The Emperor Has No Clothes


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"Oh, come on," Jeni rolled her eyes. "Why else would Coach Rod want to see you?" She stared at Grace. "Is there another reason?"

"I dunno," Grace shrugged, "but I won't find out here." She ducked nervously out the door before Jeni could interrogate her further.

The redhead made her way across camp, past the other swimmers headed to the pool or gym, barely even conscious of the nudity around her as she weighed the possibilities in her mind. Reward or reprimand? Whistle or demerit?

Coach Rod was sitting on the edge of his desk when Grace entered his office. His erection, far more massive than Wade's, was enough to make a horse jealous.

Grace fought to stifle a giggle as she thought about how appropriate his name was, and tried to pretend the angry weapon wasn't on such blatant display. "You wanted to see me, Coach?"

The older man calmly eyed her from head to toe, and then surprised Grace by grabbing his erection and beginning to stroke it. "Yes, Grace. Close the door, please."

She complied, trying to remember if she'd ever seen anybody masturbating since she'd "woken up" a few days ago, and couldn't recall another instance. Feeling a little uneasy, the redhead returned to her spot in front of the desk.

Coach Rod watched her silently, continuing to fist his large slab of manmeat. Grace was increasingly convinced he was one of the people like her, who saw through the illusions, but she was more concerned about playing dumb than worried he might be seeing her crinkled nipples or bare mound. She shifted her weight and tried not to look at his cock; it was impossibly large, but Grace felt herself lubricating anyway at the thought of taking him.

"You're pretty good at this," he finally admitted, stroking harder, "but you can drop the act in front of me, Grace. I know you know what's going on." He jerked harder and cum jetted from his hard organ.

Grace flinched from the accusation as well as the semen, merely ducked her head as the coach's semen decorated her stomach and thigh. Her stomach churned; not only was she still displaying herself naked for this man, she'd just let him cum on her. She knew she should be feeling shock or outrage, but there was only that constant need between her legs.

"How did you know?" she asked, feeling free to study him as frankly as he was assessing her.

Coach Rod chuckled as he pushed himself off the desk and moved around to sit in his chair. "You aren't the first person to travel down this road, Grace," he explained. "We teach a lot more than swimming, here."

"Like what?" asked Grace. She realized she'd been absently smearing his spend across her skin, and made a show of licking the palm of her hand. It tasted salty and sweet and male.

"Many things," was the vague answer, but he amplified it. "Everybody here is conditioned to be constantly aroused, as I'm sure you've noticed. It boosts athletic performance, among other benefits. However, that edge is lost if you orgasm or masturbate, so that behavior is inhibited." He smiled thinly. "Your workout session yesterday clearly indicated you've moved past that stage!"

Grace tensed, and then realized he was talking about her afternoon with the trainers and not her after-hours rendezvous with Wade. The thought that all those people around her had known what was happening to her was discomfiting, but Coach's face showed only approval. The redhead realized that the newfound knowledge didn't really change anything about that workout or her reaction to it, and stood up a little straighter.

"But why bother? Is everybody here a pervert, then?"

Coach Rod's face took on a slightly pained expression. "Not at all. Think of it as, say, a special kind of brothel." He held up a hand before Grace could get a word in. "A good swimming program is expensive. College is expensive. Some big-name places have football programs that can bring in that kind of money; Parker College never will. We have -- this." He gestured broadly, taking in their surroundings.

"Our guest trainers and coaches are our clients. They pay well to come here, and that revenue funds this camp and subsidizes the College's academic programs, which benefits not only you, but all of the students at Parker College." He steadily met Grace's eyes.

"But this is still a swim camp, and I still coach a swim team. We're always on the lookout for help, people like yourself with genuine athletic talent and passion, who aren't afraid to grow in other ways."


"Consider it, Grace. Did you feel like you got something out of camp last year?"

She stilled at the implication she'd been subjected to this then, and never realized it.

"Didn't it help your swimming? Aren't you proud of what you've accomplished? You have a chance to continue growing, to do even more. I'm giving you a chance to do that, full time." He reached into a desk drawer and produced a trainer's whistle and lanyard, holding it out to her. "Join my staff; be an assistant trainer."

Grace felt stunned. The foundations of her world had shifted, and she felt adrift, and there were more questions swirling in her head than she could count. All that she felt sure of was that her breasts and nipples were tight, her pussy was sopping, and that she ached to be fucked.

