The Clan Wars Pt. 18


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"Are you going to be alright?" the mage asked the young warrior.

Bann attempted to straighten his posture, sucking air through his teeth as he fought back the pain radiating through his battered body. "Yes ma'am," he said. "Just a bit bruised. The blood's because I bit my cheek."

"You don't need to call me ma'am," said the elven woman. "Just Dayna is fine."

"Uh, sure," said Bann trying to speak without clenching his jaw.

Despite two days on the road together since leaving Top Town, the young warrior still felt somewhat apprehensive in the presence of the spellcaster. Seeing that she could up and drop parts of the landscape on people who got in her way had not improved his anxiety. To make matters worse, the young man had found himself getting almost debilitatingly aroused at the drop of a hat since they had left the mountain town - the presence of the curvy orc and the lithe elf and the lingering memory of their salacious introduction caused him no end of discomfort in his groin and left him aching for release. For the past two nights, when they had made camp, he'd quickly volunteered to go fetch water or firewood or to patrol the perimeter, using the each opportunity to furiously masturbate and hoping that the two women wouldn't notice how much time he spent away from camp on supposedly very simple tasks.

"Bann, you were very brave back there," said Dayna.

"Th-thank you, ma'a-," the youth began before cutting himself off. The pain in his chest was boiling up like water in a kettle, but he clenched his fist and pushed the searing sensation down.

"I notice you seem to be avoiding me when we make camp. I hope you don't think I feel any ill will towards you. I know our people may be at war, but I want you to know that I'm grateful you're helping us stop Gaermeon," explained the mage. "I'm sorry if I came across as a little standoffish."

"Ma'am, you have every right to be more than a little upset with me and my people and I'm amazed you haven't turned me into a toad or something," the barbarian said, trying gamely to talk through the throbbing ache in his chest. "I didn't think you were mad at me or anything, and even if I did, I'd still follow you until I repaid my debt."

"So how come you take any chance you can get to get away from me at camp?" said Dayna.

"Um..." Bann swallowed anxiously. "I, uh..."

On the horse beside the barbarian and the mage, Pointer's shoulders shook with silent laughter and he looked over at Dayna, a wry grin creasing the corners of his mouth. Hovering nearby, Gomp chortled with glee.

"Oh!" said Dayna, cheeks flushing pink as she clued in, remembering the lingering effects of the magic she had dispelled from the young man. In front of her, Bann hung his head, his face burning with embarrassment so powerful it made him temporarily forget the pulsing ache of his injury.

"Don't let these two assholes give you a hard time, Bann," said the mage defiantly over the sounds of Gomp's mirth. "That's just a side effect of the spell that was put on you! It's completely normal."

The young elf gave Pointer a dirty look. "Besides," she continued, "it's not like this bastard has been any better after I fixed the spell on him, and Gomp's always been a dirty little shit."

Mila eased her pace until she was only a little in front of her horse-mounted comrades. "We talking about Bann sneaking off to have a wank in the woods every night?" said the orc, grinning evilly.

"Oh, not you too!" objected Dayna. "Leave the poor boy alone!"

Bann had turned a deep shade of crimson and seemed intent on studying his horse's mane.

"Girl, leaving the poor boy alone is exactly why he's off beating his meat by himself," quipped the buxom warrior. "Look, kid, if you need a place to stash that slab of a cock, you just come find me, ok? The imp and I had a bet on how long it would take you to ask for a tumble."

"Hey!" objected Gomp. "Bet's off if you're just going to go presenting yourself to the boy!"

Without taking her eyes off the road ahead, Mila lifted her hand over her shoulder and raised her middle finger at the imp. "Just saying," she continued, "if Dayna's not going to let him have a ride, I'm happy to help."

Pointer doubled over, chortling without sound in his inimitable fashion. "Oh, grow up!" huffed the young mage to the older elf, leaning over and slapping him on the leg. "You're all a bunch of lecherous bastards."

The small group's banter drifted easily through the evening air as the sun set before them until Mila hoved them over at a small, wooden homestead that clung to the valley walls, nestled comfortably between the pine trees and rocky outcroppings. A small stone barn with a wooden roof perched further up the slope from the cheerful house.

"This seems as good a place as any to stop," said the orc, dismounting as her comrades caught up with her. "Let's see if they'll let us buy some hay and rest up in the barn for the night."

"Good idea," agreed Dayna, sliding off her mount and turning to help Bann.

