night and she might be a bit late.

Of course, that was just a cover story she gave him to keep him from getting suspicious. This was the first time she and Jake had gotten together for sex and she was feeling a tinge of guilt for what she had just done. Nevertheless, she thoroughly enjoyed the fucking Jake gave her, something she hadn’t had with her husband for a long time.

Now, she was questioning her whole life situation. Had she married too young, she asked herself. What would her life be like if she weren’t married and saddled with a young child?

“When do you think we can do this again?” Jake asked. She shook her head.

“I don’t know, Jake,” she said. “I’ve never cheated on my husband before and I’m a bit confused. Right now, at this very moment, I wish I had never met Manny. I just don’t know what I want. There’s a big part of me that would just love to have 100 miles of strange cock just for myself.” Jake laughed.

“You are a nasty slut, aren’t you?” he asked. She smiled.

“You bring it out in me,” she said. “What can I say?” She slithered out of bed. “I’d better clean up now. Manny would shit if I came home with your cum in my pussy.”

“What, you don’t want to feed him my creampie?” he asked.

“Not yet, lover,” she said. “Maybe later, but not tonight.” She padded into the bathroom and jumped in the shower, making sure to remove any trace of Jake from her body. Afterward, she inspected herself to make sure there were no bite marks, dried herself off and put her clothes back on. She gave him a kiss on her way out.

“See ya in the morning,” he said. She smiled.

“See ya,” she said, leaving his condo. She got in her car and headed home, thinking about her marriage and what brought her to do what she had just done with Jake.

Manfred -- Manny to his friends and family -- and Christine married right out of college. They agreed he would move into her apartment since it was larger and more comfortable until they could afford to buy a house. He went to work for Carson and Associates, a financial services firm that serviced a number of small businesses in the area, and she got a job at a real estate company, where she ended up getting her license to sell real estate.

Manny was the outdoorsy type who enjoyed camping, hiking, rock climbing, white water rafting and fishing. With his sandy hair, and his sense of humor, he reminded her a bit of Steve Irwin. He had wanted to start his own company, providing outdoor “adventures” for those wanting to go on nature trips across the country.

But Christine was concerned that it wouldn’t succeed. After all, so many businesses fail in their early years. She wanted nothing to get in the way of her dreams of a good life. So he deferred to her, taking a nice, comfortable office job. He never complained, but she could tell that he sometimes regretted the decision.

He took her with him several times when he would go hiking or white water rafting, but she never got into it. He would have a blast, but it was just too much work for her taste. The trips almost always ended up with her complaining about one thing or another. Eventually, he quit asking her to go with him and after a while, he quit going out completely, telling her that it was no fun going out alone.

Then Mandy came along. Manny was a wonderful father who treated his daughter like a princess. But it seemed to Christine that the little girl had taken her place in his heart and she began to resent the child. Sometimes, she caught herself wishing that she had never gotten pregnant.

Of course, their sex life took a hit. When they first married, they enjoyed each other’s bodies nearly every night. But that changed after Mandy was born. Lately, Manny was staying at the office later, trying his best to stay on top of everything on his plate.

Even with all that, he was a good husband, a terrific father and a great provider who made sure they had everything they needed. But Christine began to feel like she needed something more, and she was jealous of the single girls who seemingly had one man after another fawning over them.

She would often listen quietly as her friends would regale her with stories of their dates and the wild things they did with their boyfriends. All she had to offer in exchange was stories about her child.

Then Jake came along. They often took lunch together and spent a lot of time messaging or emailing each other. It was all just innocent flirting, she told herself. Nothing for Manny to worry about. After several months of this, she decided it was time to up her game. They planned this encounter just to see if the spark they felt in the office was for real.

She felt guilty about what she had done to Manny, but she convinced herself that she deserved a little break from her humdrum married life.

She pulled into the two-car garage, and saw that Manny’s car was gone. She figured that maybe he was still at his parents house and thought no more about it. Then she noticed something else. The shelves where Manny kept his outdoor gear were gone. At first, she was concerned, but shrugged it off, thinking that maybe he had just gotten rid of all the gear since he no longer used it.

She walked through the door that connected the apartment to the garage and turned on the lights. That’s when she got the shock of her life.

All of the new furniture they had bought was gone. In its place was the furniture she had when they first married, and all of the knick-knacks, pictures and mementos of her life with Manny and their daughter were gone. In fact, the apartment was furnished and decorated as it was before she married her husband.

“How did this happen?” she asked herself. A lot of this old stuff had been sold off when they got the new furniture. There was no way Manny could’ve gotten all this back since he left for work this morning.

She went into the small den they used as an office and saw the same thing there. It was just as it was before they were married, and there was nothing to show that Manny had ever been there. Panicked, she ran upstairs and looked in Mandy’s bedroom. Her eyes widened as she saw her old futon along the wall where they had placed Mandy’s bed. Nothing of Mandy remained in the room -- no toys, clothes, nothing.

