The Deep Sargasso Sea Pt. 01

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Young women bred by tentacle alien on Caribbean Beach.
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/29/2024
Created 05/18/2024
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The trip

The morning sun hung low over the Caribbean horizon, casting a warm golden glow upon the pristine beaches of Saint Lucia. Maya, a 22-year-old woman with long brunette hair that cascaded in gentle waves down her slender shoulders, stood at the water's edge, the grains of sand shifting beneath her bare feet. Her eyes reflected a mix of excitement and escape, the prospect of a holiday acting as a welcomed distraction from the monotony of her life as an HR manager.

Maya had grown weary of the predictable routine of her daily grind--the endless meetings, the clattering keyboards, the humdrum of office life that seemed to stretch on forever. The allure of a tropical getaway, a respite from the mundane, had led her to this paradise with a close friend, a companion on this journey of sun-soaked liberation.

Her friend, Dawn, joined her by the water, the two of them exchanging glances that spoke volumes of shared anticipation. As the gentle breeze played with strands of Maya's chestnut hair, she closed her eyes, inhaling the salty air that carried promises of adventure. The resort they had chosen, nestled between swaying palm trees and overlooking the azure sea, beckoned with the allure of luxurious escape.

Maya's mind raced with visions of lazy afternoons by the pool, exotic cocktails adorned with paper umbrellas, and the soft cadence of the Caribbean waves lulling her into a state of blissful relaxation. It was a stark contrast to the stringent world of HR policies and employee evaluations that she left behind, temporarily forgotten in the wake of this tropical reverie.

The vibrant colours of the island seemed to breathe life into Maya's spirit. The turquoise sea stretched infinitely before her, inviting her to dive into the unknown, to let go of the familiar and embrace the exhilarating unknown. The rustle of palm leaves overhead echoed the whispers of change, a promise that this vacation held the key to unlocking a new chapter in her life.

As the day unfolded, Maya and Dawn explored the island, immersing themselves in the local culture, indulging in delectable cuisine, and allowing the rhythmic beats of Caribbean music to guide their steps. Yet, beneath the sun-kissed facade of paradise, there lingered a sense of mystery--an unspoken narrative that hinted at untold stories, secrets veiled by the lush foliage and crystalline waters.

Little did Maya know, the adventure awaiting her on this idyllic island would not only redefine her understanding of escape but would also lead her on a journey of self-discovery, where the boundaries of reality and fantasy blurred into an unexpected odyssey of love, intrigue, and the magic that only the Caribbean could conjure.


Far beneath the surface of the Sargasso Sea, where the inky blackness swallowed even the faintest hint of sunlight, a weapon named Xylokra dwelled in the silent depths. It should not have been there, a rogue solar flare had caused the computers to reboot and in those precious seconds, during entry into Earth's atmosphere disaster had struck and damaging the craft and destroying all but one of the weapons. Xylokra alone had survived and sank to the great depths which would hide it and provide it's needs, however, with the loss of the craft meant the loss of the primary AI which would provide the Xylokra with mission profiles.

Xylokra, extra-terrestrial design and a purpose far removed from the serenity of the Earth's oceans, a technical marvel crafted for destruction, had arrived on Earth centuries ago as a living weapon, a biological creation with an intelligence that transcended human comprehension. His amorphous form, suspended in the cold, dark abyss, was a testament to the otherworldly engineering that had designed it.

The Sargasso Sea, with its labyrinthine network of seaweed and swirling currents, concealed the secret of Xylokra's existence. His body, a gelatinous mass that pulsated with an ethereal glow, defied the crushing pressure that pervaded the fathomless depths. The very essence of Xylokra's being, a viscous jelly-like substance, served as both armour and sanctuary, protecting him from the hostile environment that would have annihilated any ordinary life form.

Xylokra's consciousness, intricately entwined with the advanced technology that comprised his existence, observed the years passing by. The Sargasso Sea became his fortress, a sanctuary where time moved in slow, deliberate cadence. From the vantage point of the abyss, he watched the evolution of human civilization unfold on the surface, a spectacle both fascinating and perplexing.

