The Debauchery of Hope Ch. 04

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LJ and Hope go to dinner.
4.3k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 03/04/2009
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"In the mood for anything special?" LJ asked as they slipped into his SUV and headed out the school parking lot to find a place to grab dinner.

The sticky wetness of LJ's release still sloshing around her crotch as she told him it didn't matter where they went, Hope was pretty sure it was the first time she'd been out in public without any panties in a very, very long time. The bare sensation without them, especially when wearing a dress that draped just below her knee, was going to take some getting use to. Still, she couldn't help but feel a tingle of naughtiness knowing LJ had taken her underwear as a trophy for what he'd done to her twice over the past three days. Purposefully putting out of her mind how many other such trophies he might have taken from women in the past, for once Hope was strangely content to just ride the wave.

Turning onto the highway and heading uptown, Hope started to get fidgety the further they went. Having left her car back at the school when LJ said he'd bring her back to pick it up, Hope had assumed he intended to stop at a place within a few blocks. The further he drove along however, the more Hope realized he had something more detailed than just dinner in mind.

With each mile marker they passed, Hope's anxiety grew. Looking across to LJ to try and gauge any hint of his intentions, all she saw was the same steely-eyed focus she'd quickly grown accustomed to.

"You must be in the mood for something special to drive this far out?" she folded her arms and said, trying to make conversation.

"Yes...yes I am," LJ looked over and smiled without elaborating further.

When LJ turned off at the exit that was only two miles from her home, a cold jolt ripped through Hope's spine. Realizing she'd eaten at most of the restaurants along that strip, suddenly Hope was confronted with the fact that someone she knew might see her with LJ.

Sitting there in the passenger seat, Hope was forced to face the fact that LJ had steadily become her little dirty secret, the one man that had truly tapped into her most primal of needs and she feared if anyone saw her with him, they'd see her for what she was. In her own litte way, Hope had tried to compartmentalize LJ and the rest of her life into two distinctly different worlds, but suddenly those worlds were about crash headlong into the other.

When LJ eventually did turn into one of those bistro's parking lot, Hope knew she was helpless, both in a literal and a figurative sense, to do anything but go along for the ride.

"Have you ever been here before?" LJ asked Hope once he'd backed into a parking spot facing the front door.

"Yeah..a few times..not since I came back home though," she replied, her head spinning as she sat there, trying to picture how the night might end.

Her body exhausted and reeling from the paces LJ had already put her through, Hope reached for the door handle to get out, but LJ didn't budge from his seat. Instead he just sat there in an almost trance-like state, surveying the surroundings as dusk fell over the town.

Hope watched as several people came and went, entering and leaving the restaurant over the next few minutes before LJ finally snapped himself out of his self-induced fog.

"Ready to go?" he asked Hope as if nothing had happened.

There was tension, albeit unspoken, from the instant LJ and Hope walked inside. While the place wasn't overly formal, it wasn't exactly casual either and the sight of a man in basketball warm-ups and a woman in a plain blouse and skirt did cause some stares from the patrons sitting around the dining area. Even in a place as supposedly liberal as the Bay Area, the fact that it was also a black man with a white woman in the otherwise white bread surroundings probably played a role as well.

Taking a seat as the waitress handed them their menus, whether real or imagined, Hope felt what amounted to 30 sets of eyes on her. LJ seemed totally unfazed by it all, but sitting there without her panties as the man's semen dried on the insides of her thighs, Hope felt naked and horribly self-conscious as she tried to concentrate on the entree choices. Thankfully, as she stole a peek or two around the room, she didn't see anyone she recognized.

Within five minutes of entering the restaurant, LJ had latched on to two potential foils for his plan. "Gawkers" he called them.

One was a blonde guy that looked to be in his late 20's who was sitting with a couple of other guys over at the bar. LJ had caught him several times looking over at he and Hope sitting there with a somewhat perturbed and bothered expression on his face. Figuring that guy was too far away to maximum the effect of his plan, LJ decided to concentrate his efforts on the man who was sitting directly across at a slight diagonal angle facing he and Hope. The man appeared to be in his mid 40's and was having dinner with his Wife. LJ could feel the weight of the man's stare over his left shoulder and each time he turned to subtly measure the man's intent, LJ could see all the tell-tale non-verbal signs he'd grown use to in similar situations.