As Dayna helped the injured members of the party to dismount, Mila limped up to the front door of the small cottage and knocked upon it. After waiting a moment and knocking once more, she called out an inquisitive 'Hello?'

"I don't think anybody's home," said the orc warrior, returning to the party.

"Well, surely they won't mind if we shack up in there for the night," said Dayna.

There was plenty of hay for the horses in the stone building and the springy straw looked like it would be quite comfortable beneath the party's bedrolls. Dayna used a push of her will to ignite the small fire that Pointer built just outside the barn doors. Alagar wuffed happily and immediately settled down next to the cackling flames. There was a small spring only a short ways further up the slope behind the barn and Dayna told Bann to sit down and stop being silly when he volunteered in a weak voice to retrieve fresh water.

"You're hiding it well, but you need to take it easy, Bann," said the elf. "I'll get the water."

Pointer sat down across from Bann, gently massaging the sides of his head, confirming to himself that the troll's vice-like grip had done no permanent damage. His arm, neck and skull still throbbed, but the ache had subsided from a fierce pounding to a dull pulsing drone. He rolled up his sleeve to examine the vicious purple bruise that encircled his arm where the troll had grabbed it.

"Looks painful," said Mila with a grunt as she eased her injured leg out from under her and sat down next to Pointer. "Not broken, is it?"

The thief shook his head. He pointed at the orc's leg and then turned his palm upwards before raising it quickly.

Mila intuitively grasped the unspoken question. She unbuckled her greave, pulled off her tall boot and rolled her trouser leg up. The skin where she'd been clubbed by the troll was puffy and swollen and had taken on a slightly darker green colour. The orc poked the injury unceremoniously. "Eh, it's fine," she said. "We greenskins heal quick. Don't get those nasty looking stains you pale folk show when you take a punching."

Pointer pointed quickly at the orc before tucking his finger back in to make a fist, his thumb sticking out to the side. He wiggled his hand.

"What's that mean? I'm lucky?" asked the orc.

The elf nodded.

The greenskin laughed. "This nightsign thing is easier than I thought," she grinned. "Maybe you can teach me it?"

Pointer smiled back at her.

When Dayna returned with their refilled waterskins, the group unpacked their rations and ate a quick meal of salted meat and bread. Bann ate slowly, and Dayna noticed him wincing every time he swallowed. With full bellies, they watched the fire die down to embers before moving into the barn to set up for the night. Alagar curled up at the entrance to the squat stone building, his sharp sense of smell and superb hearing making him as good a sentry as their defensible position required. Gomp had passed out with startling speed, sprawling himself atop a burlap sack that lay near the door. Mila and Pointer had set up their sleeping spots near the door as well, and the tall elf helped the orc remove her various pieces of armour. Bann did the same, grunting with discomfort as he unbuckled his leather jerkin after he had laid out his blanket further back in the dark recesses of the small barn.

"Let me have a look at where you were hit," said Dayna, walking over to where he sat, her own bedroll tucked under her arm.

"I'm fine," insisted the barbarian, but the mage ignored his protests and lifted his shirt to examine the violent bruise that had formed on his chest.

"That's a broken rib or two, at the very least," said the elven woman. "Here, lie back. I know a trick that will help."

Feeling strangely vulnerable, Bann lay back on the comfortable mattress that his sleeping blanket created atop the hay. He watched as the pretty sorcerer kneeled beside him, pressing her hands together and closing her eyes. After concentrating for a moment, she opened her eyes again and laid her palms against his wound. Her hands were soft against his skin and the pain in his chest dulled considerably as he felt a cool pulse flow from where she made contact with his pec.

"Is that magic?" asked the youth.

Dayna nodded. "Just a little bit of elementalism. Not my specialty, but pretty much every mage knows how to heat things up or cool things down a little bit. Is it helping?"

Bann breathed deeply for the first time since the battle with the trolls. The elven woman's magic eased the ache significantly. Unfortunately, as the pain in his chest receded, his brain decided it could finally focus on more pleasurable impulses. As Dayna slowly slid her hands across the broad bruise that marked his torso, the young northerner felt a stirring in his loins.

"Thanks, that feels nice, but maybe I should try and sleep?" said Bann, hoping to put a cap on his steadily rising arousal.

Dayna took her hands from his chest and spread her own blanket beside his. "Go on," she said, lying down beside him and sliding a hand back over his skin. "It's a simple spell - I should be able to maintain it while I rest."

