The Clint Cartwright Story


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In many cases, the "hotwives" had posted their FapFansmembership fees, usually between $5-$10 per month. Clint was not a consumer of internet porn, but it had become such a prevalent topic in society that you would have to live in a cave not to know what was going on. If a woman could get one thousand monthly subscribers who were willing to pay $10 a month for her content, she could earn $120,000 a year for very little work, minus whatever she had to kick back to FapFans. Clint also was aware that black men had been fetishized for their supposed penis size and that content with them was highly sought after. Fallon had posted her FapFans monthly fee at $12.99 per month plus extras such as used underwear for sale. Clint wondered how many subscribers she had and where the money was going.

As he tried to get a handle on his life and his emotions, he had a sudden thought: Thursdays! Thursday was Fallon's normal day off. For the last two- or three months Fallon had not wanted to make love on Thursday night. She had told Clint that she was tired from catching up on household chores but he now knew better.

Today was Monday which gave Clint three days to develop an action plan.


Clint's excuse to Fallon for having too much to drink and coming home in an Uber was that Terry was having marital problems and needed a shoulder to cry on. Fallon and Brenda Cobb, Terry's wife, were not close so Fallon would not reach out to Brenda to talk. Being intoxicated also provided Clint with an excuse for not having sex with Fallon. The next night, Tuesday was Fallon's late night at Engstrom's so that just left Wednesday night for Clint to plan how not to have sex with his wife.

Clint had developed a mental checklist of things he needed to do. The obvious first item on the list was to get tested for STIs. Perhaps more than any other aspect of what Clint was going through, this is what angered him the most. The fact that his wife, the wife he loved and cherished above all others, was putting his life at risk by having unprotected sex with strangers and then having sex with him. For that alone, he wanted to divorce her.

And as for his brother? That slimy shit bag was in for a hurting, both physically and emotionally.


Tuesday morning, Clint sent a Teams message to Michael Sullivan, the CEO of Fenix Financial. Michael was the person who had taken a chance by hiring Clint for a position in which he had no experience. Clint also knew that Michael had divorced his wife before he moved from Chicago to Austin. He did not know the details, but he had heard that his wife had done some pretty bad things and there was a video out there.

Clint told Michael everything he knew, which was not much. He had the video and a suspicion that things were happening on Thursdays. His plan was to figure out a way to anonymously sign up for Fallon's FapFans page to get an idea of the full picture of how bad things were.

"No," Michael said. "If you're dead set on divorce, let your attorney handle that. They'll have better resources than you. Speaking of which; do you have an attorney yet?"

"I don't," Clint said. "I know your wife works at a law firm; do they handle divorces?"

"Bonham, McLeod, Garcia has every type of attorney that you can think of. They're the oldest and best law firm in Texas. They're our corporate attorneys and my wife, Darejan is head of their family law division. Let me give her a call and I'll let you know when she can see you. Until you can get out of this situation, you're exempt from all staff meetings. You let me know what you need from me. If you need time off; take it. If you need to leave suddenly; do it. Fenix will support you every step of the way. I've been where you are and I'll be here for you every step of the way."


As it happened, Darejan Sullivan could see Clint after lunch.

The law offices of Bonham, McLeod, and Garcia were unpretentious, unassuming, and understated; as real wealth and power often is. The carpeting was plush, the paneling dark. Everyone that Clint encountered seemed to have a purpose. No one was hanging around the water cooler chatting or killing time. Everyone seemed to be focused on their job, but there also seemed to be a feeling of...Clint was stuck for a minute...maybe fulfillment in their work. This seemed like a great place to work, unlike the horror stories he had heard from friends who had gone to work for large law firms that ended up being meat grinders.

Clint took the elevator to the third floor and was directed to the family law division. Darejan Sullivan was not what Clint was expecting. Tall, willowy, and obviously of Middle Eastern descent, Clint knew that she was Michael's second wife and together they were raising their adopted daughter. She could have walked a runway in any fashion show in the world if not for the thin scar that started just below the hairline on the right side of her face and ran downward, paralleling her ear and ending just above her right jawline. Clint figured there was a story there and maybe one day he would hear it.

