The Coming of the Spell Caster


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Calmer, Daniel opened the book again. He turned to the second page and found a table of contents written out by hand covering four pages, followed by several blank pages. The table listed by hand all the spells in the book. Sixty-three spells in total. Daniel was amazed. His father had once told him that very good spell casters knew at least two dozen spells. Eric had sixty-three. He read some titles and didn't recognise most of them. The first one in the table, he knew of. It was called Charm Person. With it, the spell caster could charm his intended target and make them instantly like them. It had risks. For one, the person could fight off the influence. If the target won the contest of wills, the spell caster was immediately hated, and the target would know.

Suddenly Daniel thought of Grace and thought perhaps that was why she had hated Eric so much. He had probably tried it on her and failed. The bastard. Grace deserved better than that.

Curious to see if he could read the spell, he turned to the page. He was surprised to see he could easily read the entry. He flipped to other pages and saw he could read them all. Excited, he turned back to the Charm Person spell. The spell first described what it did. Daniel was pleased to see he had been right. But more specifically, it said each person had a will, some stronger than others. To charm someone, you had to channel your magic into the person and change that will. It was about distorting how the person viewed you. It even said strong-willed people could be charmed if the conditions were right. There were more details, but Daniel didn't read any further. He had no magic. He would never be able to use the book.

He turned to the next page and saw the spell was called Simple Levitation. The entry described what it did, and how it was limited to what the person using the spell could physically lift. Daniel frowned at that. Apparently, the mind could only do what it has done physically with the body. That made no sense to Daniel. Magic is magic, he reasoned. To lift something heavier than I normally can, I should only need to use more magic.

The next paragraph described how the spell caster channelled their magic to levitate objects. Daniel blinked. Written on the margin, Eric had cursed the spell. It seemed he had difficulty mastering the spell and had reminded himself how to properly channel magic.

This is arcane knowledge! With this, maybe I can do it. Maybe?

Daniel looked around him and spotted a pinecone a few feet away. He read over the instructions for channelling magic several times. This is not that hard. It just requires a focus of mind. I need to open my inner eye and allow the magic of the world to channel through me and bend it to my will.

So, Daniel tried. He tried for an hour until he gave up. I'm no spell caster. I'm just a farmer. He thought back to the instructions. Eric had spelled out exactly how to do the spell. It should have been so easy. Open the inner eye.

What a strange phrase, he thought for the first time. No one has an inner eye. I need clarity. The only way I know to seek clarity is when I...

Daniel struggled to untie the rope holding his pants up. Finally, he undid the knot and shrugged his pants off his hips. He grabbed his cock in his right hand and started to stroke it gently. He brought up the memory of Grace kissing him, and his cock surged with blood and grew hard. He glanced down at his cock. It was a large one; he knew that. Veins bulged on the side and his head was enormous and already turning purple with excitement. He kept his eyes open and focused on building his pleasure. As his pleasure grew, he felt his clarity focus as well. There was only his cock and the memories of Grace. He felt his cum churn in his nuts and pre-cum suddenly made his jerking sound wet.

When he felt his clarity had peaked, he locked his eyes on the pinecone and followed the instructions from the spell book. To his amazement, the pinecone shot off the ground into the air and disappeared behind the trees. Gasping, his orgasm hit him, and his cock pulsed in his hand and shot rope after rope of thick, creamy-white cum four feet from him to lie soaking into the forest floor. But Daniel cared nothing for that. Absently, he sucked the cum off his thumb and forefinger and dried his hand on his tunic. He rose and pulled his pants back up and tied them. He was thrilled. I did it! I worked magic!

He looked at his mule. "I, uh, did it by jerking off. Shit."

He sat and thought about what had happened. "Maybe I don't need to jerk off? Maybe just thinking about sex, finding my focus, and then using magic will be enough?" His mule was ignoring him.

Daniel found another pinecone lying on the forest floor. One of hundreds lying about, he chuckled. He closed his eyes and thought about Grace again. He thought about her hand squeezing his cock. The promise of more later. Her tongue dancing in his mouth. He felt his clarity refine, and he opened his eyes and stared at the pine one and activated the spell. The pinecone lurched a foot off the ground and fell back down again.