His attempt a failure, Bann lay back and closed his eyes, knowing that his steadily inflating erection would make sleep a difficult objective and hoping the darkness would conceal his embarrassingly aroused state from the elven woman's notice. Still, the soothing cool sensation emanating from where her fingers lay on his skin drastically reduced the throbbing ache that had dogged him since the fight. He lay still, enjoying the much blessed relief and trying not to think about how pretty the elf lying beside him was.

It didn't work. What seemed like an eternity later, Bann opened his eyes again, his swollen cock tenting his kilt obscenely. Dayna was still lying beside him, her hand on his bare chest, a cool tingle radiatiating from her skin and her flowery scent drifting into his nose. There was something else, though - a faint slapping noise reached his ears and the boy raised his head slightly to look in the direction it was coming from.

His shaft throbbed powerfully. In the moonlight spilling through the wide door of the barn, Bann could see Pointer and Mila quietly fucking. The muscled, curvy orc was on her back, her legs wrapped around the elven thief's waist, her arms around his neck, while the lean man steadily pumped his hips, humping her with silent intensity. As he watched, more sounds became clear - the quiet huff of his breathing, the orc's stifled grunts and moans. Bann's dick ached with jealousy.

"They're not being especially subtle, are they?"

Dayna's voice startled the young man and his head dropped back with a thump.

"Uh, not really, I guess," mumbled Bann.

The woman beside him shifted quietly in the dark, sliding her hand down from his chest to where his kilt was buckled about his hips. "Do you want to...?"

Bann could barely manage an answer to the question she left hanging in the night air. "Yes," he whispered.

The elf fiddled with his kilt buckle with one hand until Bann moved his left arm up to help her. He breathed heavily as the two worked together to free his turgid, searing hot phallus from the concealing garment and gasped when Dayna's cool hand wrapped around the throbbing, rigid column of aroused flesh. The elf gave it a few, idle pumps with her hand before reaching down to slide her hose and underwear off.

"It'll never..." he murmured, thinking about his oversized cock and the elf's slight body as she disrobed. "It won't fit."

"Magic," said the elf, by way of explanation, and climbed on top of him.

Bann reached under the hem of her tunic to grip Dayna's pert buttocks as she swung a leg over his hips and straddled him. The elf sat upright over him, taking care not to put any pressure on his injury, and the warrior could feel her warm, moist cunt against the skin of his pelvis, his engorged cock nestling stiff against the crack of her ass. In the dim gloom, Dayna looked down at the wonderstruck youth, eyes half-closed with lust and biting her bottom lip in desire, before pulling her tunic up over her head to reveal her flat stomach and perky, handful-sized breasts. The barbarian ran his hands up her sides and over her tits, halting when his fingers found her small, hard nipples. He squeezed hungrily, pinching the erect nubs between his thumb and forefinger while Dayna reached behind her back and wrapped her fingers around his eager cock. Bann slid his hands back down the woman's lithe form to her ass as she put one hand beside his head and eased herself forward and down, raising her butt as her breasts descended to brush lightly against his pecs. With her other hand still holding his girthy shaft, the mage rocked forward, grazing her hard nipples across his chest and guiding his swollen glans into her pussy. To the background noise of Mila and Pointer's passionate rutting, Dayna slowly slid back down Bann's rigid tool.

The elf's cunt was exquisite - warm and slick with her juices, clenching firmly around Bann's needy schlong. The youth groaned and squeezed her butt, subconsciously thrusting upwards into the salubrious hole as she supported herself on her knees and elbows over him. With her beautiful face inches in front of his, Dayna gave a tsk of warning.

"Uh uh," she chided softly. "No strenuous activity while you've got those broken ribs."

Bann couldn't help but give her a shamefaced smile. "Sorry ma'am."

Arching her back and pushing her cunny down his veiny shaft, Dayna's head moved to hover over the young warrior's bruised chest. She paused momentarily, his cock fully hilted in her welcoming snatch, and leaned in to gently caress his injury with her lips. A blessedly cool sensation flooded the aching area, subduing the pain. Bann's blissful sigh at the healing touch turned into a lustful groan as the woman riding his dick rocked forward again. With a steady, gently increasing pace, Dayna began to move back and forth, shunting the boy's cock in and out of her needy pussy, moaning softly as she fucked herself on his deliciously massive breeding tool.