Though lacking it's prime mission profiles, Xylokra's purpose core objectives remained. Isolation in the depths of the Sargasso Sea had tempered the destructive intent embedded within his creation, though one prime protocol remained, to subjugate and reproduce.

In reality the alien race who created Xylokra had observed Earth's rapid progress from afar and not wishing to have competition had dispatched suitable adaptable bioweapons to the planet to stop or at worse slow technological development. However the accident meant this had not gone entirely to plan and a replacement mission was some decades off from arriving.

Yet, the shadows of his origin lingered--a reminder that the cosmos held secrets that transcended the understanding of even the most advanced civilizations. As Xylokra drifted in the timeless embrace of the Sargasso Sea, a subtle yearning emerged within the depths of his consciousness, hinting at a destiny entwined with the world above--a destiny that, unbeknownst to him, would soon surface and intertwine with the destiny of an unsuspecting woman named Maya.

Every few years Xylokra would come to the surface and seek out a suitable victim to carry and distribute his spawn. The urge to breed caused him to leave the deep and come close to the surface from where he could locate an suitable spot for his attack, he had been to St Lucia a number of times before and was familiar with the underwater geography of the east of the island and this is where he surfaced to reconnoitre the shore.

After 3 days he located a suitable spot, some distance from any towns and resorts, the shoals made it unattractive for local fisherman, the soft volcanic sand presented him no problems it was ideal for his purpose. Xylokra had chosen a beach he had detected was not often used and had positioned himself at the far end of the beach near a discrete inlet, leading to a lagoon, which was hidden from the rest of the beach by trees. Semi isolated it would give him the privacy it required.

Xylokra arranged the trap carefully, long experience had shown all manner of creatures were attracted to bioluminescence and Xylokra's iridescent appendage would acts as the bait. Moving to shallow water close enough to the beach his translucent blue body and tentacles were near enough invisible from above the water, it now proceeded to stretch the tentacles to their fullest extent, creating a horseshoe shaped curve, in which his body sat in the middle and a short tentacle jutted out of the water ready to lure in a suitable victim. Xylokra waited with robotic patience.

The Beach

After having a suitably late breakfast together, Maya and Dawn discussed what they would do that day. Having spent the flight and the last 3 days together the two friends were ready for a break from each other company.

Maya shaded her eyes as she gazed out at the expanse of the sea visible from the hotel, her excitement barely contained. "Dawn, I think I'm going to head down to the beach and do some beachcombing," she announced, a hint of adventure in her voice. "I heard there are some really cool shells and maybe even some sea glass."

Dawn, sprawled comfortably on a lounge chair by the resort's pool, barely looked up from her novel. "Really? That sounds... nice, but I was planning to just lounge here and soak up the sun. We're at a resort, Maya. Isn't the whole point to relax?"

Maya grinned, undeterred. "Relaxing doesn't have to mean staying in one spot all day. Besides, think of the treasures I might find! I could discover something amazing."

Dawn sighed, adjusting her sunglasses. "I don't know... I was really looking forward to just lying here with a good book and a cold drink. Plus, it's so hot out there, and the sand gets everywhere."

"But that's part of the adventure!" Maya insisted, her enthusiasm infectious. "I can cool off in the water if I get too hot. And I promise to bring back something interesting for you."

Dawn pursed her lips, contemplating. "Hmm... I'm still not convinced. What if you don't find anything interesting? It might just be a lot of walking for nothing."

"Even if I don't find anything, it's still a beautiful walk along the beach. The ocean, the fresh air... it's rejuvenating in its own way," Maya said, determination in her eyes. "Come on, it'll be fun!"

After a moment's hesitation, Dawn shook her head with a smile. "Alright, you go have your adventure. I'll hold down the fort here and maybe order us some lunch."

Maya's face lit up with gratitude. "Thanks, Dawn! I'll be back in a bit. Enjoy your sunbathing!"

Dawn waved her off. "Go on, explorer. Just don't forget sunscreen, and watch out for sharp shells."

"I will!" Maya called back, already heading towards the beach with a spring in her step. She couldn't wait to see what treasures awaited her on this solo adventure.

As she walked away, Dawn settled back into her lounge chair, ready to enjoy her own version of relaxation. Both friends were content, each embracing the day in their own way.

