The Damned New Bathing Suit Ch. 01


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"What's up dude?" his father asked him.

"Hi Dad," he replied, still keeping his eyes on the TV. "How did it go today?"

"Ninety-four. Best out of the three though" he answered, his tone revealing that he wasn't that pleased with his score even though it was the lowest of the threesome that played.

Kyle didn't see the need to keep up that subject any longer and so did not answer.

Megan ran upstairs to change as his father went into the kitchen and got a beer from the refrigerator. The house was quiet until his mom came downstairs. Kyle turned on the couch so that he could see her and was relieved to see she had changed out of that damned bathing suit. She now wore a summer blouse and pair of shorts and while this outfit did little to hide her curves it certainly covered them much better. She went into the kitchen area and gave his dad a big hug and kiss to welcome him home. As she turned around to go to the pantry he reached around her waist and pulled her to him, planting a big sloppy kiss on the back of her neck as he growled at the same time.

"Oooooo! Stop! Stop!" she squealed but his dad held her tight and continued his assault.

After a moment he let her go and she sprinted away wiping his saliva off her neck at the same time.

"You're horrible!" she shrieked. Then she went to the pantry and refrigerator and started pulling out items that would eventually become dinner.

In about an hour the whole family sat down for a fine summer meal of grilled hamburgers, potato salad and coleslaw. Kyle did his best to look elsewhere but found himself frequently glancing over at his mom, looking at her blouse, knowing how her tits looked beneath all the cloth, grateful that he had jacked off earlier so that he wouldn't be getting an unwanted erection, at least not right away.

A week or so passed and she still wore the damned bathing suit on a daily basis, at least when the weather permitted. Kyle still had some guilty feelings about how he fantasized about his mother and so tended to stay in the house when she was out in the sun. He still found himself watching her from a distance however. The shock he experienced after seeing her in the revealing suit the first time had worn off a bit but he still would catch a quick look when she came through the house wearing it wondering why she thought there was no problem in putting on such a tiny bit of swimwear in front of her own son.

The next Saturday brought weather that was not conducive to sunbathing. His Dad was out of town on business and Megan was, once again, off at a friend's house which left he and his mom home alone. It was dark and overcast outside and there had been frequent showers throughout the day along with some far away thunder but nothing serious. Kyle watched TV as his mom occupied herself with some real estate work on the kitchen table. There was some thunder in the distance growing a bit louder but no flashes of lightening as yet.

Suddenly an awful, grinding blare came from the TV startling Kyle and his mother. It was the beginning of an emergency broadcast system warning. The screen then shifted to a local weather man standing in front of a Doppler radar screen that was lit up with brilliant reds, greens, oranges and yellows all forming a band that moved from west to east as he spoke with a serious tone.

"This is serious folks," he began. "There are confirmed sightings of at least two tornadoes right here along this band and if you look at this section we can already see that buttonhook formation developing meaning that more tornadoes may form at any moment. If you're in your home please take shelter in the lowest part of your house immediately. If you're in an apartment get to a spot that's away from the windows. There is a strong possibility of flying debris and, as you may know, that's what causes most injuries and deaths during these storms. If you're on the road, take cover somewhere fast."

He immediately got Kyle's attention. "Hey mom, isn't that just southwest of us?"

Mother Nature answered his question with a bright flash of lightning followed immediately by clap of thunder that sounded as if large cannons had gone off in their front yard. As if it were pre-arranged, the house simultaneously lost power, leaving Kyle and his mother in near total darkness. Rain and wind, heavy and fast, began to pummel the house causing a loud roar that seemed to grow stronger by the second.

His mother let loose a high pitched shriek at the booming thunder and ran into the living area. Kyle quickly got up and went to her. His mother was a smart and confident woman but he knew she was deathly afraid of big thunderstorms.

"We need to get downstairs, mom, fast!" Kyle exclaimed.

He firmly gripped her arm and led her to the door that led to the basement stairs. Kyle went in first and grabbed a battery powered lantern and a large flashlight that hung from the wall on the right. He switched on the flashlight and held it and the lantern with one hand as he led his terrified mother down the stairs and into the basement.

"What's happening? It's too loud, too loud. Call your dad, call Megan," she babbled.

