The City in Glass

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An erotic trip to a pocket universe of Victorian England.
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"Let me see the letter again." You pass over Pixie's letter to Kayla while threading your way through Seattle traffic. She turns it over in her hands.

"'Let me also express my profound gratitude for the misfortune you have brought upon our mutual acquaintance, Mr. Kalchik.' Now that is a really fancy way to say, 'fuck that guy!'" Kayla cracks up at her own joke. "I bet this shop guy is a million years old."

"Don't say that!" You weave your way through the grungy mix of high rise apartments and sketchy strip mall stores. "He could actually be a million years old!"

"Ooooh like Dorian Grey?" Kayla says. "I wouldn't mind that." She says with a saucy grin.

"You and older men." You laugh and she gives a playful cackle as you pull into a parking spot underneath a gloomy old office building. Next to it, a small wooden house with a moss-covered roof and a covered porch abuts the road. In front, a simple black wooden shingle swings in the Seattle rain - impeccable lettering announcing this to be "Quilp's Curio Cabinet".

"Okay - before we go inside, some ground rules." She looks concerned. You had explained to her what had happened, and while the presence of Michael now loafing around your property helped confirm it, you get the impression that she does not quite believe it all.

"First, I want to just go in and find out what all this is about. We aren't sneaking anything, or jumping into a weird vision quest or alternate reality, we are just asking a few questions. Okay?"

Kayla nods.

"Second, if we do end up somewhere terrible, I want you to know that I will do all that I can to make sure we both get home safe and sound, okay?" Kayla looks pensive.

"Okay but if we do get pulled into another dimension, can you take me home after I have the hot magic sex with a guy because it has been a while, and I am raring to go, you know?"

You mentally facepalm. "Alright, deal. Let's go see what this Dr. Quilp has to say."


The bell at the door had a soft, soothing tone as you and Kayla push into the cramped shop. Each and every available space had something on it. Corners, ledges, nooks and crannies were filled to the brim with old tea cups, ornate carved figurines, tin soldiers and old postcards.

You make your way through the maze of bookshelves and hobbyhorses, display cases and vanities dripping with antique jewelry and elaborate hats. Kayla is in heaven, holding up each treasure and examining it like was the Hope diamond.

"Good afternoon." A slender blonde man in his 30s with a british accent, spectacles and a tailored vest and button leans over a counter in the far corner of the store. "Let me know if there is anything I can help you with." Kayla shoots you a mischievous look - he is dashingly handsome.

"Hello!" She says, trotting over to the counter, her eyes full of a merry twinkle. "Are you THE Dr. Quilp?" she asks. You try not to roll your eyes. He gives her a warm smile, his eyes flitting back and forth between you as if trying to discern your relationship.

"That is me, although you can call me Daniel. What brings you to my shop?" You pull Pixie's letter from your pocket and flatten out on his counter.

"You sent my friend this letter." He looks at it in alarm, and then back to you and Kayla.

"So you are not Ms. Miller?"

"No, but I was there that night." You reply. You snaps his finger.

"Mrs. Sweeney? Correct?" You nod.

"That's right!" Kayla answers. "And I'm Kayla Hisdal. Pleased to meet you." He gives you both a warm smile.

"In that case, come, come, I have much I wish to discuss with you." He gestures you through a curtain to a back room which is even more clogged with objects but he navigates the clutter with skill till he reaches a worktable, lit with a single adjustable light.

He pulls a key from his pocket - it is small but you recognize the iron work and heart handle. He unlocks the top drawer of the desk and withdrawals a small black notebook, no bigger than his hand. He flips it open.

"Mrs. Sweeney, Mrs. Sweeney..." he sifts through it. "Brine-uh?"

"Brenna." You reply automatically.

"My apologies." He makes a little notation. "And the beautiful Mrs. Hisdal?" He asks.

"Ms, please." She answers with a blush. He makes a note and puts the notebook back in the drawer.

"First, let me begin by offering my deepest condolences for whatever trauma you may have experienced in that wretched hotel. So many poor unfortunate souls have suffered at the hands of his infernal machine and I am grateful that you have brought it to an end."

"But how do you..." he tut-tuts and continues.

"I understand that you already have some background about how the Lost Souls arrived here - let me simply say that the material that Kalchik used to create his device was also found in other locations around the world and that kinder, more resourceful people have put it to a much better and higher use." Kayla nods, clearly lost but enjoying Quilp's rich british accent.

