The DNA Test


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The phone rang and it was Gloria.

"Jerry, Stan hit me again. I want out, Jerry. Please help me."

"Okay, Gloria. I found out little Jerry isn't mine. He probably is a product of Sheila and Stan."

"Oh, my God, Stan was married years ago and has two teenage children now. His wife moved to another state to keep them away from Stan. Does Stan know?"

"I don't have any idea. I want you to come here to our house on Saturday with Stan. Can you do that?"

"Sure, Jerry, but what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to tell Sheila that I know the truth. Then I'm going to drug both of them and get even with Stan so he never bothers you again. What does Stan drink?"

"I'm scared, Jerry. Stan is liable to come after us. Are you sure about this?"

"Don't worry, he'll never bother you again after Saturday. If you are able to pack a few things without him knowing it, then do it. It will save us time when we leave. Now, what does he drink?"

"Jim Beam and Coke, sometimes he drinks it straight."

"You have to stay strong through all this. I promise you that you will be rid of Stan forever. Just do what I say."

"Okay, Jerry, I trust you. God, I hope whatever you have planned works or we will be a couple of dead people."

I had two days to set everything up and make plans on where to go. I didn't say anything about Saturday to Sheila. The less she knew the better. I found a little rent-by-the-week apartment that Gloria and I could go to Saturday. I paid two weeks rent ahead of time. I got all the stuff I needed together. Let's see, sleeping pills, a pint of Jim Beam, Margarita mix, lots of rope and a battery charger. That was about everything.

On Friday I acted really nice to Sheila. She seemed happy that I was talking nicer to her. I told her I made special plans for Saturday night and to ask her mother to watch little Jerry.

"What's the special plan?" she smiled at me.

"You'll know soon enough." I replied.

We didn't have sex on Friday even though I felt her up a lot. She wanted to do it but I told her to wait till Saturday. I did kiss her and rub her boobs and belly. I even slid my hand down to her mound and inserted two fingers. Damn, I was getting hot myself. I had to stop. Damn her, damn her to hell, she ruined our relationship and possible future together.

On Saturday she took Little Jerry to her mom's in the late afternoon. I started feeding her Margarita's early. I put just a couple of sleeping pills crushed up in the mix to make her woozy. I crushed up a bunch of pills and put them in the Jim Beam. I was just hoping I didn't overdo it. I didn't want an overdose on my hands in my home.

I was sitting there kissing a woozy Sheila when Stan and Gloria showed up. Sheila looked up and asked what was going on.

"I just invited our friends over for a couple of drinks. Jim Beam and Coke, correct, Stan?"

"Yeah, that's right," while he looked at a woozy Sheila who looked very disturbed at seeing Stan.

I said, "Sit down, Stan, while I make Gloria a drink." I had bought two bottles of Margarita mix and only put the pills in one of them.

Of course Stan sat on the couch next to Sheila who had on a very short skirt. You could almost see her panties. She tried to move away from Stan some but he scooted next to her as he gulped down his drink. I quickly made him another and another. After the third one I could tell he was feeling funny.

"What's going on here? You drugged me." replied Stan.

"Me, too. You drugged me too, Jerry. Why?"

They both passed out. I quickly stripped Stan but left Sheila's clothes on. Gloria helped me remove Stan's clothes. I then tied both of them securely. We had to sit there for awhile until they came to.

Sheila came around first since she didn't have as much powder as Stan. "What are you doing, Jerry? I don't understand?" she said in a very groggy voice.

"You fucking bitch, you cheated on me with this scum. You didn't think I would find out? You were even going to have your mom lie to me so you could fuck this son of a bitch. Look at him! There's your lover. He's all yours. You don't have to go behind my back anymore."

"No, Jerry, God, I can't think. I still feel dizzy, but I don't love him. I only love you. I made a mistake and was going to tell you but I didn't think you would understand. Hell, I don't even know why I did it. It was only the one time, Jerry, honest."