"Yes!" screamed Daniel. "I can do this!"

One month later, Daniel had mastered Simple Levitation. He still needed to think of sex to focus his mind. But it worked, and he was getting quicker at it. The problem was all he was doing now was thinking about sex. And he was thinking dirtier and dirtier sex the more he thought about it.

He rewarded himself at the end of every day by furiously jerking himself off. A day of pent up cum would result in massive cum shots and he was impressing himself. There's so much you could drown a cat in it.

He had experimented with weights. He wasn't surprised to find he could lift almost anything. Weight wasn't truly the problem. The main problem was setting your mind to the task and keeping it there. With his sexual focus, he found it very easy to keep his mind on what he was attempting. Eric probably used some other focus. Something that limited him.

There was a limit, though. Daniel had managed to lift the tree trunk the mule had dragged back to his farm. He lifted it four feet off the ground before he lost control of it and it crashed to the ground, shaking the ground like an earthquake.

His control of smaller objects was getting very good. He could lift a candle and move it effortlessly through the room and place it anywhere he wanted. He was quite proud of himself.

One morning, he rose early and washed himself at the basin. He checked out his cock and looked for sores and was pleased to see his constant jerking off wasn't destroying him. He headed outside and looked closely at his crops for the first time in a couple of weeks. He cried out in alarm. Half his crops were dead. He rushed over to the nearest dead wheat stalks and ripped the wheat from the ground. Hundreds of cinch bugs swarmed in what was left of the roots. Disgusted, Daniel threw the wheat to the ground.

He recalled what Eric had told the farmer that day in the tavern. He had said it was a simple spell. Daniel rushed inside his home and pulled out the spell book. He checked the table of contents and found an entry for Pest Control. He turned to the page and read through the spell.

It was similar to the Charm Person spell except for insects and for an area effect, rather than an individual. Interestingly, the spell warned that the insects would need to be directed somewhere and it would only move the problem, rather than remove it. Daniel smiled. He knew how to deal with it.

He studied the spell for an hour, going over every fine detail until he felt confident. He had to test it first, and he went over to where he had uprooted the wheat stalk. Cinch bugs were still covering the exposed roots, munching happily away. Daniel called up an image of Grace bent over spreading her ass cheeks to him and felt his cock rise in his pants. He imagined her inserting two fingers in her cunny and finger-fucking herself. Daniel's focus narrowed, and he cast the spell. He felt the magic come through him, but it had no effect. He could see the cinch bugs, but they remained where they were. More focus, he thought with determination. He had the image of Grace move her dripping fingers up to her asshole and circle her rosebud. He had her moan and whisper his name. His cock spasmed in his pants and rubbed against the inside of his pants. Pleasure tickled his mind, and his clarity grew. He could almost smell the perfume of her pussy. He focused the spell and watched as the cinch bugs in front of him suddenly scattered away from him and disappeared into the soil and the rest of the dead wheat field.

Daniel released the spell and drew in a breath. That was much harder than lifting things! By the Gods though, it worked! I just need to do this to my entire farm. And I need to destroy the bugs at the same time. He imagined a roaring fire and the cinch bugs throwing themselves into it, and he smiled.

He spent the rest of the day pulling dead wheat stalks from the field and placing them in a large pile in the centre of the dead field. Rather than use his magic, he opted to use his own strength. Sweat poured from his shirtless body and the heat from the sun was overwhelming, but he kept at it. Finished, he looked over his farm. He had six large fields, two of which were barren and waiting for the following year to be sowed. Of the four fields he had lost over half to the cinch bugs. Dried out stalks of wheat rustled in the breeze.

Close to exhaustion, he tried controlling the cinch bugs one more time, but over a larger area. Once again, he sought his clarity. He saw Grace using both hands on herself. Two fingers deep in her pussy, and the finger of her other hand pushing in and out of her asshole. By the Gods, he thought, she is so fucking hot. He waited until his clarity let him smell the juice of her pussy and he opened his focus to the spell. He applied the spell to the entire edge of the field before him. He could sense the insects cringe from his touch. He moved his gaze, and the bugs fled away from him in waves. He felt his focus waning and then sputter, and then it was gone.

