The Cult


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I took Bethany in my arms, hugging her, calming her. "It's alright, Angel. If she needs to know, to understand, I want to answer her questions. I need her to understand and to be happy. Please, don't be cross with her. It breaks my heart."

She hugged me back, kissing my chest. "I hate to see anything interrupt your work. It's so important."

"No piece of paper, no matter how old or how precious, matters near as much to me as you. She's part of you, and as such, she matters more than anything else." I kissed her softly and turned to face Lilith, averting my eyes. "Ask, please."

"Why won't you look at me? How come it's okay for you to look at her, hold her, kiss her, and you won't even look at me?" She sounded upset, and I knew I had to tread lightly.

"She's my companion. I have no secrets from her. I share my life with her."

"Do you have secrets from me?"

"No, Lilith. Ask and I will tell you anything."

She appeared upset. "Please look at me, Joshua. You're hurting my feelings."

I looked into her eyes, and drew her close, hugging her gently. "I'm sorry. I never want to hurt you. I ... I'm just embarrassed. You are too pretty, too tempting. Seeing you naked is difficult."

"Worse than seeing my sister? At least I'm wearing panties."

"She's my companion, Lilith. Koinônos."

"And what am I?" she asked, her arms encircling me, her hands rubbing my back.

"You're her sister. Our guest. My conscience."

"Your conscience?" she asked eagerly.

"I think so. That's why it's so important you understand and agree with what I'm doing. Tell me it's wrong and I'll stop. I told you that. Tell me to send you two away and I will. The only thing I won't do is stop my work."

"But you said I can't command you."

"You can't. You can't make me stand on one leg. You can't make me submit to you. What you can do is tell me I'm doing something wrong and I will heed you."

"Is that my purpose?"

I looked down into her eager face, feeling more than a little guilty. I brushed her hair back. "Your purpose is between you and Him. All I know is that it is very important to me, essential even, that you understand and approve. So ask me anything."

"Is it wrong for me to help Beth? Help her take care of you?"

"It is only wrong if you do it for any reason other than your honest desire to help. Don't do it out of guilt, or gratitude, or guile. Do it because you believe it's the right thing to do."

"I do, Joshua. I ... I think I'm supposed to help her. It's a difficult thing and she works so hard. I think I was meant to come here, to confront you, to understand, and to support her. She has always been the one to support me. Now she needs my help. I want to help her. Please tell me it's okay. I know I'm not your companion, I wasn't chosen, but I can help."

I leaned down and kissed her lightly. "Thank you."

She stood on tiptoe and kissed me back. "I can help?"

"You are welcome to do whatever you feel you should. My home is open to you. I won't question your decisions or reasons. Thank you."

"You won't be embarrassed to see me like her, or for me to see you? I swear I won't tease you again."

I smiled, shaking my head. "You will test my will, beautiful child. But no, I accept you as you are, part of us."

Bethany interceded. "Any more questions troublemaker, or can the man do what he's destined to? Have you forgotten what we saw? Are you going to keep delaying what we both know is what he should be doing?"

Lilith blushed. "I needed to know, Beth. No more questions."

Bethany kissed me lightly. "I think you can finish on your own now. Breakfast will be ready when you are. Don't let us get in your way today." She climbed out of the shower and Lilith turned to follow her. Then little sis turned back and kissed me. She grinned. "No questioning," she teased.

Thank God they left. A few more seconds, and I'd need their help with my 'release' again.

* * *

The girls were cheerful at breakfast. Chatterboxes, discussing their plans for the day. Lilith talked about school for a bit. Bethany said she needed to do some shopping, then she'd go to work.

Me? I had the beginnings of a plan in mind. A rather dastardly one and it was time to start acting upon it.

I told them I'd be out a good part of the day. Research required, part of my essential tasks.

"It's alright if I come over after school, if Beth is not here, right?" Lilith asked nervously.

I turned to Bethany. "Make her a key." Looking back at Lilith, I told her, "You're welcome any time. My home is your home. I thought we were clear on that. If you don't understand, please ask me anything."

"No," she said anxiously as her sister glared at her. "I understand, I just, I guess I wanted to let you know that I'd be coming over."

