The Collector Ch. 02

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Average normal white guy, won lottery, gets 2nd girlfriend.
3.5k words
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I have this story planned in my mind as 10 chapters, but we will see how that goes. It's about an average white guy who wins the lottery, and finds himself collecting girlfriends of different ages, nationalities, and/or hair color. I guess you can call this a harem story? If it's not your cup of tea, that's okay, but I hope you will enjoy it.

I will note at the beginning of each chapter what the girl's name, age, nationality, and hair color is so those guys with a 'type' have some advanced notice, and if you should have some tissue ready ;)

This second chapter is average in length. Yeah, sorry, it's going to be a kind of running joke in this story.

Note: All persons having any sex or sexual anything is aged 18 or more.


Chapter 2 - Maeve (27, Irish, long red hair, means 'intoxicating' and pronounced MAYve)

Josh woke up with Emma nestled under his left arm, her naked body pressed against his side, and her right arm over his chest. He just lay there listening to her slow even breathing. At almost 19 to his 34 years it still felt like a dream. It has been almost two months since she had come over to have him do her taxes, and she ended up not only being his girlfriend, but he also found out he won the lottery. Josh took the lump sum offer, and after taxes, had 386.82 million deposited in the bank yesterday. He had been working as an accountant, but had given his job notice the next day. Emma had done the same with her job at 7-11.

He took his right hand and fingered back Emma's long black hair. She stirred just a little, her dark brown skin a contrast to his white. Josh had never considered himself to have a 'type'. He just loved looking at all women. Emma, just happened to be Latina. He ran his fingers along her hairline again, "Hmm," and she unconsciously tried to snuggle deeper into his chest.

Emma did not like waking up. Josh smiled and carefully extracted himself from his sleeping girlfriend and quietly dressed to go out for his daily run. On the way back he stopped at the 7-11 for his coffee. "Hi Josh," Josie said to him as he walked in. She was pleasant, but was no Emma. Not even in the same sexiness bracket. So Josh didn't pay too much attention to her.

"Good morning Josie," he replied as he made his way to the coffee bar and his morning cup of blueberry coffee. It was under the machine, and still dripping. Just freshly made, and it made him think of the beauty he left in his bed. Emma had always known when he was due to arrive, and always had a fresh pot for him. He took the coffee to the counter, but skipped everything else. "Thanks Josie," he said as he put $2.00 down on the counter as he passed.

Out the door and around the corner to the apartment, maybe for the last time. They had been discussing where they wanted to move to. Josh grew up in Arizona and was used to the heat, as was Emma, but they were wanting a place with a garden. That meant plenty of water, something Arizona was not famous for. So they had decided on looking at Hawaii.

Right after the money arrived in the bank yesterday Josh had purchased tickets from Phoenix to LAX and then on to Honolulu. Their flight was this afternoon to LA and then they would fly to Hawaii after spending a few days in Los Angeles. Josh got back up to the apartment and sat his coffee on his desk, then went to take a shower. He had to stop and stare at the young woman that was still asleep, and very naked, in his bed. She had just turned 19 a week after his 34th birthday. He shook his thoughts off of the girl and went into the bathroom.

He was only in the shower for a few minutes when he heard and then felt Emma join him. He spun around and leaned down and kissed her. "Mmm, did you try and wake me earlier?" She asked.

"I didn't exactly try, but I just made a slight effort," he replied handing her the body wash she favored. "You are so beautiful when you're asleep."

"Shut up, I am not," she retorted and gave him a slight punch to his arm. "Now hand me my luffa."

"Yes ma'am." She hit him again, "Oww!"

The both laughed and then quickly finished the shower before the water got cold. Josh making a mental note that where they move into will have hot water that will last longer than 10 minutes. After they dried off and dressed Josh went into his office and sat down and Emma came and sat in his lap. He enjoyed how she seemed to just fit seamlessly into him like she did. He was able to have her in his lap, and still use the keyboard with both hands. At least when they were not finding other interesting things to touch.

Emma took the coffee and drank several swallows before Josh took it away from her, "Hey, get your own."

She stuck her tongue out at him and said, "Well, if you would have brought one back for me we wouldn't have a problem."

Josh laughed, "Well after today we will have someone bring us coffee." He typed in a website and it came up. The site was for finding investment opportunities. He and Emma looked over a few over the next half hour until Josh became too distracted by his growing erection because of Emma's ass wiggles. He remedied the situation by getting the young Latina to give him her best blowjob. She was definitely getting better Josh thought as he blew is load into her eager mouth.

