The Dark Trilogy Ch. 03


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"You expect me to believe that shit after what I've listened to you saying on those tapes?"

"It is true Bobby, honest to God. What I said I had to say to keep Jamie happy and I had to keep him happy because he was blackmailing me."

"Over what?"

"I got drunk at a party one night and a guy took advantage of me and Jamie took a picture of it. He threatened to show it to you unless I let him make love to me.

"Bullshit Helen. You could have told me about it and I would have been a little pissed, but we could have worked it out."

"I didn't think we could because more than one guy took advantage of me that night, it was three of them, and in Jamie's photos it looks like I'm willing. I wasn't, I swear to God I wasn't, but from the angles Jamie shot from it looks like I was having a good time. I wasn't Bobby, please honey, you have to believe me."

I didn't believe her, not for one fucking minute, but part of my plan for the cheating bitch depended on her trying to convince me that she loved me and only me and that she would do anything to keep us together.

"No Helen, I can't believe that. No way I can believe that after I heard all those things that you had to say about me and what a miserable husband I am."

"I'll do what ever you want to prove it Bobby, anything that you want."


"Yes Bobby, really. Whatever I have to do to prove to you that I love you I will."

"Go on upstairs and move yourself into the spare bedroom. You stay there while I think on it."

When she was gone I took out my cell phone and called John and when he answered I said, "It's a go. I'll bring her buy tomorrow morning."


The next morning Helen was in the kitchen sipping coffee and she looked at me apprehensively when I came into the room. I looked at her for several very long seconds and then said, "I've decided what I'm going to do. You have one chance and one chance only. You do exactly what I tell you when I tell you and then we can try to put things back together. Balk at anything I tell you to do and we are on our way to see your mom and dad to visit and listen to some real fun tapes, understood?"

"What are you going to do?"

"You will find out when I do it. Yes or no?"

"Yes, of course Bobby, I'll do whatever you say."

"Good. Come on into the den."

She followed me into the den and I pointed at a sheet of paper lying on the center of the desk pad. "Sign your first name on the bottom."

"What is it? It is your confession. In it you admit to what you and Jamie have been doing. You sign it and it goes into a safe deposit box. If you ever fuck around on me again that confession and the tapes I have will be all that I need to get a divorce without you being able to rape me financially."

Helen picked it up to read it and I said, "Put it down and sign it."

"But I haven't read it."

"Doesn't matter. Sign it or go upstairs and pack your bags."

She put it down and signed it and then I told her to fold it and put it in the envelope lying on the desk. After she had that done I told her to get dressed, that we were going out.


"What did I tell you Helen? What I tell you, when I tell you and no back talk - do it!"


To understand this next part you only need to know that Helen and her family are from the South. She was born and raised in Bluefield, West Virginia and when she was sixteen the family moved north and brought their racial attitudes with them. The look on Helen's face when John answered the door was one of confusion and disbelief. She knew that I knew how she felt about blacks so why had I brought her to this place? I smiled as I thought about what was in store for her.

"What is going on here Bobby?"

"A little punishment Helen. You are going to be punished and at the same time give me a club that I will be able to hold over your head for the rest of your life. But first we are going to do a quick test on you for sexually transmitted diseases. John here is a doctor who lost his license when he got caught playing games with prescription drugs. He has a lab in his basement and he is going to find out if Jamie has shared anything with you. I'm not going to send you to a regular clinic because I don't want everybody else to know that I'm married to a cheating whore."

She had the good grace to wince when I said that and she offered no resistance when I took her hand and led her to a chair and had her sit down. John came into the room with two vials and a syringe and then he carefully took enough blood to fill the two vials and then he left the room with them. I was counting on Helen being so shook up by what was going on that she wouldn't realize that there wasn't any way that John could run immediate STD tests.

As soon as John was out of the room I said, "I don't believe one word that you have said to me Helen, not one stinking word. I think you are just stalling for time until Jamie gets home so you can run to him."

"No Bobby, that's not true, I swear it."

"Swear all you want Helen, but I didn't hear anything being forced on you when I listened to those tapes. In fact I heard an awful lot of you begging for what he had to offer. You swallowed his cum but you always spit mine out into a rag. You were happy to let him have your ass, but whenever I wanted to try anal you told me that it was disgusting and that I was a pervert for even wanting to try. And what about that bit about my pension?"

"He wanted me to leave you for him Bobby. I had to stall him until I could find a way out of the mess I was in."

"No Helen, sorry, but I just don't believe you."

"I swear to God Bobby, I love you and only you."

I sat there and stared at her for a couple of moments and then I said, "Okay Helen, I'm going to give you a chance to prove that you want to stay with me more than anything else in the world. You won't like it, in fact you will probably hate it, but it is what you are going to have to do to prove to me that you aren't lying to me and just trying to stall until Jamie gets home."