Close by, at the front of the barn, Pointer and Mila paused their own quiet mating to glance over at the other rutting couple. Bann blushed when he heard the orc call out an encouraging 'Atta boy!'.

Dayna turned give her green-skinned friend a disdainful stare. "Can't you keep her busy, Pointer?" said the mage, archly.

The sinewy rogue shook his head helplessly and gave Mila a firm pinch on the ass before grabbing her waist and turning her over. The orc raised herself on her hands and knees, still grinning wickedly at Bann and Dayna as Pointer got to his feet to squat behind her and stuffed his cock back into her juicy twat. Bann watched as the lean swordsman mounted the brawny warrior like a dog and marvelled at the circumstances he had found himself in.

"No point in being shy!" grunted Mila as Pointer took her hard and fast from behind, her large tits glinting in the moonlight as they bounced to the rhythm of her partner's thrusts. "Give her a good pounding, lad."

Dayna was bouncing only slightly less vigorously, thoroughly enjoying the broad, long fuck-pole that she was using to conjure an orgasm from of her quim. "You're terrible!" retorted the mage to Mila's leering cheers. "Stop encouraging the boy - he's wounded!"

"Don't let that hussy make you get ahead of yourself, Bann," said Dayna, turning her attention back to the well-hung lad she was mounting.

The orc's ridiculously frank, debaucherous attitude and the way she needled her elven friend with her obscene language made Bann laugh. He gave Dayna's butt a hearty squeeze as his inhibitions fell away.

"Wouldn't dream of it, ma'am," he said, smiling back at the beautiful elf bouncing on his dick.

The barn filled with sounds of animalistic rutting as the two couples fucked determinedly. Pointer lowered himself down to Mila's back, placing his hands and knees beside her own on the hay strewn floor as they mated like dogs while, nearby, Dayna propped herself up over Bann and vigorously humped his engorged member. The heavy slap of skin and the wet squelch of dripping fluids mingled in the air with sounds of lusty panting and grunts, broken only by Mila's and Dayna's contented moans as they quivered through numerous orgasms.

Eventually, Pointer could no longer withstand the sublime embrace of Mila's pussy and he bucked his hips voraciously, slamming his pelvis against the ample cushion that was the orc's large, round ass and inseminating her her powerful blasts of hot seed. The orc growled happily as she felt the elf's ejaculate pour into her and pushed back against the male's pale, muscled body. The sight of the buxom orc joyously taking the elf's spurting deposit pushed Bann over the edge and, despite Dayna's earlier warning, he couldn't stop himself from thrusting upwards, hips spasming and balls contracting as he seeded the elf woman's cunt with his own surging cum. The youth let out a feral roar through clenched teeth, groping Dayna's perky ass violently and pulling her fuckhole down to the base of his pulsing shaft while his sloppy, hot jism pumped upwards to fill her to the brim.

"Oh fuck!" gasped Dayna as the young man stuffed her pussy with jets of slimy, white cream.

The sheer quantity of ejaculate the barbarian was pouring into her quim astonished the elf and she struggled to hold herself above his bruised chest as he finished filling her up. After a giving a few more weak thrusts, the youth looked up at Dayna, panting. "Thankyou," he groaned, "that was amazing."

Dayna lifted herself off the hefty shaft stuffed in her cunny, rolling to one side and collapsing with tired satisfaction next to the spent youth. A warm flood of seed oozed from her spread cunt as the lad's mammoth cock slid from her. The thing was of obscene proportions, even as it deflated and softened.

Mila was lying on her stomach and Pointer was using a rag to clean off the orc's semen stained nethers. She grinned as she watched Dayna flop back on her bedroll, sighing with satisfaction. "Sounds like she should be thanking you," grinned the orc. "I want a go on that fat piece of meat next time."

Behind her, Pointer gave the orc a sharp slap upon her bare buttocks at the implied disparaging commentary about his own equipment.

"Ha!" chortled Mila. "Don't worry, old man, you're alright."

The next morning the group roused early and ate a quick breakfast of bread and cheese. As they ate, Mila, Pointer and Bann checked their weapons. The lean elf thief helped Mila put on her armour once breakfast was finished while Bann slipped his own leather jerkin over his head. Still recovering from the rough handling he'd received the previous day, Pointer mounted Bann's horse once more while Bann shared Dayna's saddle, the mage placing her hand on the young warrior's chest, under his armour, and resuming her gentle cooling magic.