The Executive

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Tragedy turns to into something much better.
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I am the CEO of a major corporation. I am only 55 and in pretty good shape. I have worked hard to get where I am. Maybe I worked too hard because it cost me my marriage. I had a solution to the break up though; I worked even harder.

I could not have done this on my own though. I had an amazing secretary. We were paired up when I was a junior executive at the age of 25. Martha was 40 I think. She was incredible. Her advice was invaluable. The only thing better than her advice was her work ethic. I never got to the office before her and I never left after her. I was no slouch either. I was in there at 7:30 to 7:45 every day and I stayed until 6 or 6:30 every night. I don't know how much time she put in working.

Every day when I came in, my coffee was ready and my mail and messages were arranged on my desk. No report was ever late and I was never unprepared for any meeting. Martha made sure I always looked good.

So every time I got promoted, I brought her with me. As I moved up she came along. I could not afford to loose this woman. By the time I was CEO, Martha was making more than everyone in the office but my two Vice-Presidents and myself. Martha and I were quite the team.

Martha was not married. She was married to her job. There was never any sexual tension between us. We were always working. The time of my life when there might have been sexual tensions, I was married and working hard every day. By the time I got divorced, the relationship between Martha and myself was set in concrete. It was too late to change.

My morning routine was to get to the office early. I came in, said hello to Martha as I entered my office. I would hang up my coat then sit at my desk. By then, Martha would appear with two coffees and her note pad. On my desk were three piles of paper neatly organized. In the middle of those stacks was my daily organizer with my appointments and meetings all laid out. The first pile was urgent phone messages. The next was urgent mail and finally, the "have a look and then discard" pile. I always looked at the urgent phone messages first. Some I must look after and others I gave to Martha. I then moved to the urgent mail. I would read each letter then dictate my reply to Martha. Next I would look at the third pile. I quickly read everything. There was no "junk" mail there. Martha filtered that out for me. Some things I would dictate a reply and others, I would instruct her where to file them. The last thing I did was to look over my schedule for the day. We would discuss the needs for each item in the book.

Like I said, we were quite the team. With years of experience together, we had the routine down pat.

Then came the fateful day. I came into the office at 7:35 and rounded the corner to where my office was located. Martha was not at her desk. That was strange. I went in and hung up my coat. I went to my desk. No messages or mail. I started to look around, Martha did not come in with the coffee. I was truly perplexed.

Just then Tom, the head of Human Resources came rushing into my office. "Have you heard?"

"Heard what?" I replied.

"Martha was killed last night in a car accident."

"What?" The news didn't even really register. "When? ... What? ... I can't believe.... " I was stammering and I tried to come to grips with the news. "How did you find out?" I finally asked. I dropped into my chair.

"I got a phone call last night. Her daughter called to tell me."

"What?" She had a daughter? Martha wasn't married."

"She was married but before you started working with her."

"Wow!!!!" I didn't know what to say. "How did the daughter get your number?"

"It seems she called the office last night and then the security guard phoned a few people until someone gave him my home phone number."

"I can't believe this. What am I going to do?" I was slowly starting to recover. "Tom I will need a new secretary. I need the best we got. Whoever she is working for, I need to talk them immediately when they come in. Then we need to find a new secretary for that person. You know Martha was more than my right hand man. She was everything to me here. I need you to find that person for me."

"Ok Mike. I'll do my best."

"Thank you Tom. Would you please find me someone who can fill in temporarily? I must get things started." Tom turned to leave. "Oh and Tom, would you please ask John and Steve to come in when they get here?" John and Steve were my Vice-Presidents.

"Sure Mike. Whatever you need, just ask. I'll be glad to help out."

Tom left. I just sat there. I was at a loss because I didn't have my messages of mail. What would I do? I got up and went to Martha's desk. There neatly stacked was the mail for today. As I looked around, there were the phone messages in her basket. Several people were filing into the office. I was getting some strange looks because I was sitting at Martha's desk.

One of the secretaries whose desk was close to Martha's was just coming in. She looked at me. After she hung up her coat, she walked over. "Mr. Simmons, can I help you with something?"