Being told she'd been made to feel this way didn't change the desire, or the remembered enjoyment. Grace wanted to ask how it could be right to take advantage of people this way. She wanted to know how many times she'd been used, robbed of pleasure. Was she really just a prostitute, a receptacle for peoples' sick desires? People actually had paid money to fuck her slick pussy, or fill her tight ass, or watch her swallow their cum? What if she just turned and walked out? What if the craving she felt never dissipated?

She swallowed nervously. "Can I think about it?" The redhead wasn't in the habit of willingly disappointing Coach Rod, and it didn't feel right to start now, but she didn't trust the part of her that wanted to accept.

He rose and walked around the desk before pressing the whistle into her hand. "Certainly. Return it to me later, if you feel you can't accept."

Strangely comforted by the implication she could refuse, Grace nodded jerkily and fled.

She headed for the pool without thinking. Jeni would be there, and the redhead badly needed to talk to somebody, even if she wouldn't be able to explain everything.

Morning swim was still in progress, of course, and everything was the same, but different. Grace saw the students she knew standing on the blocks and announcing themselves, but this time she paid attention to the way the trainers in the stands looked at them.

She heard the high-pitched gasps coming from Daisy. The slightly built Korean girl was the shortest person on the squad, and her feet swung well above the ground as two "coaches" suspended her between them, working her up and down on the erections that penetrated her fore and aft.

Grace tore her eyes away and scanned the crowd, looking for Jeni.

"Are you joining us, Miss Lemaire?" asked Coach Joan, startling Grace.

The redhead shivered, unnerved by the coach's lustful expression and frank stare. "Uh, not right now, I've got to do something for Coach Rod." She turned away and started walking rapidly towards the gymnasium, mostly because it happened to be in front of her.

She slowed down slightly at the sight of Wade rinsing off in the shower. Grace wasn't sure she was up to talking to him at the moment, but it would be rude to just walk away -- especially when he'd just noticed her.

"Hey, Grace, what's up?" the darkly handsome senior asked, turning off the spray. Goosebumps were visible on his arms, like they'd been last night, and -- of course -- his cock was erect and quivering.

"Nothing," she stammered, kicking herself for sounding so stupid and feeling distracted by a sudden recollection that it was supposed to be bad for men to have erections for too long. Well, if there was some problem, it evidently hadn't affected either Coach Road or Wade...

"Hey!" Grace halted in her tracks, physically and mentally. "You came in me last night!" The memories of their encounter and her conversation with Coach Rod clicked together.

"What?" Wade asked, looking mystified.

"You bastard!" shouted the redhead, punching him ineffectually and managing to drop her whistle. "You were using me!" He had to have known what she was doing the entire time! Her anger was a mask for sudden embarrassment; which suddenly became a thousand times worse.

Wade smirked. "You were using me too," he pointed out. "The only muscle you were exercising on the stripper pole was this one," he added, tapping the head of his cock.

Grace's eyes dropped as she writhed in mingled mortification and desired. God, she'd thrown herself at him and cum all over his cock like some totally debased slut, and he knew it! She thought longingly of drowning herself in the pool.

"Hey," repeated Wade, finally attracting her attention. "Don't feel bad about it. I enjoyed it too. In fact..."

He looked expectantly at her until she broke down and asked. "What?"

"I was really glad to see you last night. You know" -- he looked a trifle sheepish -- "I've been working out alone because you've been driving me crazy." At Grace's look of astonishment, he laughed and continued. "You have to know you are so hot, Grace! You know we're not supposed to cum, right?"

She nodded.

"Well, I just couldn't control myself around you; that's the only reason I've been trying to avoid you. When you dumped that oatmeal on me at breakfast, I barely made it out the door before blowing a load big enough to fill the bowl! I've been jerking off in private, at least until Coach caught me. I swear I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about being with you again."

Grace couldn't help but be entranced by the frank declaration of lust, if not love, that so perfectly matched her own feelings. "Well, if you're okay with me using you for sex..." she purred.

"Absolutely," Wade grinned, stooping to pick up her whistle. "So, you're gonna be a trainer, too?"

