The Director: Tonya

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Tonya is desperate to get into the Director's club.
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This story is the sixth in a series about the Director. Some of the characters in this story were introduced in The Director's Kitten, and The Director: Julie Ann; the setting of the club first appeared in The Director: Club Incognito.

"I'm sorry, we're not letting any more people in," said the willowy brunette, who had introduced herself earlier as Catherine Vincent. She was flanked by a big bouncer who looked like he could lift twice his own weight. They stood before a velvet curtain that separated the jam-packed lobby from the club. "I'd love to let you all in, really I would. You, miss, I love that dress. If you got it, flaunt it, am I right or am I right? But I just can't. There isn't room."

Tonya sighed. She'd been looking forward to getting into Incognito, the city's most notorious sex club. Her life was in need of a walk on the wild side, and getting into Incognito would definitely qualify. News about the club had spread through every underground scene. Two famous actors had even been spotted going in, although they'd refused to say exactly what happened there other than "unbridled licentiousness." Her roommate, Josie, had bet her fifty bucks she wouldn't dare go, and if she came home after being turned back, she'd not only be out the fifty bucks but Josie would think she chickened out. She was willing to lose the fifty bucks, but she wanted to prove she was as daring as Josie if not more so. If there was angle she could work to get in, she'd work it, but she didn't see what it was.

She'd worn her most daring dress -- a silver sequined number with a deep V neck that showed off lots of cleavage. She had to pull it down constantly to keep it from riding up over her ass. She'd bought a pair of silver heels to go with it, and had her auburn hair blown out into perfect waves, all in order to look like someone the proprietors of a sex club would want inside.

Among those who had been denied entry, hers wasn't even the sexiest outfit. Catherine had been complimenting another woman, who had more up top and was threatening to spill out of her bustier.

"What if someone leaves?" asked a man in a tux.

"If someone leaves, I can let someone in." Catherine Vincent's voice either betrayed irritation or doubt.

"Who?" asked a woman's voice.

"It depends. We try to keep a gender balance."

"I'll pay five hundred dollars if you let me in," said the man in the tux.

Catherine shook her head. "No."

"To you, personally. How much are you getting paid to do this stressful job of telling people what they don't want to hear? Don't you think you should get paid more?"

"You might as well go home now, Sir, and never come back," Catherine said. "Because you're never getting into Incognito. All my needs are taken care of." She grinned impishly. "All my needs, if you get my drift." She winked.

"I'd be willing to meet your needs," said a brunette in a little black dress. "Especially if it got me in."

Me too, thought Tonya, even though she didn't usually swing that way.

"Now, you know what I said to the last person who tried to bribe me," said Catherine.

"I meant inside you, not the club. I've got a strap-on with me."

Catherine made a show of fanning herself.

The brunette handed her a card. Catherine put it her cleavage.

"What's the maximum occupancy of the club, anyway?" said the man in the tux, who apparently had not given up.

"It's not about the fire code," replied Catherine calmly. "It's about having enough space to move around, and, well, do whatever people want to do. Not everyone inside is, um, vertical, after all."

"Ah but some of the horizontal people are probably stackable," said another man's voice, although she couldn't pick out who. There was nervous laughter. Were people having sex inside, in front of everyone? The rumors said that sort of thing happened. Tonya wanted to see for herself. She could hear noises from inside that sounded like people having a good time, but it was hard to tell exactly over the music.

"Incognito is an exclusive club for discriminating pleasure seekers. It is not a warehouse, and the people inside are not objects. Unless, of course, they want to be. Now, if you choose to wait, that's fine, but there are no guarantees. Guests very rarely leave early."

A man entered the lobby from the club. Everyone turned, hoping that he was leaving. He was a tall athletic man, the kind of man who could blend in anywhere. The only remarkable things about him was that he wore a black mask that covered his lower face, and his steel-gray eyes. He handed Catherine a note and went back inside. People sighed with disappointment when they realized he wasn't leaving.

"Well, hmm," said Catherine, "it seems we might be able to let one person in. But there's a rather significant condition."

The man with the tux, who still hadn't gotten the hint, thrust some bills at her.