"Dammit" he cried. He looked over the field. When using the spell, he could sense each cinch bug. Now he could only see the dirt of the field. But he had pushed the bugs away from half the field. This is working. I just need more incentive.

Daniel went into the house and came out with a flask of lamp oil. He emptied it over the pile of wheat stalks and then lit it on fire. The flames shot high into the sky and Daniel grinned. The sun was setting, and the fire gave his face a demonic look. Laughing, Daniel removed his pants and poured what little lamp oil remained in the flask on his hands. He grabbed his cock and started stroking and imagined him kneeling before Grace. He pulled her hands away and with one thrust buried his shaft into her cunt. She arched her back in ecstasy. Daniel could feel her pussy grip him and hold tight, not wanting him to remove it. He pulled back until the fat mushroom head of his cock threatened to fall out, and he thrust deep inside her again. He stroked his cock, loving the feel of the oil on the skin. It was so slick. So sensual. Daniel felt cum boil in his nuts. He let go of his cock and fought the need to ejaculate. In a moment, he carefully took his cock back in his hand and edged himself close to orgasm. In his mind, he continued to thrust deep into Grace. She was fingering her asshole and he could feel her finger rubbing against his cock as he thrust in her pussy. His clarity snapped to the tightest focus he had ever had. He opened his eyes and cast the spell. His mind reached out to all the cinch bugs in the field. He forced them to flee toward the roaring fire. His demand over-ruled their instinctual fear of fire, and they plunged into the flames with abandon. He let out a yell and then turned toward the other fields. He found the cinch bugs and drove them toward his fire. Massive amounts of cinch bugs roiled across the ground, aiming for the fire. The fire hissed and popped, and the smell of burning insects filled the air.

In moments, the fields were clear, but Daniel had to be certain. He reached out to the surrounding area around his farm and found more infestations. He drove the bugs to his fire. He furiously held off coming and kept the image of his cock driving in and out of Grace. She looked back at him and announced she was going to cum. She drove a second finger into her ass and Daniel thrust deep within her and held his cock and balls tight against her pussy and clitoris. He held himself tight against her and pushed harder, smashing his cock and balls against her clitoris. The end of his cock rubbed against her cervix and she spasmed under him. He felt her pussy flood and drip down his balls. Her head was held back in a silent scream, and suddenly she sucked in air, and started praying to the Gods for it to never end. Daniel felt the last of the cinch bugs suicide into the fire and released the spell and his orgasm. He watched a thick rope of white cum explode in a solid arc toward the fire and land ten feet from him. A second rope pulsed out of him and landed five feet from him. Three more ropes jetted from him before he collapsed to his knees in the dirt, cum still dripping from his cock. His last image of Grace had her holding his head in her hands and kissing him. He smiled and sat on the dirt, spent.

"I need to get laid..."

Chapter Three

TWO DAYS LATER, Daniel walked into the town of Acron and headed to the Trading Post. A small bell over the door tinkled to announce his entrance, and he stopped inside to get his bearings and to let his eyes adjust. Behind the counter to his left, was the proprietor, Bill Albright, who waved briefly to him before returning to the credit list in front of him. The store was rather large. Acron sat on a major trade route between the coast and the capital city. The trader was the richest man in town. He carried a massive inventory and could provide anything you needed. You just had to ask and pay the price.

Daniel carried the magic bag he had taken off Eric. He could buy this small town with the contents. But all he wanted was better clothes. He couldn't wear the clothes from Eric. They were too small and too fancy. He spotted the clothing section and walked over.

Racks of shirts, pants, undergarments, shoes, belts, and even sleeping clothes were arrayed before him. He started looking through the items and found them sorted by size. He determined he was an extra-large and focused on those items. In short order, he found a reasonable plaid shirt and a pair of thick denim pants with a brown leather belt. He also grabbed a few pairs of undergarments that looked large enough for him. He hadn't worn undergarments in a long time.