"There's no time. Come on!" Kyle said loudly so that he might be heard above the storm.

The basement served mainly as storage for the household. There had been plans to convert it into a recreation room or offices or extra bedrooms but these had not yet come to pass and so there were boxes and unused furniture scattered around the area. Over in one corner was an old couch with an older coffee table in front of it. Small windows, close to the ceiling seemed to flash continuously as the lightning and thunder raged outside. He led her over to the couch which was well away from any of the windows.

She was shrieking, becoming more panicked with every new loud peal of thunder. Kyle sat her down on the old couch and put the lantern on the coffee table. He put his arm around her shoulder to try and calm her down but she grew more afraid as the storm pounded their home.

Suddenly the sound of the rain died down but was quickly replaced by a louder low rumbling. Kyle knew what the sound was even though he had never heard it before. It did indeed sound like a train and he gripped her tighter as it grew louder. She heard it too and screamed as she tried to get up from the couch at the same time.

"Mom don't get up!" shouted Kyle. He stood up with her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind then pulled her back down to the couch. The noise of the storm was deafening now and the lightning seemed almost continuous, flashing through the windows like a strobe light. He held her tightly, pulling her in close to keep her in place as she struggled to stand up and run away.

Then, as if by some unseen command, the fury of the storm abated. The rain and wind which had been pounding the house suddenly slowed and the train like rumble disappeared. The rain dropped down to a gentle, familiar patter and the thunder now seemed more distant.

She was still scared but struggled less now although Kyle still kept a firm hold around her waist. Then she took in a couple of deep breaths and relaxed some, bowing her head and sighing in relief that the storm was over.

"It's OK now mom. I think it's blown over," he said as he loosened his grip but still kept hold of her. Both of them breathed more easily now. The danger was over.

Then, unconsciously and without having planned it, Kyle leaned forward and kissed his mother on the back of the neck.

She jerked a bit but did not squeak or squeal like she did when his father did it. Instead she slowly turned her head to the side giving him a clear view of her neck. The lantern on the table in front of them cast shadows on the wall and old couch but also lit up her head and neck. She held that position. Kyle hesitated for just a second then bent his head down and kissed her again, a little longer this time.

"Mmmm," she moaned softly.

Kyle moved his lips around the base and left side of her neck allowing his tongue to make contact with her soft skin at the same time. He left a wet trail up to her hairline, tracing small circles with his tongue as he went along. She tilted her head to the other side signaling that he should pay attention there as well and so he obliged her, opening his mouth wider and using more pressure as he explored her neck.

His heart began to pound as he kept on but he thought that she would stop him at any moment and regain her senses and composure that had been so shaken by the fierce storm. He released his hands from her waist and she shifted her position a bit away from him. He paused and took his mouth off her neck, feeling that she would stand up from the couch and there would be an embarrassed and awkward silence afterwards.

But, instead, she took hold of his hands and brought them up to her breasts. She pushed his hands onto her large tits and he felt her hard nipples pushing through her bra. Slowly she began moving her hands on top of his, showing him that he should rub and massage them. Kyle gathered handfuls of her firm breasts and kneaded them with his fingers, careful not to be too rough. In response she reached her arms around behind her and started rubbing his thighs, allowing her fingers to drift to the inside of his crotch but not making contact with his dick just yet.

He returned to her neck feeling tiny goose bumps on her skin as he ran his tongue and lips along her sensitive areas. He was fully hard right now and he moved forward a bit allowing her right hand to touch his dick. She took hold of him and began to rub and massage it through his shorts, feeling every bit that she could despite the awkward position. Kyle moved faster now, kissing her neck and massaging her tits a bit harder than before. She suddenly stood up, pulling his hands away from her breasts as she did.

This bit of bad judgment was over now, Kyle thought. They would have either a long talk about why it was wrong and never speak of it again or they would simply ignore the incident and have it hang over their heads like a sword forever. He swore inwardly, cursing himself for starting the whole thing, confused as to how it might affect their relationship from now on.