The waitress had also sparked LJ's interest. The tall, auburn-haired girl appeared to be a college grad student and had the name 'Shelly' on her tag. Instantly striking up a rapport with the server, LJ could feel the jealousy glow from several of the other men in the room as the waitress giggled and blushed at several of his open advances. Ever perceptive, at some point Hope started to realize what LJ was up to.

The meal delivered, LJ heartily dug in. Even though she was famished, Hope was so anxious all she could do was pick at her salad and nibble around the edges of her entree as the hustle and bustle of the dinner rush swirled around her.

"I'm gonna talk to a few real estate agents next week...maybe set up a meeting or two to look at the properties that seem to fall within our budget," Hope offered, trying to make some small talk and get the next phase of the project on track.

"That'll be fine...I've got a game Friday night but pretty much the entire weekend free..I'd really like to slip by a couple of those properties this weekend and see them before the agent gives us a tour...just to give us a chance to take a look around and see some of the things they might not necessarily want to show us," LJ replied before wiping his mouth with the napkin.

Watching LJ give another wink and nod to Shelly when she came to refill their drinks, all Hope could do was nod and tell LJ, "That's fine."

With a much better sightline to see the married man off to LJ's side, it also wasn't lost on Hope when she saw his reaction to LJ being so fresh with the waitress. Sensing the man's gnawing jealousy as well as her own burgeoning inner slut, Hope gave the man a wry smile and suggestive wink as if to say she was completely onboard with LJ's overtures.

"Do you know him?" LJ asked when he sensed Hope starting to play along.

"No," she replied.

"Good," LJ slowly rattled the ice around his glass. "Then we can have a little fun."

Grabbing Hope's left hand with his right, LJ pulled it towards him then sensuously kissed the back of it before allowing her to pull her hand back. It was a romantic gesture that created a surreal juxtaposition to what the couple was about to do next. Leaning across the table, LJ whispered something into Hope's ear before sitting down. Turning his head back to the man beside him who'd all but given up trying to enjoy his meal, LJ cracked a smile in the guy's direction before winking to Hope.

So swept up in the moment, Hope kicked off her shoe then raised her right foot off the floor and placed it against LJ's crotch. For the next few minutes, she proceeded to massage LJ's cock with her heel and toes under the table while he ate his dinner. The subtle and mostly hidden act wasn't lost on the suddenly nervous waitress either when she returned to check on everything. LJ made a mental note right then to come back alone to the restaurant one night to see if Shelly was working.

Casting his eye over to the anonymous man's Wife for the first time to size her up, LJ felt another shot of adrenaline sweep through his body when he spent the next 20 seconds of so committing her specs to memory. Seemingly close to the same age as her Husband, she was a little on the heavyset side but it was well proportioned and LJ spent a few extra breaths admiring her ample bosom from the side. She had medium length blonde hair with a few highlights, and when he looked hard enough, he could see just the faint traces of some early gray. There didn't seem to be a hint of pretentiousness about the woman, and LJ almost felt guilty he was even incorporating her into his little ditty, but she was essential for it's full effect.

LJ's initial impression was that the woman didn't have any clue about the interplay between He, Hope and her Husband. She did seem somewhat bewildered by the sudden change in her Husband's demeanor, but considering the amount of time they'd probably been together, the woman brushed it off without a word and returned to her meal.

Allowing his gaze to wander down to the woman's legs under the table, LJ could see she had black hose on, always a favorite of his. He spent the next few seconds trying to guess whether they were a sheer pair of black thigh-highs perhaps or just a run of the mill black pantyhose. He guessed pantyhose, but for just an instant he was tempted to reach over and stick his hand right between the woman's legs to check for sure.

"Too fine of an establishment to do that," LJ smirked to himself before casting the woman's Husband another sly and knowing smile.

Giving Hope's foot a good squeeze with his right hand as she nuzzled it against his crotch, LJ could feel his cock pulsing like hot lead as it grew along the inside of his thigh.

