The Deal Ch. 01


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Seeing a prime opportunity Eve decides to chime in.

"You should try playing with it in other places too. Believe me it can be quite fun."

"I've never actually tried that before, had sex in a few public restrooms and parks though."

"I like her. Can we keep her?"

"Considering she's magically linked to me I think that's already a done deal."

"That's not what I mean sweetie. I mean can she live with us."

"I've got no problem with that, but one that's for her to decide and two, I'm pretty sure this place is to small for three people."

"You guys could always come and live with me. I live in a three bedroom, two bathroom house near downtown London. My parents left it to me when they decided to go live in Florida."

"If you live in London then where are staying? You don't seem like someone who will drink and drive after all."

"The plan was to crash at my sister's place."

"Wait if you have a sister then why did your parents just leave you the house?"

"It was offered to her first since she's older, but she wanted to live in a smaller town, so they bought her a house here."

"Wait, they bought her a house? Just like that."

"Yeah our family is pretty well off. A combination of high paying jobs, good investments, rent, interest and whatnot. My parents combined income is around $750,000 a year. Plus our family aren't really the type that feel the need to show off our money similar to someone like Donald Trump. Seriously have you seen pictures of his Manhattan apartment? Is all of that gold really necessary? He's gotta be compensating for something. Anyway because of that my parent's have plenty of money saved away."

"I can't even imagine what that would be like. I've had to earn everything I have."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I was showing off or something."

"No worries. I was just thinking that it's funny how fate can bring together two people with such different upbringings. Anyway I'll drive you over to your sister's and we can work out the details of what we plan on doing from here on some other time."

"Okay, but don't keep me waiting to long alright."

A short while later we all pile into my car and Julia gives me directions as we go. After the short drive we pull up to a really nice two story house on the outskirts of town. The place seems to be rather private the closest house being a good distance away. Not so far as to be a hindrance in the case of an emergency, but far enough to provide a good deal of privacy. The backyard is enclosed by a ten foot fence, so I'm guessing she likes her privacy.

After dropping Julia off we return home. Once we are back I decide that it's time to spend some mana. First something I realized during my fight before a HUD would be really helpful. I use my magic to add the option for the HUD into my options menu. After tinkering with the settings my final design is; health, magic, stamina and experience bars in the top left of my view, below that covering the left hand side is info about my party members and I kept the activities log in the bottom left. On the bottom is going to be for active buffs. The bottom right for ammunition in case I decide to use guns or something. The right hand side is going to be for tracking active quests and above that in the top right is a mini map. Across the top is a compass that will have quest markers and what not like in Skyrim. Lastly health bars will appear over the heads of people that are considered enemies. I'm not entirely sure how it determines who my enemies are though.

Adding the HUD cost me sixty-two mana. I decide just for shits and giggles to give myself a victory theme. The fanfare from Final Fantasy VI my personal favorite of the series should do nicely. This cost me another five mana. Next I decide to buy ten ranks of the [Analyze] ability. Ten seems to be the soft cap for the ability because after rank ten it stops giving new benefits and basically just increases the level difference where it can gain information on a target. All together that cost me around one thousand mana. Next I need some kind of offensive magic. Looking over dozens of different spells made me realize what I'd rather have then some specific spell is the ability to manipulate mana itself then I could use that to form my own abilities.

Sure the type of spells that can be made from something like this are limited, but it's better than just getting a single spell. Finally I found an ability that is just that, the ability to manipulate mana. I also grab an ability to sense mana, seemed like it could be useful. Getting those abilities cost me a whopping two thousand and sixteen mana, mostly because of [Mana Manipulation]. My new abilities are.

[Analyze: Active Rank 10

Using this ability allows you to gain information on the target or targets of the spell. The type of information gained depends on the target. The types of information that can be gained are as follows.

Living and Non-living Beings

- Name, level, title, job, stats, skills, abilities, perks, flaws, current buffs and debuffs, age, measurements, amount of sexual experience, likes, dislikes, emotions, level of wealth, moral alignment, current arousal, disposition towards you


- statistics, active runes, enchantments, enchantment slots, effects, durability, hardness, weight

MP cost 0

Note: You cannot gain information on anything that's level is more than 30 levels (10+2x this abilities rank) higher than your own.