"Which brings us to you. You may have noticed that my establishment is 'Quilp's Curio Cabinet and Travel Agency' - it is the second part of this business venture that I wish to extend to you."

He takes a seat, spreading out his hands and wiggling his fingers like a stage magician setting the scene.

"Brenna, you have already lived the vivid, real world within that well. You know how compelling and enchanting it can be. Imagine, instead, if that sort of experience was put to use not as a prison or a furnace but rather as a vacation."

"Imagine, jumping inside a world built for you. No more gritty reality but a world full of magic and wonder and excitement! Full of adventure and even a little romance," he gives Kayla a saucy wink, "if you are interested. A whole vacation in the blink of an eye."

You fold your arms, pensive. "That sounds all well and good, but what if we get stuck inside again." He shakes his head.

"Oh heavens no!" He plucks two necklaces hanging near the lamp. They have a simple silver chain and hold a tiny iron key, no larger than a quarter.

"Simply turn the handle of this key three times at any point and you will be returned safely. We ask that customers stay no longer than three days. Technically 68 hours, that leaves us a little bit of wiggle room and clean up inside the world if necessary."

Kayla looks absolutely thrilled but you are skeptical.

"Why us, why send the letter to Pix... Ms. Miller?" He shakes his head.

"You must understand, this sort of experience is not for everyone. I need to know that the customers are able to... handle the cognitive dissonance associated with leaping between worlds. I know, for a fact, that you are able to do it without going absolutely barmy, if I may be frank." Kayla laughs and looks at you pleadingly.

"So, what is the world like?" Quilp's eyes light up. He scurries over to a cabinet, unlocks it with his heart key, and withdraws a large object covered in a white cloth. Struggling under its weight, he brings it over to the worktable and gently lowers it down. With a dramatic flourish, he whisks away the cloth.

"I present to you, London in winter!"

Glimmering in the lamp light, you behold a giant snow globe, a city in glass. You see a cobblestone street, with tiny victorian people walking hand in hand as the snowflakes fall around them. Tiny grey gears turn and the people move, the horse trots down the street, and the lights in the houses flicker.

"It's Victorian England, the height of the empire. Not filled with muck and piss but how it should be, filled with lights and wonder. What do you say?"

You pause, Kayla already reaching for one of the necklaces.

"What does it cost?" you ask, relenting to your own curiosity.

"How about this? Your first visit is free, if you enjoy it, come back and we can negotiate another trip. Consider it a gift from me for finally putting that malevolent ghoul Kalchik in his place."

"So would you be traveling with us?" You ask. He shakes his head, "Oh no, I need to stay here and ensure that everything goes smoothly."

"Hmmmm. And I'll be back... "

"In a blink of an eye," he finishes. "All you need do is turn your key three times and you will return moments after you left." Kayla shoots you a plaintive look. You turn back to the Dr. Quilp.

"One moment." The two of you step away for a hushed discussion.

"This seems too good to be true." You whisper to Kayla. She nods.

"I agree, let's take him up on his offer before he changes his mind."


"Look, he could make so much money with this. A vacation to a magic victorian england? Do you know how many people would pay out the nose for that? Without having to travel or even use a sick day?" Kayla says.

"Yes! Exactly! So why is he letting us do it?" You insist. "I don't buy the whole, 'you've already traveled to another dimension so you are cool with it' excuse. Lots of people would be cool with it!" Kayla points at the shopkeep.

"Look at him, look at him making moon eyes at his little City in the Glass." He was staring at it rather intensely. "Did you see all the little people in there? He must have spent weeks, months, building that thing. I think he's just proud of it." She pauses for a moment. "Maybe we are just the beta testers or something?"

You give her a skeptical look.

"Okay, fine, I'm making excuses but damn it, I want to go! Please! You got to go to the sexy tropical island of lesbians and hunky dudes, let me have a shot at it!" You sigh.

"That's not really what happened but you are right, I want to go too. Okay, but let's look out for each other, okay?" She gives a little excited hop and then a mock serious face.

"Oh of course. Always." She leans in and gives you a little peck on the cheek, and then hollers at Dr. Quilp.

"We're ready! Let's go!" You suppress your frustration and follow her as she trots back to the work bench where Dr. Quilp is tinkering with a mechanism on the back of the globe.

"Excellent." He hands over the two necklaces. As you reclasp it behind your neck, it feels heavy and warm nestled in the crook of your chest. You look up to find Quilp watching you intently, his warm gaze lingering just a moment longer than is polite, but never more than a moment.