The next hour was spent packing and then it was getting near time to leave. He went next door to give his friend Lisa his spare key, just in case the building maintenance needed inside, and also the key to his car, also just in case. They then called for an Uber and went to the airport to catch their flight to Los Angeles.


Once in Los Angeles Josh had already arranged for a private car to pick them up and take them to the Waldorf Astoria in Beverly Hills where he had booked a suite for the three nights they would be in Los Angeles. Josh was secretly hoping to see some movie stars in the fancy 5-star hotel.

One of the things Josh learned over the last 2 months was that Emma was bi-sexual. As much as she enjoyed fucking Josh, she had found herself missing pussy. Josh had never considered before, how he would feel, if someone he was involved with, had the need for another woman. He had thought long on this when she told him. Was this cheating? Well, kind of. Emma however brought his morals into perspective, "If both of us are fucking the same woman are we cheating on each other? Is having a threesome cheating?" No, Josh decided. If it's mutual, then it's not cheating.

They decided to wait until they got to Los Angeles to test his feelings however. Josh didn't want to experiment in his home sandbox. So it came about that as they wondered around looking at the sites, they were also looking for prey. Emma was convinced that Josh was good looking enough to pick up any girl he sat his sight on, he just wasn't as sure as she was. He however knew for a certainty that Emma could pick up any girl she sat her eyes on. Hence the bet was on, and the looser had to spend some time to get the other to climax, using mouth only, 3 times.

At an 18-and-over night club Josh saw a girl he liked. She was tall, blonde, athletic, but had smaller boobs than Emma. He tried talking to her but she kindly blew him off. Well at least it wasn't a devastating blow to his ego. Emma was laughing when he returned. "That didn't last long."

"Well, I tried, and I told you I'm not going to be as good at this as you are going to be."

"She's here with her friend, and there is a ring on her finger, she's spoken for. You just need to pay attention to details and not just the body parts."

A server came over, "Can I get ye anythin'?" Josh turned and was face to face with an angel. Well, at least in his mind she was. She was tall, maybe 5'10". Her red hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders to her breasts that were showing some nice milky and freckled cleavage. They had to be at least a D-cup. Josh looked up and saw her green eyes, and even more freckles over her face. In fact her forehead, cheeks and nose were covered with them. "Are ye deaf then? Do I need to bring over someone for sign language?"

Emma saw the exchange and moved to close Josh's open mouth before he started drooling. "I'm sorry, he's not used to being out and around the fae."

The woman laughed and it was musical Josh thought. "I'm so sorry, you just... I mean I was... I..."

"It's okay Josh, just breath," Emma said. She turned back to the woman, "Hi, I'm Emma and this is my boyfriend Josh."

"A pleasure it is to meet ya. I'm Maeve, an what can I bring for you to drink?"

Emma showed the girl her red bracelet signaling she was under 21, "I'll take a Diet Coke and Josh would like a cantarito."

"Comin' right up." She turned to leave and both Josh and Emma watched the sway in her hips as she walked away.

"Damn," Emma said as she watched, "that right there is some right fine Irish ass, uh I mean, lass."

"I can't believe I couldn't even speak to her," Josh said also admiring the way she walked. "Emma, if there is the smallest chance she's bi..." He left it hanging right there.

"Hey, it's my turn to try anyway remember? And I so want to try." Emma shook her head as she said it, still awestruck. "I can't believe someone like that really exists. She's like a dream." She turned to Josh, "Am I dreaming?"

"Only if we are sharing the same dream."

A few minutes later Maeve came back and sat the drinks down. The soda in front of Emma, and the cocktail in front of Josh. "Twenty-seven," she said and Josh gave her two $20 bills.

"Keep the change," he told her.

"Are ye gettin' ye voice under ye?" Maeve said with a glint in her eye and a wry grin.

Josh laughed, "Yes, sorry, I was just struck dumb by your beauty and the melodic accent."

"Well aren't ye just a sweet talker."

"Is there a cut-off time for those of us with these red bands?" Emma asked.

"Níl lass, as long as ya have him with ya."

"And what about if I'm with you?"

"If ye were with me I'd nae be here." Maeve looked around quickly and got closer to Emma, "You'd be on ye back with ye legs spread open an I'd be doin' things to you as would make ye scream my name." She then lifted an eye brow to Emma, then turned to Josh, "An you'd be givin' me a good railin' while I was at it."

