The Cougar Tamer

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Debra finds the cock of her dreams.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/25/2017
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"I need to get laid," Debra Fenway thought as she looked at herself in her full length mirror, "now!"

At thirty-seven she was still a damned good looking woman. She had huge, 36D breasts, an almost impossibly narrow waist, wide hips that promise a wild but comfortable ride, a round ass that turned heads everywhere she went, and long legs that seem to go on for eternity.

Although she had no trouble attracting sexual partners, in the previous two days, she had too busy with other things to find one. For Debra, forty-eight hours without a dick to play with was a major fuck-famine. Her best friend and next door neighbor, Wilma Parker, had been keeping her up to her neck in charitable functions and committee meetings. She hadn't even had time to think about getting laid. She came home each evening too exhausted to do anything but flop down on the bed and go to sleep.

She had fucked nearly every highschool and college athlete in town. She haunted dance clubs and singles bars searching for a man with a big enough cock to satisfy her. The biggest she had ever had was just under nine inches long. Frustratingly, the college student it was attached to was on a hair trigger. He had cum almost as soon as she had gotten it in her mouth and hadn't been able to get hard again. She dreamed of finding another dick that big that was attached to someone who knew how to use it.

Unfortunately, the only available male, after her two days of celibacy, seemed to be Herbie Smithson, the geeky kid she had hired to do her lawn and garden work. It was Wednesday, Herbie's day to work. The kid probably didn't have much of a cock, but fucking him would take the edge off until she could find someone decent.

Besides, even if he had a small dick, seducing an innocent youth like Herbie was kind of fun. It always gave her absolute control. She was certain that an eighteen year old as dweebish as Herbie was probably a virgin. It was likely that his only experience with sex was beating off to internet porn.

Meanwhile, Herbie was meticulously trimming the hedges in front of the house. He did lawn and garden work all over town. Most of the people he worked for were the families of friends from school. That was certainly the case with his job mowing the lawn for the Parkers next door. Willie Parker and Herbie had grown up together and Herbie was there so often that he had practically become part of the furniture in the Parker household.

In recent months that dynamic had changed radically. He'd been spending a good deal more time with Mrs. Parker than Willie. It had started when he had spent the weekend at Willie's house. One of the boys almost always spent the weekend at the other one's house. They had for years. Willie was as much a fixture in the Smithson household as Herbie was at the Parker's. Whose house they spent the weekend at depended, for the most part, on where they were on Friday night when they got tired enough to turn in.

On the night that changed everything, as Herbie liked to call it, he had just taken a shower and was emerging from the upstairs bathroom when he literally bumped into Wilma Parker.

When both the boys were little their mothers had decided that if they were going to spend some much time weekending between houses they should be prepared. Each kept a bathrobe, pajamas, and a change of clothes at the other family's house.

On that particular night, Herbie had forgotten to take bathrobe with him when he went to take a shower. So, he wrapped a towel around his middle figuring that it would keep him looking vaguely decent just going from the bathroom to the bedroom.

Wilma had come up the stairs at a dead run. She hadn't realized the time. She'd gotten into watching a movie on television and had just lost track of things. Even though the next day was Saturday she had to work. She sold real estate and had to show a house very early in the morning. She needed to get some sleep so that she'd be on top of the situation the next day.

She was just passing the bathroom door when Herbie emerged. She was going so fast that when she hit him they were both knocked flat on their respective butts on the hallway floor. Falling down had knocked the towel loose from the kid's waist. When he saw Mrs. Parker's huge, braless tits dance and bounce inside her t-shirt when she landed on the floor he sprouted instant wood. That made the towel fall away completely.

Flustered and surprised, Wilma stared at Herbie's hard on with awe.

"My god," she thought, "That thing must be a foot long!"

Herbie was barely five feet tall and thin as a rail. She couldn't imagine how a kid that small could have an organ that big. She unconsciously licked her lips as she stared at it.

Herbie was mortified. Sure, he had lusted after Mrs. Parker since he had first hit puberty. But, he had never wanted her to know it. She was his best friend's mom. But he couldn't help springing that boner. It happened every time he saw the curve of her tits inside her clothing.