She hadn't noticed the whistle hanging from his neck, a twin to the one in his hand. Grace accepted it back from him, looking at it closely for the first time. The shiny, chrome-plated instrument actually was shaped like an erect (if squat) cock and balls, and heavier than it looked.

The redhead thought about pursing her lips around the head of the shaft and blowing, but she'd never heard any of the coaches actually use one, much less a junior not-even-exactly-official assistant trainer. Besides, there were real cocks, of more pleasing dimensions, all around her. "You'd still work out with me?"

Wade's grin morphed into a leer. "How else are we gonna stay ahead of the others?" His prick twitched in anticipation.

That decided her. "Then yeah, I'm a trainer now, too." Grace pulled the lanyard over her head and freed her hair, then let the symbol of her newfound status dangle between her breasts. "So, what do we do?"

They were interrupted by Jeni before he could answer. "I thought I saw you sneaking over here," the brunette shouted to Grace, trotting over to join them. Her smile turned to open-mouthed excitement when she caught sight of the whistles. "I knew it! There was no way Coach wasn't going to promote you!"

Grace couldn't get a word in edgewise, and Wade wisely didn't even try.

"This is so great! You guys will help me out, right? I mean, Wade, everybody knows how good you are, but you should have seen Grace yesterday! She killed this workout! I want to be that good, too." Jeni was practically bouncing up and down. "Come on -- they're ending swim early today, and I want to be your first. Say yes, please!" She made puppy-dog eyes at Grace, who couldn't help laughing.

"Well... okay," the redhead capitulated. She couldn't very well say no to Jeni, although it had just entered her mind that "coaching" her friend probably meant having sex with her, too; hopefully Wade could take care of that and Grace could just "supervise." It seemed like a cruel twist of fate that just when she'd gotten license to enjoy Wade herself, she'd have to give him away first.

"You'd better shower and change first," Wade told Jeni while maintaining an admirably straight face.

"I forgot," Grace confessed, as they watched the brunette race off in the direction of the locker room. She aimed a smouldering look at Wade. "Maybe we could take that shower you mentioned last night?"

"Save it for the students," interjected Coach Evan, who'd evidently walked into hearing distance on his way past them. "Remember, you're not here for yourselves; got it?"

"Yes, Coach," Grace gulped, feeling apologetic. Barely five minutes promoted, and she'd already put a foot wrong! "How do I know what to do?" she asked, not sure if the question was directed at the older man or Wade.

Coach Evan stopped and faced her, his solid cock wet with some girl's unconscious desire. "Look around. Do what everybody else does. If one of the guest coaches tells you to do something, obey them." He almost smiled, surprising Grace. "You'll figure it out, soon enough. And we have evening sessions for the new trainers; I'm guessing Rod hasn't told you about those, yet."

"No, Coach; thank you, Coach." Their voices sounded almost in unison; Coach Evan nodded before walking away.

Wade looked at her and shrugged. "Well, shall we go? I assume you don't need to change first?"

Grace snorted. "No. How am I supposed to keep track of that, anyway? There's nothing to wear, anywhere. I don't even know where the clothes I arrived in went." She stopped dead in her tracks. "God, we didn't come here naked, did we?"

"Come on," Wade urged her. "Worry about it later; nobody ever said anything to you at school, did they?"

"Of course not," she replied, not without a sort of horrified fascination. It wasn't possible this effect extended beyond camp, was it? It would be too cold during winter, for one thing. Grace tried to imagine herself walking through her parents' front door for Christmas, wearing absolutely nothing, but the picture wouldn't come. Thank God.

"Then don't worry," chided Wade, interrupting her thoughts. "Anyway, my plan is to say as little as possible. The coaches and trainers are always in shorts and shirts, and so is anybody who isn't going to or coming from the pool. That's not too hard, is it?"

"I like the 'shut up' part," Grace admitted, then jumped as people started shouting at her. "Sorry! I'm sorry!" she repeated, backing out the door of the men's locker room she'd absently followed Wade through. "Shit," she muttered to herself, going down to the women's entrance.

Grace couldn't resist repeating the story to Jeni, who laughed uproariously.

"Jeez, Grace, you're too fucking much! Wade wasn't enough; you need to go perving on the other guys too? Why don't you leave some for the rest of us?" The brunette turned and surveyed the other occupants of the gym.