Josh was lost for words again as Emma laughed at the wide-eyed surprised look on his face. She turned and walked down to the next table of customers and both Emma and Josh watched her ass as she did.


They stayed until last call and then as Maeve came around to collect the glasses Josh said, "We are staying at the Waldorf, in a Hollywood Suite on the 12th floor, if you fancy some fun when your through working."

"We can make it worth you time," Emma added. "We are only here for a couple days until our flight to Hawaii. We think you would make those days much more fun."

Maeve looked at Josh, and then Emma, "I was only makin' fun with ye earlier, 'cept I sure could use the money." She was talking low so no one could overhear. "How much are ye offerin'?"

"We can discuss that at the hotel," Josh replied. "But, I think a thousand would be a good start."

"Fo' just the night?"

Emma came in close to Maeve and had to look up at the taller woman, "For a start, what if we wanted to make it permanent, take you with us to Hawaii?"

"I won't be a kept woman." Maeve frowned at Emma.

"No Maeve," Josh said. "You misunderstood, we would want you to become a girlfriend of ours. You could do what ever you wanted, just wouldn't have to pay for anything as long as you were to stay with us."

"Ye offerin' me to be a sugar babe?"

"Something like that," Emma responded. "Does that interest you."

"Maybe," Maeve said as she finished cleaning the table. "I will come after work. We can talk about it in bed." She looked down at Josh's crotch, "An I be hoping that there bulge in ye trousers be livin' up to the promise I see." She looked then to Emma, "Does he know how do use it?"

Emma wrote her cell phone number on a cocktail napkin and put it in Maeve's front pocket, "Oh it is, and Josh definitely knows how to make a woman happy."

"I bein' the judge o' that then won't I?"

She went back to clearing tables as Josh and Emma turned to leave. Emma said, "You going to be able to hold out for that fine Irish lass Josh? You going to give her an orgasm like she's never had before?"

"I do have experience on my side Emma," he replied.

"You have age Josh, older men take longer to cum. But, that's a good thing. I'm afraid I think I might cum within the first minute of having her go down on me."

As they passed Maeve wiping down another table, Emma saw that no one was looking and walked by close. She casually brushed her hand across the red-head's ass and said, "We will be waiting in the black limo parked out front."


Josh and Emma waited inside the limo. After nearly an hour the door opened and Maeve walked out with one of the security guys. "That's her, please let her in," Josh said to the driver.

The driver got out of the driver's seat and went down and opened the back door rear door to the car. Maeve saw him and said something to the bouncer and walked over. "Thank you," she said to the driver as she bent over to step inside. "Well", she said as she sat in the large leather seat between Josh and Emma, "not my usual way to go home after work. But then, I'm not exactly goin' home am I?"

Emma made the first move and turned and sat up to kiss Maeve. The young woman returned the kiss with enthusiasm, and soon the two were in a full make-out session. Josh just turned a bit and sat back to watch as he felt the car pull out away from the curb on the way to the hotel. After a while Emma broke away from the kiss and looked over at Josh. "Want some?" she asked, a little out of breath.

"Don't mind if I do," Josh replied and used a hand to pull Maeve to him and the girl instantly began to kiss him with the same passion she had just given Emma. Emma however leaned in and brought a hand around to cup one of Maeve's breasts. Her fingers found and pinched the nipple, and Josh felt and heard the moan through the kiss. Maeve's own hands were feeling around his crotch and her finger nails clawed at his cock through his pants.

Maeve pulled away first this time and looked into Josh's eyes, "I admit I was gettin' myself wet thinkin' about this as I was cleanin' up." Then she looked over her shoulder at Emma, "An I think I'm still a drooling thinkin' about your sweet pussy."

The car pulled up front of the hotel and a bellhop opened the door. Emma and Maeve got out first while Josh was adjusting his growing hard on. He paused just long enough to give the driver a $100.00 bill and said, "Thank you. Will you be our driver tomorrow?"

"Yes sir, I will drive you all three days you are here and also to the airport."

"I will call the service at least a couple hours before we need you tomorrow. So, you won't have to wait out here."

"Yes sir, I will see you tomorrow. Have a good night," and he winked at Josh.

Josh replied, "Oh yeah." and pat the guy's shoulder as he turned. He gave the bellhop a $10 bill, "Thanks for opening the doors for the girls. Have a good night."