"Okay, so what now?" Kayla asks.

Quilp smiles. "Simply watch the City." He turns a key on the back of the snow globe and it comes alive. The little figurines inside are warming their hands by the warm yellow glow of the street lamps, horses trotting by pulling carriages, shop windows lit with candles as snow drifts down in fat, heavy flakes that land on your eyelashes.

You look over at Kayla, the snow in her hair lighting framing her face, making for a contrast with the dark Thames flowing on the other side of the street.

"Chestnuts! Get your hot chestnuts!" You hear a young boy call out, standing on the street corner next to a cart with a shallow fire.

"Holy shit." Kayla mummers next to you. "This is amazing!"

You have to admit, you are impressed. The transition was seamless, as if in a dream where one thing simply becomes the other without the slightest bit of discomfort. No jolt or drop or pterodactyl attack.

"Oh Brenna, this is beautiful!" Kayla loops her arm in yours as the two of you begin wandering down the street, gazing at the tall arching buildings and the thousands of twinkling lights that make up the city.

Thankfully, you both are wearing your peacoats from the rainy northwest winter so you feel almost right at home amongst the petticoats and top hats. Kayla pauses at the young child with the chestnuts, a waif of about 10 years old with straw blond hair.

" 'er you go, miss!" He says, offering a chestnut to Kayla. She takes it, popping it back and forth in her hands to get it to cool down.

"I'm sorry, I don't have any money on me." She says.

"Then wots that?" He points to a slender leather coin purse right where you had just been, half-buried in the snow. Kayla laughs.

"You are right, silly me!" She picks it up and pulls out a silver coin. "Here you go!"

"Really? The whole florin?" She nods.

"Maybe you can help us out." You begin. "What's there to do around here?"

"Tourists, eh?" The child gets a very serious look on his face. "Well, if you are looking to see the sights, I would say head over to Pennyrose Lane and you can walk right up the Tower of London. From there, you can see the whole city. All the blue bloods and hoity toity folks love it up there. Beggin' your pardon ma'am."

"But if you are looking for something else, the Carpathia just arrived at the docks. She's supposed to be the largest steamship ever built, a model of modern engineering, that one, and she has travelers from around the world."

"If you are looking for entertainment, Vau de Vire's famous Bohemian Traveling Circus is down on Hapsburg street. It's a rough crowd, mind you, but I've heard they are a sight to see."

He scratches his chin. "Now... um.. neither of you seem like the sort, but lots of tourist types also like to visit Limehouse. It's where most of the sailors go who have been out on the sea for a while to find some company or drink. But anyways." He shuffles his feet, the monologuing coming to an abrupt stop.

"Let's go see the Steamship!" You announce, Kayla gives a big grin. The waif points you towards the docks and you set off. The fresh snow crunches under your feet as the two of you hop and skip through the city, ducking passed carriages and smiling at the men who tipped their hats at your passing.

Finally the city opens up to the docks which are packed with people, pressing in close to see the Steamship. Twin ramps connect the dock to the deck of the steamship, rising above the ground of good two stories tall. Two smoke stacks extend from the top of the looming vessel with strings of electric lights connecting the top of the stacks to the bow of the ship.

You and Kayla climb up on a disused shipping container, giving you a great vantage point to enjoy the show. Kayla cracks open the chestnut and shares the chewy bits inside.

"It's really something, isn't it?" A burly man, in his mid-30s, broad as he is tall, in rough hewn clothes remarks next to you. Despite your perch, his head is almost even with your knees, a towering muscular man, but his friendly laugh reminds you a bit of Aaron. He runs a hand through his dark hair, falling on his shoulders in a rough tumble.

"The Carpathia just arrived not a few hours ago. I hear it sliced through the arctic ice down near the tip of South America and even tangled with an ironsides from across the pond. Look, there near the porthole, you can see where the cannon blast hit them and they patched it over."

"Wow!" Kayla grins. "You sure know quite a bit about it, are you a sailor?" He shakes his shaggy head.

"No Ma'am, at least not in a few years. I wanted to be a sailor but the pay is better working here on the docks, getting these big barges unloaded and loaded up. Plus I get my evenings to make conversation with any beautiful women I might come across in my wanderings. Henry's the name, by the by."