After introductions, Darejan jumped right into the reason for Clint's visit.

"Mike gave me the broad brushstrokes of your problems. Why don't you give me all the details."

Clint spent the next fifteen minutes telling Darejan everything he knew. He also provided Darejan with Fallon's PostItt user name as well as her FapFans user name.

"We'll sign up for her FapFans account and download everything from the site as well as everything on PostItt. Adultery is a slam duck. Texas is a conservative state, but it is still a no-fault state. I can almost guarantee you no spousal support or maintenance. Are you wanting to contest child support?" Darejan had a neutral expression on her face when she asked the question, but Clint knew instinctively that there was only one correct answer.

"No, definitely not. Our daughters are in school and then in an afternoon program Monday through Wednesday and Friday. I watch them on Saturday and we are both off on Sunday. Fallon is off on Thursday so that's her day to watch the girls. That means that they are home alone upstairs for part of the time that she is doing..." Clint waved his hand in the direction of Darejan's computer.

"What I want is 100% custody. I don't want my girls raised in that environment. She's not a fit mother."

Darejan nodded and smiled. That was the correct answer. "Even with her face pixelated, this is a slam dunk. I can file within the next 48 hours and have her served next week. How do you want to play this? Have her served at home or at work?"

"Every Friday morning, she has a weekend kick-off staff meeting at 9:00 AM. I want her served right before that meeting. She has embarrassed and shamed me. I want her to get a taste of what I am feeling."

"We can make that happen. We will of course demand a full accounting of all money earned through her outside activities Those are considered marital assets just like your paycheck or her paycheck." Darejan steepled her hands together and rested her chin upon them, looking Clint in the eye.

"What about your brother? What do you want to do about him?"

"Can I sue him for alienation of affection?"

Darejan shook her head, "Not in Texas. There is no provision for AOA lawsuits as there are in some states like North Carolina. You can, however, sue him for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. That's been on the books in Texas since 1993. We have to prove that it was intentional, it was extreme or outrageous, it caused you actual severe emotional distress, and that it actually damaged you, your marriage, or both."

Clint nodded his head. "I want to destroy him. I want him to wake up every day hating our mother for not aborting him."


The girls were fast asleep and Clint was in bed pretending to be asleep when Fallon arrived home Tuesday night so he was not forced to fake normalcy and hide the feelings of revulsion he felt towards his wife.

Wednesday morning, Clint left for work before Fallon so he did not have to see her. Wednesday afternoon he sent her a text:

Clint: Hi babe. Working dinner with M.S. Home ~11

Fallon: damn! No :o 2nite?

Clint: sorry, bae!

With both Wednesday and Thursday handled, Clint could concentrate on avoiding sex with Fallon on Friday and the weekend.


Clint was not able to avoid having sex with Fallon that weekend or for most of the next week. He did not initiate but did not turn Fallon down when she did. Even though he was repulsed by her, there was no doubt she was a sexy woman. By far the sexiest woman that he had ever been with. Or ever would be he feared.


Wednesday morning found Clint sticking his head into the office of his CEO.

"Morning, Mike. Do you have a minute?"

"I have a meeting in fifteen minutes but other than that I'm free. Have a seat. What's up with the divorce?"

"She's going to be served on Friday morning so I'm taking that day off. I'm taking my daughters to the Kemah Boardwalk for a couple of days then I'm going to find someplace to live for a while. Maybe one of those guest suites or long-term stay places."

"Bullshit," Michael said. He pulled a keyring out of the belly drawer of his desk and handed it to Clint. "This is the key to a condo Fenix owns. I'll send the address and access codes to your cell. It's yours for as long as you need it. That'll give you some breathing room to concentrate on taking care of yourself and your girls and doing what you need to do to manage your divorce."

"Thanks, Mike," Clint said. "That's a huge load off my mind."

On Thursday morning, Clint said to Fallon, "I'm thinking of taking the girls to Schlitterbahn for the day on Friday." Schlitterbahn was a huge water park located a few miles away from Austin in New Braunfels.

"What brought that on?" Fallon asked. "I mean, I'm fine with it and the girls love it there. I just wish I was going with you."