In complete panic he grabbed the towel to cover himself, leaped to his feet, and loudly squeaked, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Parker!" as he ran as fast as he could to the guest bedroom.

Wilma just sat on the floor in the middle of the hallway absolutely flabbergasted. She had never seen a penis that big. She had not known there could even be a penis that big. It wasn't just the length either. It was almost as thick as her wrist.

That night she slept fitfully. She couldn't stop thinking about the prodigious appendage that had waved in the air between Herbie's skinny thighs. She kept wondering and dreaming about what it would feel like inside her.

Finally she couldn't stand it any more. She crept into the guest bedroom and seduced the boy. Wilma and Herbie had been fucking like rabbits every chance they got since then.

It was Wilma who had talked Debra into hiring Herbie. Wilma knew what a size queen her friend was. But, she didn't tell her friend about what the boy was packing. Wilma wanted Debra to be as surprised as she had been that night in the hallway. Since then she had been giving the boy little hints about how to handle her best friend. She told him what to listen and look for so that he could recognize when the other woman was angling to seduce him. She had also given him some direction on what kinds of things to say and do to take control of the situation so that Debra Fenway would be following his lead instead of the other way around.

While Herbie worked on the front hedge Debra tried to decide what to wear to seduce the little dweeb. She didn't want subtlety or foreplay. She just wanted to fuck. She finally decided on a v-neck sweater that would show off her generous cleavage and a skirt that she knew was a half size too small that would hug the luscious curves of her ass like a second skin. She didn't bother with a bra or panties. That would add too much time to undressing and getting down to business. She slipped her feet into a pair of flip flops and headed downstairs.

As Herbie was making his final trims to the hedge he heard a female voice call out behind him.

"Herbie," Debra said, "when you finish up could you come in for a moment, please?"

"Sure, Mrs. Fenway," Herbie answered, not looking back at the woman, "I'll be in as soon as I put away the tools."

"There's no hurry for that," Debra responded, "You can put them away later."

Herbie almost dropped the hedge shears. Mrs. Fenway had always been very fussy about having everything stored properly and immediately. One of the things that Wilma had told him to watch for was any serious deviation from Mrs. Fenway's normal priorities. Could this be the moment that he'd been waiting for? Would he finally get to see his employer's huge tits?

When he turned around to face the house Debra Fenway was swiftly walking toward him. The thin material of her sweater could barely contain the massive flesh of her breasts. They danced and bounced wildly with the rhythm of her gait. The poor boy didn't know where to look first, at her deep cleavage, her long legs, or her wide, inviting hips. He knew, however, from the instructions that he'd gotten from Wilma, that where he most needed to look was straight into her eyes. He didn't know where he got the strength to do it, but he managed.

As he looked into her round, hazel eyes she said, "You've been working very hard, Herbie. You deserve a break," then she added with a smirk, "and perhaps a treat."

Herbie nodded as he put down the hedge shears. He was certain, at that point, that the day was finally upon him. She was dressed to show everything off. He desperately wanted to stare into the vast, round valley between her ponderous jugs, but he knew that he couldn't...yet.

It was made that much more difficult by the fact that she was standing directly in front of him. She was head and shoulders taller that he, which put her ponderous breasts right at eye level. Still he maintained eye contact.

Debra suddenly wasn't sure what to make of her lawn boy. No male had ever held her eyes for that long. Even the strongest men she knew would, at least, try to covertly glance at her tits. Her chesty bounty was hanging right in front of his face and his eyes had not moved from hers. It was especially odd given his age. They average eighteen-year-old usually had complete conversations with her cleavage and never looked up at her even once. This kid, no, this young man, held a steady gaze at her rather than her body. She decided, just for that alone, she would make this a special experience for him. Maybe she'd even let him take a little bit of control as a bonus.

"Come into the house," Debra said, smiling sweetly, "You should rest a bit and have a cold drink."

With that she turned on her heel and walked back toward her house, giving her hips a little extra swing as she walked.

"This will get his motor running," she thought wickedly.

Herbie took the brief opportunity to look at her round, swaying butt. He almost sprouted wood right then and there. Her ass was so round and luscious. But, he quickly regained his self control, fought down the rush of blood to his cock. He knew that he couldn't let her see what he was packing just yet. He raised his eyes to the back of her head.

