The Emperor and the Temple Ch. 22

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The Emperor meets Taneric. Later, Kailyn has a visitor.
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Part 23 of the 24 part series

Updated 02/15/2024
Created 11/26/2021
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Wise Hashmin was quite right when he speculated that Taneric's curiosity might match that of the Emperor, and on the tenth day of the owl, shortly before noon, six chairs and a narrow table were taken from the Emperor's tent and placed on the field near the south gate of the City, as had been agreed by emissaries the prior evening.

At the appointed time, Prince Taneric left the City, clad in the red crested helmet and golden breastplate of his father Alfard; the same armour worn by the King at the North's most famous victories, including Tajorg some fifteen summers earlier. Seeing this, the Sons of The North, gathering in their thousands on the battlements, began to rap swords on shields in a slow, regular beat that reached the ears of the Emperor's army watching from the tree line. City Guards, men of the Goddess, came also to the walls and, seeing Ashala striding out with Taneric, they joined with their brothers from the North and the noise became ever louder. But it was Hanja, not Ashala, who drew the greatest attention from the armies above. For, while Ashala wore the red robes of the High Priestess, Hanja was clad in the armour of the fighting priestesses of yesteryear, her contoured breastplate glinting in the midday sun. And in her hand she held the Banner of the Goddess which had, since Tajorg, been kept as a trophy in the great hall at Vosgir but was now, at last, returned to the City. Thus the eye of the Goddess, against the yellow of a solstice sun, accompanied Taneric, Ashala and Hanja onto the field to meet with their enemy.

On the wall above the south gate a sergeant of the King's Guard saw the temple boy Samon and asked him, "What does it mean? Why does your mistress wear the garb of a warrior priestess? I have not seen such a thing since the era of the Old Queen."

"It means that the women of the Goddess will fight to the death in defence of the Temple," replied Samon. "There will be no surrender. It has been decided."

And as he spoke, Samon took up his sword and shield and joined with the crescendo of noise that now engulfed the City.

To meet Taneric, Ashala and Hanja, the Emperor emerged from the lines of his vast army, flanked by Hashmin and his daughter Kailyn, resplendent in the armour of a centurion of the Eagle Legion. The two small groups grew closer until, eventually, only the narrow table separated them and they could at last look into the eyes of their adversaries. Kailyn stared fiercely at Priestess Hanja opposite her, the latter removing her helmet and shaking free her locks before tilting her head to the side and staring insolently back at the Emperor's daughter. Hashmin, impassive as always, moved his head in the barest hint of a bow. Only the Emperor smiled, and he reached out his hand to Taneric speaking warm words that were lost in the crescendo of noise from the ramparts of the City. Tak, ignoring the hand that was offered, turned to the walls behind him and held up his arm, urging silence, and gradually the noise on the plain diminished.

The Emperor spoke again.

"Prince Taneric, it is a blessing that you have agreed to meet me here on the field before this great city. Please be assured that I am a man of great principle and everything I say to you on this day will be the truth and any promise I make to you will be honoured. I hope that together we can save many lives, you and I. Ah, I see that you are surprised by my mastery of your language. During this winter past, I took the opportunity to sit with men of Ephirum who had returned from the lands of Osta. They taught me much. My daughter, Kailyn, also has a way with foreign tongues - if I may put it in such a manner - and speaks the languages of all the lands in my Empire, of which there are many. And this is Hashmin, my general. He will understand nothing of what passes between us, but I have asked him to smile and nod when it appears appropriate."

The Emperor paused, and Tak replied softly, introducing his companions but saying nothing more.

Six goblets had earlier been placed on the table and now Hashmin filled them with blood red wine from a flask he had carried to the field.

"A fine Ephirum wine," said the Emperor, lifting his cup. "From the vineyards of my own sister, Lady Beshara. In our land it is customary for adversaries to drink together before entering into an honest negotiation."

Seeing a flicker of suspicion in Tak's eyes, the Emperor continued, "Ah, but your hesitation is natural Prince Taneric. Here, I shall drink first."

As he raised the goblet to his lips, Tak suddenly reached out a hand and placed it firmly on the Emperor's forearm, preventing him from drinking. With his other hand he took his own goblet and drank from it, draining the contents. The Emperor looked into his eyes and nodded with respect as Tak released him.