I nodded. "You might want to spend a little time today making friends with Hercules. He's a little more suspicious than I am. There are treats in the pantry."

"You're sure you don't mind?"

"Not at all. I should warn you, sometimes I get a little cranky when working. I might not be the most sociable."

"Don't worry about me. I won't get in your way. I promise. I can keep out from underfoot. Besides, I have a lot of studying I need to do myself."

My initial plans were simple enough. I wanted to build on the illusion of my purpose and moral authority. I was God's mouthpiece and tool. I think I had the girls believing that, but I wanted to reinforce it.

No more sloppy robes or baggy shorts around the house. I thought of Hugh Hefner and his iconic smoking jackets. I wanted something similar. The papers I worked with had to seem immensely important. The way I had them scattered around the study undermined that. Images of spiritual intent should be commonplace, a reminder of what we were doing. Maybe I could formalize something at our meals. So many little things, and no time like the present to start.

* * *

My outing was a success, and I arranged for the prints to be framed and delivered within the week. The additional wardrobe selections from Neiman Marcus I was able to take with me immediately.

A couple of hours at Mardels, the Christian bookstore, provided enough religious and spiritual decor items to outfit a dozen homes. Among the things I wanted to do was to create some rituals, reinforcing the moral authority. In fact, my goal was to slowly convince the girls to suggest the rituals, as if they were handed down from on high and not my idea. That might be a little tricky.

I also spent a good amount of time doing research at the library, where nobody was looking over my shoulder. I needed to find some resources, technical ones, that would help me in my machinations.

Some of the ideas were very basic. When I got home, the girls were gone. I dressed in one of my new robes and went to work removing the door to my room. I made copies of my fake documents, and put the originals in frames and placed them in Grandpa's gun safe, which I'd never had cause to use before.

I was back at work in the study, instead of my usual place in the living room. I wanted to create clear, identifiable regions of my home. The place was huge, over 8,000 square feet. The upstairs had been closed off ever since I'd moved in. The downstairs was more than spacious enough for my needs. I was considering opening up the second floor if needed.

Hercules barked when Bethany arrived back home. I heard her moving about and waited. Sure enough, she peeked in on me at my desk, and left me alone, moving quieter.

I was working on creating a translation of my original concept for the first couple of chapters. I knew that at some point I'd need help, but I wanted to keep it secret. I figured I could farm out one or two lines to different people, and keep the subject matter a mystery. I looked up and Bethany was standing quietly in the doorway.

"Come in, please," I urged her.

"I didn't want to interrupt."

I resisted the urge to tell her not to worry about it. "Thank you."

She smiled. "Would you like a late lunch? I thought I would cook us something before I go to work. I have to be in by four."

"That would be perfect. Please let me know when it's ready." I had left one of my purchases out and wondered if she'd pick up on it.

Fifteen minutes later, I heard the chimes. Grinning, I got up, and she met me in the doorway. "I thought I could ring the chimes to let you know that food would be ready in a couple of minutes, in case you wanted to finish something up or wash."

"That's a wonderful idea. Where'd you find the chimes?"

She looked at me oddly. "They were in the kitchen."

"Really? I don't remember them. No matter, I probably never noticed. Thank you."

Never noticed? I hoped I wasn't getting too carried away. The thing was eighteen inches high, and nearly a foot across. A dozen brass hanging tubes, in an ornate frame, with a striker hanging from the side.

We ate together, she asked me about my work, I lied, and everything was good. She told me she liked my robe and I explained I needed a new one, the other was dirty. She said I should get more like the one I had. Not a problem, four more were hanging in my closet, all identical, in royal purple. Two were one order in stark white, with gold trim. Another in burgundy

"What happened to your study door? Is it broken?" she asked.

"No. I don't want there to be anything between me and you. I'll remove the door to my bedroom later. I always want to be accessible to you."

She smiled for me. Damn, she was a pretty girl. And I was a conniving bastard.

As she cleared the table, I followed her into the kitchen. "Do you have a few minutes?"

She stopped what she was doing, and turned to face me. "Of course. All my minutes are yours."

"I'd like you to consider moving in here with your sister. I hope that doesn't sound offensive."

