The Emperor of Destruction Ch. 01


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"The Compassionate One."

Thrust, thrust.

"You love the Compassionate One."

Thrust, thrust, thrust.

"Open your heart to the Compassionate One."

Selvanna's eyes were dark and commanding; Cunha's were wide and vulnerable. It was as if while he was putting something inside of her, she was putting something inside of him. Each time Cunha deposited another load of hot wax from the tip of his candelabra inside Selvanna's Sacred Gorge, he felt something growing inside his mind, a new reality, a new way of being.

And when he had released into Selvanna for the last time, and collapsed, exhausted, into her arms, the last thing he remembered was holding her tightly, feeling her wetness against his, feeling her caressing his hair, hearing her mutter, "Good, good," in his ear.


When Cunha awoke, everything was clear. He got dressed and left without another word. Selvanna followed him. Cunha made his way back to the campsite. Kano and Puma were there. "Finally, the Great One returns!" said Kano sarcastically. He spotted Selvanna. "Hey, you brought us some dessert? Come here, baby-"

His voice was cut off by the blade which protruded from his back. Puma gasped and struggled to his feet, but he was far too slow. Cunha used the Power to burn a hole through his chest.

"Oooooh," Selvanna cried, hugging him. "I felt that," she said.

"You did?" said Cunha.

"Yes," said Selvanna. "Your jizz, just now... it was so sexy."

She was so perfect. Cunha dropped his bloody sword and kissed her.


And from that time on, Cunha focused his efforts on one mission: to build up an army which would enable him to retake Aridor and become its rightful Emperor. Selvanna aided him, training him in the use of the Power. She too had the Power, though not as strongly as he did, but she had much knowledge, and taught him to grow in different ways.

One time Cunha was amazed when Selvanna taught him how to open a gateway to other lands. He looked through the gateway and saw himself staring at the nearby village of Amena. "Amazing... and I could just walk through to it?"

"Yes," said Selvanna.

"You're incredible," said Cunha. "It must have been the will of Anber that I found you. He must have put a meat pie into the Global Womb which became you, and placed you here to guide me."

"That's very possible," Selvanna agreed.


In fact, Cunha's path was set long before he set foot in the Unknown Lands. Long before, in fact, he was even born. It really all began when his father Rogan filled his mother Tara with hot wax which grew into a meat pie which would eventually become Cunha.

While Tara was growing big and rotund, her friend Abby the herbalist suggested a food to help her make her meat pie grow big and round inside of her. "What is it?" Tara asked, taking a bite of it. She nearly gagged. It takes foul and rotten. She nearly spat it out.

"Chew... chew... swallow!" Abby said, in an unusually commanding voice.

Tara somehow got it down her throat. "What is it, Abby?"

"They are midnight plums," said Abby. "Try another piece."

"I don't know," said Tara.

"Eat!" Abby commanded, as she shoved another night plum into her mouth. Tara chewed and her expression changed. This one wasn't so bad. In fact, it tasted kind of nice. She looked up at Abby, amazed.

"See?" said Abby.

The third piece tasted great. By the fourth piece, Tara couldn't wait to finish the rest. "Wonderful!" Tara cried. "And this will help my meat pie grow?"

"In more ways than you can imagine," said Abby. "I'll bring you midnight plums to eat all during your pregnancy."

"Thank you Abby," said Tara, taking her friend's hand in her own.

"What are friends for?" Abby asked.

But in fact, it was not out of friendship that Abby did this. It was more out of compulsion.

The Lord of Compassion had tried for many hundreds of years to get a toe-hold in the family tree of the Impressionators. They were the most powerful family in Aridor, the race of the Emperors. The Lord of Compassion had had minor successes corrupting an Impressionator here and there, but soon realized he would do better if he could corrupt an Impressionator even as he was baking inside a meat pie.

And it just so happened that Abby's father was a devout follower of the Great Lord of Compassion. Abby's father helped Abby's mother Make the Change, a very different kind of Change than young people make when they start growing their own Phongfruit Forest or their first strands of Dillweed. No, this Change was much more fundamental to that. After Abby's father helped his wife make the change, her mother in turned helped Abby Make the Change, and she became a devout follower of the Compassionate Lord as well. So she was very much aware of what she was doing when she fed her good friend Tara midnight plums. By the time Tara gave birth to the hot, steaming meat pie that was to become Cunha, his fate had already been set in stone.


Cunha was a troublesome, rebellious boy almost from the moment he stopped being a slick meat pie inside of Tara's Sacred Gorge, prone to tantrums, whining, and even hitting. His parents were exhausted from disciplining him. When Cunha got older and started Making the Change, his behavior got even worse. He started bangsticking servants shortly after he had seen his 18th harvest; and then he turned his attentions to servants' daughters, caring little about how long since it had been since they had started to grow their own Phongfruit Forests. At first Cunha found it thrilling, to stick his growing candelabra inside a woman's Sacred Gorge, and filling her with his hot wax; but over time the novelty quickly wore off. He decided he needed something more exciting. More forbidden.