"Thank you sir, you have a good night also." He pocketed the bill and turned to hurry back over to the front doors and open them again.

Inside Josh walked toward the elevators where Emma and Maeve were waiting for him. They all got in and went up to the 12th floor. Up to their suite and Josh opened the door. Inside the trio went over to the large curved sofa and Josh stood behind Maeve and reached around for his first feel of her. Maeve leaned her head back onto his shoulder allowing him to look down over her to watch himself unbutton her top. Emma had knelt and began working on her jeans. Between Josh and Emma they had the young Irish red-head naked in less than a minute. Josh kneading breasts and pinching nipples while kissing her neck, meanwhile Emma already had two fingers inside of her shaven pussy and her mouth over her clit.

Maeve was floating. It had been weeks since she had been with anyone, and her body was more than needing the attention these two were giving her. Her hands were behind her trying to free the cock she so desperately needed. In the limo she was shocked at what she felt had to be a very large and thick member. When Josh's cock was freed Maeve spun around and knelt taking his pants and underwear down as she went. She was right, there it was it all it's glory and she took it into her mouth.

"Oh, fuck!" Josh exclaimed as he felt her mouth begin to swallow him whole. Soon Maeve was bobbing her head on his cock and Emma had come around to join her. It wasn't long before the two young women were sharing him. Each of their mouths doing something different. Emma always seemed to like to lick more than actually suck on him, Maeve however used her lips to their fullest. If she was not putting him down her throat as far as she could manage, she was sliding them over his shaft. Both girls however chose a ball to give attention to at the same time. Emma lapping at one with her tongue, and Maeve sucking gently. "You two are going to fucking push me over the edge if you keep this up."

It was Maeve who stopped and said, "Not yet boyo." She pushed him onto the couch where he landed with her instantly on top of him. She reached down and guided him inside of her tight wet hole. "Oh, Jeysus!" Aaaaahhhh, feck your almost too big for me!"

Emma had gotten up and stood up on the couch beside Josh and grabbed a handful of red hair and pulled Maeve to her own dripping wet hole. Maeve eagerly lapped it up and drove her tongue in deep. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, ooooohhhhh fuck! Aahh fuck, Josh, can we keep her?"

Maeve was so tight, and being already so close after the mouth and tongue use before, it didn't take Josh long to feel himself ready to cum. "Yeah, baby. We are most definitely keeping her. Oh, FFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!" Maeve felt Josh explode inside of her as she tasted Emma do the same. Between the taste of Emma and the feeling of Josh, it was Maeve's turn. Josh felt her pussy clamp down on his cock, her body beginning to tremor.

After the orgasms had passed the three found themselves in one large pile on the couch. Emma had collapsed beside Josh and Maeve over them both. Maeve's head on Emma's chest where one finger traced around the nipple her eyes were closest to. Josh's softening member still inside of Maeve, but slowly slipping out followed by his load of cum. Maeve said, "Aye, I'll come with ye. As long as we can still be havin' this craic."

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AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

A really good start to a series. Looking forward to the next installment.

TowGodTowGod25 days agoAuthor

@Nzq11 the work as a whole is what makes it a novella (under 80,000 words). When all 10 planned chapters are complete I expect it to be around 45,000 words. By comparison, my novel Debauchery is at 19 chapters currently (yes people, I'm currently writing chapter 20) and over 80,000 words making it classed as a novel. An epic on the other hand is anything over 120,000 words.

TowGodTowGod26 days agoAuthor

@mitchawa Josh basically has $400,000 a month for the next 50 years to play with. Trust me, no one can spend 380 billion in their lifetime unless they do something like buy their own country. Just wait until he get's to Hawaii, things get hot, and I'm not talking about the weather or volcanoes ;) Thank's for reading and commenting. Enjoy the story :)

Nzq11Nzq1126 days ago

Have enjoyed the read, but not sure these are novellas as such. I would be expecting more length and complexity in the story to make it Novell worthy.

mitchawamitchawa27 days ago

Even with $400,000 Josh is going to run out of money before Emma is twenty. Maeva was a nice surprise and her being bisexual was just what was wanted. The sex scene could have been hotter, but it was okay. TAking Maeva to Hawaii is too much for a newly generated couple. Within a few months/chapters, Josh is going to have a house full of sex dolls and he will not be able to keep up.

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