"It appears there is trust between us, Prince Taneric. Enough, at least, for our purposes here today."

"You have a purpose, Emperor," said Tak calmly. "I do not. I am here only to satisfy my curiosity, and also through boredom, as you have chosen not to attack the City on this day."

"Very well, Prince Taneric. But first allow me to address you, High Priestess Ashala. I thank you for the kindness shown to my men on the field yesterday. Your sisters also. It was....unexpected."

Ashala nodded to the Emperor in acknowledgement, but remained silent.

He turned back to Taneric.

"I have wanted to meet you for some time, Prince Taneric. Can it be true that you were so recently a slave? A plaything of these very women who now sit beside you? For this is what I have heard."

Tak began to rise.

"Emperor, I did not come to the field today to satisfy your idle curiosity."

"No, no, please sit, Prince Taneric! I mean it only as a compliment. That you have risen from slavery to command an army, and in such a short time. And here you face me now, looking me in the eye with not a trace of fear. Come, drink more wine and let us talk further."

"You requested this meeting, not I," said Tak, impassively. "What is it you wish to say?"

"Your directness does you great credit Prince Taneric. But I fear you may be labouring under some confusion as to my intent here. I have no wish to take your position from you. Continue to rule these lands! Keep this City! Suffer no interference from me! I ask only that you acknowledge the Empire's dominion. Send a legion to Ephirum to fight for the Empire! No, half a legion, to be renewed each five years! What a fine adventure it will be for your great warriors. Welcome men of trade from around the Empire, just as your subjects will be welcomed in Ephirum! Tell me Prince Taneric, what do you say to this?"

"The City is not mine to bargain with," replied Taneric.

The Emperor glanced at Ashala for the briefest moment before turning his gaze back to the prince.

"I mean no disrespect, High Priestess. But come now, Prince Taneric, are those not your men I see on the walls, most of them anyway? Sons of The North as you call yourselves? Fine young men who should not need to die in the service of a foreign deity."

He became more agitated now, seizing his cup from the table before him and discarding its contents on the grass.

"Here Prince Taneric, take this cup! Fill it with mud from the river bank there and give it to me! Such a simple act, is it not? And think of the lives that will be saved. Tonight your men and mine may feast together in brotherhood, swapping swords, forging friendships across a thousand leagues. Take it my boy!"

The Emperor pushed the cup towards Tak, making contact with his body, trying to force it into his hands. But Tak folded his arms across his chest.

"Taneric! You will be as a son to me!"

"I already have a father, and you a son," said Tak.

And then Kailyn spoke for the first time, urgently hissing to the Emperor, "Father! Enough!"

The Emperor sighed and sank back to his chair.

"My daughter worries I humiliate myself, Prince Taneric. Perhaps she is right, at least on this occasion. I see now that you will not be persuaded. It saddens me, but we are done here."

Kailyn and Hashmin began to rise, but then Taneric spoke out, "We are not done, Emperor. You have yet to hear my terms."

"Your terms?" the Emperor replied with a snort of derision.

"March your army south, Emperor, and you will not be attacked or impeded. You will find your ships waiting for you in the south. And, as the last of them departs I will have Kamhet put on board."

"So, it is as I feared; you have my son. This saddens me, Prince Taneric, but you surely know that it cannot bear influence on what must happen here. You are outnumbered six to one and soon, when Casbur is subdued, yet more of my legions will join us, if your city has not already fallen. So, I think now we are indeed done here. But remember, Prince Taneric, I hold you responsible for my son. I do not believe you are a man who fears death, but the road to death can be a long one. Think on it!"

And now they did rise, all six of them, and turned to their armies. But just as it seemed they were parting, the Emperor called out, "Priestess Hanja!". And, as she half turned to look at him, he spoke to Hashmin in the language of Ephirum, "See Hashmin! The line of her face, the blaze in her eyes! There can be no doubt."

"Priestess," he continued, addressing Hanja. "When I was in the South I took the time to talk with a priest of Wodh, whom I chose to save from the scaffold. He told me that, in his belief at least, each man has an angel that watches over him. A 'guardian' angel he called it. I wonder if it is an idea familiar to followers of your goddess?"

Hanja shrugged and said nothing.