Catherine took them, and dropped them on the ground. "The main floor is quite full, as are the side rooms. But there's room for one more, providing they are willing to spend the night in the glory hole booth -- at least until someone else wants to, um, serve in that way."

The man with the tux grabbed the money from the floor as fast as he could.

"What," Catherine asked the man. "Don't fancy a night of sucking cock? You weren't getting in, anyway. Go home." She then scanned the crowd. Most, Tonya noticed, were stepping back, including the brunette who'd offered to fuck Catherine with a strap-on.

I can't believe I'm doing this, thought Tonya, as she stepped forward. "I'll do it," she said, almost inaudibly.

"What's your name?" asked Catherine.


"Have you ever been to Incognito before, Tonya?"

Tonya shook her head. "No."

"Do you know what a glory hole is?"

Tonya nodded, looking around nervously.

"You're pretty nervous, aren't you?"

"Well," said Tonya, stepping close and dropping her voice, "it's one thing to agree to do that anonymously, and another to admit it in front of everyone here."

Catherine smiled. "Honey, there's nothing anonymous about what you're about to be doing. Being proud to be slutty is part of what Incognito offers. Can you be a proud slut?"

Tonya hesitated. She was not going to go home and admit she didn't get in. "Yes."

"Say it. Say you are."

"I'm a proud slut," said Tonya.

"Go on in," said Catherine. "The Director is waiting for you."

* * * * *

She went through to the main room. "The Director" was, apparently, the man in the mask, but he stood patiently while she looked around.

Inside, things were just as decadent as she had hoped and expected them to be, if not more so. A woman was getting fucked on top of a table. Porn was playing on screens all over the room. Amateur porn, Tonya judged. A close-up of a woman sucking a cock, another being fucked in the ass, a third taking on three men at once. A well-endowed topless waitress in a micro-skirt wandered around taking drink orders.

"You volunteered?" The Director asked. "You know what's expected of you?"

Tonya nodded. The whole thing was unreal to her, and the masked man only made it more so. "I'm, um, to be on one side of a glory hole, and I guess, um, suck any cocks that come through?"

"Something like that. We believe in consent here at Incognito, so you can reject a cock for any reason. But it will of course be more entertaining if you keep yourself busy."

"Entertaining for whom? Me? The men?"

The Director pointed up at one of the screens she'd noticed earlier, with the close-up of the girl giving a blowjob. "That screen shows glory hole room number one." He pointed to one next to it, showing an empty room. "That one shows glory hole room number two. You will be naked, and you will not hide your face or your breasts from the camera at any time."

Tonya balked. "Is this all going up on a website or something? Is this how the club makes money? I don't --"

"None of this goes up on a website. None of it ever shown outside the club. Ever."

Tonya spread her hands. "How can I possibly know that?"

The Director paused. "You can't, I suppose. But if I had a way of convincing you, and I was telling you the truth, would you consent to be convinced?"

It was an odd proposal. How could he convince her? One couldn't prove a negative, so he couldn't possibly prove the videos weren't going to end up online. She wanted to be in the club, but she didn't want to be an unwitting pornstar. But if he could convince her? "Sure. I don't see how you could do that, but if you could, sure."

"And if you were convinced, would you agree to be seen by all while you... perform?" he asked.

There was no sense in objecting to something that would never happen. Besides, the idea of being watched actually excited her, as long as it wasn't going to be seen by future employers or her aging parents.

"One more condition, since that first one was part of the deal all along. After you are relieved -- assuming that happens -- I want you to agree to take a walk with me. No one will be allowed to touch you without your consent, including me, but other than that I will choose where we walk. We will be in sight of others the whole time, so you will be perfectly safe."

"Only if you can convince me," she said. "I rather doubt you can."

"But if I can, you agree to my terms?"

She shrugged. "I do."

"Come into my office a moment. It's on the way to where you'll be stationed, if you end up being convinced. I have something to show you." He walked towards a door, not waiting to see if she followed.

She hurried to keep up. "If I'm not convinced, you could just turn the cameras off."

"I could. But I won't." He opened the office door and stood aside like a gentelman. She breezed through. He walked in behind her and closed it. She felt a moment of panic as she realized she was alone with a man who could easily overpower her.