Caution: This ability can be deceived or nullified by certain magic]

[Mana Sense Passive Rank Max

This ability makes it so that you can sense the flow of mana in the environment and from other beings. This allows you to tell if magic is being used or has been used recently among other things.]

[Mana Manipulation Active Rank 1

This ability allows you to manipulate mana and bend it to your will. By condensing mana it is able to effect the physical world in various ways. It is also possible to absorb mana within yourself in order to temporarily boost your own capabilities. As your rank increases you gain greater control over mana giving you increased effectiveness and efficiency.

MP cost varies]

Unfortunately I'm done for now. With nothing else to do I decide to have dinner and then have sex with Eve again before going to sleep. Needless to say Eve was thrilled when I told her that our fun time is no longer limited.


I'm sorry that there wasn't much action in this chapter. I just wanted to get everything set up so you can understand what's going on. Don't worry, there will be plenty of action in future chapters. I hope you enjoyed reading my story so far. Future chapters won't be this long unless you guys enjoy longer chapters in which case please let me know. Everything beyond here is simply for review in case you are interested in that kind of thing. Please let me know if you would like me to leave this in or remove it.


Post Chapter Character Review

Name: Marcus Belmont

Race: Human

Title: Agent of Mephistopheles

Job: Proprietor of Souls

Level: 4 XP: 1450/1600

HP: 260/260 MP: 350/350

Strength: 10

Dexterity: 10

Vitality: 13

Toughness: 12

Intelligence: 30

Wisdom: 12

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10

Stat Points: 0

Skill Points: 0


Cleaning lv. 15

Gaming lv. 24

Masturbation lv. 35

Multitasking lv. 5

Oral Sex lv. 23

Orgasm Control lv. 20

Sexual Intercourse lv. 8


Energy Harvesting, Soul Collecting, Gamer's Body, Fertility Magic, STD Immunity, Lust Demon Immunity, Analyze, Mana Sense, Mana Manipulation


Strength -- Adrenaline Rush

Dexterity -- Lightning Reflexes

Vitality -- Enhanced Constitution

Toughness -- Hang in There

Intelligence -- Fast Learning, Improved Fast Learning, Greater Fast Learning, Enhanced Memory, Quick Wits

Wisdom -- Danger Sense

Charisma -- Self-Confidence

Luck -- Lady Luck

Cleaning -- Fast Cleaning

Gaming -- Adaptability, Lightning Fingers

Masturbation -- Fantasy, Instant Erection, Edging, Improved Edging, I'm Not Done Yet

Oral Sex -- Tongue Lashing, Weak Point

Orgasm Control -- Orgasm Control


Hypersexuality, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Anthropophobia, Acrophobia, Claustrophobia, Poor Physical Health, Depression

Mana: 537


Post Chapter Log Review

[Orgasm Control] skill learned

[Orgasm Control] skill is now level 1

Received oral sex from Evelynn until climax for the first time earned 75XP

[Oral Sex] skill is now level 21

Gave oral sex to Evelynn until climax for the first time earned 75XP

Level Up, You are now level 2

Achievement menu unlocked

Achievement unlocked

50XP gained

50 Mana gained

[Sexual Intercourse] skill learned

[Sexual Intercourse] skill is now level 1

Had vaginal sex with Evelynn until you climaxed for the first time earned 75XP

Had vaginal sex with Evelynn until she climaxed for the first time earned 75XP

[Intelligence] is now 20

[Orgasm Control] is now level 6

[Adrenaline Rush] perk learned

[Lightning Reflexes] perk learned

[Enhanced Constitution] perk learned

[Hang in There] perk learned

[Fast Learning] perk learned

[Quick Wits] perk learned

[Enhanced Memory] perk learned

[Danger Sense] perk learned

[Self-Confidence] perk learned

[Lady Luck] perk learned

[Fast Cleaning] perk learned

[Adaptability] perk learned

[Lightning Fingers] perk learned

[Fantasy] perk learned

[Instant Erection] perk learned

[Edging] perk learned

[Improved Edging] perk learned

[I'm Not Done Yet] perk learned

[Tongue Lashing] perk learned

[Weak Point] perk learned

Name changed you are now Marcus Belmont

Evelynn has joined your party

Achievement unlocked

50XP gained

Level Up, You are now level 3

Received non-penetrative sex from Evelynn until climax for the first time earned 75XP