"Honest, your ass! You've been fucking him for months. Come on, admit it. He's your fucking lover."

"No, Jerry, no! It was only the one time. Mom came over to get little Jerry and I stayed home. I guess when you told me to stay home I was mad at you and came over to talk to Stan and Gloria. I didn't know that Gloria wasn't home when I got there and Stan invited me in. He started talking nice to me and I let it go too far. I asked him to stop but he didn't. It was horrible and disgusting, but once he started I just wanted it over with. I was so glad when you showed up. As soon as you left, I was able to get up and leave. I haven't had sex with anyone but you since we met, except for that one big mistake. Honest, Jerry, I'm telling you the truth. Please, we can work this out."

"I've already worked it out. I'm leaving you."

"No, Jerry, please don't leave me. What about our son? Are you walking out on him too?"

"He isn't my fucking kid. He probably belongs to your bastard lover her. Maybe he'll marry you and give you a bunch of little bastards."

"No, Jerry, it's your baby. I didn't have any other men, just you. You have to believe me."

"Believe this, you damn slut. Here's my DNA and your son's." I laid both copies in front of Sheila.

"It's wrong, Jerry. Your papers are wrong. Jerry is your son. How can I make you believe me?"

"You can't! A picture is worth a thousand words." Sheila was crying.

I looked behind me and Gloria was just sitting there taking it all in. I could see the way she was shaking she was scared. Stan started to wake up.

"You fucking little prick, I'm going to kill you!" He looked behind me at Gloria. "Gloria, get your fucking fat ass over here and untie me before I beat you to death."

"Sit still, Gloria. I have a few things to say to this bastard. Listen, you piece of shit. I know you fuck Sheila."

"Yeah, she was a great fuck," he laughed and looked at a crying Sheila.

I backhanded him across the face. "You fucking bastard, you think it's funny," as I backhanded him a second time.

"I'm going to kill you when I get untied and that whore of a girlfriend of mine behind you. You're both as good as dead."

"Gloria, come and stand in front of me facing Sheila and Stan. I want them to know what it feels like to see their lovers making it with someone else."

Gloria stood in front of me as I unfastened her pants and unzipped them. I pulled the flaps back so Sheila and Stan could see her blue panties.

"You touch her and I'll cut your fucking balls off," replied Stan.

"I'm tired of listening to you, you dumb fuck." I picked up a ball muzzle and put it in Stan's mouth and slipped the band over his head.

"Please don't do this Jerry, I love you." cried Sheila.

"Yeah, a new kind of love where you fuck other guys and have their babies. That's not the kind I want."

"I never did it, Jerry. I never did what you said except for the one mistake."

"No matter what the proof, you're going to stick with that story, aren't you?"

"It's the truth, Jerry, it's the truth."

I told her to quit lying to me before I put a gag over her mouth too. Then I went back behind Gloria and pulled her back against me. She was staring at Sheila and Stan as I took my hand and slid it down inside her panties.

"Hey, Stan, you like this, watching another man feeling up your woman?"

I slid my hand over her mound and slid two fingers into her pussy. Sheila was crying and Stan showed his anger through his eyes and movement, what little he had. I kept rubbing Gloria's mound when she stopped me. I pulled my hand out as she turned around.

"Jerry, you can have me if you like, but please don't do this in front of Sheila. I will do what you want in private, after we leave."

Gloria was right, I had no right to embarrass her. I walked over to Stan and took off the gag.

"You mother fucker, you're going to die." said Stan.

"Listen stupid ass, it's you that are tied up. It's you who are about to die." With that said I took out the battery charger.

"What the fuck are you doing?" asked Stan as I took the positive connection and clamped it onto his sack.

He screamed out, please, I wasn't going to hurt you guys. Just let me go."

I took the negative connection and clamped it on his cock while he screamed out again. It must have really hurt as the teeth of the clamps dug into his tender skin.

Sheila screamed out, "Jerry, don't do this! Let him go! Don't kill him, I'm begging you."