And then his eyes turned to his mother. Dear old Mom, whose large Wisdoms always stuck out from the top of her dresses. She wore low cut dresses to catch Father's eyes, but they also attracted Cunha's, soft and creamy looking but still firm, despite her age. Mother had always been a wise woman, but she had grown even wiser after giving birth to Cunha, so Father said.

And then there was her Pride cheeks. When Mother bent over in the kitchen, Cunha couldn't help but notice her Cheeks of Plenty. They looked so round, so firm, so squeezable.

And so Cunha decided he simply had to have her. One morning after Father had gone off to meet with some Lordlings, Cunha sent the servants away and made his way to his mother's bedroom. She was in the process of applying coloring to her face, but when she saw him in the mirror her eyes widened and her eyebrows rose skyhigh.

"Cunha?" she said, with disbelief in her voice. "What are you doing here without clothes on?"

Cunha was completely naked. He had the slender body of a young man. But between his legs his candelabra was stiff and pointing upwards. The scant patch of Dillweed above his candelabra only accentuated the wrongness of what Tara McMasters was looking at.

"I have come for you, Mother."

"What?" she said, in a high pitched voice.

Cunha came closer and grabbed her hand. "You, Mother, I want you." He stared into her eyes. Cunha's dark eyes felt like a pit, a pit of unimaginable depth. Tara McMasters felt herself falling into them. She felt Cunha's jizz rising out of his body, flowing into her, mixing with her ahmen, shaping her, transforming her into what he wanted her to be. What he needed her to be.

In a daze, she let Cunha pull her out of the chair and undress her. In moments she stood naked before her own son, her Wisdoms jutting forward, her teats proudly erect. And then Cunha pulled her down to bed and made her his.

Afterwards, it was as if it had never happened. And yet it did. Tara desired and feared to tell Rogan what had happened. She knew what he would do to the boy. She resolved to keep the matter to herself, and pretend it never happened.

But, then, two days later, it happened again. Cunha took her by the hand in the bedroom and she found herself undressing. It was something in his eyes, something so mesmerizing, she reflected as she found herself riding up and down on her son's candelabra, her Wisdoms bouncing this way and that, something which made her do that which she shouldn't be doing.

The third time they did it was in the evening. Tara had almost lost the will to resist. "No, Cunha," she said, even as Cunha slipped her dress off her shoulders. "Your father will be home soon."

"He'll just have to wait his turn, then," Cunha grinned.

And sure enough, Rogan caught them at it. At first when he came into the bedroom he simply stared. He didn't realize what he was seeing as he watched his own wife juicing his very own son, riding up and down on his candelabra without a worry in the world. But then he blinked, and snapped out of his daze, and roared, "What is going on here?"

He ran forward, and drew his dagger.

"No!" Tara screamed. Suddenly she felt an enormous surge of jizz in Cunha's body. A bolt of pure energy from the Roots of the Earth came out of Cunha's hand, and struck Rogan in the chest. Tara cried as Rogan went down. She dismounted Cunha's shaft and went to hug Rogan's body, sobbing wildly.

"Mother," said Cunha, in a very annoyed tone. "You haven't finished with me yet." He pointed to his stiff candelabra. "I still have some hot wax to give you."

Mother killed herself two days later. Cunha's only error was not intercepting the note first. Once Emperor William found out, everything else became inevitable.



It was not Morganstern who was objecting. It was one of the other Lordlings, one so minor that Cunha didn't know his name. Cheltar, perhaps?

"No," the Lord repeated. "We will not worship this Compassionate One of yours. He is your Lord, not ours."

"I respect a man of principle," said Cunha, in a voice loud enough to be heard by the other Lords gathered in the Throne Room. He gave a curt nod to Zebrah.

Zebrah drew Thrasher and charged towards the Lordling. Everyone got out of the way. In mere seconds, the Lordling's head was no longer connected to his body.

"I want there to be peace and amity between us," the Emperor told the crowd.

Zebrah wiped the blood off her sword using the man's shirt.

"I want to create a new Empire, one that is compassionate and kind and caring," said the Emperor.

Lord Cheltar's body started to be dragged from the hall, leaving a trail of blood behind.

"I want a kinder empire, a gentler empire," said Cunha.

A soldier picked up Cheltar's head and, holding it by the hair, carried it out, following the body.

"From this day forth I shall be known not merely as the Emperor of Aridor, but the Loving Emperor."

"All hail the Loving Emperor!" said Cloaka, the commander of Cunha's soldiers.

"Hail the Loving Emperor!" a few of the Lords chanted.

"Hail the Loving Emperor!" More lords were chanting now.

"Hail the Loving Emperor!" It was contagious, like a disease. Everyone was shouting now. Cunha smiled and held up his hands benevolently. This was the beginning of a reign which would lead Aridor through peace and prosperity for the next thousand years.

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