The Descending of Jessica Ch. 13


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"That would be awesome!" She yelped, "I may not see you again until next weekend!"

"Why? School doesn't start until Wednesday, does it?"

"Yes, but we need to get Miss Sarah to the salon and the mall to spruce up her winter wardrobe before then," said Allison, "I just don't know if we'll have time for it all."

"Well, great. After the bookstore, let's hit the mall, okay Brat?"

"Okay!" She grinned.

"Can I ask something?" Mrs. Watson said, "Are you folks all always this fun to be around?"

"Except when birthday girl is grumpy," Ron said with a laugh.

"Hey! That's mean!" I exclaimed. "Don't make me look bad in front of Mr. and Mrs. Watson!"

"She's never grumpy anyway," Amber allowed. "Just don't get her mad. She has to change boots when she gets mad."

Everyone laughed except the Watsons, who weren't in on the joke. "I'll explain it later," Carolyn told them.

After lunch, we said our goodbyes to the Watsons. I hated to see them go without spending more time getting to know them. They seemed like such nice people, and their daughter was so much like them. Reg and Kevin took off with Amber and Trish. Supposedly it was to help them move some furniture, but I suspected the only movement would be up and down on the furniture. Amber mentioned while we were briefly alone that both felt really bad about having pressured Carolyn to take Steven back. So, with that, it appeared that Steven was to bother her no more. Both Reg and Kevin could be physically intimidating if they wanted to be, I think. And the way they doted on "Nag" told me they would come running all the way from Ohio if she ever asked them to.

Brent and Ron went to the house. And Donna departed us to get ready for work, leaving Carolyn, Sarah, Allison and me to hit first the bookstore and then the mall. Sarah and I were like kids in a candy store at the bookseller. Allison and Carolyn were more in their element at the salon and mall. By the end of the day, we had wore poor Brat out and she didn't argue about going home. While Brat was getting her hair done, I was able to catch Allison up on our conversation from last night. After assuring her that Huck Finn had brought the subject of lonely children up, not me, she was quite happy with my efforts. She, too, had noticed a change in how Sarah had acted today. That she wasn't afraid anymore and was with confidence attaching herself emotionally to Ron and Allison.

All in all, it was a wonderful day. Brat hugged my neck and got a promise I would see her before school started back and left without whining. Carolyn went to her side of the duplex to get her registration materials, and I entered my new home to find curtains hung on the windows, and even better, all the boxes empty and clothing put away. Even the dishes from last night and that morning were done. I also found an adorable husband sacked out on our bed napping.

"Hey, sleepy! I can't believe you got everything done!"

Brent cracked one eye open and said with a smile "Well, Dad and I figured if we didn't, you would try to."

"You figured right. You must be exhausted."

"Nah, I'm fine. We got done about a half hour ago. Dad just left a few minutes before you guys pulled in. I had just stretched out. How are you feeling?"

"Water logged, but only one more quart today!" I grinned. "But good, really good. No dizziness. No stuffiness. No queasy wanna vomitness. I feel, well as good as I've felt in ages."

"So what do you want to do tonight? Watch a movie or something?"

"Hmm, I promised Carolyn I would fill out my class schedule and registration stuff, but that shouldn't take but maybe an hour. We could order pizza and snuggle if you like,"

"That beats cooking." He grinned.

A gentle knock at the door told me Carolyn was back. So I grabbed the registration packet off the dresser and went to greet her. Sure enough, it took two hours to complete. But we were able to schedule most of our classes together, and one with Brent, who also lacked a few humanities courses. One other I was on my own for, but it was in the history department so I wasn't worried about having a study partner for it. I could have filled it out in fifteen minutes, but we spent the rest of the time talking about how well things had gone for her yesterday. Well, until I collapsed, and how much Reg and Kevin had enjoyed their visit.

"I wasn't sure who was going to end up with Amber and who was going to end up with Trish when I went to sleep last night, but when I came downstairs at 3am I think Amber and Reg were on the fold out," I commented.

"Well, Reg and Trish started out in my spare room, but when I went to wake everyone up before the folks arrived, Kevin and Trish were there, so I think, well, there's a good chance they all ended up, well...."

"With everyone?" I smiled, disturbed and delighted at the sordidness of it all.