Stan was crying as I reached for the knob to turn on the power.

"Please, please don't kill me! Please, I promise never to bother you or Gloria again, please don't kill me."

I turned the knob as Stan screamed out.

"Oh, shit, I forgot to plug it in."

I picked up the cord and walked over to the wall plug. I looked at a crying Sheila and Stan.

I looked at Stan, "If you come after either me or Gloria, I'll be back and next time it will be plugged in."

With that said, Gloria and I left the trailer. I grabbed a couple of suitcases and headed over to get the rest of Gloria's things.

As we left, I heard Stan and Gloria arguing. Both were tied up and someone would have to untie them. We spend about a half hour gathering up Gloria's things. Before we left I phoned Sheila's mom and dad and told them to go to the trailer but not to take little Jerry in. Then I hung up the phone and Gloria and I were gone.

Chapter 2:

It's been about nine months since I saw or heard anything about Sheila or Stan. I decided to take a drive through the old trailer lot and see what was there. It was kind of an eerie feeling driving through the old park. I guess that's what it feels like when people return to their roots. I passed the spot where Stan and Gloria's trailer once stood. It was just an empty spot now. Hmm! It seemed odd that no trailer was there at all.

I drove around the court to where Sheila's trailer sat. It was still there. Somehow it looked different. I stopped about three trailers away, because I didn't want her to see me in case she was there. An elderly couple came out of the trailer and started working in the yard, planting flowers. I started up the truck and pulled forward.

"Excuse me, but does Sheila Ward still live here?"

"No, son, we live here now. We've lived here going on eight months. We did buy the place from a lady named Sheila. I don't know where she and her son moved to. Sorry we can't help you. I have her mom's address if that might help."

"I know where her mom lives. Thank you for your time. By the way, the place really looks nice."

"Thank you, son, and good luck in finding the young lady."

I headed out of the lot. Maybe I would go see Mrs. Ward and her husband Jim. Seemed funny calling her Mrs. Ward; I always just called her mom. I decided to go see her. I never did say goodbye and she never did anything wrong to me. I really liked them, but like in all breakups, someone besides the couple always gets hurt.

I pulled up in front of Mom's (Mrs. Ward's) house and just looked for a moment. I got out of the truck and headed up the long walkway. The place still looked the same on the outside. I knocked on the door.

Mom came to answer it, "Jerry! Oh, my God, it's really you."

She opened the door and with tears in her eyes started hugging me.

"Jerry, Jerry, Jerry, it's so good to see you again. You never said goodbye to us and it really hurt us. I missed you so much. Come in, come in," she pleaded. "Dad, Jerry's here. He came by to see us."

In walked Jim smiling. He grabbed my hand and started shaking it. "It's so good to see you, son. What brings you back to this neck of the woods?"

"I had a little free time and thought about you guys and thought I would stop by to see how everyone is."

"Anyone want anything to drink?" mom asked.

"Bring Jerry and me both a beer," replied Jim.

Mom brought us the drinks and we all sat on the sofa and talked.

"Are you and Gloria still together?" asked mom.

"No, we see each other often and are still good friends. Let me try to explain a little if I may. Gloria was molested by her uncle. I guess you could say she was saved from her uncle by Stan, who basically used her also. She felt obligated to him because he got her away from the violence of her uncle's home. Of course Stan used and abused her and I took her out of that situation. Then I think she felt obligated to me. It was a vicious circle."

"You mean you never lived together?" asked mom.

"We lived together for about two months. That's when we found out we loved each other as friends but not as lovers. I wanted that circle to stop for her so she found her own apartment and is now on her own. We go out as friends once in awhile; she is a really good person. I'm glad she finally has a good chance at life. She still works at the new K-Mart and is now a department head. She at least is making enough money to support herself."

"What about you, Jerry? What have you been up to?" asked mom.