"What do I have to do?"

"You are going to fuck John while I videotape it. If you ever go near Jamie or any other man again the tape of you and John will be sent to your parents and every other living relative that you have.

"Oh God Bobby, I can't do that, he's a nigger."

"Exactly Helen, just what your family would love to see."

"Please Bobby, don't make me do it."

"Okay. Grab your purse and let's get going."


"To visit mom and dad, show them your written confession, listen to some tapes and let them know that you are moving back in with them."

She looked at me and I saw the resignation come into her eyes and then she said, "What do I have to do?"

"Just do what you do with Jamie and what you did with those first three guys you told me about. Suck him, fuck him with your pussy and ass and pretend that you are loving every second of it. Somewhere along the way I want you to tell John how happy you are that Jamie made you fuck him. Then John is going to say, "But what about your husband? Doesn't he care that you are a slut?" and you are going to say, The stupid shit doesn't have a clue."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I said to."

"But why?"

"If I ever catch you with Jamie or anyone else not only will your parents see the tape but I will use it to get a divorce and the more callous it looks and sounds the better it will be for my case."

"Please Bobby, anything else, but don't make me do this."

"It is only another cock Helen and by now you should be used to cocks other than mine. Now, before John gets back, yes or no?"

I saw a tear forming in her left eye and she said, "All right, I'll do it, but only to show you how far I'm willing to go to show you that I love you."

John came back into the room while Helen was drying her eyes with a hanky and he said, "She checks out clean."

"Good. She has agreed to her punishment so let's take it to the bedroom."

On the way to the bedroom I said to Helen, "John's never had a white woman before and I want you to make sure that he has a memorable experience. Enthusiastic participation Helen. Anything less and we are on our way to visit your parents."

While John and Helen moved toward the bed I set up the video camera and with my back to Helen I took a latex glove out of my pocket, put it on and loaded the tape that I had taken from Jamie's entertainment center. I took the glove off and turned around, "Okay guys, as they say on the Hollywood film sets, lights, camera, action!"

Helen stood there while John undressed her and then she undressed him. She went to her knees in front of him and helped him step out of his trousers. His cock bobbed in front of her and John put a hand on the back of Helen's head. She knew what was expected of her and she opened her mouth and let him push it in. She might have hated blacks, but she could give great head and I had warned her to be enthusiastic and so she went to work on him. John was loving it. It took her about five minutes to get him off and when I saw the cum leak out of the corners of her mouth I knew that I was going to keep a copy of the tape.

John pulled his limp cock out of her mouth and helped her stand up and then he pushed her back onto the bed and went down on her. He did such a good job that she either forgot that she didn't like blacks or she forgot that he was black. Her hands gripped the back of John's head and she pulled his face into her cunt.

"Oh yes, oh yes, like that, right there, just like that" she moaned and she hunched her hips up at his face. John's cock began to grow and he redoubled his efforts on Helen's box and as soon as he brought her to orgasm he pulled his face away from her and mounted her.

Helen grunted as John drove into her and then her legs came up and locked around his waist.

"God bitch, but your pussy is so fucking tight. I would have thought from the way Jamie said he was always fucking you that you would be a lot looser."

"Stop talking lover, just fuck me. Fuck me hard and make me cum. I need to cum baby, I need it bad."

John picked up speed as he pounded into Helen and she moaned, "That's it baby, that's it, hard baby, push it deep. You feel good baby, I'm glad that Jamie is making me fuck you."

"Damn, but you are one hot fucking slut. Does your husband know what a slut you are?"

"The stupid fuck hasn't got a clue. Forget about him and fuck me, fuck me hard honey, fuck me hard and make me cum."

John did make her cum and then he had her suck him hard again and he fucked her for a second time. He want to go a third time, but Helen said no.

"No more lover, no more now. I need to beat my stupid fucking husband home."

I turned the camera off and said, "Okay John, she's all yours now."

John pushed Helen back down on the bed and put two fingers in his mouth and let out a loud whistle. A couple of moment's later three black men entered the room and started to undress. Helen looked at them, looked at me and then back to them:

"Bobby? What's going on here Bobby?"

"Just some friends of John's who have never fucked a white woman. When you are done with them they are going to show you their appreciation by taking you on a sea cruise. You have always wanted to see Africa, haven't you?"

I saw her eyes go wide as the implication of what I'd just said registered and she started to struggle, but the three men were already on her. As I walked out of John's bedroom I heard Helen crying out, "Bobby? Bobby? For God's sake Bobby don't leave me here. Please Bobby, come back."


I collected the vials of blood from John's refrigerator and was putting them in the camera bag when John came into the kitchen.

"She seems to have quieted down some."

"She has a mouthful right now if you take my meaning."

"What's the plan from this point?"