"Well, Priestess Hanja, it seems you truly have such an angel, although you could hardly know it. When the time comes, and my men are in the City and in your Temple, make your name known to them and I promise you will be spared death and any indignity that might normally befall a beautiful woman taken into the hands of a victorious army."

Hanja turned fully toward the Emperor now, locking eyes with him. Slowly, she stepped the four paces between them until her face was inches from his, and the ferocity in her stare caused him to take an involuntary step back, unused as he was to such proximity. She leaned her face towards his, and for a moment he thought she meant to kiss his cheek, but instead she whispered softly, so that only he and she would know her words.

"No man of your army will ever enter the Temple of The Goddess, Emperor," she whispered. "Not unless he comes crawling, naked and collared, a slave of the Goddess and of Her priestesses. But if any should try, I will indeed tell them my name as I slit their throats!"

And with that, Hanja turned to join Tak and Ashala, and the three walked towards the south gate, leaving the Emperor open-mouthed, watching as they departed.

"So, you mean to honour your promise to Artur," said Hasmin. And then, succumbing to curiosity, he added, "What did the witch say to you, My Lord?"

"Nothing of importance. But what a creature she is, Hashmin! Did you ever see a woman more beautiful? In one day caring for fallen enemies, but fierce in defence of her temple the next."

"She is her brother's sister, Emperor. But look! We dally here within arrow range of the city walls while Taneric and his companions are long since gone. We must look to your safety. Come, let us return to our army."

As they walked back across the field, Kailyn said to the Emperor, "Father, when it is over, give me Taneric! I want him."

The Emperor laughed, "What ails the women of my family? Your mother. Your aunt. You yourself, Kailyn. What have I done to deserve this? I suppose you want to send him to your aunt's little school in Magara, to be broken and made into an obedient toy. Yes, I know what happens there, my daughter. Well, you can forget that when it comes to Taneric; I do not believe he is a man that will be taken alive."

"If you think that, father, why not promise him to me anyway? For it will make no difference."

"Do not try to be clever with me, my daughter! I shall do as I wish when the time comes."


The Emperor's mood may have been black after his meeting with Taneric and the priestesses, but in the evening there were two events that gave him cause for greater cheer. Firstly, there was news that the whale cannon had found a means to cross the river west of Besan and were now just two days away. And then, just before nightfall, a messenger arrived from the East; a Foreign Legionnaire carrying news from Artur. He told the Emperor that two small armies had been sent from the gates of Casbur to harry the column of invaders as they made their way north along the Road of Lakes. The first, under Harl, favourite of Queen Zantina, had been surrounded by the Falcons just north of a town known as Vilgen and soundly defeated. Many had been killed and others, including the warrior Harl himself, had been taken and were now destined for slavery in Ephirum. Princess Kasmine, Daughter of The North, remained at large with a force of perhaps five hundred mounted guardsmen, but they had been unable to halt the advance of Artur, Nadam and the Helenes. And with the messenger having been travelling already for seven days, it was likely that the legions were by now at the walls of Casbur.

The Emperor's daughter, heartened by the news from the east, retired to her tent at nightfall but barely had she removed her boots before a guard outside called to her, "My Lady! There is a man here that wishes to speak with you!"

"It can wait 'till morning," she called back. "Have him return then!"

She could hear voices outside; hushed but unmistakably engaged in a heated argument.

"It is the messenger from the east, My Lady," shouted the guard.

"He gave his news to the Emperor," replied Kailyn. "There is no need for me to talk to him directly. Now, leave me alone or you shall both be whipped!"

But then the messenger shouted out, "I am known to you.....Mistress!"

For a moment, Kailyn froze in excitement at the familiar voice but she quickly composed herself and shouted out to the guard that the visitor should be admitted. Han burst into the tent and ran to her, falling to his knees before her, wrapping his arms around her hips and pressing his face to her abdomen.

"Oh Mistress, Mistress, Mistress!" he said, in a long, deep sigh. "I have missed you so much!"

She put her hands into his hair and stroked his locks, "And I you, Han. It is good to see you!"

"When Lord Artur asked for a volunteer to take news west, I did not hesitate, Mistress. I hoped I would be able to see you."

"Good boy, Han! Good boy! Now, raise your face to me! Let me look at your pretty eyes! I have been worried about you. I saw Javi at the dock in Ephirum and he____"

"I know Mistress, he told me of your meeting. But I am not Javi, Mistress. I am your Han. I wish only to be yours again."