He flicked a switch. "Camera. We're now displaying on that screen I showed you. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. There's an open door over there, and I won't get between you and it."

There was, indeed, a halfway open door at the other end of the office. There was a big desk in the room, but it wasn't in the way of her exit. A row of screens opposite the desk mimicked the screens in the club, although these were much smaller, and included some security shots of the front.

The Director removed his mask and placed it on the desk.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Tonya. What's yours?"

"I don't use my name here. I am only known as the Director."

"That's a strange name."

"It's accurate," he said. "More so that most names." He leaned forward, his face close to his.

She felt a little light-headed as she breathed in. She convinced herself she was just being intimidated by a man's face being so close.

"Tonya, I will never lie to you."

Tonya blinked. She took a breath again. For some reason, she was willing to take that on as a matter of fact. He would never lie to her.

"None of the video taken in the club will ever be shown outside the club."

She nodded. That seemed sensible. It would be bad for the club's reputation, surely, if that happened. His voice had a hypnotic quality and sounded authoritative.

"You believe me," he said.


"I would never try to convince you, if it wasn't actually true."

"Of course you wouldn't," she replied, and if a little part of her was wondering why that was an "of course," the rest of her was just nodding along, trusting.

"Very good. We have an agreement, so you're going to go to the glory hole now."

Tonya nodded. "Where is it?"

"It's right down the hall, but remember I said you have to be naked? Why don't you take your clothes off right here." He reached for the mask and put it back on.

She wasn't sure why it was better to strip here than there, but she nodded and removed her dress. As she did, she noticed him adjusting the camera. She was in the center of the screen. She supposed everyone could see her, but that was okay. The video would never be seen outside the club. She knew that. The moment she had breathed in the air the Director had exhaled, she knew she could trust him.

She stood there naked looking at him. She wanted his approval. She didn't need it, but it would be nice. She couldn't see his facial expressions, and she wanted to know he was smiling.

"Good girl. I'm sure that little display will encourage people to come to you. Right down the hall, second door on the left. The bathroom, if you need it, is on the right. Remember to drink plenty of water; there's some provided for you."

She hesitated. She felt more clear headed than she had been a few moments earlier. "Um..."

"We made a deal, didn't we, Tonya?"

Yes, she'd made a deal. And she was pretty sure she was in her right mind then, at least. She just hadn't thought that he could possibly convince her. She turned, and walked into the hall, wearing only her new silver heels.

The second door on the left opened to a small room or a large closet that seemed designed for the purpose. The floor had a large vinyl air pillow on it. Through a round, clean-cut hole she could see the bright lights of the club. An ice bucket in the corner had multiple bottles of spring water.

On the wall above the hole was a tiny circular piece of glass that she assumed was a camera. It was slightly tilted downward, toward where her face would be. Toward where a cock would be.

Josie's never going to believe this story. She knelt down on the air pillow. It was remarkably comfortable for her knees. And washable, which she supposed was why it wasn't a regular pillow. She tried not to think of what would need to be washed from it, but it was clean now.

"I'm doing this over a fifty dollar bet," she murmured to herself, as she edged toward the hole. It wasn't true, she knew. She'd forfeit the fifty in a heartbeat. She wasn't sure Josie would believe her anyway. She wasn't even really doing it because she didn't want to admit to Josie she hadn't gotten in. She was doing it because she wanted to be wilder, more daring, and above all, more sexual.

When a cock appeared through the hole, however, she returned to the thought. "I'm doing this for fifty dollars," she told herself. "I'm sucking cock for fifty bucks. Like a whore." She opened her mouth, surrounded the stranger's cock with her lips, and did her best. She swallowed his hot load a few minutes later, took a drink of water, and readied herself for the next, pretending that each cock was a paying customer.

* * * * *

She had lost track of how many cocks she'd sucked when the door opened. A pretty redhead was there withthe Director. The redhead was naked, her body covered in freckles, her pussy smooth.

"Jessica is going to take a turn," said the Director. "Come with me."

Tonya's naked body brushed briefly with Jessica as she passed her in the crowded space. She followed the Director.