"Um, thank you Wendy. I am just looking for my messages."

"Didn't Martha leave them on your desk?"

"Um well, you see...... Martha isn't here. She won't be coming in any more."

"She won't?" There was a big sound of surprise in Wendy's voice. "What happened?"

"Well you see..... Martha died in a car accident last night."

I heard Wendy gasp. "Oh my God!!!" she exclaimed. "Oh my God!!!" She started to cry.

"I'm sorry I blurted it out like that. I didn't know how else to tell you."

"Oh Mr. Simmons. What are we going to do?"

"I know Wendy. I am going to miss her so much. Martha was incredible."

With that said, I took my messages and mail and walked back into my office. I sat at my desk and started to look at the phone messages. As the minutes pasted, I heard others in the office coming in. I could hear the crying as people were told the news.

Just after 8, Tom came to my door. He gently knocked and came in. "Mike, I have someone to fill in for Martha today." He turned and there standing at the door was a young woman. I don't think she was more than 20. "Mr. Simmons, this is Carol. She is from the temp pool. She will be working with you until I find a replacement."

"Hi Carol. Would you please go and get me a black coffee? I need something to get me started today."

"Yes Mr. Simmons." Carol turned and left.

"Mike, there are a lot of upset people out there today."

"I know Tom. I can hear them. I need John and Steve."

"Right Mike. I saw John a minute ago. I'll go and find Steve." A few seconds later my two VP's appeared at my door.

"What a day Mike," John said as he entered.

"Who would have expected this?" Steve asked as he came in.

Just then Carol appeared with my coffee. She put it on my desk. "Carol, would you please take this pile of mail and open it for me. Read through and find what you think I should see. If it looks important then bring it to me. Otherwise put the rest in a pile and we'll deal with it later. Thank you Carol." She turned and left the room.

"Well you guys, we have quite the situation here today. I can hear from all the commotion outside, I'm going to have to go and talk to the troops. Guys, I'm going to have to lean on you for a while. Without Martha, I need someone to take up the slack. I've asked Tom to find me a replacement for Martha, if that is even possible. But in the mean time, I'll not be up to my usual state of preparedness. I need you to help out."

"Of course Mike," they said in unison.

"You just tell us what you need," Steve said.

"That's just it. I don't know what I need just yet. I have my appointment book of course. Oh hell," I said as I looked around. "Where is my appointment book?"

John jumped up and headed to the door. "Carol would you please have a look for Mr. Simmons appointment book?" There was a pause and then he said, "Thank you." He headed back to his chair.

"Thanks John. This is going to take some getting used to. Martha spoiled the hell out of me. OK! I've asked Tom to find me the best secretary we've got. He will be recommending someone soon I hope. I won't take either of your secretaries but everyone else is fair game. Next I need one of you two to take care of Martha's family. She was such a big part of this organization. We're not going to forget her. I want her family taken care of by us. I want flowers, transportation, a hall, caterers and booze; the whole nine yards. What they ask for they get. Who wants to look after that from me?"

Again, both started to speak. They both wanted too. "Ok! Thank you. Who has the most open schedule then?" Just then Carol appeared at the door with the appointment book in her hands. "Come in Carol. Thank you for finding that for me." She put the book on my desk and left.

John spoke, "I think I have the more open schedule. Steve you have that presentation to make on Friday. I think that will tie you up pretty much." Steve nodded. "So I'm your man. I'll get on it and see to everything."

"Good. I want everyone in the office who wants to attend to be able to attend the funeral. Work with Tom to make sure we have people to man the phones while we're gone."

"Done," said John.

We sat and talked for a while. There were many things to discuss besides the loss of Martha. It was almost 8:30. "Ok guys. I think we should go out and have a few words with the troops." We all stood and headed out.

The office was not a happy place. People were standing around in little groups or sitting at their desks crying. I should have had the tissue concession that day.

"If I can have your attention please," I began. "As I am sure you have all heard, we lost Martha last night to a tragic car accident. I've not heard the details of what happened but that isn't important. What is important, she is gone and will be missed very much. Martha was a wonderful person and an incredible employee. I think we should have a minute of silence in her memory." We all hung our heads in silence. About 30 seconds into the silence, a phone rang. It was quickly answered and I could hear whispered conversation. Then the phone was hung up.

