The Elevation of Sarah Stevens Pt. 02

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Sarah and Amy practice kissing together.
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In view of the doctor's comments about kissing practice, Sarah thought she'd been rather hurtful to her friend and perhaps she might see if Amy would still like to try. In the meantime, she had to see to herself down below with her razor and think about how she might feel going to bed without panties.

It was only a couple of days later that Sarah was walking home with Amy that she broached the delicate subject of 'kissing practice'. Over those days she still hadn't got used to the new her. She'd shaved herself 'down there' and foregone panties at night and worn her one and only thin stretchy bra. Her nipples hardened to prominence but could be hidden behind her cardigan. What she would do when the weather was hotter, she didn't yet know. Going to bed without panties was strange and yet arousing but no doubt she'd get used to it eventually. Certainly, her rash had gone but it'd be back in spades if she didn't continue with the doctor's advice.

"Amy, do you remember when you joked about us practicing kissing on each other so we'd know how to do it with our boyfriends?"

"Oh! Eh, yes... Eh, sorry, I didn't mean to upset you by it."

"No, it's OK, just I was thinking lately that you might be right, I was thinking I'd be so embarrassed if I came across as such a klutz when I do start dating...if I ever do, you know what my father is like."

"Yes, he is a bit old-school that way. But Sarah, you are so beautiful, you'll have the boys queuing up to kiss you before you know it!"

Sarah flushed at the compliment. "Not if I don't know how to kiss a boy, I won't. So do you think it would be OK if we practiced on each other?"

"Well, yes, of course! We'll help each other to become the best kissers in the town! Let's go straight to your place and make a start today!"

The two girls smiled at each other and linked arms as they headed off to Sarah's house. Once there, Sarah's mum was happy to see them both and after rejecting all her offers of all sorts of snacks and drinks, Sarah announced they were heading up to her bedroom to hang out.

Once in her bedroom they both sat on the bed. "So, how shall we do this?" Sarah asked nervously.

"Well, the first baby step is kissing each other on the cheek" They each took turns and each kiss lasted just a bit longer and Sarah's nervousness started to fade."

"OK, that wasn't too bad, now we try on the lips, but just softly," said Amy.

At the first touch of their lips together, Sarah felt the first stirrings of arousal; her nipples hardened, and her pussy started to tingle. Amy's lips were so soft and the smell of her skin and hair warmed her. Brief pecks on the lips became longer, their lips lingering on each other's and they started to move their lips together and they both moaned in pleasure as their mouths started to open.

They broke apart when Sarah's mother shouted up at them asking if Amy wanted to stay for dinner.

"Phew, that was quite intense," murmured Amy. Sarah just nodded dumbly.

Amy shouted down, "No, can't tonight, Mrs Stevens but maybe tomorrow evening?

As Amy prepared to leave, Sarah's mum suggested that tomorrow she stay for dinner and then have a sleep over, "You haven't done that for ages, and you know we like having you over"

"OK, I'd love to!" and as Sarah's mum bustled off, Amy whispered to Sarah, "We can practice kissing some more."

Sarah blushed but gave a shy nod.

Back in her room Sarah lay down on her bed and did some thinking. She was conscious of how big and hard her nipples had been during the kissing practice and as soon as Amy had gone, she'd changed out of her damp panties. She remembered reading somewhere that kissing was based on man's primitive past, when mothers chewed the food for their babies and passed it to them mouth to mouth. There were no baby foods then! So maybe that's why God made it pleasurable, to encourage mothers to wean their babies?

While she still had some reservations about kissing girls - she was no lesbian and she just melted when she thought of Simon, but there was no denying the pleasure she felt kissing Amy. It felt right and that must mean it was OK with God. She was looking forward to her next practice session.

The next day, Amy and Sarah arrived home and dumped their bags in Sarah's bedroom and immediately they sat on the bed together. They looked deep into each other's eyes and slowly their faces came together, and they touched their lips in a long and lingering kiss.