Just before opening her front door Debra turned her head around to say, "Well, don't just stand there. Come on in."

Herbie was still looking her straight in the eye.

"What's with this kid?" she thought, "I should have been able to catch him staring at my ass. Something is wrong. Is it him or me?"

Herbie followed her into the house, through the front hallway, into the living room.

"Have a seat," said the stacked, older woman, pointing to the couch, "I'll be right back."

As she entered the kitchen she glanced back to see if Herbie was watching her. He wasn't. He was seating himself on the couch which faced the other direction.

After pouring a soft drink for the young man she ran to the far end of the kitchen where there was a back stairway to the second floor. She hurried to her bedroom to frantically exchange her sweater for her tiniest bikini top.

She paused to look at herself in the mirror thinking, "If this doesn't get his attention then he's either gay or stupid."

Then she ran back down to the kitchen, grabbed the drink, and sashayed sexily into the living room. She swayed around the end of the couch to set the full glass down on the coffee table in front of the couch, swinging her full, barely covered, breasts right in the young man's face.

Herbie took the invitation to gaze at her mammalian bounty, but only for a few seconds. He, then, immediately raised his eyes back up to meet hers.

At that point Herbie's eye contact was starting to rattle the horny cougar. This was rapidly becoming less about sex and more about reassuring herself of her power as a seductress.

She was, of course, completely unaware that her cub of the day was going through a few changes as well. He was finding an inner strength that he hadn't realized he possessed. The more he maintained eye contact with the woman the easier it became. The easier it became the stronger and more confident he felt.

"Here you go," Debra purred as she set the glass on the table before the young man.

"Thank you, Mrs. Fenway," Herbie said.

Debra sat down beside her lawn boy, tucked one long leg beneath her, pressed her enormous jugs against his arm, and said flirtatiously, "Call me Debra. 'Mrs. Fenway' make me feel old. You don't want me to feel old, do you?"

"No," the young man responded, then added, "Debra."

The carnally preoccupied woman was finding it harder to meet Herbie's relentless gaze. She glanced down to his trousers to see if she was getting any sort of reaction.

As she put her hand on the young man's thin thigh he thought, "Now."

Herbie stopped fighting down his need to spring a boner. He let the blood flow freely into his somnolent monster.

Debra smiled triumphantly when she saw the sudden stirring the young man's trousers.

"It's about fucking time," she thought.

Suddenly something hot and hard bumped the side of her hand. Then it grew underneath and past her hand. By the time it had reached its full length Debra's smile had turned to slack-jawed astonishment.

"This has to be some sort of trick," she thought, "It can't be real."

But her hand told her otherwise. She could feel the throbbing heat of Herbie's foot long fucker through the cloth of his pants. Her pussy moistened and her nipples hardened as she stared with awe at the massive trouser bulge.

Herbie noticed her reaction. He felt stronger and more confident than he ever had in his life. He ran all of the scenarios that he and Wilma had discussed through his head. None of them quite fit this moment. He decided to improvise by doing something audacious. It was something he had seen women do countless times when they caught a man staring at their breasts.

He put his hand gently under the cougar's chin, slowly lifted he head until their eyes met, and said softly, "I'm up here."

Debra Fenway was suddenly very embarrassed. She couldn't begin to count the number of times that she had said that to men who were staring at her tits. Her face turned red with shame.

"I'm sorry," she stammered, "It's just that...I mean how could such a skinny kid...I'm sorry. It's so big!"

It was Herbie's turn to smile triumphantly.

"Do you always stare at men's erections?" he asked.

He was as surprised by the question as she was. It was the first time that he had ever thought of himself as a man instead of a boy.

"O-of course not," she sputtered, "It just took me by surprise, that's all."

She had not removed her hand from his cloth covered manhood. She was squeezing it rhythmically as though to assure herself of its reality.

Herbie had never felt so powerful. He remembered Wilma had told him about seizing control of the situation, never let it go for a moment. Keep Debra off balance.