After the minute had passed, I said, "Mr. Thompson here is looking after the arrangements for Martha's funeral. I have instructed him to grant the day off for all employees who want to attend the funeral. Before you ask, and I know some of you will, it will be a paid day." I smiled and I heard a few snickers. "We'll need some people to stay behind and keep the phones going. If you could stay here that would be appreciated. We will all have to work together to get over this tragedy. Please do the best you can today. I know it will be hard but we have to keep going. I know Martha would want us to. Thank you folks."

I returned to my office. I just sat for a while thinking. Finally I opened my appointment book and looked at the entries. Most of them were not important. I pressed the intercom button and asked Carol to come in. She appeared at the door and I watched as she crossed the room. She sure was young. What an incredible figure.

"Sit down Carol. First, thank you for the coffee. It was very good. I've been looking at my appointments and have put check marks beside the ones I do not want to he deal with today. My head is too distracted. Would you please see if you could contact these people and cancel the appointments? Try to reschedule them and apologize for me. Explain the situation. I am sure they'll understand."

"Yes Mr. Simmons."

"Thank you Carol. I know this is tough on you being thrown into this position. I promise, regardless what you've heard, I don't bite." I smile and so did Carol. "This is not easy on any of us but we have to keep going the best we can."

"Ok Mr. Simmons."

"Alright Carol. You take this book and see what you can cancel." Carol stood up and I handed her the book. I could not help but watch her ass as she walked out the door. She sure was cute.

I sat there thinking. I could not focus very well. About 10 am, Carol knocked on the door and came in. I was starting to like watching her walk across my room. "I have cancelled everything except your 11 o'clock. I can not reach him." She handed me the book.

I looked at the 11 o'clock. "Thank you Carol. Would you please get me the Vancouver Tech file? I must prepare for him. Poor man has flown across the country to see me today. I owe him my attention." Carol nodded and turned to leave. "Thank you Carol. You're doing a wonderful job." Carol looked at me and smiled.

Just as she got to the door, Tom appeared. He stood to one side as Carol left. His eyes followed her as she turned the corner. Tom then came into my office. "I think I've found her for you. She's working in Accounting. Her name is June. June Caruthers. Everyone I've talked to raves about her." He handed me a file folder. "Her performance reviews are incredible. She is single. I asked, she has no children. I think she is your woman."

"I'll take your recommendation. Why not ask her to come up here? Better yet, talk to Sid and tell him your thoughts. Then talk to June and escort her up here. She might be a bit scared so be gentle." I smiled.

Tom left and Carol appeared with the Vancouver Tech file. She sure had a nice ass. It wiggled left to right as she walked and her skirt flipped out with each step.

It wasn't 15 minutes and Tom appeared at my door again. I could see behind him was standing a beautiful woman. Tom stood to one side and let her enter my office. I stood up and said, "Hello, my name is Mike Simmons. Please have a seat." Both of them sat down.

Tom spoke first. "Mike this is June Caruthers. She has been with us for 5 years now and is Sid's Executive Assistant. I have explained the situation to June and she knows some of what will be expected from her."

I could not take my eyes off of June as Tom talked. She might have been 35 but she didn't look 35. Her hair was dark brown and shoulder length. Her eyes were this amazing blue colour. The sweater she wore did nothing to hide her magnificent figure. Don't get me wrong, she was not in tight sexy clothing but very a complimentary and professional outfit. She was sitting with her feet crossed and knees to one side. I had to focus to get my mind back on track.

"It is nice to meet you June. So you think you can work with an overbearing workaholic like me?" I smiled.

June smiled and said, "I bet I've worked with worse."

"I won't pull any punches June. You'll have mighty big shoes to fill. Martha was the very good and better yet, she made me look very good. I work long and hard and I need someone who can keep up with me. I expect a lot but I know how to show my appreciation for a job well done. Have I scared you off yet?"

"Not at all Mr. Simmons. I am ready for the challenge."