"Offensive? Why?"

"Cohabiting. Some might interpret it badly."

She laughed. "That's silly. Are you sure, Joshua? I don't want to intrude."

"I'm positive. I ... I had a vision of you and your sister here, sleeping in the same room, two twin beds. The room looked different, less sterile, more lived in. Pictures on the wall that were more personal. If I'm out of line here, tell me."

"No, Joshua. You're not out of line. I'd love to live here and be available to you. Our apartment means nothing to me. I'd be happy to pay you rent."

"Rent? This house is paid off. It's been in the family for four generations. I need no rent. I'd rather you use your money for yourself and your sister. I can easily afford to keep you here, and feed you."

"I'm not sure I'd feel right, living here for free," she argued.

"Let's not argue. For now, let's take care of getting you out of your lease and moved in. You can use the truck in the garage. I'll help of course."

"No! That would be taking time away from your work. I know you have important things to do. We can take care of it. The apartment is a month-to-month rental. We can walk away from it tomorrow. Maybe this weekend we can move out. I'll have to talk to Lilith of course."

"Of course. She needs to be happy with the decision."

I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Thank you. Knowing you are around makes me happy. I work so much better after seeing you." I kissed her softly and grinned. "That should hold me until the early morning hours."

She laughed and gave me a kiss back. "It won't have to. I'm going in early and have the after work shift. I'll be home before ten unless things get crazy."

One of my goals was to encourage lots of physical contact, hugs, and kisses in particular. Make them feel comfortable with touching and being touched. A lot. That seemed to be working. I stole another hug and returned to my work.

I felt I was making progress. Little steps, I had to remind myself.

I heard the door security chime as Bethany prepared to leave. I rushed out to catch her. "No goodbye?" I called out.

She jogged back to me. "You were working, I didn't want to interrupt."

"I like to know when you arrive and leave. I like to know when you're around."

She gave me a hug and a kiss. "I'll do better. Now will that hold you for a few hours?"

I grinned and hugged her back, longer, tighter. I kissed her a little longer. Nothing crazy, that wasn't my intention. "That will hold me."

She laughed, poking me. She waved as she started walking away.

"You're not driving?" I said.

"Lilith needed the car. I'm busing it today."

"Nonsense. I have four vehicles in the garage. Take any one of them. My home is your home, as is anything in it."

I could see her hesitating. "The keys are all hanging in the kitchen pantry. Select one. You'd look gorgeous behind the wheel of the Hummer, why not take that?"

"I couldn't, Joshua. It's too nice."

"Ridiculous. Nothing is too nice for you. I insist. Take the Hummer."

She hesitated a little longer. "You're sure?"

I took her by the hand, walked her into the house, and pulled a key off the rack. I handed it to her. "I'm positive. I'll feel better knowing you're driving, rather than walking or taking public transportation. Please, for me."

She gave me a longer hug, a kiss with tongue, then she pulled away, blushing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

I laughed, kissing her back. "I'm celibate, not dead. That was wonderful. Now go, before you're late."

She ran out and I watched her perfect little ass the whole way. Mine. It would soon be mine.

* * *

One of the problems that I'd created for myself was finding any privacy. I wanted to appear to be totally available, but I also had a lot of things I wanted to do on the sly without the girls knowing about it. An old mansion like Corycia had a lot of advantages when it came to that.

I'd first learned about some of the building's unusual features when I'd had the modern security installed. The entire wing I'd been living in had once been the servants' quarters, and the upstairs had contained the family living areas. Ages ago someone had walled in the narrow servants passages and the small stairwell to the upstairs, leaving only the central staircase. This was discovered by the security crew and led me to unearthing the building plans among Grandpa's papers. A servant's entrance had been located, also walled in, as were a series of upstairs passages between the rooms. At the time, after seeing the state of disrepair and filthiness, I'd left them closed off.

Now I was thinking twice about that decision.

The house had a lot of architectural detail common over a hundred years ago, but not so much nowadays. There was extensive custom cabinetry, bookshelves, wainscoting, railing and the like. Framed-in wall sections, and additional things like built-in closets, rooms converted to bathrooms and expanded, as well as many other features that didn't match the original plans.