"I know, babe. I have some big projects coming up that are going to keep me busy. I want to spend a little time with the girls before things get too hectic. The weekend is always so busy at the waterpark, so I'm hoping Friday will be a better time to go. We should be back Friday night."

"Well, I think it's a marvelous idea. You'll have a blast with them and they won't mind missing a day of school. You sure you don't mind dropping them off at school this morning?"

"No, Mike kept me out late last night discussing this new project. I told him I would be in a little late this morning. So, no worries."

Fallon gave him a kiss and said, "I am going to fuck your brains out tomorrow night Mr. Cartwright." She exited the house through the garage as Clint walked upstairs and called his daughters together to get ready for school.

On Friday morning, Clint called out to his daughters, "Alright, kiddoes; no school today. We're going on a little trip. I'll help you pack."

"Where to Daddy?" they were jumping up and down with excitement.

"We're going to the Kemah Boardwalk and we're going to stay at the Kemah Inn right on the Boardwalk. You'll be able to ride all the rides as much as you want!" Their excited shrieks filled Clint's heart with happiness. He knew that this would be the last sheer joy that they would feel for a long time.


Darren Engstrom's arrival at her store was not expected but neither was it unusual. Both Engstrom brothers, Darren and Kevin, were known for unexpectedly popping into any of the nationwide Engstrom's stores. The brothers were consummate retailers. They were the third generation of Engstroms to own and manage the luxury department store chain and, as had every generation of Engstrom, believed in being hands-on. It was not at all uncommon to see one of the brothers assisting customers in their shopping at checkout.

Fallon's management staff were seated in the conference room and Fallon was chatting with Darren when Todd Dunn, the loss prevention team lead, approached them accompanied by an older gentleman wearing what Fallon's experienced eye knew was an off-the-rack suit from a discount store.

"Excuse me, Fallon, sorry to interrupt you and Darren, but this gentleman insists on speaking with you."

"Thank you, Todd." Fallon stuck her hand out and said, "Hi I'm Fallon Cartwright. What can I do for you?"

In response, the man handed Fallon a buff-colored envelope and said flatly, "Fallon Cartwright, you've been served."

Fallon's first thought was that the store was being sued. She could not think of any incident that had happened recently. No slip and falls, no loss prevention officer inflicted injuries to shoplifters.

Fallon opened the envelope and the first thing she saw was a photo. A photo that even with a pixelated face, she knew all too well.

"No," she gasped out with a cry. The next document in the envelope bore the title "Petition for Divorce."

Fallon's eyes rolled upward as she feinted, luckily being caught by Ted and Darren.

"Let's get her to her office," Darren said. He made sure that Ted had firm support of Fallon as he scooped up the papers that had fallen to the floor. A quick glance at them gave Darren the entire story, or at least enough of the story to understand that Fallon had cheated on her husband and he was divorcing her.

Ted deposited Fallon on her sofa and Darren dismissed him to his other duties, He also stuck his head in the conference room and told the staff that something had come up and the meeting was canceled. He didn't elaborate but he knew that rumors and gossip would be flying fast and furious before the store opened at 10:00.

Fallon was awake and looking at the contents of the envelope when Darren returned to her office. She was rocking back and forth as she sobbed.

She looked at Darren with tear-filled eyes. "This can't be happening. He wasn't supposed to find out. It was just going to be for a few months while I got out of debt." She put the documents down on her lap and put her head down as she continued to cry.

"Fallon, I'm calling an ambulance for you."

"No Darren, I'm okay. I don't need an ambulance."

"Fallon, I'm calling an ambulance as much to protect the store as I'm doing it for you. You passed out at work. You're going to the emergency room. End of story."

Darren called Fallon's admin into the office and asked her to call an ambulance for her boss who was not feeling well. He also asked for her emergency contact information.


"We're going to stop by Mimi's and Pop-pop's house for a minute. I have to tell them something and then we'll leave. You girls don't even have to get out of the car."

His daughters could care less. They were going to Kemah!

Clint pulled into his in-law's drive and steeled his nerves to face them. He was much closer to Fallon's parents than to his own. Losing them from his life was yet another reason to be furious with Fallon.