She ran into the master bedroom and saw the same thing. Instead of their large king-sized bed, she saw the old queen bed she had used before she got married. There was nothing of Manny in the room -- no pictures, nothing. She opened the closet and saw only her clothes and shoes. If Manny had left, she thought, there would be a huge gap in the clothes hanging on the rods, but there was nothing to indicate that a man had ever lived in the place.

Where were they, she asked herself. Did Manny find out about her plans with Jake and move out, taking their daughter? Shaking, she pulled out her phone and pulled up her contact list only to find that Manny’s number wasn’t there. Odd, she thought.

She dialed Manny’s cell from memory but got a message saying the number had been either disconnected or was no longer in service. Frantic, she called his parents, again dialing from memory since their contact was mysteriously missing as well. His mother answered after the third ring.

“Hello,” she said, sounding as though she had just been woken up.

“Mom, this is Christine. Is Manny there? Did he pick up Mandy?” Christine asked.

“Who is this?” the woman asked at the other end.

“Christine, your daughter-in-law,” she said.

“I’m sorry, miss, I don’t know any Christine or Mandy. I think you have the wrong number,” the woman said at the other end before hanging up. Christine was confused and angry. What the hell? She looked at her phone and suddenly realized she didn’t have her rings. How could that be, she asked herself. She never took them off. Looking at her finger, she saw there was no indentation on her finger to indicate that she ever wore a wedding ring.

She made another call, this time to the police. Something had happened to her child and she needed to act. Did Manny take her and leave? Was his parents in on it? What’s going on? The 911 operator answered and took her information.

“What can we do for you, ma’am,” the operator asked.

“I’d like to report a missing child,” Christine said. “I think my husband may have kidnapped her.”

After taking additional information, the operator said a police officer would be at her location soon. Christine thanked the operator and ended the call. A few minutes later, three police vehicles showed up in front of her apartment. She opened the door and was met by a man in a rumpled suit, two uniformed officers and a group of men wearing white coats. The suit flashed a badge.

“Mrs. Jennings?” he asked. Christine nodded her head. “I’m Detective Ferguson, this is Officer Smith and Officer Jones. You called about a possible child abduction?”

“Yes, Detective,” Christine said. “Please come in.” They all entered the living room and looked around.

“Mrs. Jennings, we take reports of child abduction very seriously, so we’re going to have to treat your apartment as a crime scene for now,” Detective Ferguson said as the white coats began taking pictures and dusting for fingerprints. “Can you tell us what happened?”

Christine told them everything except for her tryst with Jake. The detective took notes as she spoke. When she finished, the detective looked at her.

“Was there a demand for ransom?” he asked.

“No,” Christine said. He nodded his head.

“Is everything okay in your marriage?” he asked. Christine turned red, but nodded her head.

“Pretty much,” she said.

“Where were you earlier this evening?” he asked.

“I was with a friend,” she said, causing the detective to look at her with his eyebrows raised.

“Male or female?” he asked. She looked at her feet for a moment before answering.

“Male,” she said quietly.

“I see,” the detective said. “Do you think your husband may have found out?”

“I don’t know,” she said.

“Mm hmm,” the detective said, writing in his notebook. “Tell us about your husband. Name, place of employment, the type of car he drives, that sort of thing.”

“My husband’s name is Manny -- Manfred Jennings,” she said. “He works for Carson and Associates and drives a 2012 Ford F150 pickup. He likes to go camping, rock climbing, that sort of thing.”

“Have you two been fighting?” he asked.

“No, I thought things were good between us,” she said.

“You said he was going to pick up your daughter from his parents house?” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. “But when I called them, they acted like they never heard of me or my daughter.”

“I see,” he said. “We’ll touch base with them to see what comes up. And you say you tried to call your husband, but his cell phone was disconnected?”

“Yes,” Christine said.

“Do you have a picture of your daughter and your husband?” the detective asked.

“Yes, I do,” Christine said, pulling out her phone. She navigated to her picture folder, but there was no photo of Manny or their daughter. Christine became frantic. She had a bunch of photos of them. Where were they? She looked at the detective, confused.

“I don’t understand,” she cried. “I had a whole bunch of pictures. They’re all gone.”

“All right,” he said. “Maybe you can give these officers a good description of them. If need be, we’ll have you speak to a sketch artist.” The detective handed a form to the uniformed officers.

“Okay, Mrs. Jennings,” he said. “I need for you to give these officers your identification and fill out some forms for us. Can you do that for me, please?” Christine nodded her head and pulled her drivers license as he spoke to the white coats. She handed the license to the female officer, who looked at it carefully.

“Did you say your name was Jennings?” the officer asked.

“Yes,” Christine said. “Why?”

“Your drivers license says your last name is Trent,” the officer said. “Is that your maiden name?”

“Yes it is,” Christine said.

“You know state law requires you to get a new license when you change your name, right?” the officer asked.

“Yes, I thought I did,” Christine said, confused. The officer nodded her head and finished the paperwork before handing the license back.

“You really should get that taken care of as soon as possible,” the officer said.