"Mrs. Fenway," he paused for effect then continued, "Debra, if some man was staring at, then suddenly fondling some part of your body would you accept 'It took me by surprise' as an explanation?"

She jerked her hand away from his cock as though she'd been scalded.

Her demoralized head lowered, she murmured, "No."

The wounded cougar hugged herself tightly as though trying to reverse course and hide her massive breasts.

"I mean," the young man asked, "what would you do if I had been staring at your big tits..."

She hated it when a man called them anything but breasts, but she was too humiliated to put up much of an argument.

"...and then started to do this?" he continued as he reached into her bikini top to squeeze one huge boob.

Debra gasped at the contact and instinctively leaned into his hand. She mumbled an answer that Herbie didn't quite understand. Confused and humiliated she tried to work out how this had gone so wrong. All she had wanted was to fuck her lawn boy. How could she have known that he had suck a huge dick? She'd spent her adult life looking for a cock that size and there it was on this dorky kid whom she should have been able to seduce and throw away in no time flat. Yet, she sat demeaned by that same teenager while he felt her up.

For Herbie it was incredible. It was beyond anything her had ever dared to imagine. He was feeling up Debra Fenway while she apologized for feeling him up. Her tits were every bit as soft and firm as he had imagined. He could hardly wait to get his stiff boner between them. He wasn't sure which felt better, her tits or the power trip. He wanted nothing more, in that moment, than to just throw her to the floor and fuck her brains out. But, he knew he had to stick to the plan.

"What was that, Debra?" he asked sternly, "I didn't hear you."

"I said, 'I'd slap your face off and have you arrested'. Is that what you wanted to hear?" she whined bitterly.

"Yes," he said as he released his grip on her tit and withdrew his hand from her bikini top.

Her breast suddenly felt cold where the young man's firm hand had been. It hadn't been like the usual teenage grope. It had been the secure yet gentle caress of a man who knew what he was doing. Confused, annoyed, and embarrassed as she was, she wanted it back.

"Look," she said, trying to regain some level of dignity and control, "I'm sorry."

"You said that," the young man retorted, "But, what are you sorry about? Is it that you stared and felt me up, that you got called out on it, or is it just that your not going to get laid today?"

"Listen you arrogant, little shit," Debra shouted angrily, "I was offering you a ride on one of the best bodies you'll ever see! Half the men in this town would cut off their left leg just to get one hand on my tits for even half the time you were fondling it! Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"I'm the guy with the twelve inch cock the you haven't stopped staring at since it got hard," Herbie said smugly.

"Twelve inches?" she thought with amazement, "He's got a foot long hotdog in there? No wonder he's got so much attitude. He can afford to with a cock like that. What woman would turn him down? I sure as hell wouldn't."

Herbie was at the hardest part of the scheme. He knew that he would need all of whatever strength he thought he had to do what he needed to do to, as Wilma had put it, seal the deal. He didn't just need to keep this hot cougar off balance. He needed to make her almost demand to be kept off balance.

That's why he said, "I should go."

"What?" said the shocked woman.

"I'll go store the yard tools. Then I should leave," Herbie said flatly. As he started walking towards the front door he stopped, turned around and added, "and you should probably find yourself a new lawn boy."

Then he turned to resume walking.

"Shit!" the beautiful, horny cougar thought, "Now what? He's leaving. He's got a twelve inch cock, the biggest one I've ever found. If he can use it anywhere near as well as he used his hand on my tit I want it!

But, I can't beg for it. I haven't begged for anything since my boobs grew in. I'm not going to start now.

That kid with the big dick is leaving!"

Just as Herbie was reaching for the doorknob Debra shouted, "Wait!"

Herbie stopped and turned to face her.

There was a long silence before either of them spoke again. The tension in the air was so thick that one would have needed a chainsaw to cut through it.

Finally, the nearly tamed cougar said softly, "Don't go," and after another long silence added, "please."

"Tell me why," the young man demanded.

"I want you," she said.

"Me or just my cock?"

"Yes, you, your cock, both."

He stared into her eyes with such intensity that she had to look away. She had never felt so helpless or humiliated. She had never felt so horny. Her vaginal juices were soaking into the sofa cushion. Her nipples were so hard that they hurt.