"Well, I've finally got my journeyman card. I am now a full fledged electrician. I've been working a lot of hours. I got a nice apartment not too far from the plant. I've just been working a lot and putting away some funds."

"Any love in your life, Jerry?" asked Jim.

"Not really, I date very little. Once in a while I ask Gloria if she wants to have dinner or something. I guess that's about it. I'm not completely over Sheila. I'm sorry, I shouldn't say anything, you are her parents after all. I noticed she moved and Stan's trailer is gone. Did they end up leaving together?"

Mom looked at me and said, "My God, no! Didn't you hear what happened after you left?"

"No, I haven't talked with anyone in around nine months. You guys are the first people I've talked too since the incident, you know, when I left."

"I'll try to explain it to you, Jerry. A whole lot of things happened after you called us and told us to go to the trailer which we did."

"When we got there we saw Sheila and that bad man Stan tied up. Stan was naked and...Jim you tell him."

"Well, he was in utter pain. I had to undo the clamps on his balls and penis - damn, Jerry, you did a number on the S.O.B. His privates were black and blue and he had to be taken to the hospital. He wouldn't tell anyone at the hospital what happened. I guess he was a bit embarrassed. The police showed up but no one was talking so they left."

Mom started talking again, "A few days later that Stan guy was home from the hospital. He started bothering Sheila. She told him to leave her alone but he kept annoying her. She told her dad and Jim went and had a talk with him. About two days later his trailer burned down and of course he had to move away."

"How did his trailer catch fire?" I asked.

"Arson, someone started it on fire. The police checked out a few leads but had nothing solid to go on. It's in the books as unsolved."

I had to ask, "How's Sheila doing?"

"She's doing okay, Jerry. She has changed a lot. She isn't as happy as she was when you were in her life but she's doing good. She's gotten promoted and is now in charge of two departments."

"Is she seeing anyone?"

"Jerry, you are the one she loves. She hasn't even had a date since you left. We are a bit concerned but she says she has little Jerry and that's enough." I kind of cringed thinking about her with someone else's kid.

Right then a little boy came wobbling into the room. My God, he looked exactly like me when I was a baby. I remember my parents had pictures of me.

He wobbled up to me saying, "Dada."

Mom said that was the first word he spoke and calls Jim dada too.

"My God, he looks just like me." I exclaimed.

Then I heard from behind me a woman's voice, "Because he is yours." It was Sheila.

She had just come home from work. She had tears in her eyes. She looked beautiful but dressed different. Her skirt was a little longer and her sweater not quite as tight. She was dressed more businesslike but still a stunning woman.

"That's not possible, I showed you my DNA."

"You showed me the DNA of someone named Jerry Brown but it wasn't yours. I told you the truth, Jerry; it was the one time mistake. When you showed me the paperwork I knew it had to be wrong. I was never with another man. I knew little Jerry was yours. I gathered up your toothbrush and your hairbrush. Anything I could find that might have your DNA on it. I paid three hundred dollars to have the testing done. Then I took your test and little Jerry's test to a specialist and he said it was a 99% match that you were the father."

"What about the one I had?"

"I went to see your nurse in the dispensary. I showed her both samples and she said there was a mistake. There were two Jerry Browns and that you received the wrong DNA. She showed me that if you would have checked closer it wasn't your social security number. She said she hoped it didn't cause any problems. I guess you must have had your mind made up and were just trying to justify your thoughts."

"Why didn't you call me and let me know?"

"What for, Jerry? I wronged you and you wanted rid of me for it. I got what I deserved and you got your freedom, so to speak."

I didn't know what to say. The woman I both loved and hated was standing there in front of me. She had cheated on me and she was also the mother of the child I didn't really know. I looked at the little boy who was now in his mother's arms.

"Can I hold him, please?"

"Of course, you're his dada," she handed little Jerry to me.

"Hi, little fella. Do you know who I am?"

By pure luck or instinct little Jerry said, "Dada, Dada,"

I started crying. Here I was a grown man holding his son and crying. Knowing I lost so much time with him.