“I will, thanks,” Christine said. The officers spoke with Christine as they filled out the rest of the paperwork and got a detailed description of Manfred and Mandy. She also gave them a description of Manny’s pickup. After what seemed like an eternity, Detective Ferguson came to Christine. The white coats were on their way back to their van, having finished their jobs.

“Mrs. Jennings,” he said. “We’re going to analyze what we found, but I have to tell you, there’s no evidence that a child ever lived here. There’s no clothing, toys, nothing. I’ll be in touch soon, but I want you to know that the first 24 hours are crucial.” He handed her a card. “If you hear from your husband, call me immediately.”

“Thanks,” Christine said as they left. She locked the door and went through the apartment, turning all the lights off. She slowly made her way upstairs to the master bedroom and collapsed on the old bed, tears running down her face. “Oh God,” she said to herself. “What have I done?”

“You fucked up, girl. Big time,” a quiet voice said in the back of her mind. She put her pajamas on and climbed in the bed, scared and lonely. She never knew just how lonely she could be until that moment, with all the lights off. The silence was deafening. She tossed and turned for hours, getting very little sleep.

The next morning, she called in sick. She had hardly slept and she felt horrible, like someone had punched her in the stomach. After taking a shower and eating a small breakfast, she called her husband’s work.

“I’d like to speak with Manny Jennings,” she told the receptionist.

“I’m sorry, there’s no one by that name here,” the receptionist said.

“What do you mean?” Christine asked. “He’s worked there for nearly five years.”

“I’m sorry,” the receptionist said. “No one by that name has ever worked here.” Christine cried as she ended the call.

She went online to check their bank balance, curious to know if Manny had emptied the accounts. She had read stories online where some husbands would do that to protect themselves or get revenge on the cheating wife.

She found that her name was the only one on the account, and there wasn’t quite as much as she thought there should be. She looked at the account history and was shocked. It was as if Manny was never on the account at all. Did Manny have his own account all this time? She swore that it was a joint account just a few days ago. Her phone rang as she was closing out her browser.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hey, babe,” Jake said. “What’s up? I heard you called in sick. What’s going on?”

“Hi, Jake,” she said. “I’m sorry. Everything’s gone to shit here. Manny is gone and so is my daughter.”

“Oh my God,” he said. “Have you called the cops?”

“Yeah,” she said. “They were here until early this morning. If I didn’t know any better I’d swear Manny somehow found out about what we did last night. It’s so odd. It’s like they were never here. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Alright,” Jake said. “Take it easy for now. Keep me in the loop. It’ll be okay.”

“Thanks, Jake. Talk to you soon,” she said before hanging up.

She decided to drive to Manny’s work to see if she could spot his pickup. If so, she would confront him and demand that he produce her daughter. She grabbed her keys and her purse and was headed to the garage when the doorbell rang. Opening it, she saw Detective Ferguson, still wearing a rumpled suit.

“Mrs. Jennings,” he said. “Or should I call you Ms. Trent?”

“What can I do for you, Detective?” she asked.

“I need you to come downtown with me,” he said. “We need to talk.”

“About what, Detective?” she asked. “I gave you my statement last night. Have you found anything?”

“As a matter of fact, I have,” he said. “That’s why I need to talk to you. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Do I have to place you under arrest?”

“Arrest?” she asked. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” he said. “Filing a false police report is a felony in this state, and the DA isn’t very happy right now. A lot of police resources were used coming here last night. So I need you to come with me right now.”

“I didn’t file a false report,” she cried. “I told you what happened. But I’ll come with you.” She closed the door and locked it and they went to the police station, where Detective Ferguson sat her down in a small, white interrogation room. The detective started a voice recorder and read Christine her Miranda rights.

“Would you like to arrange for an attorney before we begin?” he asked.

“There’s no need,” she said. “I haven’t done anything wrong. I told you what happened.”

“Very well,” he said. “I did a basic background check and guess what? There’s no record of you having ever been married in this county or anywhere else. Can you explain that?” Christine shook her head.

“No,” she said. “I can’t.”

“There’s also no record of an Amanda Jennings having ever been born. At least not one listing you as the mother or the man you call your husband as the father,” he said. “Can you explain that?”

“Again, no,” she said. “I can’t.”

“There’s more,” he said. “We only found one person’s fingerprints in your apartment last night. Yours. There’s no evidence that a man has ever lived there and there’s no evidence that a child was ever in your apartment. We did, however, find a Manfred Jennings matching the description you gave. He owns Manny’s Outdoor Adventures and has owned it for the last five years. He’s married and has a young daughter.”

“Did you say married?” Christine asked.

“Yes,” Detective Ferguson said. “And happily so, from what we could tell. He says he’s never heard of you. Or your daughter. We also spoke with his parents and they’ve never heard of you or Mandy, either.” Christine began crying, shedding hot tears.

“I don’t know what to say,” she said through her tears. “Has my whole life been a lie? Look, detective, I’ll take a lie detector test if I have to, but that’s what I remember.” He looked at her carefully before speaking.