But then she quickly stripped off her top and pulled her bra over her head without bothering to unsnap it and then threw the garments across the room. Without hesitating she straddled him and shoved her big tits into his face. Kyle responded by pulling her close and opening his mouth wide, taking in her right nipple and sucking on it hard. He went over every available part of this breast leaving behind a trail of saliva before switching to the left one and doing the same. She used her hands to move her tits around sometimes gently slapping him on his face with them as she did. She lowered her crotch to his then started rocking back and forth, grinding against his hard dick, feeling it even through their clothes. It was more than either of them could take for much longer. She stood up and pulled Kyle to his feet, immediately wrapping her arms around his neck and started smothering him with kisses, wet and sloppy, which he returned in kind.

Gone were any thoughts of guilt or shame as the two continued, short gasps and moans coming from both of them but no words. Kyle turned his mother a bit and gently lowered her to the couch. As he got on top of her she reached up and started pulling his shorts down. He responded by yanking at hers without success until through an unspoken compromise they released one another and pulled off their own cloths, allowing them to fall where they may. She pulled her son down and took hold of his hard cock and guided him inside. It went in easily. She was wet and slick and had spread her legs as far as the couch would allow. He fucked her hard with strong, fast thrusts, withdrawing as far as he could each time before forcefully pushing in again. She responded by bringing her hips up each time to meet him. Kyle leaned down and the two resumed their frantic kissing; her arms locked around his neck as she wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him as close as possible.

Kyle kept going as long as he could which wasn't very long. After 3 minutes, although neither of them kept track of the time, he exploded inside her. His entire body stiffened as he pushed even farther into her, shooting stream after stream of sperm, until he was spent. Even so he kept fucking her, trying to will his young body to recover, his cock now hyper sensitive. For her part she continued to meet his thrusts and kept her legs around him until they both gave in to exhaustion.

He fell across her, breathing rapidly as she held him tight and stroked the hair on the back of his head. Finally he rose up and looked down at her. Light from the lantern on the table shone on her face as he managed an awkward smile, not at all sure of what to say. She smiled back at him, not saying anything then pulled him back down and hugged him closely.

Outside the storm had passed leaving only a hint of rain in its path. After a time they got off the couch and put their clothes back on, facing one another, not turning away in shame. When they were fully dressed they embraced again, no kissing this time, just a long hug, her head pressed into his chest. A sudden rattle signaled the air conditioner coming back on meaning the power was back as well.

"We need to go call Megan and your Dad," she said.

They released one another and went back upstairs to the main level of the house.

"Let me go first," said Kyle. She smiled and nodded then let him lead as they walked up the stairs.

* * *

Three weeks later his father was out of town, his sister was spending the night at a friend's house and they were alone again. Kyle and his mother had a nice dinner together and even had a good conversation about what he needed to do to prepare for college. They talked about things he would need, things he wouldn't need, good study habits and the importance of maintaining good grades. There was a sense of tension but also anticipation as the two talked but neither of them brought up the storm and its consequence.

When they finished eating they cleaned the kitchen and put away the dishes. Kyle found a spot on the couch and turned on the TV. He flipped through different channels trying to find something to watch before settling on an old science fiction movie. After a time his mom appeared and stood in front of him, partially blocking his view. She said nothing but smiled down at him and held out her hand. Kyle reached up and took it then rose from the couch and allowed her to lead him upstairs. They went all the way down the hall to his bedroom. Still holding his hand, she led him inside and then closed the door behind them but not quite all the way, leaving it partly open. Both of them were nervous to be sure and the tension grew between them.

She spoke first. "Let's sit down and talk a minute."

They both sat on the bed where she positioned herself so that she might look at him straight on. She explained that if they were to keep on doing this there had to be some ground rules. First, he could not come inside her. She was not on any birth control and purposely waited to make sure her period came and went before there could be a second time. It was too risky in so many ways. Next, as if he didn't fully understand it all ready, no one else could know. No one, not friends and certainly not family could ever find out. Along with keeping things secret, there could be no displays of affection or touching that went beyond what would normally happen between a mother and son. There could be no contact or gestures that could give away their secret. He agreed knowing she was right on all counts. Those things being said she asked if he wanted to say anything to which he answered no.

"Get undressed," she said with a sly smile.

Kyle nearly tore off his shirt, shorts and underwear, leaving them on the floor, then flopped on the bed, his dick hard and ready.

"What's your hurry? We have all night," his mom said.