As the next few minutes played out, LJ began to think he wouldn't get the opportunity to use the second suggestion he'd whispered into Hope's ear. Deciding to order dessert to buy a little extra time, not to mention satisfy his sweet tooth, LJ got the break he was looking for when the man's wife must have gotten a little ansty waiting for her husband to finish his meal. LJ overheard her tell the guy she was going to 'freshen up' ".

Dropping his fork down beside the pastry he was halfway through, LJ ears perked up when he saw the woman stand out of the corner of his eye before she walked across the dining room floor to the restroom. Looking over at Hope and giving her another wink, LJ eased her wedged foot off his groin, stood up and followed the married woman to the bathroom.

Even though he had absolutely no intention of doing anything other than going to take a leak, LJ could feel the man's gaze burning a hole in his back as he walked away, pretty sure the man thought LJ was going to make some sort of move on his Wife. LJ half expected the man to follow him, just to make sure nothing was going to happen, but before he could, Hope did something that paralyzed the guy in his seat.

Just a few days earlier, the sheer thought of what she was about to do would have utterly revolted Hope. What LJ had unleashed inside her however had opened some sort of carnal floodgate to her psyche, and Hope felt powerless to stop it even if she'd wanted to. Knowing the man to her right was sitting there thinking LJ had followed his Wife to the bathroom with the sole purpose of seducing her, she could see the look of jittery angst etched across his chubby face, but he'd yet to bring himself to go check on her. Before he had a chance, Hope reached down and grabbed the hem of her dress under the table. Sensing no one else in the restaurant was in the immediate sightlines, Hope raised her dress all the way up to her crotch and exposed her panty-less pussy for the disbelieving man to see.

Even though it was shrouded somewhat by the shadow of the table, the man could clearly see the holy mess LJ had made of Hope's genitals back in the school gym an hour or so earlier. It took the guy's eyes a few seconds to adjust as Hope spread her legs for him, but once they did he could clearly see the residue of LJ's semen caking her entire crotch. His Adam's Apple visibly quivered seeing how the woman's glistening and stretched labia were stained with the black man's cum, not to mention how it had matted like several white pearls inside her dense pubic fleece. Shamefully allowing his gaze to sweep all over Hope's vaginal expanse, he could even see how LJ's seed had seeped out and covered Hope's pale white and freckled upper thighs.

A naughty jolt of lurid indecency suddenly buzzed through Hope, and she found herself reaching under the table and spreading her pussy lips apart just to show the stranger how far LJ had opened her up.

Just as quickly as she'd raised her skirt, Hope pulled it back down and jerked her gaze away from the man's frozen stare. A few seconds later his Wife sauntered back from the bathroom, none the wiser.

It was clear from the ash-white expression on the man's face, his blood pressure had risen to dangerous levels. Even Hope said a private prayer for the man when she heard how difficult it was for him to make small talk with his Wife once she'd sat back down. A minute or so later, LJ returned from the restroom and when he saw the shit-eating grin on Hope's face to go with the look of delusion in the other man's stare, LJ knew his plan had gone off without a hitch.

"Let's pay and get out of here," LJ smiled, making sure the couple beside them could hear.


Walking arm in arm with LJ out of the restaurant, Hope leaned her full weight against him as they glided back to his SUV. She knew he'd made eyes at the waitress inside and the plan he'd hatched the humiliate the man in front of his Wife was patently obscene and deplorable under any normal circumstance. Still, as she cinched her grip tight around LJ's waist as he led her to his vehicle, from the sustenance filling her belly to the radiant glow still emanating from her womb, for better or worse Hope couldn't deny that every physical and psychological need she had was met by the man walking beside her.

When he opened the back door on the driver's side instead of the front one, Hope knew the evening wasn't over quite yet. Looking down and seeing the bulging ridge of LJ's erection along the thigh of his pants, she had a pretty good idea what was going to happen once they got inside.

A charge of excitement surged through Hope's core when her right arm grazed against the protruding front of LJ's pants as she stepped up into the backseat. Despite the encroaching coolness of the early evening, Hope could feel the warmth once again growing between her legs as she waited for LJ to join her.