"You remember your promise," he said.

"We're going to take a walk." It didn't seem like much. If anything, it was anticlimactic.

All the cocks she'd sucked had been clean -- she'd been afraid of sweat, smelly, unwashed men, or even men who'd just been fucking someone outside, but that hadn't happened. She'd swallowed every load, partly because there was no obvious place to spit, and partly because she was on camera. She didn't want to put on a bad show. There was plenty of water to drink, and she'd gotten interested in the variation in the taste of the men's cum. At first she'd been drinking the water as a chaser, but by the end she thought of it more as a palate refresher.

She glanced at the wall of screens in the office. She was not on display. She saw Jessica already sucking on a long, thin cock.

She reached for her dress. The Director put out his hand to stop her. "No. No clothing. Just those lovely silver heels."

"Where are we going?" Tonya asked.

"We're just walking around the club."

Just walking around the club naked, she mentally revised. But people were naked, or mostly naked. She tried to convince herself it was no big deal. She took his offered arm, hooking her elbow with his. A gentleman, other than insisting she not wear clothes.

When the emerged into the main room, men and women ogled her. Some were sitting at tables, sipping drinks. Some were making out on sofas. Two were fucking, doggy style, and they both watched her while the man continued to thrust in and out of the woman. Why weren't they watching the couple fucking, or the topless waitress, or the woman who was writhing naked on a man's lap?

It hit her. They had all watched her suck cock after cock, like a whore. Her face turned red. She froze.

"Walking," said the Director. "Remember. We agreed. We're just going to very slowly walk around the club."

She forced one foot in front of the other.

"Everyone here has seen you naked on a screen, Tonya," he said as he paraded her around. His voice was calm, as if he was narrating for a museum tour. "They've all seen you with a cock in your mouth. Multiple cocks, in fact. They've watched as you swallowed. They saw when a little dribbled down onto your breasts. They saw you lick it off, too."

Oh my god, she remembered doing that now. It just seemed like the sensible, no mess thing to do at the time.

She was so embarrassed. The blood was rushing to her cheeks. And to other places, too.

"Being embarrassed turns you on, doesn't it, Tonya?" he asked, as if he was asking about the weather.

"Maybe," she said.

"Just maybe? Well, if you come here again, admission will be the price of admission."

It took her a moment to realize what he meant. She could come again, presumably for free, providing she admitted that being embarrassed turned her on.

Part of her thought she'd never admit that. Another part was excited by the idea of having to say it. She wondered if he'd force her to say it now. She didn't know how he would force her, but he seemed to have a way. He'd convinced her that the video cameras were safe, after all.

Maybe he could convince her to fuck him right in the middle of the room.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"A bit," she said, wondering if there was a double entendre there.

"This is Julie Ann," said the Director, as he brought her to the topless waitress she'd seen earlier. Julia Ann's skirt was so short that it showed her ass if she bent over even a little. It would probably show her pussy if she bent over a lot. "Julie Ann, this is Tonya. Make sure she's well fed and has a drink if she wants one, on the house. I'll have Catherine bring her dress."

Julie Ann smiled at Tonya. "Of course. What can I get you?"

"Um... Cheese sticks?" They were her go-to bar food. "And maybe a Mojito?"

"Will do," said Julie Ann. "And Tonya -- you were amazing. You have such a great body, and you made it look so much fun! Maybe I'll give it a try sometime."

Tonya smiled. "Um... thank you." I'm a fucking amazing cocksucker, she thought. Wild, check. Adventuresome, check. Sexual? Oh yeah. She wanted to get fucked so bad now, but she'd settle for letting tonight feed lots of good fantasies while she used her vibrator. And she was welcome back. There would be other nights. Maybe she'd try to bring Josie, if the other girl doubted her story.

Catherine showed up a few moments later, with the silver dress, and helped her back into it. Putting on clothes in front of strangers seemed even more odd than taking them off, but she still thought she looked damned good in the dress. She sat down at an empty table just as Julie Ann returned with a basket of mozzarella sticks and her drink.

A minute later a dark, handsome man leaned over and asked, "Is this seat taken?"