"You two must think my family is a bunch of man sluts." Carolyn blushed.

"No, all men are man sluts," Brent laughed.

"Oh really, Brent?" I asked.

"Yes, Brent, really? All men ya say?" Carolyn laughed.

"Well,... shit. You know what I mean!" Brent exclaimed.

"Yes. You mean all men are horrible libertines, with the morals of alley cats, seeking only to breed as much as possible with no thought as to the lives they destroy. Right, Carolyn?" I said in a faux southern belle accent while fanning myself.

"Oh my word, exactly. They are horrible wicked things. You should totally avoid them, Jessie. You shouldn't even sleep in the same house as one. They might try something! Allison will let us move in with her, right? Oh no! We can't! Ron is there!"

"You mean, Brent, my husband? He would try to, to, to soil my virtue?"

"They are all man sluts. You heard him, Jessie. You don't think Brent would lie to you, do you? He always seemed so honest. I mean, for a man. And besides, I've heard that men aren't like regular people. They have things that poke out of them and get all throbby. It's gross!"

We could not keep it up and broke out laughing, Brent included.

The pizza arrived and we all adjoined to the couch to veg in front of the flat screen that had come with the rest of the furnishings. I snuggled up next to Brent and pulled a comforter over us, and generally relaxed and drank my last quart of the day. We chatted for an hour or two, and made plans to run to campus in the morning to get me registered. Mostly, we continued to chat about how free Carolyn was, and she got us up to date on her romantic situation. Since Rick, my previous doctor, was now moved out of state she was single and looking forward to school starting so she could see what was out there, but wasn't too anxious to get committed again. Both Brent and I thought this was healthy. She needed to date around some and I assured her there were plenty of single men on campus and in the area. Brent suggested that the frat had a chapter on campus and that might be a good place to start. Both Carolyn and I gave him stares that said it wouldn't be.

"See, the thing is, for two years, over two years, I've dated one guy, and until 6 months or so ago I thought he was the one. I got burned. I'm not really looking to settle into a relationship like that again. I just want, well, I just want to be like your friends for a while. Well, maybe not just like them. And then I want to find that guy and, well, be like you two." She grinned.

"Hmmm, so maybe it's not just the men," Brent mumbled.

"What's that, honey?" I asked sternly.

"Oh, nothing." He smiled.

"That's what I thought." I giggled with Carolyn joining me.

"I can't catch a break between the two of you can I?" he asked.

"Nope," Carolyn and I replied in unison.

Life was so happy that night, and would continue to be.

Carolyn excused herself quite early and left Brent and me on the couch. We snuggled and whispered sweet nothings to each other, completely enjoying our first night alone in our new home, then he had to get serious on me.

"So, what Carolyn was talking about, being single... Do you regret, you know..."

"Huh? Do I regret what?"

"You know, I mean, well, you never had that single woman on campus experience. Like her, and Amber and Trish and, well, most everyone that ever went to college."


"Really? You don't think about what you gave up by marrying me?"

"Of course not! I didn't give up anything! Look, everyone is looking for that perfect mate to spend their life with. That's all that dating is about ultimately. I got lucky. I found mine early. So I'm sure they're having fun and all, but do any of them have someone who would stand by them after all I put you through? Do any of them look at the guy they're with and just, well, just know that they're perfect for them? I wouldn't trade what we have, and the life we're going to have for all of that. Besides, Trisha always, well, it just seems like she's looking for someone to love her. But all she finds is someone to have sex with and while she has fun in the moment, she always somehow seems sad about her romantic life. I know I can have sex. I can probably pick about anyone to have sex with. What I have is someone I love, and who loves me. Look, maybe finding someone is more important to us, maybe we value the whole family thing more, you know, because we didn't have it growing up really. But so what? That's who we are, and I wouldn't change anything about you. You're perfect for me, even if you are a man slut," I finished with a snicker.

"I'm not a man slut! You know that! Geez!"

"I know, but you're fun to tease," I said as I kissed him on the cheek. "Come on, lets go to bed and act like old married people."

"How do old married people act?"

"Not sure. I think it involves fucking." I grinned as I stood and walked to the stairs. "You coming?" I smiled.

"Not yet. We haven't even started." He grinned.

Brent followed me up the stairs and when I got to the top landing I turned and asked "Are you still checking out my ass?"