"When they have drained themselves they will smuggle her onto their ship and by this time next month they will have sold her to some whore house in some godforsaken African country. There is a nine man crew on the ship and she will be well broken in by the time they sell her off."

"Thanks bud, I owe you a big one. Now I'm going to take care of my asshole cousin."


I had a key to Jamie's place and he had one to mine. Whenever one of us would be gone for more that a couple of days, like a vacation maybe, we kept an eye on each other's place. I parked around the corner from Jamie's since I didn't want my car to be seen there - not this time. Jamie never drove his car out to the airport and left it parked there. He always caught a cab downtown and then caught the airport shuttle from there. I walked to his place, put on a pair of latex gloves and let myself in and went to work.

I went to the bedroom and taking out a vial of Helen's blood I dropped some in several places around the bed and then I got a wet rag and did a half-assed job of trying to clean it up. Next I went to the kitchen drawer where Jamie kept a spare set of keys to his car and then I went out into the garage and opened the trunk of the car. Right where Helen's head would have been had she been stuffed into the trunk I poured some blood out of the vial onto the trunk mat. I took some of Helen's hair out of a little plastic bag and dropped them into the trunk and then closed it.

I splashed some of the remaining blood on the floor in a line from the door into the house to the trunk of the car and then I got down on the floor and did a shitty job of trying to clean it up. I put the rags in a trash bag and then pushed the bag down to the bottom of a garbage can. Lastly I took the letter that I'd had Helen sign and I put it together with the videotape under the front seat of the car and then I locked the place up and went on home.


The next day I took a half-day off work to go to a doctor's appointment. There was nothing wrong with me, but I needed the cover for the day. I needed to be home when Jamie called and I needed to be there in case he decided to come by. If he did he would see my pickup and keep on going. The first call came around noon:

"Hey babe, you there? Pick up the phone lover. Okay, I'll try later."

An hour later he called again:

"Helen? You there? Answer the phone babe. I'm back and I'm horny as hell and I want to come over."

One more call came in at three:

"Helen? Damn it, where are you?"

That was enough to suit my purpose and I turned off the answering machine. I sat at the front window and watched, but Jamie never drove by. At five I left the house and drove over to Jamie's and acted as if I was just stopping by on my way home from work. We had a beer and I asked him if he had given any more thought to what I should build my gun cabinet out of and we talked about that for a bit and then I said that I needed to get home to Helen.

Five minutes after getting home I called Jamie on the phone and after the greetings were out of the way I said, "Jamie, just what the fuck have you been up to?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that Helen isn't here and there is a message from you on the answering machine saying that you are horny and want to come over. What the fuck is going on?"

"Hey man, I don't know what you are talking about" he said and I hung up on him.

I jumped back in my pickup and drove over to Jamie's and when he answered the door I pushed past him, "Where is she?"

"Where is who?"

"Don't give me any of that shit. You know damned well who. She isn't at home and I have three calls on the answering machine from you and one of then says that you are horny and want to come over."

He protested and I ignored him and I went through his place room by room. I even looked under the bed and in the closets and behind the shower curtain. "Satisfied?" he said as I was getting ready to leave. "Not by a long shot cousin, not by a long shot."


I drove home and watched TV for a while and then I called the police and reported my wife missing and then I told them that I suspected foul play. I told the cops when they got there that Helen had not been home when I got there. I played them the tape from the answering machine for them, told them whose voice it was.

"I don't know about you, but that third call sounds pretty angry to me. I drove over to his place expecting to catch my wife there with him. I didn't find her but I did see what I think were blood stains on his bedroom rug."

After that things happened fast. The police paid Jamie a visit with a search warrant and in no time they found the blood on the carpet, on the garage floor and the blood and hair in the truck of his car. They found the letter and the tape under the front seat of the car. The letter had only Jamie's and Helen's finger prints on it and the tape was covered with Jamie's prints. The letter said:


I'm putting this in a letter because I'm too scared to tell you face to face. I remember how bad you beat me the last time and I don't want it to happen again. I warned you to use condoms, but you wouldn't and now I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do. I won't have an abortion like you made me do the last time. Damn it Jamie, what am I going to tell Bob. We both know he is sterile so he is going to know that the baby isn't his. I'm scared Jamie. What are we going to do?


The only question the detective had for me was why she would type the letter out on a computer, why hadn't she hand written it? I showed him a sample of her handwriting. It was barely legible.

"If she wanted him to understand what she wrote she had to type it out. Her printing isn't any better."


It is very hard to get a murder conviction without a body and Helen's was nowhere to be found. But they had circumstantial evidence up the kazoo and it was enough for the jury. I was sitting in the courtroom the day Jamie was found guilty and I was there the day he was sentenced to life with no possibility of parole.

Occasionally I wonder who got the worst of the deal, Jamie or Helen, but then I have to smile because I really don't give a shit because I do know who got the best of it.

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