Maya liked beach combing and had a small tote bag to collect the shells and sea bleached wood she found. Having left Dawn to sunbath at the hotel, Maya wanted some alone time. She had spotted this long empty beach the previous day and knew it would make an ideal spot, away from the main tourist beaches and the isolation did not phase her as she knew she would find the best shells here.

She took the hire car and stopped in the local town and wondered around the shops for a bit before purchasing water, and a disposable underwater camera and a few other bits of pieces. Before taking the coastal road out of town and driving for 20 minutes to the beach she had scene. She pulled of the road, turn the engine off and surveyed the beach, it was just as she remembered.

Perhaps just over a kilometre long the beach gently curved, the sand was blackish grey, Maya had learned this was because it came from volcanic rock and had seen bubbles of volcanic gases when swimming on the beach at the resort. In the far distance the beach ended in trees which came down almost to the water's edge.

Maya collected her bag, water and put on a fresh application of gently perfumed sunscreen and started out along the deserted beach.

As she walked barefoot along the soft sand, she had noted a glint in the water in the water on the other side of the beach but had thought nothing of it, but as she got closer, she noticed the iridescent colours. She could not make out what it was but she glanced at it more often as she slowly made her way down the beach. A particularly pretty pink shell with luscious mother of pearl about the size of her hand pleased her greatly as it would make a great decoration in her house.

She stopped to take a sip of water and examine the thing floating in the water from the shore, still around a hundred meters away. She still could not make not out, but it seemed not to gave moved. The colours sparked and reflected off the gentle lapping of the water.

The Xylokra had been aware of her presence since she was halfway down the beach. Lacking eyes, he could not see her, but the vibrations from her walking, the occasional squeal of delight when she had found something, and her pheromones had all reached him as we waited patiently. The pheromones she gave off indicted a female of breeding age.

Maya was now at the end of the beach, ahead of her was a cluster of trees around a lagoon, but they were too think to easily get through and Maya had not intention of attempting it, she had a nice collection of items and was ready to turn back.

Before she did she approached the water to cool off and look at the strange object floating in the water tantalizingly close. She examined it from a distance as cool water lapped around her toes, she wiggled them feeling the soft sand between them.

The thing shone with so many pretty colours reds, blues, purples, greens, they formed no coherent pattern, Maya was curious and wanted it for her collection or at least see what it was and decided to wade out the 20 meters or so. The water was calm and did not look deep, and everything on this island was so sweet and safe. She layed out her bag and slipped off her skirt & shirt which she folded neatly on top of the bag to avoid them getting sandy and placed the water bottle on top.

Underneath her clothes she had on her favourite blue bikini as she had planned on swimming that day.

As she started to wade out, the Xylokra gently and slowly moved his tentacles closer to the direction he expected her to approach. Now as the water reached her knees he imperceptibly closed the horseshoe behind her.

Maya could see the pretty thing more clearly now, about 30 centimetres, it stuck out of the water, seemly floating on the surface, Maya was too curious to think why it did not bob up and down in the small waves.

Underneath the water, Maya's legs moved though thousands of invisible translucent tendrils, each one leaving a tiny layer of slime on her smooth exposed legs. The slime was packed full of chemical compounds which would subdue her as they worked their way into her blood stream. Some would make her relaxed, some would inhibit higher thought processes, some would give her a feeling of euphoria, some would lower her inhibitions and finally some would excite her sexually.

As Maya reached the thing, the water was up to her middle and she had swum the last few meters but could comfortable touch the sand. She was alert and curious, the effects of compounds coating her skin were still working their way into her blood stream. She could see it clearly now, but still had no idea what it was, it seemed not to be attached to anything in the water so she reached out to touch it. As her fingers gripped it she noted how it felt smooth, wet and slightly rubbery. It must be attached to something as it was resistant to her pulling it.

As she touched it she became aware of something touching the back of her legs, her heart thumped and she gasped, looking down in the water to see what it was and letting go of the appendage, but saw nothing. The translucent blue tentacle being almost invisible underwater, and it had had just coated the back of her legs in large quantities of slime. Simultaneously Xylokra closed the horseshoe, Maya was now surrounded by powerful muscular tentacles each covered with the powerful slime which could subdue her quickly.

