The Dawning of a New Life


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Dawn took over and saw that Pierce had an angry lump in his throat and wanted to leave to hunt Ben down. "Faith, listen to me for a minute and stop crying. You need to hear this." Faith slowly stopped crying and turned to look at Dawn. "You are the fourth woman that I have documentation on. He finds a vulnerable woman whose husband travels and starts telling her things that she can't prove. Then he seduces her and makes her feel really good. He..Wait, has he asked you to stop using birth control?"

"Yes. Last month he said that I would enjoy sex more if I wasn't taking pills. I stopped taking them."

"When was your last period?"

"I stopped last Thursday. Why?"

"Thank God. It just dawned on me what his pattern is. I thought that he just seduced women, but he does that and tells them that he had a vasectomy because his wife didn't want to have kids. He is perfectly fertile and that explains why two of the other girls became pregnant. He gets them pregnant and when she is positive, he loses interest in her. Crap. I am going to talk to the police about him tomorrow."

Faith said, "Do you mean that I might..."

"If you finished last Thursday, probably not, but we will get you checked. You will probably be fertile later this week. So no sex for you for awhile."

"I don't want sex ever again if that is what is in store for me."

"You will change your mind; you are young and will want it again soon."

Faith turned to Pierce and said, "I am sorry Pierce; I screwed up royally. Are you going to divorce me now?"

He thought for a moment and then said slowly, "At this time a week ago, I decided to confront and tell you that if you gave him up, we could go to counseling and try to save our marriage. It was hard for me to think that, but that is what I decided to do. Then Thursday, I talked with Dawn and we became lovers. By Friday night, I had decided that getting divorce was best for both of us. You could have Ben and I could have Dawn. I didn't know that they were married at the time. When we talked about it on Saturday, that is what I told her. She told me to wait and make sure of what I felt. So today, I am not sure. I am going to take the time to be sure. I will tell you that I am deeply committed to Dawn and won't be giving her up. That isn't what you want to hear, but that is what I feel."

Faith turned to Dawn and said, "You told him to wait? Why?"

"Faith, I have found my perfect man. I want him very badly. But when he comes to me, I want him to have no guilt, no hangover, or anything else. I want him to take me with a totally clear conscience. He isn't ready to do that yet. As for you, the only thing you did was fall prey to a predator. You hurt Pierce, but you didn't do it intentionally. I don't want you to suffer too much for what you did. I hope that you have learned from this. So I am prepared to offer you three choices. First, you can walk out of the door and go make your own life. You can go after Ben for all I care. If you do that, Pierce will file for divorce and I will buy out his half of your house and you can live there or sell it or whatever. The second option is for you to keep your job with us, but under a new and safer boss. All of us can take the time we need to find out what we want. The third option is similar to the second, but with one difference. I know that you don't like staying alone. I am going to move Pierce in with me so that we can be together. I also know that you like keeping house. Under this option, we will move both of you here and you will go back to being part time. You will keep house and cook for us here. Those are the choices I can offer you. If you choose the first one, gather your clothes and I will drive you home. If you choose the second one, I will take you home and you show up for work for work in the morning as usual and I will tell you who you work for. If you choose the third option, we have some groceries in the car. You will cook dinner and breakfast for the three of us and stay here tonight. You should know that Pierce and I will be making love tonight and you may end up seeing us doing it. We aren't going to hide that from you. We will go get the groceries and will be back in a minute. I hope that you will make your choice by the time we get back. Come on, Pierce; let's get the groceries."

Dawn stood up and walked out of the gate. Pierce found her in the driveway shaking. He took her in his arms and held her tightly. "I love you."

She whimpered and said, "I am terrified of losing you."

"You won't. I don't know what will happen, but you are stuck with me for the long haul."

That seemed to calm her down and they went to the car and got the grocery bags and went back through the gate. They were met by Faith who said, "Do you want me to fix dinner naked or dressed?"

Dawn went to her and put her free arm around her and kissed her cheek. "If it is left up to me, I would have you stay naked, but the decision is yours."

Faith kissed Dawn's cheek back and took the sack of groceries from her before saying, "I will cook like this then. I want to make both of your happy with me. Pierce, make love to Dawn on the deck here. I want to watch and see how lovers really make love."

Pierce followed Faith into the kitchen and set his sacks of groceries down. Then he looked at his naked wife and said, "Is this what you really want to do, Faith? Look at me and tell me what you want." He noticed that Dawn was lingering by the doorway listening.