"Now we get to the open mouth bit," said Amy. Just let your mouth open slightly while we kiss." They kissed again and Sarah revelled in the sensations of Amy's soft wet lips on her own." They each sighed in pleasure, and they broke off.

"At this stage, the boy will probably put his hand behind your head and kiss you harder," said Amy. "I'll play the part of the boy."

So saying, Amy held Sarah's head and kissed her hard, leaving Sarah breathless. "Put your arms around me while we kiss, Sarah."

As, the kissing progressed, Sarah became more and more aroused.

"Now it's time we try 'French kissing." I'm going to put my tongue in your mouth, Sarah, whispered Amy.

As they kissed, Amy's tongue started to explore Sarah's mouth and she in turn tentatively explored Amy's in turn. Amy used the hand holding Sarah's head to run her fingers through Sarah's hair and whispered, "The boy would want to touch our breasts, now." She moved her other hand to gently caress Sarah's breasts.

While Sarah felt that this was certainly more than kissing practice, it felt so good that she let it continue. Her nipples felt like they were going to burst, and she thought she must be soaking down there at this stage. But if this was how God made her, who was she to argue?

Both girls were gasping for breath at this stage and Mrs Stevens' call to the dinner table was actually a welcome break, allowing them to regain some sort of equilibrium.

After dinner they got into their night things and went down to watch a movie. Amy wore some silky pyjamas that rather put Sarah's long cotton nightgown to shame. They settled down on the couch, sitting close to together to watch the romantic movie they had selected. It was a movie set in earlier times when men were men and women were glad of it. As the lead actor forcibly kissed the actress, they looked at each other and smiled and held hands.

After the movie finished, they headed off to bed. Sarah's bed was just big enough for two, though it seemed much bigger on their last sleep over -they'd both grown!

The romantic movie had put them both in the mood for more kissing practice. This time they lay down and the bed together and started kissing. Sarah's put her arms around Amy, and the feel of her through the thin silk was amazing. Amy pushed Sarah on her back and leaned over her to kiss her hard. At the same time, she gently caressed her breasts through the cotton nightgown making Sarah breathless.

"Of course, the boy would now want to feel your naked breasts," said Amy, reaching for the first button.

Sarah thought that this was going far beyond kissing practice and wasn't right, despite feeling it would be very pleasurable.

"Amy, I'm not sure that's such a good idea."

"Of course you don't, but you know how persistent boys can be, they'd take both your wrists in one hand and hold them above your head, like this and then you couldn't stop them from doing what they want." And with that Amy started to unbutton Sarah's night gown. Sarah pretended to struggle free but moaned into Amy's mouth as she roughly kissed her.

Sara became so aroused at this; she struggled weakly - she could have broken free at any time, but she played the part of a weak and feeble girl in the hands of a strong and dominant man.

When all the buttons were undone, Amy peeled back the nightgown and caressed her naked breasts. "God, you have such huge nipples, Sarah!" breathed Amy. And proceeded to stroke and tweak and pinch Sarah's turgid nubs.

Sarah was on fire! She could feel an orgasm coming, just like at the doctor's. But then Amy murmured, "The boy would then want to touch your pussy, Sarah" and moved her hand down to the hem of her nightgown.

"No, Amy!" but again, Sarah put up a token, ineffectual struggle to free her wrists.

When Amy had reached the junction of her thighs, she exclaimed with surprise, "You've shaved your pussy, Sarah, and you are so, so wet!"

Sarah would have been mortified under normal circumstances, but she was on the cusp of an orgasm, and when Amy reached her clitoris, she had to stifle her screams or her mother would be up, wondering if she was being murdered.

Sarah went limp afterwards and was vaguely aware of Amy getting out of her pyjamas. Her eyes went wide at seeing her friend naked and she was unresisting as Amy started to pull off her nightgown. "I want to feel your skin on mine!" moaned Amy.

The thought of it was unnerving but still, she lifted her bottom so that Amy could lift it up and raised her arms as Amy pulled it off. They fell into each other's arms; breasts to breasts and both having their arms and legs entwined. Amy got on top and pressed her pussy against Sarah's, pressing down harder and faster until she too reached her climax and fell on top of Sarah in exhaustion.