Howard Harper answered the door and looked over Clint's shoulder for his daughter but did not see her. He could see his granddaughters in the backseat of Clint's car.

"Hi, Clint. What's up? You playing Mr. Mom today."

"Hi, Howard. I need to talk to you and Karen. Can you call her out here?"

"What's this about Clint? You're making me nervous."

"Please, Howard...just call her out here and I'll explain everything."

Karen Harper must have heard the conversation because she stood behind Howard and looked worriedly at Clint.

"I'm here Clint. What's this about?"

"Right about now, Fallon is being served with divorce papers at her store."

Karen gasped and said, "No, that can't be right. Why would you do that, Clint?"

Howard had an angry look on his face. "What did you do, you son-of-a-bitch? Are you cheating on my daughter?"

Clint shook his head. "Never. I have loved Fallon with every atom in my body. I would never cheat on her or dishonor my marriage. But Fallon can't say the same."

"No!" Karen cried. "You're mistaken. She would never cheat on you. She loves you with all her heart. You're her life! You're wrong Clint! Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

"I wish I was." Clint reached into his pocket and pulled out a flash drive.

"She's been cheating on me with multiple men. Including my brother. She's been selling videos of herself online." Clint handed Howard the flash drive.

"This is the proof. Copies of all her videos and the photos from the FapFans website. But I'm begging you, don't watch it. Have someone else watch it for you if you doubt me, but don't watch it yourself. No father should ever see his daughter engaged in the sort of activities that Fallon has engaged in. It will destroy you. It's destroyed me."

Howard and Karen had tears streaming down their faces. This nightmare couldn't be happening, Howard thought. But they had known Clint Cartwright for a lot of years and they knew he had to be telling them the truth. Howard suddenly felt like an old man.

"She's going to need your support because she can't count on me now. I'm taking the girls out of town for a couple of days. I told her we were going to Schlitterbahn and coming back tonight, but that's not where we'll be. I'm not telling you where we're really going, but I promise you we'll be back on Sunday afternoon. I think it would be a good idea if Fallon stays with you for a while. You can keep an eye on her."

Clint wiped away his own tears with the back of his hand. "Goddamn her! Goddamn her for doing this to her family! Go to her. Look after her and be there for her because I can't be there."

Clint started to stick out his hand to shake and then thought better of it.

"I love you two. You've been better to me than my own parents ever were. I know things are going to change now and that breaks my heart."

Clint gave a sad, half-hearted wave, turned, and walked away from the only real family he felt that he had ever known.


Clint had turned off his phone and the girls were too young for cell phones so no one was able to locate or contact Clint. Over the last week, Clint had taken out as much cash from ATMs as the bank allowed. Michael had also authorized Clint to use his Fenix American Express card for personal use with the understanding that Clint would reimburse Fenix for his personal expenses. Between paying cash and using the Fenix credit card, Clint knew that he could stay off the grid for a couple of days.

Clint checked them into their double room at the Kemah Boardwalk Inn. Their room had a private balcony overlooking Galveston Bay and the girls excitedly pointed out Galveston Island and the bridge going to Galveston as Clint put away their clothes and personal items.

From there, it was time to hit the Boardwalk for lunch and rides. Clint could not help but think about how much Fallon would have enjoyed the weekend excursion. 'Damn her,' he thought. 'Damn her to hell for doing this to her family.'


The call from Fallon's admin came as the Harpers were getting dressed to go see Fallon at her store. They rushed to the hospital but were told that she was getting checked out by a doctor. In the waiting room, a stranger approached them and enquired if they were the Harpers.

"I'm Darren Engstrom. I was with Fallon at the store when she fainted."

"Is she okay? They wouldn't tell me at the desk," Howard Harper said. His wife had a death grip on Howard's arm as she nodded.

"I'm pretty sure she is. I was the one who insisted that she come to the hospital since she passed out at work." Darren paused before continuing, "There was an incident at work that caused her to be in distress."

Howard nodded. "Clint, her husband, or I guess soon-to-be-ex-husband, stopped by our house and told us that he had filed for divorce."