She turned to him and instead of tears, he saw her eyes shining. "Pierce, I never really told you before just how terrified I am of being alone. I don't know what causes it, but I am. When we got married, you made me feel safe. I know that I wasn't and still aren't terribly experienced and I usually trust people too easily. When I got bored at home, it wasn't so much boredom as a desire to grow; restless is probably a better word. I loved working part-time because I was out meeting people, doing something important, and then coming home to take care of you. You were traveling a lot, but I knew that you were always coming home in a couple of days. I was scared going full time and working on executive row, but it was also heady. Then Ben started talking to me just like Dawn said. He dropped things here and there about you. He didn't push me, but sort of built a level of uncertainty in me. I was confused. Then one day when you were out of town, he asked me to go for a drink and, well the rest is history. Honestly, I never felt that I loved him or anything, but he filled my fear of being alone. I always made sure that I was home and clean when you got home. I always wanted to make love with you when you came home. Today, everything I have been doing came crashing down. I felt vey alone when Dawn was talking to Ben. I knew that I wasn't going to go with him, but I didn't know where I could or would go. Then Dawn offered me the three choices. The only one I even thought about was the third one. I have a home, I have people to take care of, I can try to get over my shame and start rebuilding my life. Dawn should hate me but she doesn't; you should hate me and never trust me again, but you don't seem to feel either of those. That alone gives me hope that I am not a total fuck up. So what do I want right now? I want to take care of your and Dawn's home. I want to get over all of this Ben stuff. Unless either of you insists, I don't want to go back to work; I just want to focus on making the two of you happy. And...and, one of the girls at work told us about a woman therapist who deals with women's feelings of being alone. I want to start seeing her to find out where this comes from and how I can get over it. I know that I can't keep depending on you and Dawn, but she has given me a chance to take the time I need to do what I need. For that, I am grateful. That is what I want to do. Is that all right?"

Dawn came up behind and put her arms around Faith and said, "That is more than all right with me and from what Pierce told me the other day, he is all right with this too. Take all of the time you need, Faith; you will make our lives better and that should make us all feel good. My only concern is if Pierce and my relationship will upset you."

Dawn turned around, but remained encompassed in Dawn's arms. "Being in the same place as Pierce makes me feel safe. He has changed though; he is stronger now that he was a week ago. I think that you are the reason for that. I might miss his touch some time, but right now, it is more important to me to heal and part of that is to watch the two of you being in love without fears and guilt feelings. One of the things Ben did was turn on a lot of porno films for us to watch. He said that it would teach me about having sex. Most of it was pretty gross, but I did like to watch when they showed two people who cared about each other making love. I guess I have a little voyeur in me. I liked those parts a lot. So I meant what I said awhile ago, make love with each other whether I am there or not. Don't hold back. It might take some time for you to get used to that, but please don't change anything on my account."

Dawn kissed her gently on the lips and replied, "You don't know how easy it will be for us to do that. I get lost in him and wouldn't know if you were there or not. Lover, let's go swim while Faith fixes dinner. I have a lot of energy to burn off."

"Me too. And Faith, I believe every word you said and I support you 100 percent."

"That is the support I have always gotten and still need from you. Thank you. Now get out of my kitchen. I have my family to feed."

Pierce took Dawn's arms from around Faith and led her back out to the porch. He untied her halter and began undoing her shorts. "And just what do you think you are doing, mister?"

"We are going swimming, aren't we? We don't want our clothes to get wet, do we? Besides, I kind of liked making love to you in the hot tub. If I can get you aroused, we might just do that again."

"Get me aroused? You prick! I stay aroused when I am with you. We might not make it to the pool or the hot tub."

"You won't hear any complaints from me." She was naked and he followed quickly. Hand in hand, they walked into the pool and swam for fifteen minutes until he lifted her onto the deck and took her in his arms. Dinner was later than Faith had said it would be, but all three of them ate with no clothes on and with smiles their faces.

After dinner they sat and discussed practical matters. Pierce brought their suitcases in and put them in the master bedroom and put Faith into the guest suite which was next to the master. Starting that night, Pierce and Dawn slept in the master bedroom and seldom shut the door. Frequently, Faith stood in the door and watched them make love with a smile on her face.

By agreement, Faith stayed home on Monday morning and began moving Ben's things out of the master closet and putting them on the living room sofa. Pierce and Dawn went to the office where Dawn made her introduction to the executives and office personnel. Pierce met with Jim Lewis and was pleased to see that he had a fully developed marketing plan for his project. He told him to get it started. At noon, Dawn left, picked Faith up, and took her to a clinic for a pregnancy and STD test before going to her and Pierce's house. They loaded as much of Pierce's and Faith's things in their cars as they could and drove back to their new home and put things away. Now both Pierce and Faith had a wardrobe to use. However, they also started wearing minimal clothing around the house when it was just the three of them. Faith had dinner ready when Pierce came home and they ate together with both women topless and Pierce in light shorts.