With that she undressed in front of him rarely breaking eye contact as she methodically removed her clothes. When she was naked she stood in front of Kyle for a moment, allowing him to look her over. He admired her curvy tanned body and noticed the triangular tan lines on her big tits that the damned new bathing suit had left. She climbed on top of him and started kissing him, slowly this time, much different from previously. She took control and showed him the things a woman should know how to do with her tongue and lips besides kiss. She gave him just a little coaching when it came to using his tongue on her and he took to it readily. Their fucking was slower this time and they tried several positions, all of them incredible to experience. Kyle lasted much longer this time finally finishing by titfucking her until he came all over her gorgeous breasts, the sperm reminding him of the sunscreen he had applied to her in the past and the damned new bathing suit which started everything. His 18 year old cock recovered quickly and he lasted even longer the next go round but took the time to use his new oral skills to make her climax first. She repaid him in kind by sucking his dick until he came, swallowing his sperm without hesitation.

Kyle fell asleep and when he woke later she was gone to her own bed. He thought about going and sleeping with her but realized that it would be hard to explain should someone come home unexpectedly. He put on his shorts and went downstairs to make a sandwich before retiring for the night. It went much the same for them the following evening.

A couple of days later as they both lounged by the pool, his mom in the damned new suit again. They heard a distant rumble. Kyle looked in the direction the sound came from and saw the sky was a bit grayer in the distance.

"Do you think it might storm again?" he asked.

She responded by reaching over, taking his hand and giving it a small squeeze. "I hope so sweetie. I hope so."

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AlwaystabooAlwaystabooabout 1 year ago
Beautiful story of love

Neglected mothers find a way to show the bodies to offspring. Only a few if us are confident enough to take advantage of their vulnerability.

becca302becca302over 1 year ago

I saw nothing outlandish that surviving a life threatening event would trigger joy and primal the one you're with.

ScottishTexanScottishTexanalmost 3 years ago

I stopped reading when she pulled out her cigarettes and lighter poolside. Totally ruined the story. There was absolutely no reason for reading any further. A girl who would otherwise be a 10 instantly drops to 5 if she's a smoker. It also drops your story to a 1. I hated it.

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 7 years ago
On character introduction

I disagree with the anonymous comment on the timing of the mom's reveal.

It added a bit of spice to know that here is Kyle lusting after this female, but not initially having their familial relation spelled out. We knew they were related because the story is in the Incest/Taboo category. It was intriguing to wonder for a bit who this object of Kyle's lust was. Mother? Daughter? Sister? An In-law? It could have gone so many ways and it kept us reading to find the answer. It was a subtle bit of story-crafting that helped to set this story apart from the run-of-the-mill.

Seeing as this was not a stand-alone story, not every act and every motivation needed to be spelled out in the first couple of paragraphs, nor even in this first chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Introduce your characters.

Decent tale. Consider a gentle rewrite to make it flow a little better. A few misspellings are easily corrected. If you read enough erotica, you will notice there is some form of introduction with the characters. Kyle was there, but we didn't know his mother was the "her/she" until the 8th or 9th paragraph. This is one thing that shouldn't be overlooked. Otherwise, good attempt with great possibilities.

Firefighter47Firefighter47over 8 years ago
Gave it a 4 but could be a 5.

Good concept. Build up was imho, a little convoluted, and transition into the act of consummation was some what fast. The central theme is supposedly that of a bathing suit causing the act to occur, when in actuality it is the tornadoes and storm that provide the catalyst for the final act, and continuation. All in all it was a good story plot and could blossom into a great 5 star with a little work.

OhYou812OhYou812over 8 years ago
That damned hot and sexy mother of Kyle.

I love a good storm that scares two people into an intimate situation. I think Kyle's mom wore that damned bathing suit to turn him on. After the storm passed, holding each other close, they both got horny. I think his mom was just waiting for some kind of a sign her son wanted her sexually, and she got it. I hope his dad and sister are gone a lot!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
sudden transition

I liked the premise, but the transition from the storm to sex was too sudden. There was no clue, no hint of mom's interest and suddenly, BAM, with one kiss on the neck, they were going at it.

Orion2012Orion2012almost 9 years ago
Great story

Good story set up and transition with the storm. Very hot! Thanks. Write more please.

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