Unaware of the danger she was in Maya decided it must have been a fish and reached out for the appendage again.

As Xylokra felt Maya touch the coloured appendage for the second time, he sprung his trap. Powerful tentacles entwined around her legs, and midriff, others leapt clear of the water and curled around both of Maya's arms. With Maya's reflexes starting to be impaired by the cocktail of drugs coursing through her she could do nothing to avoid this.

She struggled against the tentacles as all of her exposure skin was coated in mind bending slime leaving it shiny and glossy. Her heart was racing, and she screamed in fear. More tentacles reached across her body, but encountered her Bikini, quickly adapting the tentacles slipped under the fabric and exposed more of her skin to more of the slime.

As the large tentacles restraining her, smaller more delicate and agile tentacles started to explore her body, one quickly found her mouth, open in shock, the tentacles left a layer of slime which she accidentally swallowed, giving Maya a massive dose, she continued to struggle against the soft but unyielding rubbery grip of the tentacles but her effort grew weaker and weaker until she stopped altogether and the Xylokra could only feel her pounding heart. Now Maya was defenceless and the Xylokra had achieved this is less than 30 seconds.

Tentacles wrapped the selves around her lower body, the effect of the slime beginning to impair her coordination and judgement, somehow she felt calm and good, while a diminishing voice in her head told her she was in danger.

Xylokra quickly found what he was looking for on her body, but the way was blocked by Merv's bikini bottoms, a small flexible tentacle swiftly moved these to one side and delivered a dose of slime to the sensitive skinned of the vulva, this was quickly absorbed into Maya's blood stream, and the last remaining will to struggle left her. In fact her body felt great, and she gasped in pleasure as the tentacles explored her body.

Xylokra started to move towards the inlet and its private lagoon, Maya's legs under the effect of the chemicals on her bloodstream gave way, but Xylokra's tentacles supported her. They glided through the clear water to the lagoon, out of the sight of the rest of the beach. Xylokra needed time and the lagoon provided a haven for what would come next.

Maya was aware of everything but her mind failed to process it, it all seemed like a dream, the water flowing around her body and the gentle caress of the tentacles as they continued their exploration and subjugation of her body felt wonderful on her sensitive skin. She knew she should be terrified, but somehow she felt happy, relaxed and unworried.

Xylokra stopped in water around 1 meter deep, all was quiet in the lagoon, the air was still and the small ripples from the movement of Xylokra lapped almost imperceptible around the sides of the lagoon.

Xylokra moved the tentacles so Maya no recline on them, the pair of tentacles around each leg, moved their points up and gentle caressed Maya's inner thigh, while gently prising her legs apart, they met little resistance. The small tentacles which had found her vagina, now started to explore in earnest, massaging her clitoris. The soft rubbery feel of the tentacle against her most private of places made Maya gasp with pleasure, she arched her back.

The tentacles around her upper body still restrained her, but had loosened the bikini top. Xylokra knew about the female body and the bikini was getting in the way so the tentacles simply pulled it off and dropped it in the water in front of the couple. Maya's small breasts were now free and very sensitive, Xylokra tentacles started to fondle them.

Maya was fully reclining against Xylokra, her legs firmly held be strong tentacles and splayed out. Her arms monster had secured above her head so not to get in the way. All over her body tentacles touched and probed and to Maya they heighted her arousal. With her brain impaired by the drugs she could no longer make coherent thoughts, but her body was now hypersensitive and receptive to the stimulus of Xylokra.

The small tentacle in Maya's vagina continued to massage and probe. Xylokra knew that the more his victim fell under his control the more successful the breeding, so he carefully prepared Maya's body for the ravishing to come.

Finally a larger appendage positioned itself at the lips of Maya's vagina. Maya was aware of the smooth soft rubbery feel of it as it very slowly put pressure on those lips who very gently opened up to willingly accept the invasion.

Bigger than a human penis this breeding tentacle filled Maya's vagina, the suckers and dimples made her shudder with pleasure as they smoothly glided centimetre by centimetre relentlessly into her vagina, being amply lubricated by both the slime generated by Xylokra and by Maya's body who subjugated by Xylokra, was now betraying her.