"Shush, Han. You are indeed mine and have never been other than mine. Javi too, even if he must one day be returned to me in chains. I have never given up on you Han; I knew you would always love your Mistress. Now, let me look at you properly! My, you look so noble in the garb of the Foreign Legion. A little thinner than when I kept you in my rooms, but strong enough. Tell me about your adventures! Are you hungry?"

"Always, Mistress. In all these lands there is never enough to eat."

"Here, I have bread, cheese and wine. Eat as you talk to me!"

And so Han spoke to her of life in the Legion of Artur, and of the battles they had fought along the Road of Lakes, as they journeyed ever closer to Casbur. And Kailyn watched the beautiful boy as he talked and ate and, as she stared, she tried to recall the last time she had been pleasured. She realised, with shock, that it had been by the poor, beaten, violated boy Beshara had provided for her amusement not long before their departure - what? - five moons ago.

As Han was telling a story about a great cascading waterfall west of Vilgen, she finally put a finger to her lips to silence him and followed with a hand gesture that he, as the properly trained pleasure slave of a lady, knew well. He quickly removed his clothes and went to kneel beside her couch, thighs spread, wrists crossed behind his back, head lowered. In her anxiety to get started with him, she quickly removed what remained of her own clothing and shouted urgently at him to get onto the bed. As he obeyed, he half turned to ask how she wanted him, but she was so close behind that he simply fell to his back before her, offering his belly, as a submissive dog does to the leader of the pack. His sex already engorged, and hers already dripping, she straddled him and took him inside her in one motion. He pushed up into her, sweat making his torso shiny in the candlelight, and he tried to say something to her, but she covered his mouth with a hand, uninterested in words.

Back in Ephirum, in the days when she had enjoyed her boys on long languid afternoons, Kailyn would have prolonged her pleasure. But now, starved of a mate for so long, she rode Han hard and simple, and soon enough he sensed the shuddering spasm that he knew to be her sign. She shouted out, a scream indistinguishable from pain, one that must have woken half the Eagle Legion slumbering outside and then, finally, she relaxed and collapsed on top of him, exhausted, while he ran the tips of his fingers gently up and down her spine and whispered into her ear, "I love you, Mistress. I love you, I love you, I love you...."

Half asleep, with her boy still inside her, she whispered, "It is good that you love me, Han. It will help you when you are at Ahirik."

Han tensed at the word, his whole body stiffening, jerking Kailyn back to wakefulness.

"What did you say, Mistress?"

"I said your love for me will give you strength. When you go back to Ahirik," she sighed.

"But...but, Mistress. I am your Han. A good boy. I came back to you!"

She sighed again and disengaged from him, rolling away. She turned her back and sat on the edge of the bed, elbows on knees, face in her hands.

"Oh Han! I did not intend to talk of this with you tonight. But of course you must return to Ahirik. It is my fault not yours. I allowed our relationship to become improper; you and Javi speaking freely to me, joking and frolicking, sleeping with me in my bed, lying in my arms unrestrained. It was not appropriate. And then, after I half spoiled you, you were taken from me to experience many moons of freedom which have certainly finished the job. I enjoyed you tonight, but it is clear you are ruined now."

Shaking uncontrollably, he crawled from the couch and knelt at her feet, kissing them, his thighs spread and buttocks raised.

"Don't you love me, Mistress?"

"I am fond of you, Han. And I am not angry with you; I do not seek to punish you. But look at me! Raise your face! Ah, there, you see? There is love for your Mistress in your eyes and that is commendable. But not a trace of fear. Where is the fear?"

He stared at her, not understanding.

"I am no longer the silly girl you knew, Han. I am a woman of importance, second in command of the Eagle Legion. And while I still desire pleasure slaves - in fact I shall own many - you will find me much changed when you return to me from Ahirik. My tastes are different now, Han. When you return you will fear me as much as love me, and all that I do in my enjoyment of you will reinforce that fear. I have recently learned how the suffering of a boy for his Mistress can accentuate the pleasure he brings her, indeed more so when the suffering is at her hands. You have beautiful eyes, Han. But I have yet to see them filled with pain and fear alongside adoration. I want that, Han."

He was crying now, the tears falling on her feet.