Sheila asked me, "Are you staying for the party?"

"What party?" I asked.

Then I thought about the date. It was little Jerry's first birthday. My God, it must have been fate that lead me there that day.

I looked at little Jerry and said, "Daddy's never going to miss any of your birthdays. Daddy will always be here for you."

"Sheila, I'm lost for words. I honestly don't know what to say. I still have feelings for you but I still hurt inside because of your cheating on me. Maybe we can take it a day at a time and see if things might be able to get ironed out. No promises but we do have a beautiful son together."

I looked up and saw a crying Sheila and asked her if she would go shopping with me so I could buy my son something for his birthday.

Sheila looked at her mom who said, "Go, kids, go shopping. We'll watch little Jerry. We'll be here when you get back."

Sheila smiled at her mom.


Thank you for reading my story.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good story, four stars worth. The lady sentence was weak.



LechemanLechemanabout 1 month ago

Wow, good to see the happy critics are still thriving.

I liked the story and yes, all the characters had flaws but ultimately, there was some forgiven karma resulting.

LadyLoreLadyLore3 months ago

So in the idea of this story you're basically saying it's fine to cheat on your husband as long as you get pregnant by your husband that he would let you get away with cheating on him well let me set the record straight to the writer and readers who may believe this bullshit if you are married it's not ok to cheat on your spouse no matter what there is no excuse and its not a mistake it was a choice a mistake is giving to much change back or putting something in the wrong place cheating isn't a mistake if the wife cheats on her husband if he is a man he would Divorce her and not forgive her child or no child if they have kids he would do what ever possible to get full custody cause a cheating wife doesn't deserve custody of the kids because not only did she step out on her husband she stepped out on her kids so that automatically makes her a unfit mother the same goes if the husband cheats the wife should and better Divorce him and take full custody of the kids and never forgive him for not only did he step out on his wife he stepped out on his kids and don't deserve to be a dad

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19815 months ago

Ok so mistake made the kid is his but she didn't make a mistake she wanted to fuck another man so he better be a man and leave the slut at the door only be a part of the kids life but it wouldn't surprise me if he isn't most stories on her about a cheating slut the husband is a pussy ass cuck bitch that doesn't deserve to live just like the cheating slut don't deserve to live i would have killed both her and her lover and wouldn't have lost any sleep over it cause all cheaters deserve to die

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Granted she cheated, but if I were in her shoes i wouldn't take back the MC either no redeeming qualities from the guy, I'd just let him be part of his son's life that's all.

JackInYerBoxJackInYerBox10 months ago

I am SO fucking tired of cheating assholes saying they made a "mistake". A mistake is inadvertent. Willingly fucking someone is a CHOICE, not a "mistake".

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon10 months ago

You're such a fucking moron.

Martyr2002Martyr200211 months ago

Another ok story, but again the MC’s have NO REDEEMING QUALITIES. A cheat and a violent thug.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

If you even think you need a DNA test done, your wife might be a cum dumpster. And that 'might' is more than enough reason to hit the eject button.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Needs an epilogue

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Call me an old Sentimental old fool, but after have been Divorced twice, I really like this kind of happy endings. Wished my divorces could of been this happy..

ju8streadingju8streadingover 1 year ago

at least he got even with stan

BH54BH54about 2 years ago

Sad but hopefull.

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Good story, she screwed up, but the DNA cleared up who was little Jerry's dad. Well written. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Stan almost got what he deserved after what he did to Gloria. Jerry should really have plugged the battery charger. I wonder who set the trailer on fire? I hope his balls hurt for the rest of his life.

As far as Sheila is concerned, she was acting as a slut and she paid the price. If Jerry has any brains, the upstairs brains, I hope he never associates permanently with Sheila again. But he is likely to eventually start thinking with his dickhead, unfortunately, and his son will be his undoing!!! Sheila may have changed and matured but she will never gain the trust of the readers.



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