Once he'd settled in beside her and closed the door, Hope instinctively swung her left leg over LJ's right before the two began fondling each other. Instantly feeling any inhibition she might have felt melt away when his lips and hands started to roam over her body, Hope could see people coming and going through the parking lot out of the corner of her eye. Feeling somewhat shielded by the SUV's tinted windows, the longer she sat there in his arms, the more everything seemed to turn to bliss.

Before she knew it, LJ had slid her body up on top of his lap and hiked her dress all the way up to her waist, allowing the chilly night air to cascade around her bare, panty-less crotch.

"He's got the window down," she thought to herself, feeling the breeze rush in.

Holding her in place with her back flush against his chest, LJ reached around and groped Hope's breasts through her top as he tenderly chewed his lips up and down the left side of her neck. Her gaze focused straight ahead now facing the front door of the restaurant, suddenly Hope understood why LJ was insistent on backing into the stall.

Going weightless for a couple of seconds when LJ slid his left hand under her rear end while raising her up with his right, Hope held her breath and bit down on the inside of her cheek knowing what was next. Clutching the headrest of the seat in front of her with both hands, Hope could feel LJ's warm breath against the back of her neck as she trembled in wait.

"OHHHHH........AAAHHHH," she winced when the golfball sized head of LJ's dick collided with her puffed labia.

Even though he'd already fucked her twice, Hope knew that treacherous moment of penetration would be something she'd always have to grin and bear each time they made love. The fact that he'd taken her from behind in the shower, or only hours earlier in the missionary position on the unforgiving hardwood floor of the gym was nothing compared to what she was feeling now. Even though LJ had been difficult enough to accommodate the first two times, sitting on the top of his lap now, when LJ allowed gravity to take over and her full weight slowly settled down on his jutting phallic spear, Hope felt as if she was being ripped in two as she dug her fingers into the upholstery of the headrest in front of her. Thankfully for her, the semen LJ had already deposited inside her combined with her own natural juices to provide enough lubrication when he gradually began slicing his cock upwards into her womb.

Having been the victim of a sexually stunted youth, this was the first time in 35 years Hope found herself making out in a parked car. Considering the doors LJ had opened for her over the past 48 hours however, Hope somehow knew nothing would ever been taboo for her again. Sitting in the backseat of a black man's SUV, in the middle of a well lit and well traveled parking lot with his dick plunged deep into the bowels of her vagina, all Hope could do was hold on tight as he squeezed her breasts and hammered his groin into her behind.

Having learned the hard way two days earlier just how much stamina LJ possessed after shooting his initial wad, Hope knew he could fuck her for as long as he wanted there in the backseat. She also knew she'd be sore and raw for several days to come, but Hope knew she'd somehow keep coming back. Thankfully after he'd penetrated her, LJ took his time and allowed Hope to settle herself in such a vulnerable position, only jabbing his dick hard every few thrusts just to make sure she knew he was still in control.

Each time she looked up, Hope found it surreal to see all the people coming and going through the parking lot, completely unaware of what was going on inside the tan SUV. Her eyes blurry from the delirium sweeping through her skull, Hope could feel every ridge, bump and vein lining LJ's penis as it burrowed ever deeper into her tight and pulsing vaginal sheath.

It took about five minutes or so after LJ had penetrated her for Hope to truly grasp the full extent of his plan. Knowing LJ had a clear view through the front windshield as he rested his chin on her right shoulder, they watched together as the couple from inside exited the restaurant and began walking back to their car, which happened to be parked two stalls to the right of LJ's vehicle.

The placid and gentle way LJ had been fucking her suddenly ceased and after a low, gurgling groan left his throat, Hope immediately felt the urgency and pace of his thrusts increase. Within a few seconds, Hope was holding on for dear life as she bounced like a ragdoll on top of LJ in the backseat.

In the recesses of her mind, Hope remembered how distant LJ had been when they first got to the restaurant, almost as if he was waiting for something to happen. Even though she didn't think about it at the time, the thing that seemed to pull him out of that fog was when the car parked two spaces away and that same couple stepped out and walked inside eat. Looking over and seeing how he'd strategically rolled the window on that side all the way down, Hope felt her skin crawl with depraved want realizing all this was part of LJ's plan from the start.