"Well, yeah. I am."


"I'm thinking 'great'. You have a great ass!" He smirked.

"Thanks. You want to pick out something for me to wear tonight again?" I asked once we got to our bedroom.

Brent reached behind me and found the zipper on the back of the dress. "I'm thinking nothing. Does 'nothing' work for you?"

"Yeah. That should work just fine," I said as our lips merged and he tugged the zipper down. Soon, the dress was at my ankles and I peeled the hose off while looking at him and smiling.

"I thought you wore stockings all the time."

"Well, I think they are sexier. It's kinda hard to feel sexy in pantyhose, but I don't have to worry about them falling down when I walk into church, or showing weird lines from the garter belt under my dress. Sorry, not really a sexy way to take them off," I explained as I tossed them aside, now in just my bra and panties. "Hope that's not too much of a turn off." I smirked.

"I think I can manage." Brent smiled, he was down to his boxers himself, and I reached behind me to unhook my bra.

"Here, let me," he said as he gently pulled me close and kissed me while he deftly unhooked it. I stepped back just enough to pull the straps from my arms and let it fall to the floor, exposing my perky C cup girls to his view. Still he looked in my eyes, as I slowly drowned in his.

Brent took my hand and stepped to the bed where we both sat. Soon our lips were entwined as he caressed my flesh and I explored his with my hands. In truth, I wasn't dripping wet and burning with excitement physically, but I was never more in love. It seemed that each moment we spent together made me love Brent more, and I knew the physical arousal his touch would bring.

His lips left mine as he caressed my body and made a trail down my neck to my collar bone. Now the arousal was physical. He always knew just how to touch me and where to kiss me to ignite the fires within. I leaned my head back and just enjoyed his lips touching my skin, the warmth of his breath upon me, and his hand now tenderly massaging my breast.

His lips made their way to my breast and he gently sucked and licked one, swirling his tongue around the stiff nip he found there, while he firmly but gently massaged the other. My breath increased its pace as my lust rose. I laid back on the bed to give Brent, my husband, my lover and my best friend, access to my most private places that I now wanted to share with him.

Our passion was not rushed. Brent's tender exploration of my flesh had no time limit. He touched me everywhere, as if studying each inch of my skin, memorizing it, learning anew how it reacted to his touch, his caress and his lips before moving on to a place nearby. We reveled in this slow pace. I closed my eyes and just laid back, relaxed, waiting for his next embrace or taste of my body.

My body reacted to his love, the fire growing within me. Soon I could wait no more and became active in my pursuit of pleasure. As Brent slowly kissed his way across my tummy, I rolled over to face him and slid down the bed until we were side by side. Our mouths merged in passion as my hand slid down his rock hard abs and found his engorged cock. It was warm in my hand, and was so hard as to intimidate me. I could not wait for it to invade my then dripping pussy.

I stroked it firmly and looked my beloved in the eyes. My hot breath was on his face as he let out the quietest of moans. I then, again, attacked his lips with my own with such passion that he rolled to his back to accept my kiss.

As much as I loved it when he eats me, and as much as I craved sucking the hot slimy jism from his cock, I needed him in me. Now.

I threw one leg over him and sat atop the steely abs I had admired only minutes before, my wet cunt upon his skin there. My fingertips found his shoulders and ever so gently I raked my fingernails across them from his back to his pecs as my eyes were locked on his. When my hand reached where our bodies met I lifted my hips up just a bit, leaned forward and moved down until his erect member met the wet lips of my drenched snatch.

I gasped as I slid down upon his shaft, at first convinced, as usual, that it would never fit. Somehow, through my wetness it always had, and this time it did as well, forcing my delicate inner flesh apart as it filled my now steaming wet vagina.

Once I had taken in all I could, I tried to relax if only to become once again comfortable with this vulgar, beautiful, monster that was invading me, but my body had different ideas. My pussy spasmed a few times, squeezing his cock as hard as it could and causing us both to gasp at the pleasure this sensation brought.

Soon, my hot, fuck cavern relented and gave me control of myself back, but so great was the joy at feeling myself grasp at the thickness of his cock, I had to try it again, and again. I began to grind my hips against him, moving them in a slow figure eight motion, as my pussy inhaled more and more of his generous meat.