After they had recovered, they cuddled together, and Amy whispered, "Are you sorry we went that far, Sarah?"

Sarah took a moment to answer. While intellectually, she knew that what they did together was not usual, she found it extremely pleasurable. If God made her this way, was it wrong?

"I don't know Amy, maybe we have taken our friendship to another level, and I'm sure I'd like to keep this between ourselves, but as we speak, I have no regrets." With that they kissed each other tenderly and fell asleep in each other's arms.

When Sarah woke the next morning, it was slow and languid. She wasn't cold, despite being naked and the covers thrown off because Amy was lying next to her, her leg between hers and one arm thrown across her breasts. She stretched, disturbing Amy and ran her hands down her body. She felt relaxed and at peace; the tightly wound spring that had been plaguing her for weeks had lost its tension. She felt good, realizing she really liked being naked. She wondered idly how nice it would be to be naked outside and feel the sun and breeze on her skin. Gradually, the smell of coffee penetrated her awareness, and she look across at her bedside table to see two steaming cups of coffee!

She jerked awake in shock and horror! Her mother had come in with morning coffee for the pair of them and clearly seen them naked together in bed! Her heart dropped into her boots and she flushed in shame and embarrassment. She shook Amy awake

"Amy, Amy! Wake up!"

"What is it, Sarah I'm still sleepy," she complained.

"Mum's been in and seen us together, Amy! She brought us coffee!"

"WHAT? Oh my God! What shall we do, Sarah? I couldn't face her - you go down and keep her occupied and I'll sneak out while you're talking."

"No, you stay put and I'll face the music, I'll tell you when it's safe to come down."

With that she put on her nightdress and slippers and headed downstairs, her heart in her mouth, which was dry and felt like cotton wool.

"Good morning, Dear," said her mum, "did you sleep well?"

Sarah was confused, it was if her mother hadn't seen them. But she knew she had.

"Look, Mum, about me and Amy... I... we... it was.. em..."

"Sarah, come and sit down and let's talk a little bit" She took one of her daughter's hands and held it. "Yes, I saw you and Amy together. It was beautiful to see"

Sarah's eyes nearly popped out of her head.

I know you think that I'm an old, dried-up woman but I wasn't always. I met and married your father young and while I've had a good life with him, looking back I think I did miss out on a lot of life. And I'll tell you a secret. I once had a good friend, my best friend; we went everywhere together. Until she wanted to touch and kiss me. Of course, in those days, while such things went on, it was never talked about, and most people would have been horrified. So, I told her no and stopped seeing her. It broke my heart and hers too, I imagine. As I've got older, I've come to regret what I did so much, that and other things too. Your father's a good man, religious and strict yes, but I know he cares for me, even though he is away preaching so often. But I have paid a high price. I couldn't wear clothes he disapproved of, I couldn't socialise as I'd liked, I've been constrained in so many ways. So, I'm happy that you have Amy and experiencing the things I couldn't. This is a phase that many girls pass through, and I think it does them good, certainly there's no harm in it. So, Amy is welcome to sleep over anytime, though if your father is home, lock the door and keep the noise down!"

While she said this last with a smile, Sarah realised that she must have heard them 'practicing'. She blushed at the thought.

When she went back upstairs, Amy was dressed and sitting on the bed wringing her hands in worry. Sarah nearly laughed at the sight; she'd been on such a rollercoaster the last few days. Instead, she went over to her and kissed her softly.

"It's OK, Amy, Mum's fine with it, in fact she said we looked beautiful together!"

Amy just looked at her in shock.

"Mum talked to me from her heart and explained a few things to me. So don't worry, everything is fine."

Amy came down, looking rather sheepish, but Mrs Stevens gave her a big hug, made them both too much breakfast and feeling brave, Amy kissed Sarah briefly on the lips, in front of her mother as she left. Sarah was a little taken aback but was relieved to see her mother smiling at them.

Come back next weekend for another sleepover, Amy," said Mrs Stevens, "don't be a stranger!"

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