So did the redhead, relieved of the necessity to hide her perceptions of the activity in progress. It was like a giant orgy, or maybe a scattering of smaller orgies. How could she ever have mistaken all those grunts and moans for simple physical exertion?

She stared, transfixed by the sight of Jerry wobbling between the parallel bars. Coach Rod's massive tool was buried in the young man's ass! Somehow, amazingly, Jerry hadn't seemed to notice that or the way the female trainer in front of him took his own erection deep into her throat.

"Couldn't happen to a nicer homophobe," Wade commented, joining them and seeing where Grace was looking.

Jeni glanced in the same direction. "What? The way Jerry's trying to look down the top of that girl's shirt? He is such a douchebag; I don't know why Coach Rod doesn't ream him a new one!" She looked at her companions, who were trying not to laugh. "What?"

"Never mind," Wade told her, and smiled. "You were dumb enough to ask for us; let's get you started. Let's start on one of the benches."

Grace trailed after them, feeling a new mix of excitement and apprehension. It was apparent they'd attracted some notice from the other spectators, and several coaches were beginning to drift casually in their direction.

Jeni eagerly lay back on the bench Wade pointed out, ignorant of what was going to happen. She smiled at Grace and wriggled until her butt was right at the end of the bench, which was sloped down towards her head.

"Okay," Wade said, looking a little too pleased about the whole thing for Grace's taste, "now I'll brace you and I want you to do small planks." He moved the brunette's feet a little further apart, providing ready access to her glistening pussy. "Grace will steady your head."

The redhead knew what he meant, but the thought didn't appeal to her. "I think she'll be okay on her own," she stated, trying to sound authoritative.

"C'mon, Grace, we need to stick with the standard exercises for now," he chided. "You know Jeni'd do the same for you." He buried himself in Jeni, making her breasts jiggle.

Grace looked at the way her friend's eyes gazed sightlessly upwards, Jeni's breath already coming faster. She thought about all the times female trainers and coaches had assisted her with her workouts, and realized she must have done the same thing to them without realizing it.

Then there was the circle of onlookers, other trainers and coaches who stood silently, watching and judging them. All of them were physically aroused, which seemed to be taken for granted, but more than a few showed evidence of appreciation or lust. Some of those looks were aimed her way, ignoring the small squeaks coming from Jeni as Wade began to fuck her.

The redhead didn't want to disappoint them, especially when she was beginning to sense she wouldn't be given the opportunity, anyway. Besides, watching Wade's shaft piston in and out of Jeni's juicy gash was making her hot and a tongue was better than nothing; she could pretend it was a guy's.

A final thought brought a crooked grin to Grace's lips. She still owed Jeni a little payback for that tanning fiasco -- and it would be just as rewarding, even if Jeni never knew it. Smiling, Grace carefully straddled the bench and lowered herself onto the brunette's face.

Almost immediately, Grace felt Jeni's tongue dart into her creaming slit. It traced her lips, collecting some of the copious moisture it found there, and Grace leaned forward. Soon the inquisitive intruder was teasing her clit, making her gasp.

She looked down the length of Jeni's shuddering body at Wade. His face was showing strain, and Grace knew he was about to cum. What they were doing to Jeni was wrong, so perversely wrong, but oh God it felt wickedly hot. And she was doing it in front of all these people, willingly this time, and they were going to see her cum like a slut. A slut who was going to squeal and orgasm into another girl's mouth like a slave to her cunt, helpless to control herself, beyond caring who saw her or knew and...

"Oh! Ugh! Ugh! Oh, yeah, oh --- Aaaaaaah!" Grace spasmed and ground her crotch into Jeni's face.

Her orgasm didn't take the edge off her need the way Grace had hoped. Her pussy needed more -- it needed the cock still slamming in and out of Jeni's pussy. Jeni wasn't getting anything out of it, anyway, and Grace could show her how it was supposed to be done.

She swung off the brunette, motioning for Wade to stop. "No, your positioning still isn't quite right," Grace panted, unable to quite meet Jeni's inquiring eyes. "Let me demonstrate," she explained, gesturing to Wade as she quickly lay back on the adjacent bench.

He swayed back, as if to withdraw, but before Wade could actually do anything, the circle of spectators parted and Coach Rod appeared between Grace's spread thighs. Grinning devilishly, he grabbed her by the knees and thrust his gargantuan manhood into her.