[Wisdom] is now 11

[Wisdom] is now 12

Quest menu unlocked

50XP earned

[Vitality] is now 11

[Toughness] is now 12

[Energy Harvesting] activated 36 Mana gained

9 Mana sent to Mephistopheles

Enemy defeated

50XP gained

50 Mana gained

$50 gained

Achievement unlocked

75XP gained

75 Mana gained

Emergency Quest completed

100XP gained

100 Mana gained

$100 gained

500 Mana gained

125 Mana sent to Mephistopheles

Achievement unlocked

75XP gained

75 Mana gained

3000 Mana gained

Quest completed

75XP gained

Level Up, You are now level 4

[Intelligence] is now 30

[Orgasm Control] is now 16

[Improved Fast Learning] perk learned

[Greater Fast Learning] perk learned

[Orgasm Control] perk learned

23 Mana spent

[Fertility Magic] ability learned

74 Mana spent

[STD Immunity] ability learned

214 Mana spent

[Lust Demon Immunity] ability learned

Gave oral sex to Julia until climax for the first time earned 25XP

Achievement unlocked

75XP gained

75 Mana gained

Had vaginal sex with Evelynn until you climaxed earned 25XP

Has vaginal sex with Evelynn until she climaxed earned 25XP

Had a threesome with Evelynn and Julia until climax for the first time earned 100XP

[Multitasking] skill learned

Had vaginal sex with Julia until you climaxed for the first time earned 25XP

Had vaginal sex with Julia until she climaxed for the first time earned 25XP

Gave oral sex to Evelynn until she climaxed earned 25XP

Had a threesome with Evelynn and Julia until climax earned 50XP

[Vitality] is now 13

[Oral Sex] skill is now 23

[Sexual Intercourse] skill is now 8

[Orgasm Control] skill is now 20

[Multitasking] skill is now 5

Achievement unlocked

100XP gained

100 Mana gained

HUD added to options menu

62 Mana spent

Victory theme added

5 Mana spent

[Analyze] ability learned

[Analyze] ability is now rank 10

996 Mana spent

[Mana Sense] ability learned

28 Mana Spent

[Mana Manipulation] ability learned

[Mana Manipulation] is now rank 1

1988 Mana spent

Received oral sex from Evelynn until climax earned 25XP

Had vaginal sex with Evelynn until you climaxed earned 25XP

Had vaginal sex with Evelynn until she climaxed earned 25XP


Until next time this is PureEvil.

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ClearmuseClearmuseabout 1 month ago

Gamer is a good toon, I see the inspiration.

Characters are a little light on seeing their motivations. Dialogue is snappy, but often lacks each speakers emotion so it comes out a bit lifeless. All you might get from faces or voices could use a few words to replace them, otherwise all the tone is lost.

IamthatwhoreIamthatwhoreabout 1 month ago

Reading a technical manual isn't sexy and reading a poorly written one really isn't worthwhile. You knock yourself down by not having a proofreader read your story before posting here and by not knowing how to use spellcheck to check your writing for spelling and grammar (you don't misspell, but you don't know where to place a comma).

What could have been an interesting read is bogged down by too much explanation and not giving your readers enough momentum. Your story is like a hard academic book, you explain everything to the point of exhaustion without drawing the reader in. A lot of what you explained is either dry and a non story version of your character's backstory or a technical explanation of all the minute rules of your video game reality that no reader needs dropped on them in such a long and drawn out way. And when you don't flesh out the story. your readers aren't drawn in by a flavorful and fun first person experience, but rather you kill us with boring and lifeless exposition that isn't anything like the vivid mawha comic book genre that you are trying to play homage too. Stories should be happening mostly in real time. If you have to explain something, don't let the explanation takeover the entire page, chapter, or whole story.

WeezyfWeezyfalmost 3 years ago

Notto mention how da fuk you write a hero story while your username is pureevil lmao. Also why did he tell a total stranger his whole life story including details about himself + deals with the devil dafuk lol

WeezyfWeezyfalmost 3 years ago

I dont like this Julie, after giving her head she says stuff like i might keep you.. is he a fking dog? Also she talks about how she would date the old him bla bla but 0 talk about if he would want to even date her wtf.

WeezyfWeezyfalmost 3 years ago

Why would he help people in danger? Nobody helped him when he was humiliates, abused and mentally and physically humiliated

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