The servant rooms had once numbered seven, with two large shared bathrooms and a common area. Now there were four bedrooms, three baths, and a storage room. Mine was the largest and was one of two rooms with private baths. Bethany had the only other room on the main floor with its own bath. The two rooms between ours shared a Jack-and-Jill bath.

Of most interest to me was the passage behind all the servants' rooms. It started in mine, passed behind the others with the access walled off, and ended in what was now the storage room, but had once been the stairwell upstairs. Grandpa claimed that it had once provided late-night private access to the servants' rooms. I could only imagine what for.

With the house vacant, I was able to enter the passage from the storage room without concern for privacy. It was unlit so I entered the dreary hallway, not much wider than my shoulders, with a flashlight in hand. I could smell the dust and mold, and was constantly brushing away cobwebs as I explored the area. The presence of the previous doorways was not hidden as they were from within the bedrooms.

The first gave way with only a modicum of effort. It opened inward into the passage from the closet in Bethany's room. Food for thought. The next was sealed off and I figured the room it was designed to enter was now the bathroom, and the bathtub was on the other side. The third opened into the middle of the wall in one of the empty rooms, blocked by the bed that was now centered on that wall. The next appeared to lead to the shared bathroom, again completely sealed off. The third bedroom was now being used to house excess furniture, and no amount of effort on my part could open that hidden door more than an inch or so.

My nose was itching and I felt dirty wandering down that dark tunnel. The wooden floor had soft spots, the wall studs were exposed, and the ceiling was several feet high overhead, exposing the flooring structure above. I avoided touching the dirty walls any more than was absolutely necessary. A few feet before the passage ended in a bare wall, the last doors were visible. One on each side. The one on the right provided access to my room, the one on the left had once been an exit, but now opened into the spacious garage that had been added on over 50 years earlier.

The simple cross board that kept the door to my room sealed lifted out of place with just a little groaning of the wood. This door, like the first in Bethany's closet, opened into the passage, and not into the rooms like the others. With a loud shriek, the hinges performed their duty and opened wide. The burst of light was almost blinding. I entered my bedroom, and pulled the door closed, using the chair railing as a handle. I was amazed at how well the door was concealed by the design of the wall. With the back brace removed it opened outward with a simple push, and a noisy metallic squeal.

It gave me ideas, mischievous ideas, which I would act on once I had more private time at my disposal.

I covered up any evidence of my exploration and took a few minutes to remove the door to the bedroom, cramming it into the room next door, already full of furniture. Satisfied with my progress, I took a long shower to wash off the hundred-year-old dust.

Exiting my bathroom, wearing only a towel, I heard little sis wandering the hallway, calling out my name. It appeared I'd finished in the nick of time. "In here, Lilith," I called out.

She turned my way spotting me through the open doorway. I casually dropped my towel and pulled one of my new robes out of the closet.

"Hi Joshua," she chirped, standing just inside my door.

I belted my robe, turned and gave her a big hug. "How was your day?" I asked, holding on to her.

She shrugged, smiling. "Same old. Where's your door?"

I gave her the same spiel I'd given her sister about free access. Then I tilted her head up and gave her a short kiss before putting my arm around her waist, and escorting her back down the hall. She reached over and felt the material of my robe. "This is nice," she said. "Nicer than your old one."

"Thank you," I replied, turning toward the main part of the house. She followed along meekly as I guided her toward the couch. Sitting, I started telling her about my suggested change in living arrangements.

"Bethany wants to discuss it with you first. I've invited you both, and would cherish your presence. My home will be yours, my possessions yours, outside of the documents I'm working on. Please tell me you'll consider my wish."

"Live here? All the time?"

"If you would be so kind. Your being here invigorates me. It makes my work so much easier. It makes me happy."

"It won't bother you? I don't want to interfere."

I put my arm around her and pulled her close. I kissed her forehead, affectionately. "It's what I want."

She leaned into me, her hand sliding inside my robe, rubbing my chest. "Does this mean ... are you going to ... I mean, you and Beth?"

I chuckled and gave her a squeeze. "This doesn't change our relationships. She is still my koinônos, and you are still my conscience. If it's wrong, you have but to say so."