On Tuesday, Faith moved more of their things to their new home while the others were at work. She also got a clean bill of health from her tests which made all of them all sigh in relief. For the rest of the week, they steadily moved all of their personal things over to their new house. By the weekend, all of Ben's things had been taken to the apartment by a moving company including his personal things at the office. As far as they were concerned, he was now just a bad memory. Over the weekend, the three of them went through Pierce's old house and decided what furniture to keep and what to sell or donate.

The next week, they had all of the furniture moved and a clean-up crew had cleaned it totally before they listed it for sale with a realtor. On Wednesday, Pierce and Dawn had to go to the other plant for two days of meetings. Faith assured them that she would be all right alone for one night knowing that they would be home the next day. It worked out well for all three of them.

By the end of their third week together, they had developed a set of household rules and schedules. Faith had breakfast ready for them by 7:00 and dinner was set for 7:00 unless they called to change it. Once a week, usually Friday night, Pierce and Dawn had a date night out which always ended with them making passionate love. Dawn and Faith also went out at least once a week to either go shopping, or to a movie, or just out for a drink. Dawn and Pierce each had to travel occasionally to the other plant, but only went together a couple of times. Usually, it was a solo trip for a day or two. Faith also had her first session with the therapist and was pleased with her approach to her problem.

During their fifth week, one night Dawn went into Faith's room and took her hand and led her into their bedroom and Faith lay next to them while they made love. From then on, Faith slept with them more often than not. Two weeks after that, Dawn was in her period and she whispered something to Pierce. He rolled over and took Faith in his arms and made love to her for the first time in almost four months. That night also started something new in their lives. Dawn kissed Faith while Pierce was eating her pussy. Faith eagerly accepted Dawn's lips and her touch of her pert breasts. A week later, Pierce was out of town and Dawn and Faith made love together for the first time. It was the first time for each of them with another woman. From then on, the three of them slept together every night and two of them almost always made love and frequently all three of them were involved. Pierce and Faith's house sold for their asking price and Pierce put the money from the house into a joint account, but knew that it was earmarked for Faith.

They spent two months of blissful life until their lives changed once again. David and Amy both came down to work for a couple of days and stayed at the house. Faith was in heaven taking care of all five of them. Amy in particular took a great interest in the petite young woman and by the end of their visit, she asked if Faith could come to their house for a couple of weeks to help her with a series of parties and receptions they were holding. Everyone agreed and Faith left the safety of her new home for the first time. When she came back, she was refreshed and very happy. She and Amy had made love and she was going to go back the next month to help again. The next month, Pierce and Dawn came up for the last party and discovered that David had also made love with Faith and that the three of them were sleeping together. On their last night, the five of them were naked in the hot tub when Faith asked to say something.

Everyone listened closely as the young woman spoke firmly and with conviction. "I think that I have grown a lot since everything came crashing down and I am ready to solve a couple of problems and begin to move on with my life. Pierce, I think that you know that I still love you, but it is time for you to get our divorce done so you can marry Dawn. You two belong together. The other thing is that I have been talking to Amy and here is what I want to do. I want to spend two weeks up here with them and two weeks in Texas with you and go back and forth. I love all four of you and want to be with all four of you. What do you think?"

No one said anything, but eight hands reached for her and she came twice from all of the hands and lips touching and kissing her. Faith discovered that night that she was truly loved and would never have to be alone again except for the time it took to travel between her two homes.

When the divorce was final, Dawn and Pierce waited a week before they got married, mainly because David couldn't get away from work. Amy and Faith prepared the reception for twenty close friends and family. Later Dawn and Pierce made love for the first time as a married couple on the deck of the pool with three on lookers watching. All of their lives were now as they wanted them to be and five people entered into the next phase of their lives without any guilt, worries, or left over baggage.

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inka2222inka2222over 1 year ago

Definitely not my favorite story by this author, but not bad. Just not his usual great stuff. 4 stars. Specific criticisms:

1. No payback to the a$$hole. It's possibly implied that he did not make out great in divorce, but no direct evidence, nor is there any revenge on his preying on women.

2. Reconciliation with the wife. It's less annoying that in most RAAC stories, but still meh and she seems like she escaped with zero punishment. Heck, she's rewarded with exciting sex life :(

auhunter04auhunter04almost 2 years ago

I am sorry but this left a very sour taste in my mouth. First the stalking and airplane set up. The wife's fear of being alone, Just the whole thing was had no feeling in it.

stewartbstewartbabout 2 years ago

To good to be true ... and the Fairy Godmother was let loose in the Loving Wife's category.

RalphTheRedNinjaRalphTheRedNinjaover 2 years ago

This is one absurd piece of work.

I just wish I could have stopped reading before I got to the end, but you know what they say about train wrecks.

BigDee44BigDee44almost 3 years ago

It is a nice fantasy and nobody got hurt badly. Entertaining.

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