With everything he had found in Eric's magic bag, he didn't need much else. All his sundry items were all in the bag. Eric may have been an asshole, but he had been meticulous about what he needed to have on hand.

He heard the bell at the door tinkle but didn't look up. Then he heard a woman's voice.

"Hi, daddy. Mom sent me to grab a few things," said the voice, and Daniel knew it had to be the proprietor's daughter, Amy. She was always a complete bitch to him. Looking down her nose at his poor clothes and farmer lifestyle. She imagined herself as a rich city girl and acted the part.

He looked up and sure enough; it was her. Just as he spied her, she looked over and saw him. A small smile crept up on her face and she changed direction toward him.

Fuck, go away, go away, he thought.

She didn't and kept moving toward him. In a moment, she stood before him with her hands placed on her hips. Even though she was a good six inches shorter than him, she still managed to look down at him. Her smile went higher, but Daniel noticed it failed to reach her eyes. They were brown like her hair and full of nothing but mischief.

"Daniel Davies, as I stand here. I haven't seen you for ages. How's the farm? Have you lost all your crops yet?"

Daniel forced a smile to his face. "Amy Albright. It's been a while. How have you been?"

Amy lost her smile and cinched her eyebrows. Daniel knew she hated how well-spoken he was. The look on her face destroyed the natural beauty she had. She had long brown hair, carefully brushed and shining, and her skin was flawless and lightly tanned with the summer sun. Daniel couldn't help but notice her large tits. They were pretty large and pert and filled the top half of her chest. She wore a rather tight dress that pushed the flesh of her breasts into an impressive cleavage. Her waist was narrow enough that Daniel was sure he could grab her with both hands and have his fingers overlap. Better yet, her ass was spectacular. It was heart-shaped and tone. Daniel wondered, not for the first time, what her pussy would look and taste like. He had jerked off many times thinking about her under him. He realised with a start he had just openly checked her out.

"Eyes up here!" she barked. She stepped closer to him. "You have some nerve ogling me in my father's store. With a word I can have you whipped out of town. Where would you shop then, farm boy?" She made a show of looking down his body, and Daniel was certain she stopped for more than a heartbeat at the bulge in front of his pants. She shot her head back to his face and took a moment before she spoke again. "Right, so. Stop it."

She looked flustered and then spun around and disappeared into the back of the store.

Daniel ground his teeth. She was such a bitch and a spoiled rotten brat. Someone should take her over their knee and spank some common decency into her. Daniel grabbed his clothes and started toward the checkout. He took three steps and stopped.

Maybe that should be me, he thought. I can try out the Charm Person spell on her. See if I can get it to work. And if I fail, who cares? She already hates me.

He thought again and realised he couldn't do that to her. That would be going too far. Daniel forced a smile on his face and came up to the cash.

Bill looked at the items and tallied the prices on a sales receipt. He looked up at Daniel. "You want this on your credit, young man?"

"No, Bill. I want to pay cash for this. And clear my credit."

Bill blinked his eyes. "Pardon, Daniel? You what?"

"I want to pay my credit. Clear it, with the interest. How much do I owe you?"

"How's that? You want to clear your credit? It's only mid-summer. You haven't sold your wheat."

"Don't worry, Bill. Just tell me how much."

Bill made a sound with his mouth and then turned and pulled out the folder with the credit lists. He rummaged through it and then pulled one out. "Here we are, Daniel Davies. Says here you owe eight silvers, and eleven copper for seed, fertiliser, cinch bug poison, and a bunch of other things. How'd that poison work for you? The others are having no luck at all. The poison was supposed to work. City said it would."

Daniel reached into his magic bag and pulled out ten silvers. "It worked just fine for me," he lied. "I had to work it into the soil really good. This here is ten silvers. All I have. It should cover the credit and pay for these clothes here."

Bill looked surprised. "You don't say. I'll let the others know it worked for you. You're the first. A couple of farmers lost everything. All the fields destroyed. It's a right plague. Word is the King is sending an investigative team. Folks are hoping the King pardons their debt for this year. I sure hope so, it's not their fault. You now, with you having a working field, it might gum things up."