Finally, my clit found a perch against his pubic bone. He was as far in me as I could take in this position. I rocked slowly back and forth, then returned to grinding my hips, each movement causing me a different, but equally sensational, jolt of pleasure through my clit and stretched vag. Sweat dripped from me as my pulse raced, my eyes closed and my hot breath panted from me. I moaned uncontrollably, and Brent did much the same.

Brent began fucking me as best he could from below. This brought even more pleasure to me and ecstasy was approaching fast. I began sliding up and down his cock by rocking my hips forward and back. Brent's hands were crawling all over me, caressing my tits, gently pinching my nipples, and sliding down my sides to cup my ass and spread me further apart as I rode his cock with abandon.

I was out of my head with lust, passion and desire. My love for Brent was overwhelming. I only existed in that moment to fuck him. I wanted to fuck him forever. I wanted to fuck him and be all he wanted in a woman. I wanted only to please him. I squeezed his cock as hard as my muscles down there would let me, and in doing so, as I slid down his cock on one deep thrust, and his raised his hips shoving even more of his throbbing hot cock into me, we came as one.

As the sweet release of my orgasm cascaded over me in an instant, it exploded from the pits of my abdomen and spread its euphoria to every nerve in my body. I felt the rhythmic swelling of his cock as he pumped his copious semen into my womb.

My body clenched up. My pussy grasped him involuntarily and spasmed as he contorted his own body then, as out of control as I was. We both made noises unheard before as we expressed our climax in terms language could not express.

I don't know how long I came or Brent did. I don't remember clearly laying on top of him, his arms around me as we kissed and tasted each other. I just know that when I thought clearly again, my breasts were pressed against his chest, my knees and calves laid on either side of him and my arms hands were on his shoulders as we kissed. Brent's arms were around me holding me gently, but firmly, as we returned to earth.

I could feel my heart beating, and his as well. His chest rose and fell as he breathed, and I rose and fell laying atop him. We must have laid like that for ten minutes or so. Neither speaking, neither wishing to leave that perfect moment. I could have slept like that. I really could, I thought.

"You're the most wonderful woman," Brent whispered.

"Mmmmm," I hummed as I planted a kiss on his neck. My breath tickled him just a bit, I think, and he turned to return my affection. It was time for me to dismount. I did so as ladylike as I could, but just sort of straightening my legs out and rolling off beside him as his now soft cock fell from me with a heavy coating of our mixed love goo coating it.

"I have the most wonderful man. I'm so glad we're together. I feel sorry for everybody else," I whispered as I lay my head on his shoulder, perfectly sated. I wanted to fuck Brent all night but didn't need to. My body was satisfied, and given his now soft state, his too. My heart was satisfied as well. I had given my love to Brent, and he had given his to me. It was perfect and symmetrical, balanced as it should be.

I could not recall a time when we had both climaxed at the same instant. We certainly had come close before (Yeah, I know, bad pun, but I'm leaving it in because there's no other way to say it that I can think of) but only because his orgasm had triggered mine, or mine his. Tonight, it has just happened, and was perfectly natural.

I fell asleep resting in his arms.

I awoke sometime later, on my side, on the verge of cumming again, as he thrust his rigid cock into me from behind. He had been spooning me, I would learn when the urge overcame him and his hard dick took control. Knowing I would not mind, he had turned me just enough towards my tummy for my legs to open, and dove right in to the creamy wetness that was my cum drenched pussy. His cock massaged my G spot with every stroke and his hand massaged my breast as I awoke, confused for a few seconds, but not alarmed. I began involuntarily rocking my hips back and forth and in a few moments after I awoke. A most wonderful tingling began in my womb and spread throughout me. I was cumming again.

My pussy, in its fever, clamped down on his invading cock, causing him to groan, drop his hand to my hip to hold my convulsing, shaking body in place as he fucked me hard and deep.

Each stroke of his cock made me cum harder and I was crying out at the pleasure he brought me. Finally he pushed deep, squeezed his hand tight on my hip, and came with a guttural groan that I was sure alerted the neighbors to our activities. For the second time that night, he drained his balls into my jism hungry cunt.

He held us like that for maybe half a minute, then relaxed, pumped his cock into me a few more times, then when too soft to do so anymore pulled himself from me as I rolled onto my back into his waiting arm.