You make polite introductions while watching the streams of people wander their way on and off the big boat. Interspersed amongst the colorful travelers, the well-wishers and lookiloos, you see a fast moving shape.

A slender woman, in dark clothes with her hair tied down with a simple brown scarf, weaves within the crowd, moving with a purpose, she darts behind families reuniting, slides past businessmen smoking on the dockside, her hands making frequent trips in and out of the large pockets in her coat. She catches your eye, your beautiful face framed by high cheekbones and arched eyebrows. She gives you sly wink and puts a long graceful finger to her lips with "ssshhh" gesture - as she pockets an older gentleman's watch right in front of you. She grins and then scoots off through the crowd.

"... going to be quite the birthday party. There's going to be Jonny the Quick, One-eyed Sally and of course, Mad Queen Doxie herself!" Henry finishes.

"Hmm?" You ask, tuning in to Kayla and Henry's conversation.

"Henry is headed off to some sort of party down in the Underground. You know, the old tube system?" Kayla explains. "Sounds like it is quite the adventure!"

You feel a faint buzz around your neck. You fish the necklace out and see the engraving on the back of the key reads 68. You watch as it shifts and rearranges into 67. Oh good, you have a clock!

"That sounds like fun!" You say. Henry cracks a big smile.

"Well, if you two ladies are up for a bit of sport, come along with ol' handsome Henry and I'll show yah the true Queen of England." Kayla gives you an impish shrug and the two of you hop down from the shipping container and follow the large man in his worn coat, and black fingerless gloves. He looks back to make sure you are coming and gives a genuinely surprised smile to see the two of you tromping through the snow after him.

He makes a brief stop with a scruffy man closing up a corner store, negotiating with the balding ruddy faced shopkeep as he tries to close the iron bars in front of his door. After some quick cash trades hands, the older gentleman returns with a discrete bottle in a paper bag, passing it through the bars to Henry. It looks like a soda in his large hands but when he passes it you, you have to use both hands to steady it. The liquid has a faint peppermint flavor and burns all the way down.

The snow crunches under your feet as the unlikely threesome, broad Henry and the two of you in your peacoats and modern pants, make your way to the subway entrance. Henry gives a quick glance either way.

"Watch out for the bobbies." He says with a wink and in one smooth jump, leaps up on one of the street lamps and with his long arms, unhooks the lantern. He drops down to the street and waves you down the stairs to the underground.

"Mind the ice, it's a bit dodgy down here." He says, his voice echoing off the wet walls. You and Kayla carefully descend down the steps, leaving behind the snowy London streets for the dry, cold tunnel. The platform is littered with garbage, the walls covered with crude graffiti and peeling posters, but Henry pays it no mind. He lopes off down the platform, the two of you scurrying to keep up.

He reaches the subway tunnel, holding the lantern high above his head and peering into the darkness.

"You don't honestly expect a train to come by, do you?" Kayla asks. He laughs.

"Oh no, this line got shut down when I was just a lad." He shakes his head and then hops down onto the rails, offering an arm to help you down.

"No, I was just checking for rats." Kayla gives a comical squeak, but hops down on her own. You give the farm girl a little side eye but she's paying you no mind, her eyes fixed on a poster on the inside of the tunnel.

You follow her gaze. It's a graphic of a man's face, black and white with stylized features with just the barest hint of his hat and collar at the top and bottom. The eyes have been filled in with a deep blood red paint but the features are unmistakable.

Dr. Daniel Quilp.

Underneath the face, in a sloppy handwritten script, "Long Live the King".

You swat at Henry's shoulder but end up connecting with his elbow. "Oi!" he shouts. You point at the poster.

"Who's that?" You ask. Henry shakes his head.

"That's Mr. Quilp. You friends of his?" Henry's tone is guarded. Kayla and you make eye contact, both of you answering at the same time.

"Nope.. "

"... can't say I recognize the guy." Henry nods and moves on without another word.

SQUEAK. Creak. SQUEAK. Creak. A rhythmic cranking sound comes from farther up the tunnel and Henry gives a cry of delight and races around the bend in the tunnel.

"Ol Mac and Bill Bolter!" He shouts, his voice echoing back to you. The sound stops and as you round the corner, you see two figures on a handcart lit with a yellow lantern. Henry has already closed the distance, offering his bottle of hooch to the two friends. Bill Bolter is a older man, about fifty with wispy grey hair and wiry figure. The other, a full-figured woman in her forties with a full head of tight red curls, takes a draught of the bottle.