"Good June. I intend to fast track your raises. I will see how you handle the job and we will move your pay scale along accordingly. Is that fair?"

"Very fair. Thank you Mr. Simmons."

"You can start calling me Mike. We'll be working closely together."

"Thank you."

"I have a meeting I can't cancel in half an hour. Tom, why don't you leave Carol on the desk for the rest of the day? June, you can start to look into the files and get acquainted with the routine around here. Carol should free you up so you will not be distracted."

"That sounds like a good idea Mike," June said.

"I agree Mike. Carol can work the phones and leave June free," said Tom.

"Good. That's settled. I want to welcome you aboard June and I look forward to working with you. I hope you like the fast pace of things around here."

"I know I will Mike. I hope you feel I'm competent enough to be your assistant."

Both June and Tom stood up and headed for the door. I had to watch June as she left. She sure had a fine figure. Her ass wiggled even more than Carol's.

I had half an hour to finish preparing. At 11 o'clock precisely, June knocked on my door. "Mr. Simmons, Mr. Harry Galworth from Vancouver Tech to see you sir." She stepped back and Mr. Galworth came in.

"Thank you June. Mr. Galworth, nice to meet you. Please have a seat."

"Nice to meet you also Mr. Simmons. Please call me Harry. I'm sorry to hear about your secretary. I had many conversations with her on the phone and I was looking forward to meeting her today."

"Well, she was certainly a special one. I'll miss her very much." We then sat down. The meeting went well. Some of it was a blur as my thoughts kept drifting. Just after 12, I buzzed and June answered. "June, we're having a very good meeting here. Could you please order us some lunch so we can continue?"

"I've ordered it already sir. It should be here in 5 minutes." I was stunned. How did she know? Even Harry was impressed. Just as she told me, June knocked on the door 5 minutes later with a cart of sandwiches, drinks, plates and napkins. She rolled it in and left without a word.

When the meeting was over, I walked Harry to the elevator. We had signed an agreement to work together on a project. I was impressed with Harry. As I walked back to my office, I noticed June was sitting at her desk. There was no Carol. "Where's Carol?" I enquired.

"I have things under control I think. I asked her to return to her section."

Wow!!! Again, I was impressed. I didn't know if I should be impressed or concerned. Time will tell.

The rest of the day was uneventful. The next morning I arrived at 7:35 again. As I rounded the corner, there was June. I was taken aback a bit. I didn't expect her to be here so early. We said hello and I went into my office. I hung up my coat and turned to my desk. There neatly laid out were the three piles of paper with my appointment book in the centre. I had just sat down when June appeared with my coffee and her note pad.

"I ... I don't know what to say? How did you know about this?"

"Martha was very efficient. She had spelled out everything in folder. I have an understanding how you like things done now."

June sat down. I looked at her legs. They were magnificent. Her skirt was short but not too short. It came just above the knee. When she sat down, it rode up and I could see more of her legs.

Concentrate!!! Concentrate!!!! I focused my attention to the phone messages. Then I went to the mail. It was like Martha had never left. I talked, June wrote. When we were done, June collected her papers and stood to leave.

"Thank you June. That was just the way I like to get my day started."

"You're welcome Mike. I try to please." She turned and walked out. What a figure. And those legs!!! Incredible.

So that was how things started off with June and myself. The funeral for Martha was on Friday. Many in the office attended. The church was packed. The reception was wonderful. I met her two children and had a long talk with them. Her daughter was just a younger version of Martha. What a delight it was to meet her.

Things in the office carried on. June and I worked together very well. Three months after she took over, I doubled her salary. She was not making what Martha had but then Martha had many more years of experience. June still had some things to learn. I figured by the one year mark, June would be making Martha's former salary.

There were some differences though. Martha had refused to have a computer. She still had the typewriter on her desk. Within a month, the typewriter was gone. I was receiving more things electronically. It was actually a good change after I got used to it.

Another change came up about 5 months in. I had a major presentation to do in San Francisco. I had been preparing for a month. June and I had been burning the mid-night oil to get me ready. A week before the trip, June came into my office and said, "The airline tickets are confirmed. I've booked us adjoining rooms in the hotel and those are confirmed."